• il y a 2 ans


00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - Dear people of Covenant Church,
00:21 all our viewers around the world,
00:23 thank you so much for being with us
00:25 in our Middle East Bible study.
00:27 Again, we love preparing for these
00:30 'cause it helps me get into the Word in a significant way.
00:34 The other day I got a text message from a pastor in Houston
00:40 who said to me, "We're so blessed by the message."
00:44 And actually asked me if I could listen to my message
00:49 from the angle that he was being blessed by.
00:55 It was a very interesting angle that he put there
00:58 based on his church, the journey they were taking and so on.
01:01 So there are people watching around the world
01:02 which we so appreciate.
01:04 And so we're working now in the series of judgments.
01:09 And this particular series, mini series,
01:11 is the judgment seat of Christ,
01:14 which is the doctrine of rewards for the saved
01:18 when we get to heaven.
01:20 And so the anchor scripture for this
01:23 is 1 Corinthians chapter number three,
01:25 and verse 11, the apostle Paul is writing to people
01:29 that are in the midst of horrible, horrible persecution,
01:32 who were giving their lives, they were being killed,
01:37 destroyed, scattered because of their Christian faith.
01:41 And so 1 Corinthians chapter number three, verse 11,
01:45 for there's only one foundation we've built on
01:47 and that's Jesus Christ.
01:49 And if a person builds on the foundation of Jesus Christ,
01:52 there's six things that that foundation
01:55 is established on gold, silver, precious stones,
01:59 wood, hay, stubble.
02:02 And then every man's work will be made manifest
02:05 and the day of the judgment seat of Christ
02:07 will declare what work you have built on
02:10 because we don't generally know what that actually means.
02:15 And if a man's work abide,
02:17 that person will receive a reward.
02:21 But if not, that person will not receive significant reward
02:26 even though they themselves will be saved.
02:29 And so we were taught way back in the '70s,
02:32 the only thing in this world that will last
02:36 is what you do for Christ.
02:38 And there was jumped into us,
02:39 the only thing that will last is what you do for Christ.
02:43 And so whatever we do in word and in deed,
02:48 the Bible says we must do that in Jesus' name
02:51 or for Jesus' sake.
02:53 And so a lot of times we perceive
02:57 that a person standing behind a pulpit is a work of gold.
03:02 That might not necessarily be true.
03:05 It could be, but it needn't be
03:09 because there are individuals who do things
03:11 in a very secret and private way that we never get to know.
03:17 And so I'll give you an example right here.
03:20 I know of a ministry in the United States
03:24 which was a meta church.
03:26 A meta church is a church that has over 20,000 members.
03:30 A mega church is a church that is from 5,000 to 19,000.
03:35 That's a mega church.
03:37 A meta church is above.
03:39 This was a meta church.
03:41 And I mean, over 20 something, almost 30,000 people.
03:46 And the leader of the church was a very charismatic,
03:49 dynamic, powerful apostolic gift.
03:52 And every week there was an old lady
03:55 that used to come to his office with $5
04:00 to give him $5 for his weekly coffee.
04:03 And so one day she was coming there bent over with the $5
04:09 and he made this statement to his secretary and his staff,
04:12 "Oh, here comes this dingbat."
04:15 And the Lord said to him, "You have violated my servant."
04:20 He said, "I told her 20 years ago
04:25 to bring you $5 a week for your coffee
04:29 and you violated my servant.
04:31 Because you violated her, the hedge is coming down."
04:35 Within a few months, stuff was revealed
04:40 and that man's church went from 20,000
04:43 to less than 500 people in a few weeks.
04:46 And so the $5, $5 woman, and this is again via speculation,
04:52 based on the story I know,
04:56 her $5 was possibly a work of gold.
05:00 And the man's pulpit ministry could have been
05:03 a work of wood, hay, or even stubble.
05:05 And so my point I'm driving at here is that
05:08 what you do for Christ will last,
05:11 whether it's a prayer, whether it's a $5, a dollar,
05:15 driving a bus, whatever you do for Christ will last.
05:19 All of our motivation as believers
05:22 has to be a motivation as to what we do for Christ.
05:25 And so when the Apostle Paul says that
05:27 our work will be manifesting that day,
05:30 it's a work of gold, silver, precious stone,
05:34 wood, hay, and stubble.
05:36 And so our work that we work for Christ,
05:41 all labor in the physical realm is tested
05:46 and all work in the spiritual realm is tested.
