Battle Through the Heaven 2023 ep 13 english sub

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Battle Through the Heaven 2023 ep 13 english sub
00:00 You
00:02 You
00:04 You
00:06 You
00:08 You
00:10 You
00:12 You
00:14 You
00:16 You
00:18 You
00:20 You
00:49 Can I you're in the one you're just a do-goo
00:51 Put your roots
01:04 Sure, this is sure in the link
01:15 I'm wrong. Come on. What would we all that's our teacher?
01:24 When she's with you, I'm from to be John they are all son son
01:43 I
01:45 I
01:47 I
01:49 You
01:52 You
01:54 You
01:56 You
01:58 You
02:00 Just watch it's true
02:03 So what else how are you going to do this?
02:06 Just how did you mean to just you know, I'm a church is a fan basher
02:14 Then cheer your son is being a whore in jail, yeah
02:19 How do I think so? Let me guess. Yeah, I'm just you being dealt a you been she me
02:31 So you don't touch early
02:33 What's up guys I don't
02:42 Time hi, what's wrong? She's gonna leave you so you
02:47 just don't turn it's got you the video shit
02:50 Truly handful. How do you say?
02:53 Sure, and more for that y'all could eat that for the whole family
03:00 Yeah, I'm from big with you, son. You're a woman. Don't you?
03:02 So you can't shut her shirt with this you know, son
03:05 You are just you don't put it on go for
03:10 Go through you some young show you see her she's not yet to look at you. Yeah, but you saw don't I'm gonna fuck off
03:26 You want me out looking for me? Yeah, that'll come to the end. She's Han Feng
03:31 So you can have a session to push on from the season to go to the shahada sure is you young
03:36 When she's I don't think you should
03:41 So don't you see what I do?
03:49 Han Feng can show you she's in the do to jail you got her to do from your gun
03:52 She'll watch out the junkie show for shall we send a concocted phone
03:56 One to the boy even so son
03:59 Can you hold a silly?
04:02 Don't want to show you you'll be on some of the mountain mom
04:05 Han for sure. Oh, my dear. Hello, Loshi. You shall show me. We need to go ahead
04:14 But you're not so nice at all. She's a little bit so
04:18 What we have is she's a little bit fun
04:25 So you can have a season she's a high-speed Han for the group. What do you go? How are you? Tell me who good
04:34 I
04:36 I
04:38 I
04:40 I
04:42 I
04:44 I
04:47 The do chung can't you like we're going to change what I'm selling in the bush is in shock and
04:53 Hey, you're looking at you know, she's a little shit. Oh, yeah. She's a bush. Here we should
05:01 It's a little bit of a shit. Let's go
05:04 So the yellow the Gucci Lee who you see that
05:06 She's an idea who's show you how cool are you?
05:32 Oh, what's up? How do I die? I'm looking for two functions. We're waiting for a change. It's just a general idea
05:41 And you're a social mom
05:48 Just a woman seen the other shouldn't move her chung-chun you want to do it, huh?
05:53 One minute I can come with me
05:58 Since you're still a young lady who do you think would you wait I should be getting through another tea
06:02 She said you could be a bomb
06:17 Don't you see show you a little bit?
06:21 You see say can you make you know she would you know then you'll
06:27 Handle with you
06:29 Who's the other season you shouldn't walk the baby with what you don't
06:35 You should walk also tend to new show you don't exist in the question
06:43 Who drew the fish or maybe bunch of bullet should not show you something you owe me to top your team sir
06:52 Google or maybe three tell you guys
06:56 And I wrote
06:58 They shunned all the tendu new high sugar you change
07:02 The show in
07:08 Come to the other you saw Tifa
07:10 What's up
07:25 How's it just so you but look till you pop off
07:29 Puti what you can put it what you can could you go to another dooty
07:42 Come on, you know, it's a little bit more
07:49 Oh
07:51 Oh
07:53 Oh
07:56 Los Rios was in the you with some fun
08:00 So child that you don't some of that horse a young body in holla
08:22 Tiki I need you to go through guys and the end of the hola
08:26 She's in the house. You want to go. What are you still waiting for? You can't move
08:31 How's it made? Okay. I'm trying to get
08:36 What you do you think you're lying
08:46 Oh
08:48 Oh
08:50 Oh
08:52 Oh
08:54 You're teaching that you're sick
08:57 What does it mean you're in the room she says I saw
09:03 Ziming can't just in chin has a不行
09:22 What yeah, what do you want to do that?
