Silent Night Fatal Night 2023 Thirller Mystery Drama Movie

  • 6 months ago
## Silent Night, Fatal Night (2023) Movie Review: A Misleading Title for a Forgettable Thriller

**Silent Night, Fatal Night (2023)** is a thriller movie directed by Peter Sullivan and starring Alex Camacho, Matthew Pohlkamp, Hailey Rutledge, and Gregory Niebel. The film follows the story of Mallory, a famous mystery writer who is presumed dead after going missing. However, when mysterious posts appear online, it seems that Mallory is alive and writing a new novel.

The film has received mixed reviews, with some critics praising its suspenseful atmosphere and others criticizing its plot holes and illogical narrative choices.

**Here are some of the key points to consider before watching the movie:**


* **Suspenseful atmosphere:** The film does a good job of creating a sense of suspense and mystery, keeping the audience guessing about what is really going on.
* **Strong performances:** The cast gives strong performances, particularly Alex Camacho as Mallory and Matthew Pohlkamp as her detective brother.
* **Intriguing premise:** The idea of a famous writer seemingly coming back from the dead is an intriguing one that will pique the interest of many viewers.


* **Plot holes:** The film's plot is riddled with plot holes and inconsistencies that may frustrate viewers.
* **Illogical narrative choices:** Some of the decisions made by the characters are simply illogical and make it difficult to suspend disbelief.
* **Misleading title:** The title of the film is misleading, as the movie has little to do with Christmas or a fatal night.

**Overall, Silent Night, Fatal Night (2023) is a forgettable thriller that will likely only appeal to fans of the genre who are looking for a quick and easy watch. If you are looking for a movie with a well-developed plot and believable characters, you may want to skip this one.**
[Image of Silent Night, Fatal Night (2023) movie poster]

**Here are some additional details about the film:**

* **Release date:** December 1, 2023
* **Running time:** 85 minutes
* **Genre:** Thriller
* **Director:** Peter Sullivan
* **Cast:** Alex Camacho, Matthew Pohlkamp, Hailey Rutledge, Gregory Niebel
