00:00 (whooshing)
00:02 And this is your problem.
00:03 You see Jesus as a religious figure.
00:07 You don't see him as a king.
00:10 You see him as a theologian, perhaps.
00:16 You see him as a wise sage.
00:19 But you don't recognize he is a king.
00:26 All authority and all power belongs to him.
00:31 Satan exists by permission.
00:39 (audience cheering)
00:42 Not because he's so bad.
00:47 (upbeat music)
00:52 (upbeat music)
00:54 (audience cheering)
00:59 So he gets this renewed revelation and vision of God.
01:04 And he's sitting on a throne, high and lifted up.
01:06 And the train of his robe filled the temple.
01:11 So Isaiah sees the one who robes himself
01:17 in light as with a garment.
01:20 And his glory outsizes any building
01:23 he can ever be seated in.
01:25 This is the one who fills the entire universe.
01:28 And the universe is still not big enough
01:31 to contain his glory.
01:33 And then if that was not enough,
01:37 above it stood some of his boys.
01:48 (audience laughing)
01:50 Seraphim.
01:51 Each one had six wings.
01:55 With two he covered his face.
01:59 With two he covered his feet.
02:01 With two he flew.
02:04 This creature's so bad he didn't even have
02:07 to use all six wings to fly.
02:09 (audience laughing)
02:12 And with each bead of his wing,
02:17 the incense from the altar,
02:22 which we're gonna get to in a second,
02:24 would waft through the room.
02:25 This was absolutely unparalleled.
02:30 All that happened with Moses is he was barefoot
02:36 standing in front of a burning bush.
02:38 But this dude was caught up to heaven itself.
02:44 But that's the point.
02:45 Whether spectacular or a still small voice,
02:50 God knows how he needs to speak to each of us
02:54 to snap us out of our funk so we can see more clearly.
02:59 And we gotta learn to trust him, trust him, trust him.
03:02 Trust him.
03:04 And then he's looking at these creatures
03:08 that I can't describe.
03:09 I never saw something with six wings before.
03:12 And they couldn't even, they weren't even addressing God,
03:17 but when you really see God, you gotta tell somebody.
03:20 So they cried to one another.
03:23 They had to say something to somebody else
03:27 about the goodness of God in their lives.
03:31 And they said, "Holy, holy, holy."
03:36 They praised one God in three persons.
03:39 Talk to me right now.
03:40 (congregation applauding)
03:43 The one who is distinct, apart,
03:45 and above all other creatures.
03:49 He said, "Holy, holy, holy.
03:55 "Is the Lord host there?"
03:56 We could get lost, literally armies.
03:59 "Is the Lord of armies?
04:04 "The whole earth,
04:09 "as bad as it might seem."
04:11 If you pull back the veil,
04:13 you'll see God working his plan,
04:15 still in charge, still in control.
04:18 The whole earth.
04:20 I don't care what Hamas, I don't care what Haberdash,
04:24 I don't care what happens in the Middle East,
04:27 the Far East, left, right.
04:29 God is still on the throne,
04:33 and the earth is full of his glory.
04:39 Come on, give God a hallelujah.
04:41 The earth is still full of God's glory.
04:46 (congregation applauding)
04:50 Come on, give God a praise.
04:56 The earth is full.
04:59 I don't know what happened on your job.
05:02 I don't know what happened at your house,
05:03 but the earth is full of God's glory.
05:09 He's working a plan.
05:11 I don't understand it, I don't get it,
05:12 'cause I'm not smart enough.
05:14 But the earth is still full of his glory.
05:20 And what we see in these verses is that,
05:37 is that the angels see what we're blind to sometimes.
05:41 Even when I don't see it, he's working.
05:46 Even when I don't feel it, he's working.
05:50 He never stops, never stops working, never stops.
05:55 Verse four.
06:04 And the posts of the door were shaken,
06:08 not by their weight, the bigness,
06:13 just by their voice of him who cried out.
06:20 The magnitude of the one on the throne,
06:25 but then the group he hung out with.
06:32 And the house was filled with smoke and glory.
06:37 I mean, the group that God hangs out with is no joke.
06:44 You think Floyd Mayweather has an entourage.
06:50 You haven't seen.
