00:00 All right, let's let's get into the scriptures. I
00:04 Tried to finish last week, but you all would not let me
00:08 and so therefore we will
00:11 complete our lesson the
00:14 temperament of the temperate
00:17 Today go to first Corinthians 7 we're talking about
00:22 Self-control and
00:25 self-control is a
00:29 Fruit one of the nine
00:32 fruits of our born-again spirit
00:35 when we got born again, we received a new nature and
00:40 Upon receiving that new nature
00:44 Accompanying with it and these have to be developed over our life. We have to be informed of them
00:50 We have to be instructed in them
00:52 But things like love and joy and peace and self-control being one of them that's what temperance is temperance is
00:59 It's self-control and God has called us to live a life of discipline
01:04 he's called us to live a life of of
01:07 governing self according to the Word of God a life of
01:11 self
01:14 restraint and so
01:16 we left off at the very beginning of
01:20 First Corinthians 7 and so we'll just go back and begin reading
01:26 In this first verse first Corinthians 7 1 are you there?
01:34 Excellent Paul writes now concerning the things of which you wrote to me
01:47 Paul in writing to the Corinthian Church
01:52 Says what I'm about to say now has to do with what you wrote to me about
02:00 You asked me
02:04 So since you asked me here goes says Paul
02:11 He says it is good
02:16 for a man not to touch a woman
02:20 Period
02:25 Paul what are you talking about here specify? I need clarity. I can't high-five a woman can't handshake a woman
02:33 Can't fist bump a woman. What are we talking about here? You Paul said it's not good for a man to touch a woman
02:38 What are you talking about?
02:40 Well the word touch here
02:45 has to do with
02:47 three things in particular one meaning
02:49 Fasting yourself to one attaching yourself to one it has to do with
02:56 carnal sexual behavior
02:58 and
03:00 it also speaks to
03:02 Mixing the sacred and the profane
03:06 heathen practices mixing with with
03:10 pure practices
03:13 So in the in the context of what Paul is talking about here because he's giving some principles for marriage
03:19 He he then gives some some protocols for those who are single as well. He mentions the widows
03:26 So that helps us understand
03:28 The context he's referring to when he when he talks about how it's not good for a man to touch a woman
03:36 So look at what he says again. It is good for a man not to touch a woman nevertheless because of what?
03:42 sexual immorality or fornication
03:44 pornea in the Greek because of
03:47 sexually immoral behavior
03:50 and
03:51 it's very fitting that he's writing these things to the Corinthians because the
03:56 Corinthians had a couple issues going on in the church
04:00 and in in one
04:03 passage of Scripture
04:06 Paul says
04:08 Yeah, it's it's it's been said that some of you have your mother
04:12 Not not you have a mother
04:16 but you've had your mother in an inappropriate way and
04:22 God gave laws to Israel about that, but it goes beyond the laws. He gave to Israel. It's a moral issue
04:29 So there was sexual immorality
04:34 Running rampant. He deals with the Corinthians a lot on sexual immorality and and food
04:39 things related to food
04:43 So he says because of sexual immorality let each man
04:47 Now you all help me interpret this scripture
04:51 because I want to make sure that I'm reading this correctly because when I read this verse when I when I
04:58 finish reading or completing this second verse I
05:04 Don't walk away with the idea that a man can have multiple wives
05:08 So you all help me help me out make help make sure that I'm reading this correctly
05:15 Nevertheless because of sexual immorality let each man have his own wife and
05:23 Likewise and let each woman have her own husband
05:30 Sounds to me like like God's plan for marriage is that a man have a wife and
05:35 that a wife have a
05:39 Husband a husband for a wife a wife for a husband
05:45 Not many wives for a husband
05:48 We know polygamous practices went on in
05:53 Antiquity in the early days of Scripture and then in a number of cultures as well
05:59 I
06:01 And I don't know how they did it I
06:04 Don't know how that works. I don't know how that could work
06:08 Because one wife is enough for me
06:12 And and for what comes with
06:17 the institution of marriage I
06:19 Don't have the capacity
06:22 for multiple wives
06:28 So what does God say here by way of Paul let each man have his own wife
06:33 And let each woman have her own husband
06:36 Let the husband render to his wife the affection do her and likewise also the wife
06:43 Render to her husband the affection do him. I think you all know
06:49 The ballpark Paul is in here when he talks about husbands and wives
06:55 Rendering to each other the affection that's do them in that relationship. It's do each other and
07:02 and if it's not occurring in the manner that it that it should be then
07:07 That that's might be something to pray about that might be something to seek counseling or help
07:13 about
07:16 Verse 4 the wife does not have authority over her own body
07:20 But the husband does
07:24 Husbands like the way that sounds
07:26 Yeah
07:28 Woman, that's my body
07:30 Except you got to keep reading
07:33 And
07:36 Likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body
07:39 But the wife does you can see in that scripture alone the oneness of marriage
07:47 Right the oneness of I mean if it makes sense if you're one
07:53 Yeah, if we're one
07:55 I'm yours and you're mine
07:58 We're one
08:01 That's the intimacy of marriage and and the goal the goal should be
