00:10 Let's do some work.
00:36 Let's go to our slide.
00:38 And this is the last in the series Grow that I'm doing.
00:41 Today's lesson is entitled Grow Your Blessings.
00:45 Say that.
00:46 Grow your blessings.
00:47 My scripture reading is taken from Ezekiel chapter number 34
00:53 verse 26.
00:54 "And I will make them and the places around about my heel
01:03 a blessing."
01:03 I will make them a blessing and everything around you
01:11 a blessing.
01:13 "And I will cause the shower to come down in a season.
01:17 There shall be showers of blessings."
01:21 Say that.
01:22 There shall be showers of blessings.
01:26 "And the tree of the field shall yield a fruit,
01:30 and the earth shall yield an increase,
01:33 and they shall be safe in their land,
01:36 and shall know that I am the Lord when I've
01:41 broken the bands of the yoke and delivered them out
01:45 of the hand of those that survive themselves of them."
01:50 There's a ring in the sound.
01:53 There are 12 hours of things to do to grow your blessing.
02:00 And here's the list.
02:02 Here's the list.
02:04 Responsibility, reputation, reserves, record.
02:20 That's recording your life, where you were last year,
02:26 Esther, where you plan to be next year.
02:31 Your track record.
02:34 Record keeping.
02:35 Rank and/or ranking.
02:41 How have you ranked your performance this year?
02:46 Evaluation.
02:48 Riches.
02:51 How to grow riches.
02:52 Revenue.
02:53 What is revenue?
02:54 How to expand it.
02:56 Revelation knowledge.
02:57 How to increase it.
02:59 Reach.
02:59 That means reaching for those things that are far.
03:04 Reach.
03:04 I was watching Eden the other day, reaching for stuff.
03:09 And so she couldn't reach, so she got a few pots.
03:13 I have no idea how she figured that out.
03:15 A couple of pots and a dish to reach something
03:18 she was not supposed to have.
03:21 Research.
03:22 And then lastly, recreation.
03:26 Retreat and recreation.
03:28 You turn to your neighbor and say, you look like you need a break, brah.
03:31 Some of you look so bust up, you need a break.
03:39 Say, I need a break.
03:43 Most of you don't say, I need a break.
03:46 Those of you that have been sleeping all year,
03:49 you need to wake up.
03:52 And so let's look at responsibility.
03:54 Grow your responsibility.
03:57 Responsibility is given to you.
04:00 If you are responsible with a little, much will be added.
04:04 If you are responsible with someone else's,
04:08 something else will be given to you even more.
04:12 In a brief discussion the other day, there
04:15 was someone who had a house come open, and a name was recommended.
04:22 And there was a unanimous, no, no, no, no, no.
04:25 And the deal was, the place where the person was before,
04:30 they trashed that house.
04:31 They gave a house, fully furnished, they trashed that house.
04:36 Why in the world would you want to give them another one to trash?
04:39 Amen.
04:40 And so if you trash one place, it's likely
04:44 you're going to trash another place, because you
04:47 don't take responsibility.
04:49 Responsibility then is a sign of maturity.
04:54 Maturity is measured sometimes by how much responsibility
04:58 a person is given.
05:00 So I met a guy in Zambia yesterday, the day before yesterday,
05:04 a very young man with great responsibility, which
05:08 was quite stunning that he was given such responsibility even
05:13 in terms of governmental secrets on a high and top level.
05:18 And so this kind of responsibility is conferred.
05:26 It's given.
05:27 So when God gives you something, he wants
05:30 you to be responsible for what he has given.
05:33 So you are responsible for your actions.
05:37 Don't blame someone else.
05:38 Don't say the devil made me do it.
05:39 Don't say the devil made me do it.
05:44 Don't say it's a generational curse.
05:46 It's my great-great-grandfather that made me have
05:49 six children with 50 women.
05:52 You are responsible for your actions.
06:00 You are responsible for your well-being.
06:04 You are who you are.
06:06 Stops right here.
06:10 The spoon stops here.
06:11 Yeah, you see here?
06:12 Yeah, there.
06:13 The spoon stops here.
06:15 Your hand didn't make you eat it.
06:17 The pot didn't make you cook it.
06:24 The meat didn't make you bite.
06:26 The cream didn't make you sip it.
06:29 You are responsible for your well-being.
06:32 Exercise, yeah, there.
06:33 You are responsible for your family.
