A Christmas Vintage | movie | 2023 | Official Trailer

  • last year
Samantha goes home to help her love struck sister, Emily, during the holidays. She discovers that Emily and Tony can not | dG1fS2ZXczFMUDYycGc
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:02 You know, it feels naughty drinking competition wine.
00:05 It does, doesn't it?
00:06 The girl you like is the competition, and that jeopardizes our winery.
00:10 Dump her or you're out.
00:11 Sam!
00:12 Emily!
00:12 I am so glad you're home.
00:13 What's going on?
00:15 I was thinking you could possibly date Dean Parker.
00:18 Tony and I, we cannot be seen together, otherwise he will lose his shares in the company.
00:22 I'm Samantha.
00:23 Parker.
00:23 Nice to meet you.
00:24 Sure you're not a spy?
00:25 No, I'm just really interested in all this stuff.
00:27 How bad is it, Deb?
00:28 If we could just win this contest.
00:30 A Christmas blunder.
00:31 The city is going to be giving away one acre of Norton grapes.
00:35 That is one serious price.
00:37 I can make a blend that'll get us back on top.
00:39 I am going to dazzle him, my dear sister.
00:42 You wanna dance?
00:42 What?
00:43 No.
00:43 Come on.
00:44 Wait.
00:44 [MUSIC]
00:47 What is wrong with me?
00:48 I don't actually like this guy.
00:49 Get it together, Samantha.
00:51 Wow, just wow.
00:52 You are our secret weapon to beating reserve sellers.
00:56 What do you say we go bottle some wine?
00:57 [MUSIC]
00:58 Y'all ready?
00:59 [MUSIC]
01:06 It's really good.
01:07 It's actually so good.
01:09 The votes have been counted, and the finalists this year are Reserve Sellers and Herman Hoff.
01:15 [APPLAUSE]
01:17 Judges?
01:18 [MUSIC]
01:19 Christmas is a time for joy and love, and helping those closest to us be happy.
01:24 Merry Christmas, Sam.
01:25 Merry Christmas, Parker.
01:27 [MUSIC]