06:51 We can't even describe things that got four faces.
06:56 I mean, I don't know what that is.
07:00 But God dwells in inapproachable light
07:03 in a dimension that we can't quite fathom.
07:08 So when Isaiah saw all this, he's like, what was me?
07:15 I done seen some stuff today.
07:27 For I am undone.
07:28 Undone before God is not a bad place to be.
07:36 Because when you come to the end of yourself,
07:41 you always come to the beginning of God.
07:43 And God has intensely not done the miracle yet
07:50 'cause you're not at the end of yourself yet.
07:53 You still have a plan, you still have something,
07:54 you gotta figure out.
07:55 If you can figure it out, if you can do it,
07:57 you're gonna give yourself the glory.
07:59 But if you can't figure it out,
08:02 and God has promised, only God you can give the glory.
08:06 So he said, what was me for I am undone?
08:09 Because I am a man of unclean lips.
08:11 Why is he focused on the lips?
08:13 'Cause he knew he said some ugly things about God
08:16 and his kingdom, his people, his ways.
08:24 And when he saw all this and got a sense of God
08:29 and his power and his majesty and his command
08:32 and the fact that he was in control,
08:36 he was like, how wrong was I?
08:40 And he said, on top of that,
08:44 I dwell in the midst of people of unclean lips.
08:48 Not only how wrong was I,
08:49 all them books I've been reading,
08:52 all those things on YouTube I've been watching,
08:57 everyone else has been wrong
09:01 in the things they say about God.
09:05 God is on the throne.
09:08 The king messed up,
09:12 but God still knows how to work all things together.
09:15 (congregation applauding)
09:20 But then he says something, for my eyes,
09:22 I'm almost there, we just have one more verse after this.
09:25 For my eyes have seen the king.
09:28 And this is your problem.
09:31 You see Jesus as a religious figure.
09:35 You don't see him as a king.
09:37 You see him as a theologian, perhaps.
09:44 You see him as a wise sage,
09:49 but you don't recognize he is a king.
09:52 All authority and all power belongs to him.
09:59 Satan exists by permission.
10:07 (congregation applauding)
10:10 Not because he's so bad.
10:18 And then it says again, the Lord of armies.
10:21 He recognized that God could do it alone,
10:26 but God doesn't come alone.
10:28 That the forces behind God,
10:31 not quite, but almost as amazing as he is.
10:36 Then one of the seraphim flew to me.
10:40 And the seraphim just, you know, he knew the mind of God.
10:46 Having in his hand a live coal,
10:48 which he had taken with the thongs from the altar.
10:51 Now the throne belonged to God,
10:57 but we're about to see the altar here belongs to each of us.
11:03 God wants to meet you at the altar.
11:08 So he took the coal and he touched my mouth with it
11:16 and said, behold, this has touched your lips.
11:19 And watch this, your iniquity is taken away
11:23 and your sin purged.
11:26 It's important.
11:29 The only reason God ever convicts any of us of sin
11:34 is to take it away.
11:36 You'll catch that on the way home.
11:40 (congregation laughing)
11:43 If God's showing you your sin, don't go like, no, no, no.
11:48 He's only showing you so he could take it away.
11:53 'Cause the moment you admit it,
11:55 he applies that precious blood.
11:59 You hear what I'm saying?
12:00 (congregation applauding)
12:03 If God never shows you where you're wrong
12:10 or that you're wrong,
12:12 you're really under the greatest form of judgment.
12:15 And you're like, why can't I do, you know,
12:17 everything else these other people are doing?
12:19 They're lying, they're doing this, they're doing that.
12:20 And how come I can't do that?
12:21 I feel bad when I do that.
12:23 Listen.
12:23 (congregation laughing)
12:30 If God never shows you you're wrong,
12:32 you are under the greatest form of judgment.
12:35 The fact you still care means
12:39 your conscience hasn't been seared.
12:41 It means God is still working in your life.
12:45 And it might be the 66th to 79th time
12:48 if God is still talking to you.
12:50 You hear what I'm saying?
12:51 You still have hope.
12:55 Verse eight, and I'm done and out of your way.
12:59 Also, I heard the voice of the Lord saying,
13:03 so the angels were speaking to one another,
13:06 talking about, you know, the holiness of God,
13:08 the glory of God, all that.
