How to spot the signs and symptoms of Norovirus as cases rise across UK

  • last year
Norovirus cases are rising across the UK.

Nationally there has been a 15 percent rise, leading to an influx of people ending up in hospital.

This Morning’s Doctor Nighat highlighted the signs and symptoms of the virus, as well as the best ways to treat it, when she appeared on the show on Tuesday (12 December).

Firstly, there is a 12 to 48-hour incubation period where a person has no symptoms and can spread the virus.

Symptoms of norovirus include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, fever, and chills.

Doctor Nighat also shared tips on how to stop the virus from spreading.


00:00 Washing your hands is one way of making sure
00:02 that you're not having the spread.
00:04 The other thing is if you can in your household,
00:05 keep a separate bathroom for that individual.
00:07 Or if you can't do that because of space, et cetera,
00:10 'cause then making sure that using bleach-based
00:13 disinfectants is really good.
00:16 This is where I have to also say,
00:17 people always think that alcohol is good,
00:19 or alcohol gel is going to be the one
00:22 that prevents the norovirus from spreading.
00:24 Actually, we know that that doesn't work.
00:26 It's good old soap and water for that 20 seconds
00:29 of washing your hands as well.
00:31 The other thing is, is that keeping that person isolated
00:33 as well, and then not going back to work,
00:35 or back to school, or back to a care home, et cetera,
00:38 for at least 48 hours once your symptoms have got better,
00:40 because we know that there's an incubation period as well.
00:43 Other things at this time, so vitamin C, vitamin D,
00:46 we don't have a lot of sunshine around,
00:48 vitamin D's great for our immune system.
00:50 Hydration is so important as well,
00:52 so drinking lots of water,
00:53 but make sure it's got nutrients,
00:55 that's something that's going to rehydrate
00:56 your gut back again at the time.
00:58 And if you're on other medications as well, just being careful that they're not going
01:01 to dehydrate you further.