06:37 If you are a family man, family woman, raise your hands.
06:40 You are responsible for your family.
06:43 How many of you have children that are five years
06:45 and under, raise your hand.
06:48 You are responsible for their school fees.
06:52 Don't borrow money for school fees.
06:56 When you are all the hee, hee, hee, hee, hee, hee, hee, hee,
06:59 nine months, eeeh, from that moment,
07:01 you are responsible for school fees.
07:03 It takes at least $150,000 to get your children
07:12 to university, and then depending on which
07:16 vasa do you want them to be.
07:18 You are responsible for them.
07:20 So you work now, you play later.
07:23 You are responsible for your family's well-being, security,
07:26 health, their feeding, their medical, insurance,
07:30 all of those things, you are responsible for it.
07:35 You are responsible for your property.
07:38 Get some.
07:39 You are responsible for it.
07:41 Your goat, your cows, whatever property of your clothes,
07:44 your shoes, you are responsible for your movable and immovable
07:48 assets.
07:49 If you have been blessed with something, look after it.
07:53 A lot of times we don't know the value
07:58 of what we have been given.
08:00 It might help if we understand something that's
08:03 been given the value it is.
08:06 You are responsible for your personal development.
08:10 So there's so many folks--
08:11 I was asking this morning a couple of people
08:13 what they do next year, and I was so happy to hear
08:16 that a couple of them said, we're going back to school.
08:19 So I'm also going back to school.
08:22 I'm going back to school.
08:24 You're responsible for your development
08:25 in all kinds of ways.
08:27 You're responsible for your progress.
08:29 You are responsible for the spiritual atmosphere over you.
08:33 You are responsible for that.
08:38 If there's a demon in your house, don't sleep with it.
08:41 Or don't sleep in the house with the demon there.
08:45 And for some, don't sleep with it.
08:48 Use oil, the blood of Jesus, prayers.
08:50 Get the nasi to sleep by the gate.
08:52 Amen.
08:52 Get Zaf to sit on the roof.
08:54 Get my mazinga to make declarations.
08:56 Where are you?
08:57 Amen.
08:58 Get Magi Chaboko to come and curse those things.
09:01 Praise God, I think I just gave you a job.
09:04 Number two, you are responsible for your reputation.
09:07 Grow your reputation.
09:09 A reputation must be built. You build a reputation.
09:15 And so there's a couple of people
09:16 that did some work for us last year and the year before.
09:19 I cannot recommend them over this pulpit to do work.
09:22 Because they have not built their reputation in that field.
09:30 But there was somebody we needed because we
09:31 had an electrical problem.
09:33 And Diana said to me, to teach, she
09:35 said, there's somebody here I recommend to this person
09:38 because they've done work year, year, year,
09:40 and the work has been excellent.
09:42 Or stay away from that person.
09:47 They're not reliable.
09:49 And so a good reputation is built.
09:53 So here are ways to grow a good reputation.
09:55 Stay balanced.
09:57 Don't be flaky.
09:59 Be on time.
10:01 Stay focused.
10:03 Be honest.
10:04 Be truthful.
10:05 Stay positively consistent.
10:09 All of those things are important for a good reputation.
10:14 I remember James Kilgore, the assistant superintendent
10:17 of the United Pentecostal Church.
10:18 He was a smaller man.
10:20 And so he wasn't a loud power preacher,
10:23 which the UPC was known for.
10:25 But there was a testimony given of Brother Kilgore.
10:29 James is a small man.
10:31 He might not be able to preach well.
10:33 But you can trust him.
10:35 He is a good man.
10:37 And he built one of the largest churches in the UPC ever,
10:41 only on his reputation.
10:43 Not on his preaching, on his reputation.
10:47 A good business is built on a good reputation.
10:52 There are some products we don't touch,
10:54 because we know the caco is always sour.
10:58 Protect your reputation.
11:00 Remember, who you hang out with is who you are.
11:04 I'm not hanging out with Bob Marley.
11:07 I'm not hanging out with Bob.
11:12 I'm not hanging out with people that I'm not.
11:15 Amen.
11:16 Are you going to see me with Snoop Dogg?
11:19 I'm not hanging out with Snoop.
11:20 I'm not hanging out with Jah.
11:26 I'm not hanging out with Jah.
11:31 So hang out with yourself if there's nobody to hang out with.
11:34 Because you are birds of a feather, flock to gator.
11:45 Grow your reserves.
