Dan W. Quinn - Little Tommy Murphy (1901)

  • el año pasado
Tommy Murphy one day to his Katie did say
"Sure 'tis often my love I have told yer.
So if you'll be my bride, I will set right aside
all idea of becoming a soldier."
But just as he spoke on the stillness there broke
The band of a regiment approaching.
The boys look'd so fine that he stepp'd into line,
Never heeding his colleen's reproaching.
Ah, love was all forgotten when the snare-drums rolled.
Werra! Wirra! Katie cried that day.
For little Tommy Murphy was a soldier bold
And he sang as he marched away.

Towdiloughdi loughdillum
Towdi loughdi loughdillum

When a gunpowder keg burst and blew off his leg,
Tommy smiled and said "Just as I told yer,
If I'd gone to the war in a cavalry corps
I would now be a better foot soldier."
When the surgeon on him fixed a hickory limb
Tommy said in a tone uncomplaining,
"Faith I wish there were two, for it's less work to do
when ye havn't them shoes to be claning."
Tho' Tommy's wooden leg was verry stiff and cold,
It got lively when the band did play.
For little Tommy Murphy was a soldier bold
And he sang as he marched away.

Dan W. Quinn was born in San Francisco, perhaps in 1859 since Jim Walsh reports in the December 1961 issue of Hobbies that Quinn was 79 years old when he died.

Quinn was a boy soprano in an Episcopal choir and was evidently a vaudeville performer when he was a young man. His photograph is on the cover of sheet music of the 1890s.

He recounted how he began recording in a letter sent to Walsh, who quotes it at length in "Reminiscences of Dan W. Quinn," published in the July 1934 issue of Music Lovers' Guide.

Quinn explained why he was among the most successful recording artists of the 1890s: "It was while working for Vic Emerson [a Columbia executive in the 1890s] that I began to work like a good fellow and went after all the latest songs. I learned everything, whether it naturally suited my style or not. The good singers--I mean fellows like John W. Myers and George Gaskins [sic]--were slow getting up their stuff, and I, being a sight reader, just couldn't keep from learning every new number."

Quinn recorded regularly from 1892 to 1905. He made recordings for the Phonograph Record and Supply Company ("Laboratory, 97, 99 & 101 Reade Street, New York").

Columbia's November 1896 catalog, which lists over 60 Quinn titles, states, "Mr. Quinn's reputation as a vocalist is so well established that the mere announcement of his name is a guarantee of the record."

He was one of Berliner's most important artists, recording nearly a hundred titles. The only singer to cover more titles for the disc company was tenor George J. Gaskin. Perhaps the earliest Quinn discs to be issued were "Girl Wanted" (935), recorded on November 3, 1895, and "Henrietta, Have Your Met Her?" (151), also recorded in November 1895.