08:09 to live in a state of oneness in the manner in which
08:14 The man and woman did before sin came into the world
08:21 Before sin came they were so one that they were Adam
08:28 There was no Eve
08:31 You realize Eve doesn't show up until after sin
08:35 What went when the Adam sinned
08:40 It caused a separation between the Adam and God and then it caused the separation between
08:48 Man, Adam and woman Adam. It's not until after sin Genesis 320
08:54 Adam says and her name shall be called Eve because she's the mother of all living
08:59 There was no Eve pre-sin
09:02 They were Adam
09:05 That's the oneness we should aim for in marriage
09:14 Verse 5 do not deprive one another except with consent for a time that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer
09:21 And come together again so that Satan does not tempt you because of your lack of self-control
09:28 your lack of temperance
09:31 This is for husbands and wives
09:34 This is the biblical institution of marriage that Paul is discussing here. Now look at the sixth verse
09:42 you got to pay very close attention to the sixth verse because
09:46 Based on the fifth verse alone. You might be thinking
09:50 okay, a paw here you on this fast and prayer stuff, but I
09:54 Mean really that's that's that's the only reason we need to take a break from each other is for fasting and prayer
10:01 There's a whole lot of other things to do
10:03 You know, you know when you get married
10:06 There's more to marriage
10:09 And how many of you can say a man to this there's more to marriage than the marriage bed
10:14 There's this thing I don't know if you've ever heard of it it's called life
10:20 And life comes with a whole lot of stuff whole lot of responsibilities
10:28 There's cooking and cleaning and and and grocery store shopping and raising children and
10:37 Communication and there are a lot of facets to marriage
10:42 Beyond just the marriage bed. So what is Paul saying here? He says don't deprive one another
10:47 This is where communication comes in
10:51 Sometimes husbands wise we may have to make plans to see each other
10:55 Because of all that's going on in our lives
10:58 It says don't deprive one another except with consent
11:05 Let there be consent between the two of you and then it says what for a time that you may give you give yourselves
11:11 to fasting and prayer
11:13 Listen, I'm gonna be honest. That's not the only thing she and I are doing when we're not one
11:17 We're not just fasting and we're not just praying
11:19 Okay, sometimes I'm watching the Lakers
11:22 Who won who won the first in-season tournament Cup might I
11:29 Might I highlight
11:32 I
11:34 Hear in the scripture right there that part was
11:36 Yes, I
11:39 Don't know how what else to say about the inaugural Cup being won by our city. I don't I don't believe that alone
11:47 Okay
11:49 In other words, there's there are other things to do outside of fasting and fasting and prayer should be a part of it
11:54 but in other words
11:55 There should be consent between the two of you that there's more to do in marriage than the marriage bed
12:02 But look at what Paul says in verse 6. He says but I say this as a what as a concession
12:07 not a
12:10 Commandment as a
12:12 concession meaning a what a permission I
12:16 Say it in other words. Paul is saying hey listen
12:20 It's your household
12:23 It's your marriage
12:25 Whatever you all work out that is not an opposition to the word
12:31 Go for it
12:33 I say it as a what as a pardon as a permission as a concession and not a requirement
12:39 Not a commandment then he says this in verse 7 for I wish that all men were even as I myself
12:46 What are you talking about Paul
12:49 To mean you wish everybody was like you
12:52 He says but each one has his own gift from God
12:56 Isn't it interesting that he follows up? I wish all men were like me with these words gift of God
13:03 Gift from God. He says one in this manner and another in that what is he talking about?
13:10 What does he mean when he says I wish that all men were even as I myself
13:14 Now notice Paul is saying this is what I wish
13:17 This is not what God commands. This is not what God requires
13:22 This is my wish and the reason why it's my wish what's Paul saying?
13:26 Paul is saying at this point of my life as he's writing to Corinthian believers. Paul is saying I don't have a woman. I
13:32 Don't have a wife. I'm single and I can focus all my attention on the father and the
13:39 father's call on my life
13:42 And I wish all of you were like me. I wish all men were were like me
13:48 At this point Paul was single as a matter of fact
13:51 You could you could classify him because I believe I truly believe that supernaturally that that desire
13:59 For the woman, I believe it left him. I can't prove that but I believe it did he was so focused on his call
14:07 Paul was likened to a spiritual eunuch
14:10 Now a natural eunuch had certain parts removed
14:15 But Paul lived a life like that symbolically and spiritually
14:20 however
14:23 Odds are very high that Paul used to be married
14:27 Because Paul was a what when when he was more commonly known by the name Saul
14:34 He technically was still Saul Paul was his Greek name
14:37 But he was he was known it makes sense that he would refer to himself as Paul being an apostle to the Gentiles
14:46 But when he was Saul the Pharisee of Pharisees, oh
14:50 I would never debate Saul on the law. That would be foolish. You're gonna lose that one
14:57 Saul was a Pharisee of Pharisees and and to be a Pharisee you had a spouse
15:05 Now the Bible doesn't tell us anything about his spouse before his conversion
15:13 Nor does it mention anything about a wife after?