05:51 And so in Matthew chapter number seven,
05:54 verse 24 through 27,
05:57 Jesus is concluding his sermon on the mount,
06:02 which is chapter number five,
06:04 number six, and number seven of the book of Matthew.
06:09 Number five, he begins with the Beatitudes.
06:12 Number six, he's now going to be putting application
06:17 in the Beatitudes.
06:18 And he then tells them in 631 through 33,
06:22 you know, your heavenly father knows
06:23 you have need of these things,
06:25 but seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness,
06:29 and all these things will be added unto you.
06:32 So he's then separating the physical world
06:35 and the spiritual world.
06:37 They are things we need in the physical world
06:40 because our physical body, our physical being,
06:44 needs things with its food, water, clothes,
06:47 drink, housing, schooling, education.
06:49 We need those things to survive in the physical world,
06:53 but we need to pursue spiritual things.
06:56 And so he says, whatever we pursue in this world
07:00 is going to be tested.
07:01 In Matthew chapter number seven, verse 24 to 27,
07:05 he says, "The wise person built their house upon a rock.
07:10 "The foolish person built their house upon sand."
07:14 Foundations.
07:15 Both categories, wise and foolish, had the same test.
07:22 Their tests were the floods came,
07:26 firstly, the rain came,
07:31 the floods came, the winds came.
07:34 The wise person that built on the rock,
07:37 which are foundational principles.
07:40 They're not philosophical,
07:41 they're not hypothetical, hyperbole.
07:44 These are tenants of civilization,
07:48 tenants of humanity, tenants of faith,
07:52 tenants on which a nation is built,
07:55 a strong, reliable document such as a constitution
07:59 on which a nation is established and built,
08:02 where you don't have people
08:03 easily violating a person's rights.
08:06 Anything that's built on solid foundation,
08:09 a rock, will last, but it's going to be tested.
08:12 Whether it's the constitution of a nation,
08:15 whether it's the tenants or values of an institution,
08:19 whatever it might be, it's all gonna be tested in time.
08:24 And the three tests that come,
08:26 number one, rain, number two, floods, number three, winds.
08:31 Whatever we're building in the spirit world,
08:34 whatever it is we must build on a solid foundation,
08:37 also will be tested.
08:39 Rain, floods, and wind.
08:42 So what then is the rain?
08:45 So when the rain comes, what is the rain?
08:48 The rain is the test of prosperity.
08:53 When the rain comes, it's a sign of prosperity.
08:56 And we can go to many scriptures to prove that.
09:00 I'll just use Elijah, where Elijah said in 17,
09:04 verse one, two, and three of 1 Kings,
09:08 "By my word, there will be no rain for three and a half years."
09:13 So the fact that there was going to be no rain,
09:16 Elijah was now cutting the supply system
09:20 that was feeding the prophets of Baal,
09:23 because they were thriving.
09:25 And so we cut off prosperity.
09:29 And so when prosperity was so harsh,
09:31 that even the streams, the organizations that would last,
09:36 even in times of dearth, famine, and challenge,
09:38 he went to a major stream called the Brook of Cherith,
09:44 which was not seasonal, it was eternal, it was perpetual.
09:49 He went there, even that reliable stream,
09:52 after nine months, dried up.
09:55 Why did it dry up after nine months?
09:57 Nine months, nine is the number of birthing,
10:01 which meant that when that stream dried up,
10:04 a new order was being born.
10:08 And so when the order was birthed,
10:10 God sent him to a widow.
10:12 In other words, the most unlikely source and supply system
10:17 is what I'm sending you to.
10:20 And so he was with the widow for almost two and a half years.
10:25 Two and a half years means now that what was birthed
10:29 is now able to take tiny little steps to walk on its own.
10:34 So it's important to know that rain is prosperity.
10:39 And so after the prophets of Baal were killed,
10:44 after fire came from heaven,
10:46 the Bible said, Elijah said,
10:50 "Tell King Ahab that I hear the sound
10:55 "of the abundance of rain, it needs to gallop."
10:58 And so the sign of prosperity restoring is clouds.
11:03 And so he prayed seven times,
11:07 and when he saw a cloud rising,
11:09 he knew prosperity was here.
11:11 So what is a cloud?
11:12 A cloud is not just a rain bearing thing.
11:15 If you look at Hebrews chapter number 12,
11:17 the Bible says in one and two,
11:19 we're surrounded by a cloud of witnesses.
11:22 So when you see a cloud,
11:24 a cloud is a sign of mature people, mature leaders.
