The Aam Aadmi Party has appointed its MP Raghav Chadha as the leader of the party in Rajya Sabha in place of Sanjay Singh. In a letter to the Rajya Sabha Chairman, the AAP party leadership has said that in the absence of Sanjay Singh, who has "health issues", Raghav Chadha will henceforth be the party's leader in the upper house.
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00:00 The AAP has appointed its MP Raghav Chadha as the leader of the party in Rajya Sabha
00:05 in place of Sanjay Singh.
00:07 In a letter to the Rajya Sabha chairman, the AAP party leadership has said that in the
00:11 absence of Sanjay Singh, who has health issues, Raghav Chadha will henceforth be the party's
00:16 leader in the upper house.
00:18 AAP MP Sanjay Singh is currently behind bars in the Delhi liquor policy case.
00:22 Sources in the Rajya Sabha Secretariat confirmed that a letter has been received from the AAP
00:27 regarding appointing Mr. Chadha as its floor leader.
00:31 The letter is with Rajya Sabha Secretary General for implementation.
00:35 Mr. Chadha is one of the youngest members of Rajya Sabha.
00:38 The AAP has a total of 10 MPs in the upper house currently.
00:41 The AAP has the fourth largest strength in Rajya Sabha after the VGP, the Congress and
00:46 the TMC.
00:47 Recently, the Rajya Sabha passed a motion to end the suspension of AAP MP Raghav Chadha
00:52 following a recommendation by the Privileges Committee.
00:55 The suspension from August 11 would be taken as sufficient sentence for the charges against
00:59 Mr. Chadha, including not abiding by the house rules and the chair's orders and recommending
01:04 members to a select committee without their consent.
01:07 Reiterating its commitment to upholding the sanctity of parliamentary proceedings and
01:11 safeguarding the integrity of the institution, the panel had expressed hope that Mr. Chadha
01:16 would reflect and introspect.
01:18 Raghav Chadha in a statement said that he was happy that his suspension had ended.
01:23 "I am thankful to the Supreme Court and Rajya Sabha Chairman for this.
01:26 During the 115 days, I got a lot of love and blessings from people.
01:30 I got strength from you guys.
01:32 I am thankful to you from the bottom of my heart," he said.