Rencontre Zelensky-Biden pour discuter des besoins de l'Ukraine

  • last year
Le président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky a été convié dimanche par son homologue américain Joe Biden à une réunion à Washington mardi.
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00:00 Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was invited on Sunday by his American counterpart
00:04 Joe Biden to a meeting in Washington on Tuesday.
00:07 It is also expected that he will have discussions with the new Republican head of the House
00:12 of Representatives, Mike Johnson, whose party is blocking aid to Ukraine by demanding major
00:17 concessions on the US migration policy.
00:20 U.S. President Joe Biden invited his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky to come to
00:27 Washington on Tuesday, December 12, to discuss "urgent needs" from Ukraine,
00:31 made known Sunday the White House spokesperson as the Congress blocked a new aid envelope.
00:36 The two leaders will discuss "urgent needs" from Ukraine and the vital importance of
00:41 US continued support at this critical time, as Russia intensifies its missile and drone
00:47 attacks against Ukraine, said Karine Jean-Pierre in a statement.
00:51 "The Ukrainian President Zelensky will arrive in the United States on Monday to discuss with
00:57 President Biden on cooperation in defense between Ukraine and the United States, and
01:01 more particularly on the production of weapons and anti-aircraft defense systems," said
01:06 Kiev on Sunday in a statement.
01:08 Blocked envelope.
01:10 Following Biden's invitation, a parliamentary source said that the new Republican head
01:16 of the House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, whose party is blocking aid to Ukraine by
01:20 demanding significant concessions on US migration policy, will also meet
01:26 the Ukrainian president at a meeting on Tuesday.
01:28 To prevent Washington from sounding the alarm, Republican leaders Mitch McConnell and
01:35 Democratic Majority Leader Chuck Schumer also invited Zelensky to meet them on Tuesday,
01:40 said a parliamentary source.
01:41 "The United States is the country that provides the most important military support to Kiev,
01:47 the Congress has committed more than $110 billion since the Russian invasion in February
01:51 2022.
01:52 But Joe Biden's promise to continue to support Ukraine financially is put at risk by the
01:58 Congress.
01:59 It blocked last week a large envelope of more than $106 billion, with insistence by
02:05 President Biden, including funds for Ukraine and Israel.
