Projet loi immigration : négociations exécutif-droite bloquées

  • last year
Les discussions ont peu progressé mercredi concernant le projet de loi sur l'immigration.
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00:00 Discussions can be progressed on Wednesday regarding the immigration bill.
00:03 The government is questioning the extent of the concessions to be made to the right,
00:08 before a new series of discussions on Thursday in preparation for the mixed-parity commission
00:12 that will decide on the fate of the text.
00:14 After the revert of the executive to the National Assembly, the government is looking for a compromise
00:19 with the Republicans.
00:20 But discussions can be advanced on Wednesday, December 13, on the immigration bill, the
00:26 government is questioning the extent of the concessions to be made to the right, before
00:29 a new series of discussions on Thursday.
00:31 While Elizabeth Borne is looking for a political balance to avoid breaking her majority, Bruno
00:37 Le Maire has clearly extended his hand to the right by calling for the revision of the
00:41 more conservative bill of the law to be voted in the Senate.
00:44 What is the only way today for such a law to pass?
00:47 It is to take up the Senate version, estimated by the Minister of Economy in an interview
00:52 published on Wednesday evening in Le Figaro.
00:55 Bruno Le Maire nevertheless called on his former political family to be "humane" and
00:59 said he hoped the LRs would understand that we must move the lines on two sensitive points
01:03 for our majority, the soul, state medical aid, and the conditions for access to social
01:08 assistance or for foreigners.
01:09 These two points had been restricted by the senatorial right.
01:12 "Renouncing the abolition of the soul could be part of the compromise," a member of the
01:17 LR group in the Senate confirms.
01:19 But on the fundamentals of the text, there cannot be any negotiations, warns a close
01:24 of the Speaker of the House of Gerard Larcher.
01:26 A dialogue not very well engaged.
01:28 "Our job is to find an agreement with the LRs and centrists of the Senate from the text
01:34 of the Senate.
01:35 It will not be the whole text of the Senate, but it will come close to the text of the Senate,"
01:39 consented the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, for his part on SunNews.
01:44 Become master of the negotiations, the Prime Minister received on Wednesday at the end of
01:48 morning Eric Ciotti, Bruno Retailleau, Olivier Marlex or Annie Genevard, departed after
01:53 more than two hours of meeting under tension, without any statement to the press.
01:57 The LR tenors no longer want to discuss exclusively with a Gérald Darmanin who,
02:02 the, constantly insults.
02:04 The Minister of the Interior, like that of the relations with the Franc-Riester parliament,
02:10 was however present at this meeting, which opens a ball of concertation in Matignon
02:14 in order to find an agreement in a mixed-parity commission (CMP).
02:17 A second meeting is scheduled with the LR leaders this Thursday morning at 8.30 am.
02:22 "It is not very well engaged.
02:24 We feel that they want to go fast even if there is no text to indicate a
02:29 senatorial source and the air to the FP.
02:31 We'll see each other but it seems difficult to us," she added.
02:34 "It is not won, to slip for that by a governmental source."
02:38 Elisabeth Borne also met with the president of the Union-Centrist group in the Senate,
02:44 Hervé Marseille.
02:45 Leaving Matignon, he hypothesized an agreement on a part of the text only.
02:50 Quoting as a theme that could be taken out of the bill the State Medical Aid, the Nationality
02:56 Code, social benefits for foreigners and which could lead to parallel texts.
03:01 He did not mention the issue of regularization of paperless workers in
03:06 tension jobs, the main subject of discord between the right and the majority, while
03:11 the hypothesis of addressing this subject in a separate text also circulates.
03:14 The executive hopes for a law voted before Christmas holidays.
03:17 An option is to reduce the text to the essential elements that protect the French, that is
03:23 to say the repressive part, also explains a source within the parliamentary majority.
03:27 "We have to hold on to both ends to be effective.
03:30 We will not accept a small sausage law that would have for sole purpose to bypass the
03:36 divisions of the presidential majority, "however, warned on X Bruno Retailleau, the
03:40 boss of the Republican senators.
03:42 Summoned to the government's request, the CMP will meet at 5 p.m. on Monday to announce
03:47 the Macronist deputy Sacha Houlier.
03:50 This fervent defender of a softening of the text will preside over the instance, of which
03:54 Bruno Retailleau will also be part, in particular, according to a parliamentary source.
03:58 Benjamin Lucas, the Ecologist deputy who defended the rejection motion adopted on Monday, asked
04:04 in the name of transparency to make the CMP public.
04:08 According to the Ministry of Relations with the Parliament, in case of mixed-commission
04:12 agreements, the vote of the two chambers of parliament would take place on Tuesday.
04:15 This CMP composed of seven deputies and as many senators is working today to prepare
04:21 for an agreement, explained the president of the National Assembly Yael Braun-Pivet, hoping
04:25 that the law will be definitively voted on before Christmas holidays.
04:28 With AFP.
