Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar speaks up on SC's verdict regarding elections

  • last year
Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar speaks up on SC's verdict regarding elections
00:00 The issue is that another development has also taken place. A case has been filed in Peshawar High Court, sir, in which the request to be made in the supervision of the court has been challenged.
00:12 There is another lawyer of Pakistan Tariq Insaaf, Muazzam Butt Advocate. Now, a decision has come from the Supreme Court yesterday, sir, what do you think after that? What will be the position of this case?
00:21 Because the decision of Lahore High Court has been null and void. So, this is another case that we are going to hear on Monday. Are the two cases of the same nature?
00:31 No, now Peshawar High Court, I think, will not do anything. The Supreme Court has spoken in very clear and concise words yesterday.
00:41 Now, after that, there is no room for any High Court to talk about the election on a national level. It can be talked about with respect to a specific returning officer.
00:53 And in that regard, the Supreme Court has said that first you go to the Election Commission, request them that we have reservations about this returning officer.
01:02 He is a DCO. As a DCO, his behavior was not right. Therefore, he should not be an RO. So, now we will have to talk about every RO individually.
01:12 Which is obviously not possible. There is not much time before the election. So, in my opinion, this matter has come to an end in a way.
01:21 This election will be carried out by the district administration. And the reservations of all parties in the past are in their place.
01:30 But despite all this, this election is going to take place and the administration will have to be supervised.
01:36 And after that, the doubts and suspicions that will be expressed or the people who will say what happened, we will see.
01:44 This happens after every election. And there is a degree of honesty in this. There is also a degree of transparency.
01:51 But in my opinion, if we look at the past, the elections that have been held under the administration,
01:59 they were certainly less transparent than the elections that have been supervised by the district administration.
02:04 Alright. Mr. Mustafa Nawaz, you are running for the election as a free candidate. What is the situation in your constituency?
02:09 Because Pakistan Tariq-e-Insaf and PMLN have their own political polarized position.
02:14 So, you as an independent analyst and independent observer, tell us, what is the situation there?
02:19 Is your complaint the same or is it okay? Is there a difference between constituency to constituency?
02:24 Look, generally, the role of the election commission in the last year and a half, they have been taking very conflicting positions.
02:32 You have exposed their conflicting positions in great detail in your initials.
02:38 Now, when the assembly was broken in Punjab, the decision of Lahore High Court was not followed.
02:44 The assembly was broken in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and the action was not taken there.
02:47 And at that time, the position of the other communities was that the election should be held on one day in the whole country.
02:52 You will remember.
02:54 The election commission was also, although it was its primary responsibility to hold the election on the 9th day,
02:59 but it also took the same position of the political communities.
03:04 And when the time came to hold the election on one day, when the duration of the national assembly was completed,
03:09 all the communities that were in the government, knowingly or unknowingly, notified the MNC.
03:16 So that there is no election on one day, and there is more delay in the elections.
03:20 And the election commission with great respect and respect, also accepted the position of these political parties,
03:25 and they said that now we will do the elections lightly.
03:28 And when the elections are completed, then we will give the schedule.
03:31 And in the end, they did not give the schedule themselves.
03:34 The schedule was also made public by the Supreme Court yesterday.
03:37 Yes, by pushing.
03:39 So unfortunately, the total position of the election commission in the last year and a half,
03:44 that has been the same position that has been of the communities included in the PDM.
03:48 As far as the returning officers are concerned, who are being appointed and taken from the executives,
03:55 now the election commission had only two options, that it should write to the judiciary.
03:59 It wrote to the judiciary, they refused.
04:02 They said that in every election, elections are disputed and the burden falls on the court.
04:06 So you do it yourself or take it from the administration.
04:09 Then they took people from the administration and you gave the right sign in it,
04:12 that there are many things in it that they did not take the right position in the court yesterday.
04:17 The administration that will hold the elections, we understand, we want,
04:21 that the election environment is good, but the pre-poll election environment has already become very bad.
04:29 And the conduct of the upcoming elections, there are many questions to be raised on it.
04:34 As far as Islamabad is concerned, because there are foreign embassies here,
04:38 there are international news organizations here, there is a very heavy presence of the media,
04:43 so the situation here is always better than other countries.
04:47 You see Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, the provincial capitals, Quetta,
04:52 there is a lot of attention on the media.
04:57 But the real question is what will happen outside these cities.
05:01 And outside the cities, as you said the statement of Nadeem Afzal Chand,
05:05 he was absolutely right that in Punjab, especially we can see that the new Ladleys
05:11 who have been brought to the field, the whole administration has come into action for them.
05:15 Don't say Ladla, they will mind.
05:17 They will mind.
05:18 I am telling you a serious thing, they will mind.
05:21 After Maria came back, she became the Mansoor Committee,
05:26 and the Mansoor Committee was given the first task by Muslim League Noon,
05:31 that you find some statements on me that have the Ladleya tag on it, so that the Ladleya tag can be removed.
05:38 But the public knows everything.
05:40 The level of consciousness is such that even in remote areas, people sit on TV every night and listen to 2-3 talk shows,
05:47 and then go to YouTube, sit on YouTube and watch 2-3 shows there too.
05:51 And make their own opinions.
05:53 And make their own opinions.
05:54 It is very difficult to hide things in this environment.
05:57 Ladla has now become the Nizam, so people are not seeing these things.
06:00 And what an irony that when they are coming back,
06:02 the injustice that is being eliminated in the past,
06:04 so the Ladleya tag that is being put on it, at what cost are they coming?
06:07 Exactly.
06:08 This is the irony of our system.
06:09 Back to square one.
06:10 Mr. Nawaz Sharif's politics was that every person goes through an evolution.
06:13 From where he started in 1985, he is coming back in full circle.
06:16 So he will go from the boat to the respect, and then back to the boat.