11:50 OK, so the way you grow your reserves
11:52 is there's seed time and there's harvest.
11:56 There's sowing and reaping.
11:59 There's highs and lows.
12:01 There's much and there's little.
12:02 Therefore, study the ant.
12:04 The ant stores.
12:06 And so in times of abundance, you grow your reserves.
12:11 And so create a seed bank.
12:16 Create a seed bank.
12:17 So I know what I give every Sunday,
12:20 and I know what percentage we put away from all our earnings.
12:25 That's savings.
12:25 But I hadn't heard of a seed bank.
12:28 I learned that a couple of weeks ago when we were in Zambia,
12:31 a bishop was sharing.
12:33 And he said he went to a conference
12:36 and he didn't have any money on him to give in the offering.
12:40 But years ago, the Lord had given him instruction
12:43 to develop a seed bank.
12:46 And so he takes money, not his own money, money
12:49 that he's generated and puts it into a separate account
12:53 in an account called a seed bank.
12:56 So that if by accident or by chance
13:00 he finds himself in a meeting and they need an offering,
13:04 he can draw money from his seed bank.
13:07 I thought that was great.
13:09 So in 2024, I'm developing a seed bank.
13:13 Not my daily, weekly offerings, none of that.
13:16 A separate seed bank so I can sow a seed, Chichimukoppa.
13:21 I can sow a seed to somebody that's not well.
13:25 I can sow a seed to a family that's in bereavement.
13:28 I can sow a seed to that lady over there
13:30 that's having triplets.
13:31 She's going to need three sets of diapers, three bottles,
13:35 six bottles.
13:36 I don't know how she's going to feed three.
13:39 I'll just leave it there.
13:42 And so you develop a seed, create a seed system,
13:47 develop a storage system, silo system.
13:51 Joseph did that.
13:53 Always live within your means.
13:55 Say that again.
13:57 Always live within your means.
13:59 Say that again.
14:00 Always live within your means.
14:02 I saw a guy with an expensive Mercedes Benz the other day.
14:06 Pull up at a garage and said to the guy, put $5.
14:08 [LAUGHTER]
14:12 So I knew this is not his car.
14:15 Or he just scaled this item here.
14:19 And then when he smiled, I could see it wasn't his car.
14:21 It's not usual.
14:27 Live within your means.
14:30 Turn to your neighbor and say, your time will come.
14:32 No, no, no, sure.
14:33 Your time will come.
14:35 If you're building a house--
14:37 and listen, we're on the other side of children.
14:43 And say, if you're building a house--
14:44 I don't know why people are building
14:46 three-, four-, five-story houses with teenage children.
14:51 I don't know.
14:53 He's like, I don't know.
15:01 Practice a lifestyle adjustment in tough seasons.
15:08 So adjust, adjust, adjust your lifestyle.
15:12 You're not going to die if you can't have pizza every day.
15:17 Chi Chi's threatening me with pizza for lunch.
15:19 Can you believe it?
15:20 Adjust your lifestyle.
15:24 Say that.
15:26 Now, Chi Chi and I were rolling with some folks some years ago.
15:30 And so where they were getting off--
15:37 in fact, where they were starting,
15:42 that's where we had ended.
15:44 Because the shop they went in, we were shopping for $90 suits.
15:48 They were starting at $6,500 a suit.
15:51 Well, I'm out the game.
15:54 I'm not going to get in squalor just to--
15:57 I'm out the game.
15:59 And so if they're wearing those suits
16:02 and I'm walking along with them, everybody thinks that--
16:04 they don't know that my suit is $99.
16:11 They think that, hey, Tudor's rolling with the $6,000 suit
16:15 guys.
16:17 And so again, adjust.
16:19 And again, do not borrow money for meaningless things.
16:24 Everyone say, grow reserves.
16:27 Because the interest will chew your lunch.
16:30 Grow your record.
16:32 Your track record must be monitored.
16:35 List your wins for the year or the decade.
16:39 Have you rated yourself for 2023?
16:42 And so every evening when I jump out of the shower,
16:45 I stand on the scale.
16:48 And if I'm over a certain weight, I don't eat for a year.
16:53 I run to my room and back.
16:56 I sit in the sun and melt.
16:57 Because at 67 next year, it's going
17:04 to take years and years to get off this thing.
17:07 This thing that's been bothering me, this thing, this tire.
17:11 It's going to take me years to get this off.