15:16 Here's what I believe. It's not scripture. This is what pastor believes. I
15:22 Make that clear right now. What I'm about to say is not in the Bible. This is just what I believe I might be wrong
15:28 But what I believe is is that when when when when he got saved
15:33 That same zeal, you know the same zeal that Saul had to persecute Christians
15:40 To imprison Christians and to see to their death
15:44 He took that same zeal and he transferred it over into the body of Christ
15:49 that same
15:51 Zealous Saul was now the zealous Paul and I truly believe that his wife was like I ain't going there with you
15:59 I'm staying on this side and Paul was like a woman do what you got to do. I'm following Jesus
16:08 Now I can't prove that
16:10 but by law
16:12 Pharisees had spouses they had wives. So I believe she didn't come over with him on to the Jesus side
16:19 But he says again, I wish you all were like me and that's why he calls it his gift from God
16:28 One in this manner and another in that verse 8 but I say to the unmarried and to the widows
16:38 It is good for them if they remain even as I am
16:43 Some of y'all unmarried are like nah Paul ain't rocking with that
16:49 Some ladies are like I've been waiting to be found by a man of valor
16:55 So Paul that's the one area. I'm not imitating you in
17:02 He says I say to the unmarried but once again, this is this is a concession not a commandment
17:08 I say to the unmarried and to the widows it is good for them if they remain even as I am
17:15 But if they cannot exercise what?
17:18 Self-control
17:23 That's a unique way to word what he's wording here in this or if they can't wait a minute
17:30 I'm supposed to be able to do that
17:33 That's a part of the life of the believer the walk of the believer is to exercise self-control. What do you mean if they can't?
17:40 Well, if someone's flesh is just completely and utterly out of control in this particular arena
17:47 What does Paul say it is better to marry?
17:51 Than to burn with passion
17:54 It's better to marry now
17:59 Unfortunately, what has happened with some is that they just married whatever
18:05 They married whatever and whoever
18:12 There was no FBI interrogation there was no
18:17 No due diligence
18:22 But because you're burning with passion. Yeah, I'll take her. Yeah, I'll take her. Let's get married
18:29 And then it ends up not working out
18:31 So that alone is not a reason to get married what's Paul saying plus that it's better to
18:37 Remember, this is all a concession of permission not a requirement not a commandment
18:43 In other words, Paul is saying here are ways you can avoid getting yourself in trouble
18:48 Once again if they cannot exercise
18:53 Or maybe in some cases we could word it like this if they choose not to exercise
18:59 self-control if they won't
19:02 exercise
19:03 Self-control let a marry for it is better to marry than to burn with passion
19:09 Self-control mentioned twice here in this ninth verse
19:13 but also in verse 5
19:17 Where Paul says give yourselves consent, right? He says to fasting and to prayer less Satan tempts you because of your lack of
19:25 Self-control my father my father in all of his
19:31 premarital counseling
19:34 including when he counseled angel and I he said and
19:38 Specifically to the man, but but it applies to the woman as well. He would teach this from the pulpit to both males and females
19:46 But I mean he really targeted me in that particular meeting
19:49 You have to make rules for yourself
19:52 You have to make rules for yourself and you have to abide by those rules you make for yourself
19:57 The moment you don't abide by those rules that you make for yourself
20:01 Trouble is right around the corner
20:04 So there are there are rules that that husbands and wives need to establish in our Union
20:13 For the the betterment and the fruitfulness of our Union
20:18 Because watch this self-control self-control doesn't see gender
20:24 Self-control does not see
20:27 ethnicity
20:29 Self-control doesn't see
20:31 Skin color and this is just one area of self-control
20:35 Right. All right. The moment you have this down
20:39 There's a lack of self-control in other areas. That's why Paul talks about a life of discipline
20:45 I keep my body under in all areas
20:48 Remember first Corinthians 9 the the athletes whenever a contest was on the horizon
20:55 Right the the Olympics were right around the corner
20:58 These athletes would become so focused and they would abstain from sexual behavior
21:04 They would they would abstain from alcohol. They would abstain from certain types of food so that they could be focused
21:11 for the games
21:13 We need to consider as believers that our entire life as a believer is our Olympics
21:21 and
21:24 we need to
21:26 establish rules of
21:28 Self-government for ourselves and keep to them and if we find ourselves veering off we have to arrest ourselves
21:35 We have to arrest ourselves just like you got to corral your thoughts. You have to arrest your thoughts. That's our responsibility
21:42 That's living a life of
21:45 self-control
21:47 Alright look now at second Peter we'll spend the rest of our time here
21:51 Second Peter
21:55 Anyone remember a teaching by the name of fail-proof living
22:01 Yeah, if you if you've been around cringe off for some time you remember fail-proof living
22:08 Now fail-proof living wasn't a wasn't a teaching about you being perfect spirit soul and body because that's not possible
22:18 But but it was it was a lesson
22:23 Ultimately it was a lesson about
22:27 Abiding by the rules you've established for yourself rules. That should be according to the Word of God
22:32 Look here second Peter chapter 1. Let's begin with verse 1 Simon Peter a bond servant a
22:40 Bond servant
22:45 Peter and Paul they really help us understand what it means to be called to the ministry
