• 2 years ago
बुलंदशहर में पड़ोसी ने 16 साल की लड़की से रेप किया। पीड़िता के परिवार ने मेडिकल के लिए भेज दिया। पुलिस ने केस दर्ज करके आरोपी को हिरासत में ले लिया। मामला खुर्जा नगर कोतवाली क्षेत्र की कॉलोनी का है।


00:00 You are a court lady, what is the matter?
00:02 My daughter has been wronged
00:05 And the boy's name is Lucky
00:09 How did you find out? How did he take her?
00:14 He took her by misleading her
00:16 He said that we can't talk here, we are going to the jungle
00:21 And he took her by misleading her
00:24 Then he made her lie
00:28 He said that he will tell his mother if anyone asks
00:33 That there are dogs behind me
00:35 Then I asked the girl with love
00:38 I said, son, what is the matter? You tell me
00:41 When the girl told me that there is such a thing
00:43 First I was asking you
00:45 Then I was asking my father that there is no one at home
00:48 So your father has some work
00:55 Then I told him that I have given Rs.10 to the girl
00:58 And he said that you can have the toffee
01:01 Then he said to my daughter
01:03 How old is your daughter?
01:05 15
01:07 Did your father give you a letter?
01:09 Did you give your ticket?
