Véra | show | 1982 | Official Trailer

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Véra | show | 1982 | Official Trailer | dHNfUzd2OGd6SmZSS1k


00:00 We must act now.
00:02 We must act now!
00:07 Boston, 1773.
00:15 One of the most daring and consequential events in American history is about to take place.
00:21 One that broke the rules, defied an empire, and set the stage for a revolution.
00:27 This was the spark that lit the torch of liberty.
00:30 In two months, when that T is on the docks, the British will have their boots firmly planted on our necks.
00:39 We can't possibly stop them all.
00:43 We're running out of time.
00:45 If this body will not take action, the people will.
00:54 Is anyone willing to take a stand for liberty?
00:57 One night, they showed the world that free people could rise up against unchecked power.
01:02 The people of Boston want no part of this T, and its tyrannical taxes its leaves are leased with.
01:08 What you need to do is get your men onto the ship and throw it overboard.
01:12 This started in Boston.
01:15 It will end here.
01:19 Their protests change everything.
01:23 Their defiance galvanized a rebellion.
01:26 And their story is now the stuff of legend.
01:32 This is bigger than us, Sam. This is bigger than Boston.
01:35 We must act now.
01:37 We must act now!
01:41 Enjoy your freedom while it lasts.
01:46 I'm Rob Lowe, and this is Liberty or Death, Boston Tea Party.
01:52 Coming soon to Fox Nation.