11:29 And so the reason the famine comes
11:33 is because of unreliable, irresponsible,
11:38 childish, foolish leadership.
11:41 But the rain comes when there's mature,
11:44 strong, meaty leaders.
11:47 And so rain then is a sign of prosperity.
11:51 And we ask God to send the rain
11:54 so that prosperity can come.
11:56 Prosperity should come to people
11:58 that know how to manage it,
12:00 dispense it for the kingdom's sake.
12:03 The second thing that comes
12:05 on what you have both are the floods.
12:08 The flood is the test of demonic attacks.
12:11 When the enemy comes in like a flood,
12:14 the Lord will raise up a standard.
12:16 So anytime floods are coming in your life,
12:18 it's demonic attacks against your life.
12:20 If you can't handle demonic attacks
12:23 from small to major,
12:26 where you're dealing with smaller demonic spirits
12:28 to powerful demonic principalities,
12:32 powers, rulers of the darks of this world,
12:34 spiritual wickedness in high places,
12:36 if you can't deal with smaller attacks
12:38 when those major ones come,
12:40 Ephesians chapter number six,
12:42 verse 10, 11, verse 12
12:44 is the one we're looking for,
12:46 where you are called to be strong in the Lord
12:48 and you're wrestling not against flesh and blood,
12:51 but against these forces.
12:53 If you can't deal with those floods,
12:57 if you can't deal with small things
12:59 when the demonic spirits come in like a flood,
13:02 if you're not built on a strong foundation,
13:05 your reward system will be washed away in the flood.
13:08 And the third thing are winds,
13:10 the rain, the floods, the winds.
13:13 The winds is the test of human philosophy.
13:18 Paul said, "Do not toss to and fro by every thought."
13:23 Human philosophy, philosophical words,
13:27 where we use reason,
13:28 you know, you see this in the book of Acts,
13:30 chapter number 17,
13:31 where on Mars Hill,
13:33 the Greeks had all kinds of plaques
13:35 and sayings for all kinds of gods,
13:37 even to the unknown God.
13:39 And he said, "You Grecians are too superstitious."
13:42 You know, you've got a God for everything,
13:45 you debate everything,
13:46 you base everything on Aristotle,
13:48 Socrates, Plato,
13:51 you know, it's philosophical,
13:53 it's, you have thoughts and definitions
13:58 for things that don't have expressions.
14:00 Philosophy is just, you go with the flow,
14:03 you create a thought, an idea,
14:05 and we debate every issue,
14:07 we go to debating floors in Athens
14:11 or in the Senate,
14:12 and we debate, we debate, we debate,
14:15 we make a law after much debate.
14:17 He said, "This is not the way to run,
14:19 it's men's opinions."
14:22 You can't run a church.
14:25 You can't run a church,
14:26 you can't grow your family
14:29 on hundreds of opinions.
14:31 This one says, "Raise a child this way,"
14:33 this one says, "This way,"
14:34 this one says, "Build a church this way,"
14:36 do this, do that.
14:38 You cannot build a significant ministry
14:42 on philosophies of men,
14:44 because philosophy changes.
14:45 One of my majors,
14:47 when I was doing my degree program,
14:50 was the science and the art of philosophy.
14:54 And basically, philosophy is political thought,
14:58 politics, the way we behave,
15:00 it's aesthetics, creating beauty,
15:03 it's basically ethics,
15:06 the way we determine what's right,
15:08 what's wrong, what's ethical, what's not.
15:10 And to each world, it's a different thing,
15:12 it's protocol.
15:13 Some have different protocols
15:14 in their particular cultures,
15:17 some have more standardized,
15:18 official protocol,
15:20 but again, it's in the world of philosophy
15:22 depending on where you go.
15:23 There are places where you go
15:25 in parts of the world
15:26 where elders are in charge,
15:29 and there's a way to approach an elder,
15:31 but in other places,
15:32 it's a government leader,
15:33 or a president, or a prime minister,
15:35 or a monarch or a king, etc.,
15:38 that's in charge.
15:39 And so the protocols change.
15:40 These are men's philosophies.
15:42 It says you cannot build anything meaningful
15:46 with men's philosophies.
15:47 So when you are building for Christ
15:49 with a reward in mind,
15:51 keep in mind that what you do for Christ
15:54 will last its gold,
15:56 silver, and precious stones.
15:59 And so, let's talk about this
16:01 as we begin to round up some of the session.
16:05 The purest metal that we have in the Bible,
16:11 this is pre-platinum, of course.
