New illegal immigration minister calls Rwanda plan a ‘moral imperative’

  • last year
The new illegal immigration minister called the Rwanda plan a 'moral imperative'.Source: BBC Breakfast


00:00 Governing is hard. To govern is to choose. The Prime Minister has chosen rightly that this is the priority, that we must stop the boats.
00:07 There is a moral imperative that people should not take those perilous journeys across the Channel, the busiest shipping lane in the world.
00:14 We have seen people dying in having taken those crossings on the boats.
00:19 What I haven't heard enough of and what I hope to take to the debate this evening is that moral case.
00:24 We must stop the boats. It is a fundamental and this Act, this Bill is part of that piece.
00:31 And the Prime Minister is determined and I am determined to support him every way.