17:13 And these things have a habit of growing.
17:15 They grow triplets.
17:16 You wake up in the morning, it's like a baby.
17:18 [LAUGHTER]
17:22 Have you got a-- whatever, whatever.
17:32 Create.
17:34 We need to-- teacher, we need to fix our CV.
17:37 You know, Madam Chair was asking for our CVs.
17:40 You know, we need to get our curriculum vitae together.
17:43 We need to resume.
17:46 We need somebody to help us get our CV together.
17:49 And we need them to explain what that actually means.
17:52 Because I think we are qualified.
17:53 Or we might even not be qualified for standing here.
17:56 So we need to get our CV.
17:59 From the scanner all these years,
18:01 the convent girls years, and so on and so forth.
18:03 I married a nun.
18:04 [LAUGHTER]
18:06 So get your CV together.
18:08 Who does not have a CV?
18:12 We have only one, teacher.
18:14 [LAUGHTER]
18:17 No, serious.
18:17 Who doesn't have a CV and needs one?
18:19 You have a CV?
18:26 I'm the only one that doesn't have a CV.
18:28 [LAUGHTER]
18:31 I'm leaving the church.
18:32 I need holy water.
18:34 Hail Mary full of grace.
18:36 Amen, I'm such a disgrace.
18:38 Please invite me to your bride place.
18:42 All right, Frank Rudolph, can I please
18:44 make an appointment to see you this week
18:45 to help me with my CV?
18:49 He doesn't even want to help me with my CV.
18:53 Frank Rudolph, I'm asking you with a pulpit.
18:54 Can I make an appointment with you to help me with my CV?
18:57 Is that a yes?
18:58 Is that oh my god?
18:59 [LAUGHTER]
19:04 Compare your journal entries from what you did last year
19:09 this time to this year.
19:11 Who keeps a journal?
19:12 Raise your hand.
19:15 Who does not keep a journal?
19:17 Raise your hand.
19:18 Yeah, yeah.
19:19 [LAUGHTER]
19:22 Did you keep a journal?
19:24 Of course, amen.
19:25 So we are together now.
19:28 One, one, one, one.
19:30 We're going to extra time now.
19:32 We're going to extra time.
19:33 Amen.
19:35 Amen, we'll see who's the best man.
19:37 [LAUGHTER]
19:42 And so journal entries are important so that you have
19:45 a track record of your life.
19:47 It really, really does help.
19:49 I think I have like 27, 25 years.
19:53 Protect slide number eight.
19:56 I'll have to grow your record keeping.
20:01 Do you have a filing system?
20:04 Where do you keep receipts, papers,
20:09 card registration books?
20:13 Where do you keep electricity bills, water bills?
20:18 The rates in Texas come once every five years.
20:23 They come once every five years, and they charge you $325,020,000,000.
20:31 So where do you keep your paperwork,
20:34 your certificates, marriage, special photographs?
20:39 A family friend of ours, their house caught on fire in the US,
20:43 and they lost everything but no duplicates.
20:46 And so if you have pictures, photographs
20:48 that are very sentimental, there's
20:51 a place right here in Newlands.
20:53 Upstairs is a great law firm.
20:55 I won't mention it's Phillips Law.
20:57 But right downstairs, there's a place that does photographs.
21:00 They'll duplicate your stuff and even frame it for you.
21:03 They'll digitalize it for you, because those things cannot
21:06 be replaced if destroyed.
21:09 Are we tracking everybody?
21:11 Do you have a paper trail for your transactions?
21:14 A paper trail is important.
21:16 Do you have a priority system for your documents?
21:18 Do you have a fireproof, floodproof, theftproof system?
21:24 This is so important, so important.
21:29 You don't have to be carrying in your handbag
21:31 your whole life story, your stupa, your birth certificate,
21:34 your marriage certificate.
21:35 No, no, no.
21:36 You must have a place, because if somebody grabs your bag,
21:39 it'd rather be empty than for you to be empty.
21:44 Recommendations-- protect individual documents
21:47 with duplicates.
21:48 Create individual files.
21:49 Develop sealed marked boxes.
21:53 Make sure you put your stuff in filing cabinets.
21:57 Find a responsible friend that may
21:59 have those facilities that can take care of stuff like that.
22:02 Have a safety deposit box system if you need one.
22:06 Have a safe somewhere.
22:07 Have a friend that may have some of those facilities,
22:10 maybe a bank or so on, so that your documentation is
22:13 protected.
