Sonny leaving for International, Romero in the spotlight and Le Celso injured

  • last year
00:00 had a perception of Hyun Min-sun before you came to the football club, then you've got
00:04 to work close up with him. Is there anything that you have noticed since you've started
00:08 working with him that has maybe surprised you and how will you cope? How will you plan
00:13 for his loss in January along with Basuma and Sar?
00:16 Yeah, no, nothing's really surprised me about Sonny. As you said, I've known him for a long
00:22 time. The quality he has as a player is pretty evident to anybody who's been following the
00:28 Premier League and world football. I had the advantage of already having a glimpse into
00:33 him as a person. I guess the only new thing for him is that he's taken over a leadership
00:40 role within the group here. Again, he's taken to that really well. He's embraced the actual
00:48 responsibility both in and around the culture and the environment here, but also during
00:54 games when we've needed him to step up. All those three players will be a big loss for
01:00 us, but it's kind of been the story of our season. We've had to cope without significant
01:06 players so far. As I said, that's kind of what we've been dealt with and we'll just
01:11 have to deal with it as we have.
01:13 The spotlight has been on Christian Romero again this week following a tackle in the
01:17 game just after his suspension. I'm just wondering what you've said to him this week about that.
01:23 Is it trying to strike a balance in his approach?
01:25 Yes, to a certain extent. I think it's fair to say the spotlight will be on him for the
01:30 rest of the year because I just think any challenge he does, whether it's something
01:36 that's pretty clear like the Chelsea game or last week, which I just thought was as
01:40 much clumsy as anything else, will get highlighted. He knows that. He understands that. He's just
01:45 got to make the adjustments that he needs to do during the game. I don't think it's
01:52 a subject for long chats. It's pretty evident the impact he has on us when he's playing
01:58 and when he's not. We'd much prefer to have him out there.
02:03 A quick one on team news. Have you got anyone else injured?
02:06 Yes, the only one that's missed this week is Gio. He unfortunately got a bit of a niggle
02:13 at training. I don't know exactly what it is, but he missed training today so he's not
02:16 available tomorrow. Hopefully it's nothing too serious.
