Britney Spears Admits That She's Not OK & That Her Fans Were Right

  • last year
Britney Spears Admits That She's Not OK & That Her Fans Were Right


00:00 Britney Spears just made a shocking confession that her fans were 100% right to think that
00:07 something's going on.
00:08 As we know, the pop star recently released her best-selling memoir, The Woman and Me,
00:16 where she talks about her journey to fame and her fight against her conservatorship
00:20 that controlled her life and career.
00:25 Her legal win in 2021 was largely thanks to the #FreeBritney campaign led by her fans.
00:35 She gave a shout out to her supporters after the court case ended back then, recognizing
00:39 the impact of their efforts in her victory.
00:46 But in a now-deleted post on Instagram, Britney spoke candidly about writing her book and
00:51 having to keep her personal life completely private in the process.
00:55 She wrote, "Not only was my personal life kept secret, but it felt equivalent to 20
01:01 years of hard times that I wrote about in my book."
01:03 She added, "Can you imagine a 2007 that lasted for 3 years that nobody even knows
01:08 about?"
01:09 So of course, 2007 was a heartbreaking year for her.
01:17 Britney made headlines when she shaved her head and was the subject of so much scrutiny
01:22 from both the media and the general public.
01:33 Just a year later, she was placed under the conservatorship that would last almost 14
01:37 years, and Britney has asserted that this legal arrangement was cruel, alleging mistreatment
01:42 by her father and conservator, Jamie Spears, throughout the duration.
01:50 Obviously it makes me sad to hear that she's still going through these tough times, and
01:54 I think we all just want happiness and good health for Britney, especially given the hardships
01:59 that she's had over the years.
02:01 However, I will say that I love how open and honest she's being with her fans.
02:05 Britney should be able to speak her truth, which she historically has not been able to
02:09 do.
02:10 She also wrote in the cryptic post, "It's over now and I'm incredibly sad about those
02:14 times.
02:15 It's weird because although I do Instagram, I don't follow social media, the news, and
02:20 the fan chatter.
02:21 I've been doing that this week and it's weird because it feels like a lot of fans
02:25 already kinda know me and the way they speak is incredibly kind."
02:28 She also said, "They always had a suspicion that something's going on.
02:32 Well guess what Britney nerds, you were 100% right.
02:36 I don't have time to speak about any of it cause at this particular moment it's beyond
02:40 comprehension."
02:41 So, Britney didn't specify the exact time period she's referring to and never really
02:45 delved into what exactly is going on, but I'm sure fans appreciate the honesty.
02:50 There's been lots of speculation around her well-being lately with fans voicing their
02:54 concerns for Britney, largely due to her rather bizarre social media posts and cryptic captions.
03:00 So fans were particularly concerned when Britney posted to Instagram a now infamous video of
03:05 herself dancing with knives.
03:07 Now this recent post also included a clip from the opening of the 1991 animated movie,
03:12 Beauty and the Beast.
03:14 The clip depicts a handsome prince rejecting an ugly woman who is seeking help.
03:18 However, as the woman reveals herself to be an enchantress, she transforms the prince
03:23 into the beast, explaining that there is no love in his heart.
03:27 Also noting that Beauty and the Beast is her favorite movie, Britney emphasized this significant
03:32 message, "Looks are deceiving."
03:34 So since posting this, Britney has been pretty active online.
03:38 She's since shared numerous other posts, including a photo of her standing on a beach, two videos
03:43 of her dancing.
03:44 So I think we can mostly agree that Britney's social media activity can be alarming sometimes,
03:49 but I believe a lot of it is just her having fun and expressing herself because she couldn't
03:53 for so long.
03:54 I just hope that she has a strong support system behind her and that the people looking
03:59 to take advantage of Britney are out of her life.
04:02 It's also probably an emotional time for her considering she had to deep dive inside her
04:05 past traumas when writing her memoir and then reliving all of that all over again when the
04:10 book actually came out and passages were making headlines.
04:14 She's also recently gone through a breakup with her ex Sam Mishgari, filing for divorce
04:18 in summer 2023.
04:20 So I'd imagine that's enough to make anybody act a little funny.
04:23 So what do you think is going on with Britney Spears?
04:25 Are you also concerned for her well-being because of her Instagram posts?
04:28 Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