16:14 We don't have things like chrome.
16:16 This is gold.
16:18 Gold in the Bible is deity.
16:22 In other words,
16:23 what would God do in my situation?
16:27 Not just what would God do,
16:30 why would God do it in my situation?
16:34 Not just why,
16:35 but how would God do it in my situation?
16:39 Number four,
16:41 where would God do it in my situation?
16:44 And so I'll use myself as an example.
16:47 I've spoken in many countries around the world
16:49 on many, many platforms.
16:51 I live in Zimbabwe.
16:53 It's because my way is here.
16:55 My way is not there.
16:57 If you don't know where you are, Abraham,
16:59 you could live in any country,
17:00 but God wants you where?
17:03 In the promised land.
17:04 Doesn't want you in Egypt.
17:06 He said to Isaac,
17:07 don't go to Egypt like your father did.
17:09 Remain in the country.
17:10 It's your where?
17:11 Where God is going to bless you.
17:13 So your goal is determined on your how,
17:16 your what, your where, your why.
17:19 And so if you can answer those questions,
17:22 you're on the journey to getting a reward
17:25 of gold entities in heaven.
17:28 Of course, the Bible says
17:29 in Revelation 21,
17:32 that in the New Jerusalem,
17:33 the streets in the New Jerusalem,
17:37 the streets are paved with gold.
17:40 In other words,
17:41 what's the highest quality on earth
17:44 is the lowest quality in Jerusalem.
17:48 The lowest.
17:49 You don't put your gold on our streets,
17:51 use the rubbish to build a road.
17:55 So the point he's making here is that
17:58 if you want to live on streets of gold.
18:03 You have to send the gold from here there.
18:06 If you want to live on streets of gold,
18:08 you have to send it from here.
18:10 If you want on your door
18:11 handles into your bathroom.
18:13 And again, I'm using a physical example
18:16 of a spiritual entity
18:17 because we're spiritual beings.
18:19 John 14 says in my father's house
18:21 are many mansions or rooms
18:24 that what he's not talking
18:25 about a physical place.
18:26 He's talking about a spiritual expression
18:29 of habitations of God in Christ.
18:32 But just a physical example
18:33 so you can wrap your mind around it.
18:35 If you want a diamond
18:37 studded door handle,
18:38 you have to send the precious
18:39 stones from here.
18:42 They don't just come from here
18:43 to send them from here.
18:44 Those precious stones are basically
18:47 the stones on the breastplate
18:49 of the high priest.
18:50 So if you want the carbuncle,
18:53 the onyx, if you want the
18:56 the amethyst, the diamond, the emerald,
18:58 if you want those stones there,
19:01 you have to send them
19:02 spiritually from here there.
19:05 You're not going to go there
19:06 if you're not send anything there.
19:09 You know, you're not.
19:10 So you have to work it here
19:12 to send it there.
19:14 And so once you get there,
19:16 your reward that you're going to get
19:19 is not pertaining to salvation.
19:22 It's a reward for what
19:24 you have done for Christ.
19:26 So here is the work of gold.
19:27 For me, I can predict this
19:29 and I can say this.
19:31 For me, the greatest work of gold
19:34 is winning a soul.
19:37 If you've never won a soul,
19:40 you can't be in a reward for gold.
19:43 If you are convinced
19:45 that hell is a real place
19:47 and that heaven is a real place
19:49 and the penalties
19:50 and the wages of sin is death,
19:52 but the gift of God is eternal life,
19:54 you will win souls.
19:57 My view, a person that doesn't win a soul
20:01 in heaven will get the least of the robes,
20:05 will not get crowns, a crown
20:08 will not get any of gold,
20:09 silver and precious stones.
20:11 So you need to push to win a soul.
20:13 Share your experience with the person.
20:16 Become a soul winner.
20:19 You don't have to have a crusade
20:21 and that has its place
20:22 and have to have a revival
20:24 and that has its place.
20:25 Just target the person
20:26 that works for you
20:28 or works alongside you
20:31 or the person who lives
20:33 in your apartment area
20:35 or your next door neighbor.
20:36 Just target them by a simple
20:39 come to me to church,
20:40 come with me to church this week.
20:42 Let them experience the anointing
20:44 during praise and worship.
20:46 Let them experience
20:47 the preaching of the word
20:49 because it's the preaching of the word
20:52 that saves people
20:54 where the preaching of the word
20:55 will convict a person's heart.
20:57 That person will then open their heart
20:59 and make Jesus their personal savior.
