Dyche on Everton's mentality as they sweep struggling Chelsea aside

  • last year
Dyche on Everton's mentality as they sweep struggling Chelsea aside
00:10 [COUGH]
00:20 They're a very good team, without a shadow of a doubt.
00:29 Better in some ways, they kept the ball, they've got very good players, technical players, we know that.
00:36 They spent a fortune on players, he's a top manager, so I wouldn't dispute his opinion.
00:41 What I would say is you've got to find ways of winning, and that's the biggest pleasing thing for me.
00:45 We're finding different ways of winning.
00:47 You've covered us, you've seen it yourself.
00:49 There's games where we've dominated the chance count and won games.
00:53 There's games when we haven't, we've won games.
00:54 There's games we've defended very resolutely, like we had to today, and fight and work and do the ugly side of the game.
01:01 That mixture is really important over a season's work, and never more so important than recently with the news
01:06 and the points and all that sort of business.
01:08 So to find different ways of winning is very pleasing.
01:12 To find different ways of winning against what I think, there'll be a top side again,
01:16 because they've got a top manager and they've got some very good players.
01:19 So to find different ways of winning is very, very pleasing.
01:23 And under all that is a very, very firm mentality that's growing all the time.
01:28 And with our supporters, I mentioned when I got here, I mentioned how powerful it'd be, that the alignment continues to grow.
01:32 Of course, winning helps that.
01:34 But I think the fans stayed resolute in the early season, because I think, you know, the true Toffees are out there seeing a side
01:40 and going, "No, they're playing well, you know. We can't get a win."
01:44 But everyone's going, "How have you not won that?"
01:46 Well, most people I speak to, maybe they're just being generous because they meet me in real time.
01:51 What's your thought process on how much the Assi Young have just come off?
01:56 Yeah, Ganna, to cover a few things I think it's important to.
01:59 Ganna has been absolutely terrific lately.
02:01 He's put so much in.
02:02 He just looked tired.
02:03 I told him that it wasn't a tactical thing, nothing to do with that.
02:05 He just looked fatigued.
02:07 Young, he's very similar.
02:08 He's got a niggly injury.
02:09 We're hoping it's not serious.
02:11 But, you know, these guys are putting a big shift in.
02:14 I've spoken endlessly to the group about squad mentality.
02:17 I'm very pleased with that.
02:18 Part of it coming in and players looking after themselves and staying on top of their performances in training, the ones who are not always playing regular.
02:26 So many pleasing things behind that.
02:28 You know, Miko continues to improve and grow as a player.
02:31 Jarred and Taki have a really good relationship.
02:33 Jordan, you know, as he does, top key.
02:35 But, you know, there's so many other things.
02:36 Jimmy Ganna, two days ill and coming out and giving that performance physically.
02:40 His team play is awesome.
02:42 I think it's not just his ability, but his actual team ethic is absolutely outstanding.
02:46 Look, there's so many good things, you know, so many pleasing things.
02:49 And Duke, I mean, Duke's been a credit to himself and a credit to the club, in my opinion, since I've got him.
02:54 I know the game's only just finished, but when you look back on this week, those three wins, three clean sheets, how do you reflect on that?
03:02 Just, you know, the pleasing things at manager is when you're working consistently, because I can't ask for consistency from the team, which I do ask for.
03:10 You've heard me talk about it ever since I got here.
03:12 But you've got to be consistent.
03:13 You say, 'I think the way that I work, I think the way the staff work, we have a consistency.
03:18 Wins, losses, ups and downs, ten-point deductions, all that.'
03:20 No, this is what we're doing.
03:21 This is not charity.
03:23 This is what we're doing.
03:23 This is our responsibility.
03:25 This is our focus.
03:26 This is what we're doing.
03:27 So to get the players to understand that and take it on very clear-mindedly, it's very, you know, it's very pleasing.
03:35 You've got to - management's a funny industry, you know, everyone says, 'Why aren't you doing that?
03:38 Why aren't you doing that?'
03:39 You've got to align everyone.
03:41 Not an easy thing.
03:42 So their - well, the gratitude I have is for them accepting that this is it, accepting the workload, accepting what we try and give to them, and then delivering.
03:50 So the players deserve the most amount of credit, for me.
03:54 Paul?
03:55 Come on, Daz.
04:01 Sorry, I've known him a long time, sorry.
04:06 Please, that mic was worth it.
04:13 Well, I think when I finished as a player and I went into coaching, my first goal was to give the players something better than I thought I had.
04:36 And I learned a lot from many coaches during my career.
04:38 So I just thought, 'What could I add to them?'
04:39 Not me, I've had my time, what could I add to them?
04:42 That has never lost me, you know, through all the ups and downs of being a manager.
04:45 Because obviously it's considerably different when you're a manager, you've got to win.
04:48 But through all of that, I've never lost sight of, 'Can we rub off on the players and improve them as well?'
04:53 And I think there's really clear signs of that.
