• 2 years ago
ON THE LINE Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Set in 1964, "ON THE LINE" follows the gripping tale of Agnes (Victoria Lucie– The Devil’s Machine), a 24-year-old switchboard operator in the Channel Islands. Agnes’ routine life takes a dramatic turn when she receives a distressing call from Shirley (Harriet Walter), an elderly woman with dementia, who claims she's been kidnapped. As Agnes works with the police to unravel the mystery, the stakes get higher, and the suspense intensifies. Will Agnes be able to outsmart the kidnapper and save Shirley in time?
00:00 Alderney switchboard. Number please. Connecting you. Hold the line please. Number please.
00:12 I really need help. And it wasn't a prank, Paula? Perhaps. Number please. What's going on? What's your name?
00:26 He's coming back! I'm going to ask you yes or no questions. Is he with you? Are you in danger?
00:36 Police department, this is Sergeant Welch speaking. That's what they are. I'm in the best place to track them.
00:43 No, let the police do their job here. Help! Yes, I'm here.
00:50 I'm going to swear across their head. As hard as you can.
01:03 (dramatic music)