13:09 But now the Lord spoke,
13:10 and he heard a conversation going on between the Godhead.
13:16 And I don't know that the Bible doesn't say this,
13:21 but I can imagine God's voice,
13:23 his inflection being a little bit weepy.
13:25 Whom shall I send?
13:28 Who will go?
13:32 Who will go?
13:35 Who?
13:36 For us.
13:40 You see, God has the power to draft each and every one of us.
13:46 But he wants volunteers.
13:50 He is not a brutal dictator.
13:57 He wants willing hearts.
14:04 My dad is Mr. Fix-It.
14:06 You know, he's an engineer by trade,
14:10 so he's just mechanical.
14:13 I'm not.
14:14 And when I was a kid, I used to follow him around,
14:20 and he'd go fixing things.
14:22 When my dad couldn't fix something,
14:26 I guess maybe he didn't have the adequate tool in the box,
14:30 or maybe the screwdriver or the pliers didn't work,
14:33 whatever, he'd say, "Son, hand me the ignorant tool."
14:37 And I knew it was about to get exciting.
14:42 'Cause what he was saying was, "Hand me the hammer."
14:47 And he'd begin to beat on that thing.
14:52 Until it worked.
14:56 You see, the issue God has often
15:03 is the screwdriver, the plier,
15:06 and those more delicate and precise instruments
15:10 are so impressed with themselves.
15:12 So caught up in their careers and what they're doing.
15:18 When God reaches in the box, they're too busy.
15:22 And then you wonder why God uses
15:27 some of the jokers he does use.
15:29 (congregation applauding)
15:34 Well, that blunt hammer was available.
15:36 And God would prefer to use the sharp and the precise.
15:44 But if it's not available, he has to use the hammers.
15:53 (congregation laughing)
15:56 And God is saying, "Do you care enough about this world
16:04 "that I don't have to beat it to death?
16:09 "That you and your skills would become available to me
16:15 "so I could do what I need to do
16:18 "without killing half the people I need to help?"
16:22 (congregation laughing)
16:26 Isaiah was called the Prince of Prophets.
16:28 He was a brilliant guy.
16:30 Again, he just, he spoke so well.
16:35 Despite his ability, he was available.
16:38 What God is saying, he's almost mourning on the inside.
16:43 Whom shall I send?
16:44 Everybody else is busy talking about,
16:46 "I want my money, I want this, I need that.
16:48 "I'm hurt.
16:50 "I'm so busy, who will I send?
16:52 "Who's available?
16:53 "Who cares about me and my kingdom and my agenda?"
16:57 (congregation applauding)
17:02 And when he heard God's heart,
17:03 then Isaiah said, "Here am I."
17:11 And that's all God wants to hear from each of us.
17:20 After he redeems, after he forgives, after he justifies,
17:23 the way we say thank you is by a willing heart.
17:29 God has so much for you to do, but are you willing?
17:35 Can you say, "Here am I, oh God.
17:41 "Send me."
17:44 And what God wants to get across to you this morning
17:49 is some of us are bored, some of us are messing
17:51 in crazy stuff, all the rest.
17:53 And the reason is, listen, if a kid has a sense of purpose
17:58 and he's focused on purpose, you don't really have
18:00 to tell him so much to stay off drugs
18:03 because it gets in the way of the purpose
18:05 and it begins to click.
18:07 And when you discover your assignment,
18:11 some of the besetting issues in your life
18:13 will automatically go away 'cause you're so focused
18:16 on your assignment.
18:18 (audience applauding)
18:21 He was saying, "Lord, give me what I just saw,
18:30 "the touch I just received.
18:32 "Give me an assignment, even if it's just to love
18:36 "one woman or one man for the rest of my life,
18:40 "despite how funky they are."
18:43 (audience laughing)
18:46 If they beat you, you need to leave it,
18:48 I'm joking, so please don't mishear me.
18:50 And don't get condemned, some people,
18:53 you made the right decision,
18:55 but some of us make it too lightly.
18:56 And if my assignment is that woman in the front row,
19:02 I'm going to stay on assignment 'til the day I die.