22:49 They let us know exactly what it's about and what it is not about
22:55 You ever notice how they if you pay attention to their letter openings notice that they never put the spotlight on themselves
23:02 You ever notice how Paul greets first the church he greets you first and
23:08 then the leaders
23:11 Then the ministry gives and like Peter he even opens up. I Paul before he acknowledges. He's an apostle. He says bond servant
23:20 I Paul I Peter a servant of the Lord who happens to be called to the office of Apostle
23:25 That's what it really means to be in ministry
23:29 Not to be caught up in titles
23:33 and
23:36 Pastors and apostles and evangelists that's not a title. Anyway, those aren't titles
23:40 Those are governmental positions in the Lord's Church that he's called certain individuals to function in while the church remains
23:49 But
23:51 It's not it's not a title you don't you don't you don't you don't the way you go to
23:56 Medical school to become a doctor and you've earned the right to be referred to as doctor
24:02 You went to law school. You've earned the right to be referred to as attorney
24:07 Those are those are those are those are titles that go with a specific career didn't work like that in the body of Christ
24:18 You don't you don't go to school
24:20 So that you can earn the pastor title
24:23 You might go to school of ministry so you can learn what it means to be a pastor
24:27 But not for some title
24:31 And look here's Peter right here showing us what true humility in the faith is
24:36 Simon Peter a bond servant and an
24:41 Apostle of Jesus Christ to those who have obtained
24:45 Like precious faith with us by the righteousness of our God and Savior
24:49 Jesus Christ grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord
24:58 I just like the way multiplied grace sounds
25:06 You know, I don't I don't I don't think I want grace added in my life I wanted multiply it
25:13 I'm thanking God for multiplied grace. No, no. No, I'm thanking God for multiplied manifold grace. I
25:24 Receive it. Do you receive that in the name of Jesus?
25:29 He says grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord as his divine power
25:36 Has given to us all things that what?
25:39 pertain
25:42 to
25:43 What life and what?
25:45 Godliness he's given us how many things?
25:48 some things
25:50 Few things a couple things several things most things all things
25:57 He's given us all things that pertain to what to to life
26:02 Don't we live life we live how often do you all live life just out of curiosity
26:09 You live life every day
26:13 Would you assume that I to live life every day and
26:18 God has given us all things that pertain to life
26:22 But also and what in godliness and hey, let's just put them together. He's given us all things that pertain to the God kind of life
26:29 to a godly life
26:31 Through the knowledge of him who what who called us by glory and virtue by which have been given to us
26:38 exceedingly I
26:40 Like that word exceedingly don't you all like that word exceedingly now to him who was able to do what?
26:46 exceedingly or go exceedingly above and beyond
26:50 All that we could ask her thing
26:52 He has given what he has given to us exceedingly great
26:57 Well, wait a minute. I'm good with great
27:01 Because great is better than good
27:05 But no this doesn't say that he's given to us great and precious promises but rather what exceedingly great
27:14 Meaning greatest
27:19 Exceeding great
27:20 Greatest very great exceedingly great and precious promises that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature
27:28 Because the nature of Jesus is divine and we're partakers of that nature
27:34 We got born again, and we received that nature
27:37 Having escaped what the corruption that is in the world see corruptions in the world
27:46 Corruption is in the world and and watch this and your body your flesh
27:50 Your flesh is still worldly
27:53 That's why you as a believer with a with a spirit made new
28:00 Have to check your flesh daily
28:03 Because your flesh is corruptible
28:06 Corrupting every day as a matter of fact when you pass away, what's your flesh doing?
28:13 It's going right back to the dust from which it came
28:16 corrupting
28:18 That's why when the resurrection occurs Paul says corruption puts on in corruption
28:24 So what's in the world and John said it best all that is in the world lust of the what lust of the flesh
28:32 Lust of the eyes
28:36 pride of life that is all that is in the world and
28:42 That is corrupting and if lived by those things will corrupt you
28:47 So so having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust
28:53 Look at verse 5 for also or but also
28:57 for this very reason
29:00 Giving how much diligence I think we should pay attention whenever we see the word all
29:07 Giving all diligence as
29:11 add to your
29:13 Add to your what add to your faith
29:17 This will be the this will be the fast-food version of fail-proof living
29:24 Because I think daddy went in like 25 to 30 weeks on that one
29:29 He he was the king of the exhaustive lesson
29:35 And that is why so many ministers would say you need help
29:41 To misunderstand for a price you need assistance
29:45 Professional help to not understand him
29:49 Add to your what add to your faith notice that that whatever
29:58 Is about to be added
30:02 Is added to the jumping-off point that is faith
30:10 The starting line is faith
30:12 For we walk by faith
30:15 Not by sight the just the declared righteous
30:19 live by
30:21 Faith faith is the lifestyle of the believer faith is how we please God without faith
30:29 It's impossible to please them
30:31 So add to your what add to your faith and what is faith
30:36 Yeah, we know faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen
30:40 That's a good Hebrews 11 one Bible definition
30:44 All right, what substance that's tangibility in?
