Jeux vidéoTranscription
00:00 I mean, if you're pushing that, you're by yourself.
00:02 I mean.
00:05 This.
00:20 I just want to say I have information and intel of where teams are,
00:27 where players are, and I know that Tim's about to get in a 2v1 situation.
00:30 So I'm not just sitting there, like, screaming at you to f***ing come and res me and save my life.
00:34 I'm saying, like, that's all I'm saying, right?
00:36 It's a teammate communication.
00:37 If we were in a tournament and I was like, "Bro, shockwave way out there,"
00:39 like, you wouldn't be like, "Shut the f*** up!"
00:42 You'd be like, "Oh, maybe that's the play,"
00:43 because he has more intel and information than I do, right?
00:46 I'm literally not, I'm done. I'm muting.
00:49 That's a bitch.
00:50 Holy cow.
00:55 The level up sound is very nice and pleasant.
01:00 This guy's got infinite sprint.
01:04 I got nothing. I'm just going to run and heal.
01:07 Alright.
01:07 Nice try.
01:10 Oh my god, you just got f***ing sniped.
01:13 That was a guy that killed me, Ty. I think that's...
01:15 Huh?
01:16 Yeah, two left.
01:18 Two bullets in your shotty.
01:19 Yep.
01:20 I'm moving towards Tyler right now.
01:25 I'm trying to track down the enemy.
01:27 He's right underneath Tyler.
01:28 Okay.
01:29 Breaking through towards you.
01:30 There's got to be more.
01:31 Got to be more.
01:32 Breaking in.
01:36 Ty?
01:39 There's the enemy.
01:40 There he is. That's a kid.
01:41 Yeah, that's the kid.
01:42 That bird.
01:43 That's a dinosaur.
01:45 A few moments later.
01:47 Like this way?
01:48 No, here. I marked him on blue.
01:50 Yeah, it's towards that.
01:52 If not, you can just run up.
01:54 Just let him play, bro. Shut up.
01:56 Okay, my bad.
01:57 See?
02:00 Just let him play.
02:02 Okay, chat.
02:03 Chat, listen. They've changed rebooting now in Fortnite.
02:05 Right now, I'm rebooting my squad.
02:06 And when I get off the bus, it saves the progress.
02:10 Dude, chat.
02:11 I wish we got sniped there.
02:13 So now, look.
02:14 I get off the bus, and it saves the progress.
02:16 And now I'm resting again.
02:17 And now we're in the zone.
02:18 Thank you, Jack.
02:19 I hope your clip goes well.
02:21 I'm dead.
02:24 I'm getting shot.
02:25 I rock him.
02:26 I crack him.
02:28 Bang on him.
02:29 23 white.
02:34 68 white.
02:35 Ty, really weak.
02:36 Nice.
02:37 I'm pushing right here.
02:41 I'm pushing on you.
02:43 I'm pushing on you.
02:44 Fine.
02:45 It's fine.
02:46 It should be one.
02:47 I got another guy on me, bro.
02:49 Pushing.
02:50 After reload.
02:51 He got rez.
02:53 Hit one for 69 right here.
02:55 Oh, it's an AI.
02:56 They hide an AI.
02:57 Last guy's here.
02:58 Last guy's here.
02:59 I am rezzable, Jack.
03:00 If you back up.
03:01 And we can trade rezzes.
03:02 Is there any med healing here?
03:04 You see him at this rock.
03:05 Yeah, I mean, we're just dead.
03:07 Bro, what is this freaking Degen doing?
03:10 And then I shoot the AI.
03:13 Yeah, we got held on the corner of the map like that.
03:16 Imagine if you rez this on time.
03:18 I'm kidding.
03:23 I'm joking.
03:25 I got two knocked on me.
03:30 Where's he rezzing?
03:31 I literally shat it the entire time.
03:33 They're right on my car.
03:38 Okay, well, I blew him.
03:40 We just did.