22:16 Where do you keep your medical records?
22:18 Who keeps those for you?
22:20 And then how do you grow your blessing?
22:24 By growing your rank.
22:25 Well, how do you grow your rank?
22:27 You develop-- have you developed adequately
22:32 your life for promotion?
22:35 So you promote yourself.
22:38 You promote yourself by doing things, reading more,
22:43 learning more, back in school more.
22:46 I think we had so many wins this year.
22:48 Tendai in our church in finance got a master's.
22:52 She's graduated.
22:53 Wadsworth graduated master's, primrose master's.
22:56 Amen.
22:57 I'm master Bismarck and others.
22:59 [LAUGHTER]
23:02 Amen.
23:03 Don't play with my PhD self.
23:06 And so again, you have to develop yourself
23:11 to be promoted, because you get more.
23:14 So rate your performance.
23:16 So in golf, for example, you have a handicap.
23:19 So I met a brother in our church this week.
23:21 He told me he plays golf every day.
23:23 Lucky man.
23:25 And so they work from 5 to 1 o'clock every day.
23:28 And then afternoon, him and his wife, they go play golf.
23:31 And so she's at a 20 handicap.
23:33 He's at an 8 handicap, whatever that means in some world.
23:37 In other words, it's a rating system.
23:41 It's a rating system.
23:43 For performance in a ranking world, in sport,
23:47 what league are you in?
23:51 In law, what level are you in?
23:54 There's a doctor.
23:55 There's this guy in South Africa that was doing operations.
23:57 He wasn't a doctor, but he had 10 years of successful surgery.
24:01 That doesn't make him a doctor.
24:06 And so there are levels.
24:11 And so if I want to see Auburn Bowers, who
24:16 went to school with Chi Chi, even if they went to school
24:20 together, Chi Chi can't just go and say, Auburn, can I see you?
24:22 No.
24:24 You have to get a letter from somebody that started here,
24:30 a GP, your general practitioner.
24:34 And you've got to take your general practitioner's
24:36 recommendation.
24:39 The recommendation will go then to a specialist.
24:43 And the specialist will then look at the recommendation
24:46 from a doctor who's a GP.
24:49 And the GP will say, this is out of my level.
24:51 You are a specialist.
24:52 I assume this person has a kidney problem.
24:55 So please, can you help them?
24:57 Because I think they might be suffering with a renal failure.
25:01 And they'll all say, oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
25:04 Something wrong with you.
25:05 So they are ranked.
25:06 I have to refer you to Professor so and so and such and such
25:10 and so and so and such and such.
25:12 Who did this 25 years ago?
25:16 Who's doing this?
25:18 We've got Dr. Macanza here somewhere.
25:20 She's a renal specialist, was a doctor for years for Bernstein.
25:25 Now he's dealing with a small little organ called a kidney.
25:31 And then it even gets worse, where people now,
25:34 they specialize-- you have 10 toes.
25:37 They specialize on one toe, the baby toe.
25:40 The same is in music.
25:49 Start as grade 8, grade 7, all the way.
25:53 The same in school.
25:56 Same in school.
25:56 I met a child, a genius child, who's 12 years old,
26:00 that was first year university in the States.
26:03 Breezed through junior school, breezed through high school,
26:07 and at the age of 12 was first year university.
26:12 That's not the rule.
26:14 Grow your riches.
26:17 And so the Bible says when Solomon prayed,
26:21 he asked for wisdom and understanding.
26:24 And God increased his riches.
26:27 Because God increased his riches,
26:29 all of his constituents, their riches were increased.
26:33 The principle is, once a person that is a head or the head
26:39 gets a blessing, it influences all those around them.
26:44 So he prayed for wisdom and understanding.
26:48 And with that, God gave him riches and peace.
26:53 All of the people in his kingdom increased in wisdom.
26:58 And all of them increased in riches and wealth.
27:02 And so when you pray for wisdom, the Bible
27:05 says wisdom pays handsomely.
27:08 It's better than silver and gold.
27:10 And the scripture is in Proverbs 13, verse 3, verse 13,
27:14 Proverbs 8, verse 8.
27:16 Riches and honor are with me.
27:19 When you ask God to grow and expand your riches,
27:24 Proverbs 11, verse 6, a gracious woman retains honor.
27:29 A strong man retains riches.
27:32 I don't want to explain.
27:37 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wealth.
