• 2 years ago
The Settlers Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Chile, 1901. Three horsemen embark on an expedition, tasked with securing a wealthy landowner's vast property. Accompanying a reckless British lieutenant and an American mercenary is mestizo marksman Segundo, who comes to realize their true mission is to violently "remove" the indigenous population.

US Release Date: January 12, 2024
Starring: Alfredo Castro, Mariano Llinás, Sam Spruell
Director : Felipe Gálvez Haberle
00:00 (gun cocks)
00:02 (yells)
00:05 (dramatic music)
00:08 (speaks in foreign language)
00:21 (gun fires)
00:25 (dramatic music)
00:28 - I know others like him.
00:33 Half Indian, half white.
00:35 (gun fires)
00:38 Never know who they're gonna shoot.
00:45 (dramatic music)
00:53 - Them Indians, you have no idea how much they dislike
00:57 outsiders roaming their lands.
00:59 (gun fires)
01:02 - These are their lungs.
01:03 (gun fires)
01:05 - Don't like these mints.
01:10 (gun fires)
01:16 - You're doing everything wrong, Lieutenant.
01:19 Ever since you brought down Half-Breed alone.
01:22 (gun cocks)
01:24 (gun fires)
01:26 (laughs)
01:28 - Come here.
01:31 (gun fires)
01:34 (gun fires)
01:48 (dramatic music)
01:51 (dramatic music)
01:54 (dramatic music)
01:56 (dramatic music)
01:59 (dramatic music)