30:47 The Greek it actually uses the word matter
30:51 Where my science nerds at matter faith is matter faith is substance faith is tangible
30:58 Faith is what both substance and its evidence meaning. It's also proof. I
31:05 Won't get into this too much but but but faith is
31:11 Faith is substance which means
31:15 Something that exists and then it's also
31:19 Simultaneously, it's evidence and you can't have evidence of something that does not exist
31:24 Can't have proof of something that doesn't exist faith is proof faith is evidence faith is tangibility faith is materiality
31:32 Faith is matter
31:36 But let's simplify it
31:38 How about we go to the gospel and look at how Jesus defines faith?
31:42 It's really simple faith is acting on what you believe
31:46 You believe it
31:50 Act on it
31:52 Act on it. Don't just say it say it but don't just say it
31:56 Say it and do it
32:02 Right the woman with the issue of blood it goes beyond believing there must be corresponding actions
32:07 If it was believing only that would be great. We wouldn't have to do anything
32:11 We would just have to believe we wouldn't have to move or walk or talk. We just have to believe it
32:17 No, but if you strongly believe something according to the Word of God, well then act on it. Once you act on it its faith
32:24 That's what pleases God that's what we walk by that's what we live by
32:30 So Peter says what add to your faith? What should I add to my faith?
32:34 virtue
32:37 Virtue
32:40 Virtue is a word often attributed to
32:45 To the feminine gender while valor is attributed to the masculine
32:50 They they
32:54 Work the same way though as a matter of fact, one of the definitions for virtue here is
33:00 valor and manliness
33:02 All right, it's it's excellence
33:04 praise moral goodness
33:07 moral excellence
33:09 Modesty and purity. That's how virtue is defined add to your faith. What add
33:16 virtue to your faith
33:19 But then you need to add something to your virtue
33:21 Add what?
33:24 Add knowledge to your virtue
33:27 Look at add add purity to acting on what you believe add excellence to acting on what you believe
33:33 Then to the excellence in the purity and the modesty and the virtue and valor add what add knowledge
33:41 Oh, I love this this this definition for knowledge
33:45 science
33:48 Yeah, this is the first science book right here
33:50 the Bible
33:53 There's dr. Dye right there anytime I say science I got a resident creationist
33:57 Read Job 38 that's the science chapter in the Bible
34:05 God created science God created math
34:08 He created it all and this word knowledge means one of the definitions is science, but here's a simple definition knowledge is knowing something
34:15 Knowledge is knowing stuff, you know
34:20 You you you heard something you hadn't heard before now you have knowledge now, it doesn't mean you have understanding
34:25 Right now if I said what is the
34:32 If I said what is let's go to math class for a second
34:36 How many are excited about that the announcement that I just made we're going to math class right now
34:41 You know, I do I run this these tests on my wife
34:49 And the tests that I run are to show
34:53 How useless the majority of the stuff we learned in school is?
34:58 Now school is supposed to teach you how to think in most cases though we go to schools that just tell us what to think
35:08 And that teaches how to think that's why you can go to school and you can learn that the Greeks were the fathers of civilization
35:15 No
35:19 Alright, but so I asked my wife I said hey, sweetheart just out of curiosity
35:22 Can you just run Pythagoreans theorem to me real quick? Just just run that by me real quick
35:26 Kind of just let me know. Let me know what that is and she looks at me like
35:30 bra, I
35:33 Don't care about
35:35 Pythagoras, I don't care
35:38 Right, so if I told you the theorem right now, which is really the Egyptian theorem
35:42 And I said it's a squared plus b squared equals c squared
35:47 You heard me say that
35:49 It came out of my mouth into your ear gates. Guess what? You now know what the theorem is
35:55 It doesn't mean you understand how it works
35:57 But you know it
36:00 So knowledge is important
36:02 Isaiah the Prophet said this he said where there is no knowledge the people are in captivity
36:08 The Prophet Hosea said it like this. My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge
36:15 So knowledge is important. We need to know some stuff
36:18 But I'm telling you we can't stop in knowledge. We must then understand the stuff we now know
36:24 Because once we understand the stuff we know it can become knowledge rightly applied also known as what wisdom
36:32 So add to your what add to your virtue knowledge the the the Greek word is
36:40 Gnosis and there are different types of gnosis. There's the right kind of gnosis and then there's the wrong kind
36:45 All right, Gnosticism was prevalent in the days of the Apostles and they had to combat it with the truth of Scripture
36:53 that was the special knowledge that that some had that supposedly others didn't and
36:58 See you get in trouble when you think you know stuff that no one else knows
37:03 And if you want to know what you got to come to me
37:08 You got to come to me to learn it to know it. That's a danger if that's a cult
37:13 That's that's a cult leader being birthed right before your eyes
37:17 They start talking about stuff only only they know
37:21 Mm-hmm
37:24 If I get up here talking about that you all start leaving in a single file line
37:30 slowly
37:33 So that I can clearly see you are departing yeah, that's a dangerous place to be but knowledge, right
37:40 General knowledge is good. And then of course knowledge of the word
37:44 right, so so
37:47 Add to your virtue add what to virtue
37:50 knowledge to the modesty and the purity that's added to the tangibility in the matter and
37:56 And the end the proof or the acting on what you believe
37:59 But then wait a minute
38:04 I gotta add something to knowledge. Oh, look at that. What's that right there?