27:41 Praise ye the Lord, Psalm 112, 1.
27:45 The man that fears the Lord and delights greatly
27:47 in his commandments, wealth and riches shall be in his house.
27:52 See, if you respect God, you fear God,
27:55 you attract wealth and riches in your house.
27:57 The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, Proverbs 10, 22.
28:05 And he adds no sorrow with it.
28:07 And so you seek his blessing.
28:11 Somebody say amen.
28:13 Number seven, growing riches.
28:15 Pastor Chi Chi said it.
28:17 If you give, what happens?
28:21 If you give-- good morning, everybody.
28:26 If you give, it shall be given back to you.
28:31 If you give-- it shall be given back to you.
28:34 If you give-- it shall be given back to you.
28:36 If you give-- it shall be given back to you.
28:39 If you give nothing, you are going to get nothing.
28:43 Nothing gives back to you.
28:46 And so when I landed in Lusaka last week,
28:49 and then this week with Tammy, the minute I got off the plane,
28:53 I said to the city of Lusaka, yield your increase.
28:57 I've been sent here apostolically.
29:00 Yield your increase.
29:01 There'll be no tragedy.
29:03 There'll be no mishap.
29:05 I won't go to hospital.
29:07 No high blood pressure, no hypertension,
29:09 no losing my mind.
29:11 Lusaka, give me your best.
29:13 Yield your increase.
29:15 It will obey your voice.
29:18 It will obey your voice.
29:19 Your neighborhood must yield its increase.
29:22 I need a good shout from somebody.
29:24 And then the measure will be given to you
29:28 what you measure.
29:29 We've done that before.
29:31 Grow your revenue.
29:32 Revenue is the total amount of income
29:34 generated by the sale of goods and services.
29:37 So I pray that what you are selling, whatever it is,
29:41 will increase so your cash flow, your revenues will increase.
29:47 See, if you have a lot of revenue flowing,
29:49 you can go to a massive outlet and buy thousands of one
29:54 product and drive the price down.
29:57 And so make a profit.
30:00 Whereas if you're a handful of dollars,
30:01 you are going somewhere and you are buying something
30:05 that someone bought from somewhere
30:07 that's put the price up.
30:08 I'm calling for revenue increase.
30:11 I'm calling for cash flow in this place.
30:14 Amen.
30:15 Both revenue and net income are useful in determining
30:18 the financial strength of a company.
30:21 And so your revenue increase, your net income
30:24 has got to increase.
30:26 Shout, it's got to grow.
30:29 Shout, it's got to grow.
30:32 OK, when we're dealing with stuff like this--
30:34 I'll get to it in a minute.
30:36 Let me move on.
30:36 I don't want to get sidetracked.
30:38 Revenue is the total amount of money an entity
30:40 earns from a variety of sources.
30:43 Everyone say a variety of sources.
30:45 Say a variety of sources.
30:47 Say a variety of sources.
30:49 Say many baskets.
30:51 Say many baskets.
30:53 Need many eggs.
30:55 One basket, not good enough for all the eggs.
30:58 And so you need many baskets, many baskets.
31:08 So there's a variety.
31:10 Because at certain times, there is
31:12 a demand for certain things.
31:15 Price goes up when there's demand for certain things
31:18 and supply is short.
31:19 And then there's times when the supply is so much
31:23 and the price is low.
31:25 And so I did a wedding for some Hindu people
31:28 in Blyom, some of one of my dad's old friends.
31:30 He knew them from his band years.
31:32 And so I went and I did the wedding and there was no cost.
31:36 I said, I don't charge.
31:38 And so he said to my dad, Bunny, what's wrong with your youngster?
31:40 He doesn't charge.
31:41 He says, that's why he's a pastor.
31:43 He's got nothing.
31:45 So my father said, no, it doesn't work like that.
31:47 He said, well, let me give you something.
31:48 I know, Bunny, you have in a conference.
31:50 You went and he opened his--
31:52 he had two garages, huge garages.
31:55 I thought they were cars in there.
31:57 He opened the one garage.
31:59 It was a double door.
32:01 And then he built it deep, like from here
32:04 to where the sound desk is, double door.
32:07 And from the top, top to the bottom were onions.
32:11 And this was in the month of July.
32:13 And he said to me, he said to me, he said to my dad,
32:16 he said, you know what I do, Bunny?
32:17 There's plenty of onions.
32:18 I buy them for nothing.