19:05 (audience applauding)
19:08 Isaiah was saying, "Give me an assignment
19:17 "Lord, if it means that my only assignment
19:20 "is to be that one person that my church can depend on,
19:24 "my pastor can depend on, Lord, give me an assignment.
19:29 (audience applauding)
19:30 "If it just means shaking hands
19:31 "at the front of the church door,
19:35 "Lord, give me an assignment,
19:37 "though it takes me to the ends of the earth,
19:39 "or it means I stay right here."
19:43 Or, "It means I stay right here
19:47 "for the rest of my life until you return."
19:51 Lord, I need an assignment.
19:54 One of the challenges with our generation
20:01 is the older generations accepted assignments.
20:05 It didn't have to feel good,
20:08 I'm assigned to raise these kids.
20:11 I'm going to go to this job for 40 years,
20:14 and I ain't going to get a watch when I retire.
20:17 People are going to be promoted above me,
20:19 but I feel this is my assignment.
20:21 I'm going to love this man, I'm going to love this woman,
20:25 because we made a decision at the altar,
20:28 and it's my assignment to grow old together.
20:33 But we stay on assignment until it gets uncomfortable.
20:40 (congregation laughing)
20:42 We stay on assignment until it is not convenient.
20:47 But loyalty comes out of a sense of assignment.
20:54 (congregation applauding)
20:55 I know, I know, I know, I know.
20:57 Now even today, when I went to church,
21:03 I don't know, 30 years ago,
21:07 I felt assigned to the church I attend.
21:11 And because of assignment,
21:16 when things went left, I stayed right.
21:19 Because I was on assignment.
21:25 And with assignment, there was a level of loyalty.
21:28 I don't know where I'm going here.
21:30 (congregation applauding)
21:33 But you will never hear the way you need to hear
21:37 and grow the way you need to grow
21:39 until you accept your assignment.
21:42 A tree that gets uprooted every couple months,
21:45 every couple years, is not going to grow properly.
21:48 You got to stay and let your roots grow deep.
21:52 You got to stay on assignment when it's raining,
21:56 when it's cold.
21:57 You hear what I'm saying?
21:58 When it's spring, summer, winter, fall.
22:04 One of the words used in Greek for character
22:08 is where we, and I'm messing it up a little bit,
22:11 but it's where we get the idea of statues.
22:14 Statues
22:17 have character
22:21 and represent, Lady Liberty.
22:26 A pigeon flies over the top of her head.
22:30 Her character is etched.
22:34 She's still holding up the light.
22:35 Lady Liberty, it's raining.
22:40 The wind is blowing.
22:42 She's still holding up her hand.
22:45 Character is the things you let God etch in your soul
22:50 no matter what happens.
22:51 It's who I am and who I'm going to be.
22:54 I'm going to do the right thing no matter what you do,
22:58 no matter what happens.
22:59 I'm going to stand there on assignment
23:03 welcoming people into the harbor
23:06 because this is what I was created for.
23:09 (audience applauding)
23:12 Mother Teresa told us this right before she passed.
23:20 She said, "All holiness is
23:26 "is doing God's will with a smile."
23:30 I want to be a willing vessel.
23:34 I want to do God's will with a smile.
23:40 Here am I, God.
23:43 Send me.
23:46 Give God a hallelujah and a hand clap.
23:48 (audience applauding)
23:51 I hope you got something out of today.
23:56 - Amen.
23:57 - I want you to be part of something really big,
24:01 a vision that addresses both spiritual and practical needs,
24:05 helps the affluent and the poor,
24:07 and not only impacts the United States but the world.
24:10 When you become a DGM partner,
24:12 you become part of an organization known for its integrity,
24:16 and you also join a group
24:18 that not only accurately shares the gospel
24:21 but provides aid and relief to children, families,
24:24 the elderly, and everyday people like you and me.
24:27 We deeply care and want every individual
24:30 to have the resources required
24:31 to experience a life of purpose and a life of fulfillment.
24:35 Through your generous prayers and your regular giving,
24:38 together we can continue to create positive change
24:41 in the lives of countless people.
24:43 Thank you for being a Difference Maker.
24:46 Click below to learn more, and God bless you.
24:48 (upbeat music)
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25:15 (whooshing)