38:09 self-control
38:12 We cannot get away from self-control. Can we?
38:15 temperance
38:17 You already know what self-control is
38:19 Make those rules for yourself abide by them self-restraint self-government. I what I keep I don't just put my body under I
38:28 keep my body I
38:32 Keep my foot on the neck of Fred
38:34 Flesh Fred every time flesh flesh
38:42 I dare you I dare you
38:49 That's how you gotta act
38:52 Because your body has a mind of its own
38:55 Sin all woven through the fabric of your flesh your body's not saved yet. So you better control you
39:02 Add to your what add to your knowledge
39:06 Self-control and now I need to add something to self-control and this is the perfect thing to add to self-control. What is it?
39:12 Perseverance. Oh, yeah perseverance also known as what also known as a number of things we could call it
39:21 Endurance
39:26 Patience
39:28 Long suffering
39:30 The the the Greek words for long-suffering and perseverance are different but they mean the same thing
39:37 So forbearance is a is another word
39:40 That's what it is
39:43 How are we going to because a part of the life of the believer is a life of persevering?
39:49 Right and those who persevere don't quit
39:54 We don't know what quit is
39:56 We don't we don't give up
39:58 It's it's never over as long because God has the last word
40:04 So I'm in the fight until
40:08 Those are the ones who persevere
40:13 James said count it all joy liken it to joy reckon it joy consider it joy, bro
40:19 I didn't tell you it was joy liken it to joy
40:22 When you what not if you when you come against fall into different kinds of diverse kinds of temptations tests trials
40:30 tribulations
40:32 When you fall into come against these things not if but when counted all joy when why am I counting it all joy?
40:39 Why am I wrecking in it?
40:41 Reckoning it joy. This doesn't feel good. This doesn't this doesn't sound right. This doesn't this doesn't seem good
40:48 Well, well, well that that thing itself is not really what you're what you're counting it all joy
40:54 You're counting it all joy during this thing because you know that the proving of your faith works perseverance
41:01 So you can only count it all joy knowing this if you don't know this you can't reckon it joy
41:10 You can't liken it to joy I
41:16 Mean I mean
41:18 My barber is right here and he's a piece of bodybuilder butch. I mean if I want to get stronger
41:25 I'm gonna have to increase resistance, right? I
41:27 Can't stay I can't stay with the same weight forever
41:33 So so there needs to be some resistance it
41:37 It's gonna have to
41:41 Increase there needs to be an increase in in toughness and in in heaviness
41:46 But but look at what it builds
41:49 Look at the end result
41:52 Right, whether your weight training or strength training or or calisthenics or whatever it is you're doing
41:57 Okay, if you were doing a thousand push-ups take it up to 2,000
42:08 Yeah, you know y'all ever heard of Herschel Walker I'm not talking about the politician I'm talking about the running back the football player
42:14 in his football days
42:18 You know, he never lifted weights
42:21 He never lifted weights
42:25 And I finally did some research because I would I heard about it when I was younger
42:29 Then I finally looked it up. This dude was doing like like 3,000 push-ups a day
42:33 And that's just the push-ups
42:37 Strong
42:39 As an ox
42:42 Could do just what the weightlifters could do if not more
42:46 But bottom line there was what there was an increase in resistance
42:50 Right an increase in difficulty
42:53 Which which which on the latter end produces a benefit?
42:58 All right, so life comes with resistance
43:02 Are we gonna quit are we gonna give up? Are we gonna give in?
43:05 No, and it counted all joy because I know that the that the the testing of my faith. That's what the devil does
43:11 The proving of my faith. That's what God does
43:15 produces what perseverance
43:18 Endurance and then what do I need to add to perseverance?
43:22 godliness
43:25 What's godliness?
43:27 Reverence
43:31 Respect
43:33 In some cases a synonymous term for holiness
43:36 Add that to your to your perseverance your durability your endurance which is added to your self-government
43:45 Which is added to you knowing
43:49 Stuff according to the word which is added to that purity which is added to you acting on what you believe
43:55 And then what to godliness?