32:22 And then I stack them in this freezer of mine.
32:25 Then when the onions are scarce, I
32:28 hit them 100 times more.
32:30 Gave my dad several pockets of onions.
32:36 He then went and he did the same.
32:37 He opened, shomory, potatoes.
32:41 He says, when people are throwing potatoes away
32:44 at the cost so low, I'm packing them in this freezer here.
32:48 That when the potatoes are needed, Helen's cousin,
32:50 they sell them and they put up the price.
32:52 I pray that God gives you that kind of wisdom.
32:59 And the space to manage that kind of wisdom.
33:03 How many of the bent down people are here, bent down people?
33:05 Bent down.
33:06 Gigi, raise your hand.
33:07 Amen.
33:13 I won't say where the other ones are.
33:15 This side here, amen.
33:18 Number nine, let's go.
33:19 Increase your knowledge.
33:21 Grow your knowledge, your revelation.
33:24 Grow it.
33:27 Grow your revelation knowledge.
33:31 I learned a word this morning called a riz.
33:35 It said if you are now called, if they say, Ellis, you're riz.
33:39 You're riz.
33:40 It means like you--
33:40 [GRUNTS]
33:41 [LAUGHTER]
33:44 Hey, that's a nice word.
33:49 So how did it come up?
33:50 It came up through the Taylor Swift world.
33:53 She was at something and Taylor said, whoa, you're riz.
33:56 And I was like--
33:57 [GRUNTS]
33:58 [LAUGHTER]
34:00 Auntie Mary, you're riz.
34:06 Turn to your neighbor and say, mm, you need a--
34:08 [GRUNTS]
34:09 [LAUGHTER]
34:12 And so revelation knowledge then,
34:14 you must increase it because the world is increasing.
34:17 Revelation is moving so quickly it must come into your head.
34:21 You can't live in the 21st century
34:23 without revelation knowledge.
34:24 You must grow your reach.
34:27 Reach.
34:28 You must grow your reach.
34:30 Don't be linear.
34:31 Reach beyond the borders.
34:33 Reach beyond your family.
34:35 Fish in another pond.
34:38 I'm talking about products.
34:39 Amen.
34:40 You've got one wife.
34:40 That's enough, more than enough.
34:43 Fish in another pond.
34:45 Fish in another university.
34:48 You have a master's in engineering.
34:50 Try something else.
34:52 Are we together?
34:53 You must-- your reach.
34:55 Your reach.
34:57 I'm so glad with what the team and Dream,
35:00 this team have introduced in the new service format.
35:02 Who's liking the new service format?
35:05 So we're trying to expand our reach.
35:07 We're trying to expand our reach in so many things.
35:11 We're trying to move into different fields and scopes
35:14 and ideas.
35:16 And finally, brethren, finally, second finally,
35:21 grow your research.
35:24 Grow your research.
35:26 Not just due diligence, but grow your research.
35:30 Don't take stuff at face value.
35:33 Get at least two or three collaborators,
35:36 especially with business.
35:37 There's a friend I met in Zambia that lost $2.5 million
35:42 because they didn't complete their research on an individual
35:48 and made the mistake of paying cash for something that
35:51 was not given.
35:52 It was cash for no product.
35:55 So what they've now done is--
35:57 what they've now done is like cash
36:00 goes into a reliable bank, something
36:03 that is Jurassic Park in this part of the world.
36:07 Cash goes into a reliable bank in a trust holding.
36:11 It sits there.
36:13 And so Tawanda buys my product.
36:17 His cash is sitting here.
36:20 I then send my product.
36:23 When Tawanda gets my product, the bank or the trust
36:27 or the instrument then releases the money minus the interest
36:33 and minus their service for that particular entity.
36:38 So what I'm driving at here is there's
36:43 money to be made as a middle person.
36:46 Do your research.
36:49 A friend of ours bought gold in DRC and paid $50 million.
36:55 They saw the product being loaded on the plane.
36:59 When the plane was moving, taxiing on the runway to go,
37:03 they released the money.
37:06 They saw the plane take off.
37:08 Their people waited for the plane.
37:10 When it landed, the plane was full of air.
37:15 So what had happened was as these guys came here,
37:18 they learned later on that the plane with the gold
37:22 remained on the ground.
37:24 They had another one that looked like the plane that
37:27 took off.
37:28 They go to a church called Crooks for Christ.
