"At COP28 in Dubai, 12-year-old Indian activist Licypriya Kangujam seized attention, disrupting the event with a plea to 'End fossil fuels. Save our planet and our future.' Despite restrictions on protests, Kangujam's bold stand resonated, emphasizing urgent climate action. COP28 Director-General Majid Al Suwaidi praised youth enthusiasm. The summit's latest draft did not explicitly address fossil fuel phase-out, a contentious issue. With talks scheduled to conclude on Tuesday, uncertainties linger in reaching a consensus on crucial climate measures."
#COP28ClimateAction #LicypriyaSpeaksUp #EndFossilFuels #ClimateJusticeNow #YouthForChange #DubaiSummit #SaveOurPlanet
#COP28ClimateAction #LicypriyaSpeaksUp #EndFossilFuels #ClimateJusticeNow #YouthForChange #DubaiSummit #SaveOurPlanet
00:00 At the COP28 climate summit in Dubai, a 12-year-old climate activist, Lijipriya Kangujam from
00:15 India took centre stage on Monday, brandishing a sign demanding the end of fossil fuels to
00:20 save the planet and future generations.
00:23 The bold move occurred in a context of limited public protest due to restrictions in the
00:27 United Arab Emirates where the summit is held.
00:31 Despite being escorted away, Kangujam received applause from the audience drawing attention
00:36 to the urgency of addressing climate issues.
00:39 COP28 Director-General Ambassador Majid Al Suwaidi acknowledged the enthusiasm of young
00:44 activists and encouraged further applause.
00:47 The United Nations talks in Dubai have seen constraints on organized groups due to the
00:52 host country's restrictions limiting public demonstrations.
00:56 The latest draft text of the final deal circulated on Monday did not explicitly address the phase
01:02 out of fossil fuels, a significant point of contention between the European Union and
01:08 vulnerable developing nations grappling with climate change.
01:12 As the talks unfold concluding on Tuesday, uncertainties persist with the United Nations
01:17 climate negotiations often exceeding scheduled timelines.
01:21 The incident involving Leshapriya Kangujam highlights the urgency felt by the activists
01:27 even as negotiators work towards a consensus on crucial climate actions.