03:43 I threw it at their exit.
03:44 You threw it on top of them, bro.
03:45 They're just dead.
03:46 He comes back and he just fucks.
03:48 Yo, team, fighting right here.
03:49 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
03:50 110, crack the guy who just thirsted Omni, man.
03:53 50.
03:55 Fighting on him.
03:56 Almost there.
03:57 Purple shot at him.
03:58 Nice.
03:59 Yo, look at this SMG.
04:00 Look at this.
04:01 This SMG is zero recoil.
04:02 Look at this.
04:03 This ADS is spraying with it.
04:06 Dude, look at that.
04:08 Dude, I've had this before.
04:09 This is a game I clutched up with, remember?
04:11 Bro, I love the way it shoots too, dude.
04:13 Yep, I'm at the side.
04:19 I got beamed.
04:24 Knocked one, knocked one, knocked one.
04:26 He got blown.
04:27 36 light.
04:31 Montague's in 40.
04:34 Montague's enforcer AR.
04:36 Or the iron.
04:37 Wait, look at this.
04:38 I'm not going to miss this pistol.
04:42 I don't care what you say.
04:43 Another vehicle in front of me.
04:45 Vehicle in front of me.
04:46 It's a whole group.
04:47 116 on Spider-Man.
04:51 116 again, crack.
04:59 Spider-Man's one shot.
05:00 Spider-Man's one shot.
05:03 The guy's sniping at me.
05:04 How did that hit?
05:05 One shot.
05:06 Fish is weak, fish is weak.
05:08 Spider-Man dead.
05:09 Last guy on Dennis.
05:10 116, crack fish.
05:11 Down, rotating out.
05:12 I think he's one bullet.
05:13 22 light.
05:15 Dennis, turn around.
05:17 One shot on him.
05:18 Oh, he got him.
05:19 Nice.
05:20 Players are going left to right.
05:23 116, crack the guy, going across the freaking zip line.
05:27 I mean, Ty, if you're pushing that, you're by yourself.
05:32 Nice, how many?
05:33 Shit, this feels so good, dude.
05:50 The shooting feels so fun.
05:51 146.
05:57 I'm grappling over.
06:01 116 on him.
06:02 Where do I aim for that?
06:03 I call you.
06:05 They all just drifted.
06:07 I got it, I got one, I got one.
06:08 I got one, I got one.
06:10 They're right here.
06:12 Gold sniper on me.
06:21 Right here.
06:23 121.
06:25 Oh, that's it.
06:27 Aw.
06:28 I headshotted.
06:30 I'm moving, bud.
06:31 22 blue on that guy.
06:33 Dude, the bug might kill you.
06:36 22 blue again.
06:37 Impulse, Timmy.
06:38 121.
06:41 Knocked.
06:43 Oh, I've killed these guys before.
06:44 He's first floor on me, first floor on me, first floor on me.
06:46 Peta, the horse is here.
06:53 There's a big shield here.
06:56 I got a patch of arm skin on me.
06:59 Yeah.
07:00 On me.
07:02 I'm out, I'm out, I'm out.
07:03 I saw him coming.
07:04 I got him.
07:05 I got him.
07:06 He doesn't know what to do.
07:07 Bro, this riot shield is amazing.
07:09 We gotta go to a main one.
07:11 We can go here.
07:12 Get in a vehicle and just...
07:13 The pistol is really, really good, dude.
07:15 And I'm pretty sure if you add the laser sight, potentially, to the pistol, you don't even have bloom.
07:21 It's just a crosshair T that you're aiming at.
07:23 I think I just picked that up and dropped it.
07:25 He just dropped something.
07:26 Yeah, I see him.
07:28 They're changing.
07:29 I'm gonna... Dude, hang on.
07:30 Bro, they have no shield.
07:33 They have no shield.
07:34 They have no shield.
07:35 I ripped all their shield off.
07:36 To the right, to the right, to the right.
