• 2 years ago
The King visits the Royal Courts of Justice to celebrate the work of His Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals.
Report by Ajagbef. Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/itn and follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/itn


00:00 (audience chattering)
00:03 So there you have it.
00:27 I'm not saying I'm an expert.
00:30 I'm not saying there's any one right way of doing things.
00:33 But I hope a couple of tips you'll take away.
00:36 We're here since about one o'clock.
00:39 And then we've been talking about
00:44 how you conduct a trial.
00:46 - Were you expecting this?
00:49 (audience laughing)
00:51 (audience applauding)
00:54 (audience applauding)
00:57 - I think I'm gonna have to come back for a tutorial.
01:14 (audience laughing)
01:16 Maybe I'll be permitted just to thank you all enormously
01:21 for the amount of effort you put into maintaining
01:25 the system of justice in the world,
01:27 which so many others seem to be envious of,
01:29 I discover, when going around the world.
01:31 So I cannot thank you enough,
01:33 particularly the magistrates,
01:34 for the extraordinary work they do,
01:37 somehow pitting in these onerous duties
01:41 on top of everything else.
01:43 It is truly remarkable and a wonderful system.
01:47 And finally, can I just wish you all a very happy
01:49 and I hope relatively peaceful Christmas,
01:53 so you get a moment or two
01:54 before you have to rush back again
01:56 and administer justice on all our behalfs.
01:59 Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
02:00 (audience applauding)
02:03 [APPLAUSE]
