100 days of skiing with Lincoln in the Adirondacks

  • last year
Ski season is now well underway, and AccuWeather Producer Lincoln Riddle has a big goal this season: to ski 100 days. Lincoln Riddle was live on the AccuWeather network on Dec. 15 to discuss the season so far.
00:00 The ski season is underway across the country and one AccuWeather producer has been hitting the slopes quite a bit already with a very special goal in mind.
00:08 And that goal is skiing 100 days this year.
00:12 Allow me to introduce Lincoln Riddle or Lincoln in the Adirondacks as you may know him.
00:18 Lincoln, you're a hiker, you're a kayaker, a snow lover, a winter fan and a skier who calls the Adirondacks home.
00:25 I am, first of all, incredibly jealous but so inspired by your journey right now.
00:31 Well, you know, listen, there's no better time to be on the mountain than when it's snowing.
00:35 It's my favorite thing about winter.
00:37 I mean, you can't beat a good day on the slopes, right, Christina?
00:40 No, you really can't.
00:41 I mean, look, you guys think I talk about skiing a lot.
00:43 Lincoln, I feel like we're on the same wavelength here.
00:46 And let's talk about this.
00:47 I want to get through your goal of skiing 100 days this year.
00:50 How many days have you skied so far and how are we going to keep the rest of the season rolling?
00:56 Well, yesterday was day 21.
00:58 And I think I may actually be taking the day off.
01:01 I'm not. I haven't decided yet.
01:02 But, you know, skiing 100 days is a lofty goal.
01:05 You've got six to seven months here on the East Coast to do it.
01:07 November to May, basically, to knock out 100 ski days.
01:12 And this is my third year pursuing this.
01:14 The first season I got into the 80s.
01:16 Last year, I hurt my knees, both of them at the same time.
01:19 I missed six weeks, finished in the 70s.
01:21 So this year, I'm hoping we're finally going to hit 100 days.
01:24 I'm well on track to do it.
01:25 And, you know, when you're skiing that much, you know, you're skiing through a lot of rain,
01:29 some icy days, some warm days, some nice days, some spring days, a little bit of everything.
01:34 If the mountains open, good chance I'll be there.
01:37 OK, on that note, let's talk about you just named like every weather condition under the sun.
01:42 Favorite and least favorite conditions to ski in?
01:45 Well, I mean, who doesn't love a good powder day, right?
01:48 Anytime you've got a lot of snow coming down, the trails are loaded with powder
01:52 and you kind of got the mountains yourself.
01:54 I mean, that is a perfect day.
01:56 Least favorite, I mean, you know, the rain, not ideal.
02:00 The snow can be kind of slushy and very carvable, but you're soaking wet and that's not fun, right?
02:07 Yeah, not fun at all.
02:08 No one likes a soaking wet ski day.
02:10 But you know what?
02:11 I admire your persistence.
02:12 I'm so excited.
02:13 21 days down already.
02:15 Now, let me ask for our viewers here, Lincoln.
02:17 It's early in the season.
02:19 Maybe not everyone gets 100 days like I hope you do, but maybe a little tip or trick
02:23 that others can use to get the most of their ski season this year.
02:26 What do you think?
02:28 I think the main thing is you have to keep an open mind when it comes to conditions.
02:33 Listen, every winter I get caught up in the is it worth going mindset, right?
02:37 Maybe it rained yesterday.
02:39 We had a hard freeze overnight.
02:40 It's 20 degrees today.
02:41 It might be icy and it's really easy to sit there and say, is it actually worth going?
02:46 And the funny thing is, usually because I'm chasing 100 days, I just go anyways and I
02:51 get there and it's an amazing day.
02:53 I mean, there are obviously days that aren't so great conditions wise, but oftentimes when
02:57 I'm feeling down about what conditions will be like across the mountain, it ends up being
03:01 fantastic.
03:02 And the funny thing is everyone's thinking that same way, right?
03:06 They're thinking, is it worth going today?
03:07 They don't go, you do.
03:09 And it ends up being amazing.
03:10 You've got the whole mountain yourself and great conditions.
03:14 Lincoln Riddle, there is no better optimistic advice I could think of.
03:18 Lincoln, AKA Lincoln in the Adirondacks.
03:21 Always a joy to have you on here, my friend.
03:22 Thanks for joining us.