07:41 I'm at 26.
07:42 I kept him weak.
07:43 Go from the right side.
07:45 We knocked one.
07:46 We just gotta put the pressure on him.
07:47 He's rising, he's rising.
07:49 27 blue again.
07:51 28 cracked.
07:52 Cracked one, cracked one, cracked one.
07:53 I'm in danger.
07:54 I'm gonna get this guy.
07:55 Up top, up top.
07:59 29.
08:00 He's got the coin.
08:01 The guy up top has the coin and he's weak.
08:02 And the one shot went away.
08:03 I mean, I almost want to just kind of sit here and just wait, dude, for this guy to come back and grab this stuff.
08:08 Hater.
08:09 Watch this here.
08:11 Purple Thunderbird SMG if you want it.
08:12 I'll grab that.
08:14 I'm coming.
08:15 Can I stop fall damage with this?
08:16 I probably shouldn't find out.
08:23 Okay.
08:24 Okay.
08:25 You gotta be.
08:26 No, no, no, no.
08:27 I didn't try what I was gonna try.
08:29 I'm dead serious.
08:30 I died a different way, which is like physically impossible to think about.
08:33 But I was I didn't try the grapple thing.
08:35 I thought you could.
08:36 There's just no way right.
08:38 I thought you could hop off the zip.
08:40 You got a med kit in the water, Timmy.
08:42 I literally tried.
08:44 I literally tried.
08:45 I'd rather have that.
08:46 The riot shield full sprint is 150 damage.
08:52 I see him.
08:53 I see him right here.
08:54 He just shot him.
08:55 He shot waving over.
08:56 I'm going to fight.
08:57 I'm going to fight again.
09:00 Oh, my God.
09:01 You're disgusting.
09:02 And there's two people looking down on you.
09:04 Oh, look at that bullet drop, dude.
09:07 I just popped two of these.
09:14 I lit dude.
09:15 Chad, I don't know what to say.
09:19 How's thing right here, Timmy?
09:21 I knocked one out here.
09:22 Look at that.
09:23 I haven't.
09:24 There's 50s here.
09:25 I don't know what to do.
09:26 This sniper is just really good for like close range, dude.
09:28 The orange circles on the map, guys, are we're going to snipe that right on my danger mark.
09:32 You can cap this for 110 on one.
09:34 I'm capping here or no.
09:39 This guy's hit 110.
09:42 110.
09:48 He's sticking it.
09:51 Right there.
09:52 Yep.
09:53 He rotating here.
09:54 Rotating here.
09:55 Nice.
09:57 This side of the island is still safe.
09:58 Yeah, I hear you.
09:59 More guys here.
10:00 It's all around.
10:01 Underneath.
10:02 Headshot him.
10:09 Landing on us, Tim.
10:10 Landing on us, Tim.
10:11 Friendly.
10:12 Hold it.
10:16 I'm here, too.
10:18 105, Ty, I'm red.
10:19 Focus red.
10:20 Yes, yes, yes, yes.
10:21 I'm looking at you.
10:22 121.
10:23 Dead.
10:25 You pressed the wrong button.
10:26 Jack.
10:27 Launch pad.
10:28 I'm after.
10:29 Okay.
10:30 Nice.
10:34 You can rez.
10:35 You can rez.
10:36 You can rez.
10:37 I'm dropping your right.
10:38 I'm dropping your right.
10:39 I'm dropping your right, right now.
10:40 Crack him.
10:41 Crack him.
10:42 Knock him.
10:43 This gun is so broken.
10:44 Other one's right here.
10:45 Right here.
10:46 Right here, Ty.
10:47 I don't.
10:48 I see him.
10:49 Dead.
10:50 What?
10:51 There's two.
10:52 All dead.
10:53 Oh, my God, bro.
10:54 Oh!
10:55 Here we...
10:56 My God.
10:57 [Applause]
10:58 [Music]
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