21:01 The only thing you are going to take
21:03 to heaven is a soul.
21:05 You can't take your car, your Merc,
21:07 your BMW, your Bentley, your Corolla,
21:09 your bicycle, your tricycle,
21:10 your swimming pool, your house,
21:12 your bedroom suite,
21:13 your flat screen TV, your Chelsea bun.
21:16 You can't take any of that to heaven.
21:19 The only thing you can take to heaven
21:22 is a soul that you win.
21:24 So that you win,
21:26 if you've never won a soul.
21:28 Ask the Lord to make you a soul winner.
21:31 The Bible says in Proverbs,
21:33 he that winneth souls is wise.
21:37 So when you win a soul,
21:41 see when I ask God for wisdom every day,
21:43 one of the things he keeps on probing me,
21:46 got to be a soul winner,
21:48 got to be a soul winner.
21:49 And so there's a couple of people
21:51 we have been praying for
21:52 for literally decades,
21:54 and they slowly coming in.
21:57 Slowly coming in this year,
21:58 a person that I've been praying
22:00 for for 20 years
22:02 has snuck into church a couple of times.
22:04 And when the leader
22:07 did the believers prayer,
22:09 he told me that he raised his hand
22:11 and said the believers prayer.
22:13 So now I'm trying to encourage the person.
22:15 OK, you've gone that step now.
22:17 You need to now come out and be baptized.
22:21 And so he's one of three or four people
22:23 that I'm working on as a soul winner.
22:26 The only thing you can take to the anger.
22:28 So that's a gold gift,
22:32 a silver gift, the person that you win
22:35 when they submit themselves.
22:37 Silver is atonement.
22:39 When a person comes and overcomes
22:42 the devil by the blood of the lamb,
22:43 that's silver.
22:45 When the blood washes their sins away,
22:47 that's silver.
22:49 When a person says Satan,
22:50 by the blood of Jesus,
22:52 I come against you, that's silver.
22:54 That's a silver gift.
22:55 If you can win a soul gold
22:57 and get a person to fight
22:59 and war the devil
23:00 by the blood of Jesus, that's silver.
23:02 I'm telling you.
23:03 And then the precious stone
23:05 is when that gold soul that's saved,
23:07 they use the blood of Jesus
23:09 and they saved
23:10 and they use their gift,
23:12 which is precious stone.
23:13 Your gift is a precious stone.
23:15 Your gift is a precious stone.
23:18 When a person uses their gift,
23:20 whether they give these toilets,
23:21 sweeping the floor,
23:23 doing sound cameras,
23:25 preaching, teaching Sunday school,
23:28 children's ministry,
23:29 young adult ministry,
23:30 driving a bus
23:31 when a person brings their gift.
23:33 That gift is a precious stone.
23:35 That gives us a precious stone.
23:38 And so I pray that God will lead you
23:40 into finding what those gifts are.
23:43 Let me close with this now.
23:45 Many, many born again
23:47 believers and Christians
23:49 are generally saved.
23:53 But the celebrations in heaven,
23:55 the Bible says
23:56 there'll be weeping in heaven
23:59 for 30 minutes, for 30 minutes,
24:02 and then he's going to wipe away all tears.
24:05 And for many years, way back,
24:08 I would wonder why was there
24:09 weeping for 30 minutes?
24:11 And this is some of an eschatological view.
24:14 Eschatology is the teaching of Jesus coming
24:16 and thereafter eschatos,
24:19 the teaching of the second coming.
24:21 Ology, a belief,
24:25 the belief of the second coming.
24:26 Through many, many writers,
24:30 they teach and believe,
24:31 and I somewhat believe that
24:33 that that 30 minutes
24:35 when there's going to be the final weeping
24:37 is where we see the separation
24:40 of people that we know,
24:42 people that we love,
24:44 people that we've worked with,
24:46 people that we've heard of
24:47 where they will not make it to heaven.
24:49 They're going to be separated from us.
24:52 And there's people that we just took for granted
24:54 that we will not be with them in eternity,
24:56 which you will see with the rich man
25:01 that went into the place of torment
25:03 and Lazarus.
25:05 They went to Abraham's bosom.
25:07 That rich man said to
25:09 and that to Abraham, he said,
25:10 Baba, please, can you send Lazarus
25:13 to dip his finger in water
25:16 and put a drop of water on my tongue?
25:18 Because the place I am
25:20 is so, so tormenting.
25:22 And Abraham said to him, I can't do that.