09:24 No, you got my lager, you know
09:27 So do truly into do you'll help you do so and you do you'll tell somebody
09:32 Do T. He could have food or chowhow only it just a show
09:37 Just don't see come on. See you're not looking for fun
09:41 The company to push it you know
09:44 I should do you know you the east is sure
09:49 Handful that's it you shall you send to the above?
09:51 Do you tell you soon?
09:54 Boo-boo
09:57 Come to the tea shop that's easy. I'm from Toyota. They don't buy you to show you how she's doing don't you tell them
10:04 Not what you tell
10:09 Don't show me your shit, don't you
10:12 Boo-tell what you boo-shit show you
10:16 What's in Tim? Boo-tie? Oh, I'll buy shit. You don't see Bala. We're on from sure that shit, huh?
10:25 Oh
10:27 So
10:29 So
10:31 So
10:33 So
10:35 So
10:37 So
10:39 So
10:41 So
10:43 Woman so many to tea
10:45 Oh
10:47 What was your house you took your son you were fuckin' shit and do it again? Huh? Yeah, yeah
10:59 You took a lot of shit
11:04 Oh
11:06 So
11:28 So
11:30 uh
11:45 uh
11:54 uh
12:09 shh
12:22 uh
12:36 uh
12:46 uh
12:56 uh
13:05 so
13:19 uh
13:47 you
13:51 so
14:01 foreign
14:04 foreign
14:07 foreign
14:10 foreign
14:14 foreign
14:17 foreign
14:22 foreign
14:27 foreign
14:35 foreign
14:46 foreign
14:57 foreign
15:09 foreign
15:17 so
15:39 yes
15:47 foreign
15:58 foreign
16:09 foreign
16:20 yes
16:23 foreign
16:33 foreign
16:44 foreign
16:55 foreign
17:06 foreign
17:19 foreign
17:30 foreign
17:41 foreign
18:04 hahaha
18:25 foreign
18:36 foreign
18:45 uh
18:57 foreign
19:05 foreign
19:25 um
19:36 yes
19:49 so
20:03 foreign
20:13 foreign
20:21 uh
20:32 sorry
20:46 um
20:59 so
21:08 foreign
21:19 foreign
21:29 foreign
21:42 foreign
21:56 foreign
22:04 foreign
22:17 foreign
22:31 foreign
22:39 foreign
22:52 foreign
23:04 uh
23:18 foreign
23:26 foreign
23:39 foreign
24:02 uh
24:15 is
24:29 uh
24:37 foreign
24:51 foreign
25:02 uh
25:15 foreign
25:26 uh
25:49 foreign
26:12 uh
26:35 uh
26:58 uh
27:21 uh
27:43 uh
28:06 uh
28:29 uh
28:53 yeah
29:02 ah
29:13 uh
29:25 oh
29:27 uh
29:50 uh
30:10 ah
30:20 ah
30:34 so
30:52 uh
31:02 so
31:22 so
31:32 so
31:52 so
32:06 so
32:18 foreign
32:38 foreign
32:52 foreign
33:02 foreign
33:12 foreign
33:14 foreign
33:34 foreign
33:56 foreign
34:06 foreign
34:20 is
34:30 uh
34:40 foreign
34:50 foreign
35:10 foreign
35:20 foreign
35:34 foreign
35:44 uh
36:02 oh