43:59 Brotherly kindness
44:01 What's brotherly kindness I?
44:03 Mean why not just kindness isn't kindness that sounds good to me
44:09 Seem like kindness why brotherly kindness?
44:12 Interestingly this brotherly kindness is really brotherly love
44:17 Greek word here is Philadelphia
44:20 That's what Philip that's why Philadelphia is known as the city of
44:25 Brotherly love because Philadelphia is there one of the Greek words
44:29 For love you have the agape we know what that is. That's
44:33 unconditional love you have Eros that's
44:36 outside of the confines of marriage
44:39 Unhealthy luster or desire or unbiblical luster desire, but but the healthy kind in the confines of marriage
44:45 Eros love the love you have for your spouse
44:48 Storage a that's the love you have for your family
44:51 But but Phileo
44:53 Philadelphia that's the love you have for your brother
44:55 Your brother in the Lord a
44:59 The agape love that's the love that we actually show to the world but to each other it's a gap a and Phileo in the faith
45:07 And that's what this brotherly kindness actually is love of the brethren
45:11 love of brothers and sisters
45:14 The the love that we have for each other as brethren in the Lord. That's what this brotherly kindness is
45:22 we could we could really read it as brotherly love and
45:25 Then notice what it says after then it says love
45:30 That's the agape
45:33 So so we add agape to Phileo
45:36 What we add we add we add not loving because of but in spite of to brotherly love
45:44 We the believer the believer is to walk in both Phileo and agape at all times
45:52 at all times
45:54 Agape to the world agape and Phileo to each other in the faith in the body of Christ says what add
46:02 Philadelphia
46:05 Brotherly kindness or brotherly love to godliness to reverence and respect to holiness and then a gap a
46:12 Agape love
46:16 to brotherly love
46:18 Watch this. I'm gonna add
46:20 conditional love to brotherly love
46:22 Notice
46:26 Notice that what Peter is talking about here begins with faith and ends with love
46:33 That is a that is a wonderful marriage in the faith for us as believers faith in love
46:42 Probably the two most important walks
46:47 as
46:49 There are many important things for us as believers in the faith, but faith and love
46:54 That they watch this they work with each other faith works by love, but you also got a love by faith. Oh
47:00 Yeah, you got listen the only way you're gonna walk in unconditional love is by faith
47:07 Because not everyone is lovable
47:11 You may not feel like loving somebody today
47:16 Some may make it very hard to love them some may make it very hard to walk in love towards them
47:21 That's why you got to know the faith walk as well
47:23 So you can love by faith
47:25 That's the in spite of you. You know, they talking about you like a dog and you hit him with a big I love you
47:31 Nothing like love it is the best
47:39 It is the best
47:45 Bomb
47:47 Ointment oh you can disarm someone with love. Oh
47:51 You can just
47:54 You can go I for an eye if you want you can go to for a tooth. Let's see where that gets you
47:58 but love I
48:01 Mean you didn't told three different people all kind of lies about me. Let me pay for your meal. I
48:10 Know that's why you do it by faith
48:15 I
48:17 Break some down
48:20 What do you say to that?
48:22 How do you respond to that your hateful ways?
48:25 Love always conquers hate always hate cannot conquer love
48:30 love always
48:33 Conquers hate and for that love
48:35 At times to conquer hate you gonna have to do it by faith
48:38 Watch this you got a love by faith that works through love
48:43 Starts out with faith ends with love look here verse 8 for if these things Oh if
48:50 There's that conditional
48:55 Word right there if these things are yours, but not not just if they're yours, but if they also what?
49:02 abound
49:05 abundance
49:07 Large amounts
49:12 If these things are yours and abound you will be neither barren
49:16 Nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ
49:21 Neither barren or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ for he who lacks these things is short-sighted
49:27 Even to blindness and has forgotten see that's a believer. So sometimes believers act in a way in
49:34 Which it seems they forgot they were saved
49:38 Right you just look look tell your brother sister look you forgot you were saved you forget you forgot, huh?
49:45 You forgot. All right. I'll remind you that's what I'm here for. I'm here to remind you
49:50 Yeah
49:55 He who lacks these things because watch this because as a believer in the Lord I shouldn't lack these things
49:59 So he who does lack these things is what is short-sighted because he doesn't know what he's missing
50:06 Is what is short-sighted even to blindness and he forgot that he was cleansed from his old sins. So we got to remind him
50:14 What what is teeters Peter say he says it a couple verses later he says as long as I'm in this tent
50:23 I'm gonna do what I'm gonna stir you up by reminding you verse 10
50:26 Therefore brethren be even more diligent to make your call and election sure
50:35 For if you do these things you will what
50:37 Never stumble. I'm gonna need help with that one Peter
50:40 I'm gonna need a little help with that. I
50:43 Really need to understand what you're saying for so an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior
50:50 Jesus Christ
50:53 Peter you said we would never stumble
50:55 What are you talking about? I?
