Stolen Life: Acting Tips from Carla Abellana (Online Exclusive)

  • last year
Nagbigay ng ilan sa kaniyang mahahalagang acting tips ang 'Stolen Life' star na si Carla Abellana. Alamin 'yan sa online exclusive na ito.


00:00 Action!
00:01 You're so annoying!
00:03 You're so annoying!
00:05 Okay, so to share maybe a few acting tips or techniques
00:26 that I personally use or that are very helpful to me.
00:33 If I were to give a few tips,
00:36 number one would have to be, of course, know your lines.
00:41 It's very important to memorize your lines,
00:44 read your script,
00:46 study the character and every scene.
00:50 So in every scene, you have to know your scene objective
00:54 which basically means what is your objective in that scene.
00:59 What should be shown in that scene.
01:04 And then of course, there's the character objective
01:06 which is the overall objective of your character.
01:11 So it's a bit technical but the important thing is
01:13 to study your character's role well
01:16 and of course, you read your script so you can memorize your lines.
01:19 That's very important to me.
01:21 That's why I read my script in advance.
01:25 It's very important because I don't memorize my lines that fast.
01:29 So it's really important to study in advance
01:31 so that you don't just memorize your lines on the set or on the day itself.
01:35 Another tip would have to be, drink plenty of water.
01:39 Of course, it doesn't have anything to do with acting technically
01:42 but of course, if you're hydrated and healthy,
01:46 you'll have more energy.
01:49 And then of course, it's a big help in heavy scenes or drama,
01:55 like crying scenes, you really need to cry.
02:00 You need to cry a lot.
02:01 So hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.
02:03 Especially because it's hard to work as an actor and it's long.
02:07 And then another tip would have to be,
02:12 of course, you relate to the other characters
02:15 and I don't mean just your co-actors.
02:17 But basically, you relate to them.
02:20 It's like a give and take when it comes to acting
02:25 because you can't just be the one.
02:27 You can't just be the one, right?
02:29 There's really a relationship between the characters and among the actors.
02:35 It's very important that you have a connection with them.
02:39 And so that whatever happens on the scene or what,
02:43 let's say there are impromptu or unexpected changes or what,
02:50 that are not necessarily in the script,
02:52 you can easily get over it.
02:53 So you just have to be open-minded,
02:55 you have to relate and connect to your co-actors,
02:59 the other characters in the set.
03:01 So there are a lot of acting tips that I can give,
03:05 but for now, that's probably the most basic and important.
03:13 So that's it.
03:14 Thank you very much for listening to my acting tips.
03:17 I hope you learned something.
03:18 I don't know if you'll use that or what.
03:20 But yes, we're here at the set of Stolen Life
03:23 and I hope you'll watch out for that, my dear,
03:25 in Afternoon Prime soon.
03:27 soon.