37:35 That's why that syndicate led by a friend of ours in Canada
37:43 said they will not do business in Africa because of stuff
37:47 like that.
37:48 So what they're doing now is they're getting into the plane
37:54 and they are chaining themselves on the boxes.
37:56 Do your research.
38:02 And there's so much there.
38:05 And then grow in your holiday making and recreation.
38:15 Take a holiday.
38:17 Take a break.
38:18 Ask your neighbors, say, do you own a swimming costume?
38:23 Auntie Alice, do you own a swimming costume?
38:25 The rains are coming.
38:31 You have to [INAUDIBLE] Helen, do you own a pair of shorts?
38:38 You know, TTU, I--
38:50 I'm trying to look for an example here.
38:53 I'd rather not.
38:56 The point is that you have to take time to rest.
39:01 We are now in the holiday season.
39:04 Some people need to work.
39:06 You've got to work.
39:07 Hospitals need to function.
39:08 Gas stations need to function.
39:11 The bakeries, the supermarkets, we thank God for those people.
39:15 They are making life easy for a lot of us.
39:17 Hopefully, they can take a break in the not so season time.
39:22 But for those of you that are working full-time jobs
39:25 and you're taking a break, don't take on another job
39:29 because the holiday money is good
39:30 and rest you really need it.
39:33 But take a break.
39:35 Turn to your neighbor and say, give me a break.
39:38 If you're sitting next to your boss, say, give me a break.
39:41 [LAUGHTER]
39:45 Give me a break.
39:51 There we go.
39:53 Sun and sand.
39:55 Take a break.
39:57 Bushman-- what's Bushman item?
40:01 Bushman Rock is a really nice vacation area.
40:04 They have nice chalets.
40:06 They have food.
40:06 It's absolutely amazing.
40:08 They have giraffes, Z-E-B-R-A, giraffe.
40:13 That's zebra.
40:14 They have crocodiles.
40:16 They have-- yeah, they've got all that right here.
40:21 Their food is amazing.
40:22 Take a drive right here.
40:24 This place here, Haka.
40:28 Huh, Diana?
40:30 Yeah, they've got bright places there.
40:32 If you go early, you can get a nice spot overlooking
40:36 where the animals are.
40:38 And you can have a nice cup of rye there.
40:41 If you're a vegetarian, just turn your onions
40:43 and your potatoes over.
40:44 Doesn't matter.
40:45 It's a getaway.
40:46 It's a getaway.
40:48 Don't have a brye by your layby.
40:50 Don't do that.
40:51 Make sure that you're going somewhere.
40:53 Mizzou is a great, great venue.
40:55 Chi Chi and I drove there the other day.
40:57 The dam is amazing.
40:58 The water's clean.
40:59 They've got all kinds of sporting events there--
41:02 boating, swimming, badminton, tennis, et cetera, et cetera.
41:08 Also, there's a lot of firing there.
41:10 But you won't be there.
41:11 You'll be praying for those that have designated drivers,
41:14 and so on.
41:14 But take a break.
41:17 If you're sitting next to your husband,
41:19 say, give me a break.
41:20 If you're sitting next to your wife, say, honey,
41:25 give me a break.
41:25 Tell him, tell him, say, give me a break.
41:30 [LAUGHTER]
41:34 How many of you here are just tired of washing pots this year?
41:40 You are tired of washing plates.
41:43 It's only women raising their hands.
41:45 [LAUGHTER]
41:48 Shout, my blessing is growing.
41:57 Shout, my blessing is growing.
42:00 Stand up and shout, my blessing is growing.
42:04 Father, we thank you for 2023, for growing us in blessing,
42:11 for growing us in every way.
42:12 We are more blessed now than we were
42:16 at the beginning of the year.
42:18 Grow us in blessing.
42:20 Increase my levels of responsibility.
42:25 Increase my reputation, my reserves, my track record.
42:32 Help me with my record keeping to be more diligent.
42:36 Expand my rank.
42:38 Anoint me with greater rank.
42:41 Give me true riches of wisdom and knowledge and strength.
42:45 Give me cash flows of revenue so my businesses can expand.
42:49 Thank you for revelation, knowledge, and let my reach.
42:52 Reach people I never thought I would reach.
42:55 I pray that you will help me with research
42:58 for my new product and my new company.
43:01 And Father, thank you for the season of a break.
43:04 In Jesus' name.
43:17 (upbeat music)
43:20 you