50:57 Need clarity here
51:00 Cuz never to me sounds like never
51:03 Never do you sound like never?
51:05 It sounds like never to me. How can I never stumble? What does that mean?
51:10 That almost sounds like perfection
51:13 My fact let's see what stumble means really quickly
51:16 offend
51:18 Who sin wait a minute Peter saying I'm never gonna sin never
51:23 I'll do you one better. What's this?
51:26 one of his partners
51:29 Writes in the book of James these exact words for we all stumble
51:35 All right, James Peter I need y'all to work this out
51:43 And James is always on the surface James is always
51:51 seemingly at contention with his fellow writers
51:56 Like the way the way it's worded looks like James is saying
52:00 Justification is by works and Paul's over here saying no, it's by faith
52:05 On the surface. That's why you got to unpack the scriptures and you realize they're on the same page
52:11 you also realize James and Peter are on the same page when James said for we all stumble and
52:16 Peter said you will never stumble they weren't in conflict with each other
52:22 You just got to understand what each of them were referring to what James was talking about James was saying we all missed the mark
52:28 We all do here's what Peters talking about
52:32 So you always have to remember who they were addressing and why were they addressing?
52:39 what they were addressing and
52:42 Peter this is second Peter Peter's got to take it to the false teachers
52:46 The whole second chapter he's going in on the false teachers
52:50 Who would do what they would bring about?
52:53 destructive unorthodox teaching
52:56 So destructive that it would cause people to stumble
53:00 They would even deny the Lord who purchased them
53:04 That's what Peter said. They'll deny the Lord who bought him. How did Jesus purchase us? What did he purchase us with?
53:12 His blood and then and and after acknowledging that at some point in their life later on in their life
53:19 They didn't they they then deny
53:21 So he's got to deal with the false teachers so so one of the best commentaries on this
53:27 Now now I believe it's twofold because remember the scriptures are manifold the scriptures are layered
53:33 So primary meaning number one is this
53:37 Those who practice these things will never fall away from the faith
53:44 And those who practice such things will never be deceived by false teachers to be lured away from the faith
53:51 Remember remember these are the things that we add to our faith
53:56 The one who's forgotten these things needs to be reminded that he was cleansed from his old sins in his old way in his old
54:04 nature
54:05 Once he's reminded he's right back on track
54:09 Living according to his new nature with the fruits of the Spirit as evidence of that
54:14 So if you make these things
54:17 Your call and election sure you'll never fall away
54:22 But I believe there's another way that we can look at this
54:25 Even though our flesh is imperfect and and will miss the mark. We won't live a life of missing the mark
54:33 We won't live a life of sin
54:38 in other words
54:40 Erroring or missing the mark will be will be the minority of our life. Not the majority
54:47 The majority will be living according to the Word
54:51 Living as God's righteousness and and and and living according to the new man if you do these things
54:57 Then you won't live a life of stumbling
55:00 So number one, you won't fall away from the faith
55:03 You won't deny the Lord, but you also won't live a life of stumbling. We all will miss the target
55:10 Unfortunately, I wish I
55:12 Wish we could all hit the bullseye every time. I wish we could but right now that's not the case
55:18 That's why John writes he says and I'll finish here. He writes a first John chapter 2 my little children. Oh
55:25 He must be talking to me if he's calling his children. You're not talking to the world
55:31 It's talking to believers said my little children. I write to you so that you don't sin. That's why I'm writing to you
55:35 I'm writing to you so you won't miss the mark, but if you do
55:38 We have an advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the righteous and he is the mercy seat for our sins
55:46 That's what John tells us so we make it our aim
55:51 To live right that's our aim. That's what we shoot for. That's what we strive for and when we do that
56:00 Doing what Peter said number one will never be talked out of our faith ever
56:04 We will never stumble out of or fall away from the faith
56:08 But in addition to that we will never live a life of consistent stumbling and stumbling and stumbling
56:15 and stumbling
56:17 Amen
56:19 Temperament of the temperate father. We thank you for your word
56:21 It's life is truth. It will not it cannot return to you void empty vein futile
56:26 But it will accomplish what it set out to do it will prosper where it's in
56:31 I thank you father that the seed of the word indeed has gone forth this day
56:35 And that seed which is incorruptible has been sewn into the hearts the good ground of those who have been
56:43 Watching both in person and wherever they are wherever they are streaming
56:46 Thank you father that that your word be when you send it you send it to accomplish
56:54 And where it arrives where it lands it prospers. Thank you father for your accomplishing and prospering word
57:00 Thank you. Holy Spirit for making the invitations. I mentioned in just a moment available to these people here present
57:07 Those watching wherever they are in the name of the Lord Jesus if you don't know the Messiah you can know him today
57:13 You don't have to leave this place you don't have to tune out
57:18 Log off
57:22 Apart from Jesus you can be a part of his family his church his flock
57:28 Today, whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. I call with my mouth. I believe in my heart
57:35 I receive salvation by faith and I'm saved