20231214_Pawlak_Milicka porodówka

  • last year


00:00 Christmas Eve is always a day when something happens.
00:08 Of course, it's Christmas, it's a special day for all of us,
00:11 but we come to work and we are happy that children are being born
00:14 and that patients want to be born in our ward.
00:17 We try to give birth to our children,
00:19 to make them healthy, to make sure that everything goes well,
00:23 but of course, to make them experience the Christmas spirit,
00:26 to make them spend Christmas with us.
00:28 What can be special?
00:30 Our work is generally special,
00:32 because, of course, children are being born, a new life is being born,
00:35 so the Christmas period is a time of love, a time of happiness,
00:42 and we certainly try to be as nice as possible to these patients
00:46 and to make their time and our time special in the Christmas period.
00:51 Now the patients are prepared for birth, they know when they will be born,
00:55 it is planned in moderation, if they know that they will be born in December,
00:59 they are preparing for this to be a Christmas day,
01:02 if it happens to be Christmas Eve.
01:05 So I think that the Christmas period is a bit distant,
01:08 and the most important thing is that they will become mothers,
01:12 their fathers will be fathers, and that is the most important thing for them,
01:16 and Christmas is on the other side.
01:18 Yes, I gave birth to a son a moment ago.
01:21 How did you work with the staff?
01:24 Very well, very nice care,
01:27 and what more can I say?
01:30 It's great, isn't it?
01:32 I am very happy that I was born here, not somewhere else.
01:36 I would prefer now, but if I had to, I would also be born then.
01:42 Then the hospital would be less pleasant,
01:45 and at home it's quite different, isn't it?
01:48 Well, definitely, during Christmas Eve, we try to spend this time together as much as possible,
01:54 if it's possible.
01:56 We have a little Christmas Eve, we share a blanket among the staff,
02:02 and, of course, we try to make it look more or less like in our homes.
02:07 It's amazing for them, because at this time we all try to be at home,
02:13 among the closest ones, and here the girls come,
02:16 among strangers, and it's definitely special,
02:21 and we try to be a support for these patients.
02:28 Coming here on Christmas Eve, of course, it's a day of work for us.
02:33 We come here to help, to help our patients.
02:38 Of course, we spend Christmas here with our friends.
02:43 There are doctors here, in the room, in the bed,
02:46 and then we try to share a blanket, make wishes,
02:49 we try to create a Christmas substitute.
02:53 And, of course, the staff working in the ward is our second family.
02:58 We spend the evening here with our friends, doctors and colleagues,
03:03 and then we move to our families, where we spend Christmas with our families.
03:07 dynamic.