25:24 The gulf between you and us is so big.
25:28 So he said, OK, please,
25:30 can you send somebody back
25:32 so that my brothers don't come
25:34 to this place of torment?
25:36 And Abraham said
25:37 they have the law and the prophets.
25:40 If your brothers don't listen
25:42 to the law of the prophets,
25:43 they will not listen to somebody
25:45 who has been raised from the dead,
25:46 which was proven with Lazarus
25:48 was raised from the dead.
25:50 Even more proven with Jesus
25:52 was raised from the dead.
25:54 The Jews who killed him
25:56 knew he was raised from the dead.
25:58 They hired Roman soldiers to tell a lie
26:01 that the disciples stole his body,
26:03 which is evidence
26:04 that people will not believe
26:06 a person has raised raised from the dead.
26:08 And the point that is being made here
26:12 is that that 30 minutes
26:14 with his weeping the last year,
26:17 where you'll be separated from your mother
26:20 or your father, a brother, an uncle,
26:23 a friend.
26:24 Who will not be in eternity with you.
26:27 You'll be separated.
26:30 You'll be that last final weeping.
26:32 And then John says in 21 of Revelation,
26:34 he will wipe away all tears.
26:37 He will remove all pain.
26:40 He will then renew our mind
26:42 where we'll be in the place
26:43 of forgetfulness.
26:44 We will not know the torment
26:46 of the unbelievers.
26:47 We will not know the torment
26:49 of those like Hitler, Mussolini
26:51 and individuals who were so cruel
26:54 throughout the ages, the pharaohs
26:55 who killed people,
26:57 all those that murdered and killed people
27:00 in such heinous ways.
27:01 Serial killers, serial rapists,
27:03 habitual thieves.
27:06 The Bible says in Revelation 28,
27:07 21, verse eight,
27:10 the fearful and the unbelieving
27:13 and all liars will have their part
27:16 in the lake of fire.
27:17 All of those that believe a lie
27:19 will be in the lake of fire.
27:21 And so those of us that remain in Christ
27:24 will be in a heavenly place
27:26 and there before the marriage
27:29 supper of the lamb,
27:30 because you have to dress up for dinner.
27:32 The marriage supper of the lamb
27:33 is where we celebrate
27:36 the Lord's Supper
27:36 in a spiritual, wonderful way.
27:39 We have to dress up for that.
27:41 And when we dress up for that,
27:42 everybody will be dressing
27:43 with their crown,
27:45 with their necklace, their rings.
27:47 These are part of the rewards.
27:49 We'll say, oh, my goodness,
27:51 there's primrose, there's wadza,
27:53 there's James, you know.
27:54 Look how they dress.
27:56 Look at their wonderful robe.
27:58 Look at their veil.
27:59 Do you see their ring?
28:01 Some were wearing just a gold band.
28:03 Some were wearing huge diamonds
28:05 because of the work they did for Christ.
28:08 It's not that we do stuff
28:10 in in respect for reward,
28:12 but keep reward in mind.
28:15 Remember, sisters and brothers,
28:16 in the judgment seat of Christ,
28:18 the only thing you do in this world
28:20 that will last is what you do for Christ.
28:23 So do a work for Christ.
28:25 And if you're doing a work for Christ,
28:27 do a golden work.
28:29 Spend time in private prayer
28:31 for four nations that don't have the gospel
28:34 for India, for Mongolia, for Tibet,
28:37 Nepal, parts of Russia and many places
28:40 we could name, even in Africa,
28:42 where Christ Jesus had never been preached.
28:45 For Saudi Arabia, for the Middle East,
28:47 where Jesus Christ has not been preached.
28:50 It's a work of gold.
28:51 And testify to those that are around you.
28:54 It's a work of gold.
28:55 And remember, wood, hay and stubble
28:58 is not foundational.
29:00 Thank you guys for being with me
29:01 in this very simple short series.
29:03 I pray that you be a wood.
29:06 I pray that you be a gold, silver
29:09 and precious stone person.
29:10 Father, grant great grace,
29:12 great peace on all those that have
29:15 followed this teaching.
29:17 We thank you that you are going to give
29:19 great rewards for those
29:21 who work and build with gold, silver
29:24 and precious stone
29:25 in the judgment seat of Christ.
29:27 The blood of Jesus be with us
29:29 and upon us to overcome the devil.
29:31 In Jesus name.
29:32 We'll see you guys next week
29:33 with another teaching.
29:35 Bye bye.
29:36 (Music)
