Manifestation contre Lafarge près de Nantes dispersée par la police

  • last year
Lundi à midi, les autorités ont dispersé plusieurs dizaines de manifestants écologistes qui étaient venus avec des tracteurs devant un site Lafarge à Saint-Herblain (Loire-Atlantique) pour protester contre l'impact climatique de l'industrie du béton, selon une journaliste de l'AFP.

Après un week-end d'actions similaires organisées un peu partout en France, les militants vêtus de combinaisons blanches à capuche, le visage masqué, s'étaient réunis lundi matin sur un rond-point où ils avaient été entourés par un important dispositif des forces de l'ordre.

Des inscriptions "attention cimenterie" et "béton armé" avaient été inscrits à la peinture rouge sur des panneaux de signalisation routière.

Le rassemblement était organisé notamment par les Soulèvements de la Terre, à l'initiative durant le week-end, avec les mouvements Extinction Rebellion et Youth for Climate, de plusieurs manifestations sur des chantiers routiers ou des sites de production de sociétés de BTP, comme Lafarge (Holcim).

L'accès à un site Lafarge de Val-de-Reuil (Eure) a ainsi été forcé dimanche en milieu de journée par une centaine de personnes "cagoulées et masquées", selon le sous-préfet de Bernay, Philippe Fournier-Montgieux.

Selon le sous-préfet, le gardien des lieux avait à cette occasion été "séquestré" dans une pièce jusqu'à l'intervention de la police une dizaine de minutes plus tard.
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00:00 Monday at noon, authorities dispersed dozens of environmentalists who had come with tractors
00:05 in front of a Lafarge site in Saint-Herblain, Loire-Atlantique, to protest against the climate impact
00:10 of the concrete industry, according to a journalist from AFP.
00:14 After a weekend of similar actions organized all over France, the militants dressed in
00:19 white hood suits, their faces masked, had gathered on Monday morning on a roundabout
00:24 where they had been surrounded by an important order force device.
00:28 Cementry and reinforced concrete had been inscribed with red paint on road
00:33 signage panels.
00:34 The rally was organized in particular by the Earth Rises, at the initiative during
00:40 the weekend, with the Extinction Rebellion and Youth for Climate movements, of several
00:44 demonstrations on road sites or sites of production of BTP companies, such as
00:49 Lafarge, Olsim.
00:50 Access to a Lafarge site in Val-de-Reuil, Heure, was thus forced on Sunday in the middle
00:55 of the day by a hundred masked and masked people, according to the Deputy Mayor of
00:59 Bernays, Philippe Fournier-Mongieux.
01:01 According to the Deputy Mayor, the guardian of the site had been kidnapped in a room
01:06 until the police intervened about ten minutes later.
01:09 "The protesters were dispersed with tear gas," said the Deputy Mayor, who
01:15 specified that an investigation was open.
01:17 The Prosecutor General of the Republic of the Evereux, Rémy Coutin, told AFP that
01:22 the numbering of the prejudice should be known within the week and that the site could not
01:26 function normally on Monday.
01:28 "No one was kidnapped more during this ten-minute action" shows in hand who did not target
01:32 individuals, but an industrial and co-sider network, "we reacted to people presenting themselves
01:37 as participants in the demonstration," in a statement received on Monday by AFP.
01:42 "Cement and concrete production represents 8% of the world's CO2 emissions, more than
01:47 and maritime transport combined, admit professionals.