04:55 And it's different, it's a different kind of improvement.
04:58 When I was in the youth team many moons ago, you know, they're malleable, they're young kids, they want to learn, and you can offer them many things.
05:04 Sometimes with the players, when they get older, maybe just tactical nuances, you know, maybe diet,
05:09 maybe looking after yourself, maybe professionalism, maybe mentality.
05:12 But there's still improvements, there's still ways that you can offer, you know, another person in football a chance to improve.
05:18 But I've said for years, you can only guide them.
05:20 You can only guide their acceptance and their way of working to listen and to take it on.
05:26 That's the most pleasing thing, because you can only offer.
05:29 You know, the way the world is now, you can't always get told, 'You've got to do this, you've got to do that.'
05:32 It's not like that anymore.
05:33 You can offer and say, 'Right, this is one of the things, good.
05:36 Let's try and get a bit of rapport going, let's get a bit of buy-in with each other,
05:39 and let's try and develop as individual, develop as a team.'
05:42 Sounds really easy, it's not, trust me.
05:44 But we've got a group here, since pre-season, who have gone, 'Right, OK, we're going to find a connection.'
05:50 And the group have been absolutely fantastic, and lots of work to do, boy.
05:54 Everyone forgets that. I don't.
05:58 Sean, what's Adelaide like to work with on the daily basis?
06:06 I thought he was tremendous, since I've been in the building.
06:08 I think his work ethic is constant, I think three in a week, don't bother him.
06:13 He's like, 'Yeah, OK, let's go.'
06:15 His mentality has been solid and firm, and his delivery, and he can find quality moments.
06:19 So, other than getting him back in the team, I've not really over-coached him.
06:24 I've allowed him to play freely, and I think he's enjoyed that.
06:27 We have to give tactical understanding, nuances, but I've not put massive demands on him.
06:32 I certainly wasn't saying, 'Right, you've got to go and score loads of goals,'
06:35 but I knew from his history he could score goals.
06:37 And he's a player that I liked many moons ago, when he was at Watford.
06:40 So, I've always... You know what it's like, you sort of reference points from players,
06:44 and when you work with them, you go, 'Yeah, actually, you are what I thought you were going to be.'
06:48 And he's certainly one who was exactly that.
06:50 Some players had to continue doing this stuff on the pitch after the post-adoption.
06:57 He's sort of had to learn to become a figurehead.
06:59 No, there's loads of figureheads. Taki, the way he goes about it.
07:02 Seamus, even though he's not in the side, I'd say he's still affecting the group,
07:05 and how he goes about it.
07:06 No, it's not as simple as that.
07:07 We want them all... I've spoken openly to him about leadership, and leadership's changed.
07:11 It's not just about someone, you know, big voice and organising and all that sort of stuff.
07:15 You can be a leader in a different way.
07:16 Dwight can lead by the way he delivers, by the way his work ethic is.
07:20 Duke's the same.
07:20 Just his pure work ethic is a leadership style, because everyone looks and says,
07:24 'He is putting the miles on the clock, so I'll come with you. I'll come and help you out.'
07:27 You know, these are all different leadership styles,
07:30 but we're beginning to get a group who are taking it on.
07:32 You know, they're not waiting for each other.
07:33 They're actually saying, 'Right, let's take the next challenge on.'
07:37 And that is a powerful thing, especially when you've got quality.
07:39 I still think we've got real quality in the squad as well.
07:42 Kevin?
07:43 Sean, if you had those points back, you'd be in the top half of the league.
07:47 Why are you saying that? It's been a really lovely afternoon.
07:50 You have to remind me of where we would be.
07:53 All right, well, I'll give you a chance to explain it.
07:57 I'm asking what would your team, what would Everton look like?
08:01 What's possible for this team?
08:02 Well, you know, it'd be what it is.
08:06 It's a side that I felt the first marker,
08:09 and I asked endlessly about it at the end of last season,
08:11 'What do you see in the new season?'
08:12 I said, 'We've got to improve. The first marker is just to improve.
08:16 Can you improve the individuals? Can you improve the team?
08:20 But can you improve the output?'
08:22 As in points and wins.
08:24 'Well, yes, we've done all of that.'
08:25 And then some people came along and went,
08:27 'OK, well, we'll take a bit of that away, so you start again.'
08:30 So we went, 'OK, we will.'
08:33 I can give you a million reasons, a million ups and downs,
08:36 but I often think the simplicity is genius.
08:40 So I said to the players, 'Right, this is done for now.
08:42 This is done. This is where we're at.
08:44 No excuses. This is a reality.
08:47 So let's crack on.'
08:48 And they've taken it on.
08:49 You know, the one that got away was still Man Utd.
08:51 I thought we were excellent against Man Utd,
08:52 and yet we didn't get that one.
08:53 As a coach, you're always seen to be under the crotch,
08:55 you know, backing the medication or whatever.
08:57 It just seems to me, if you get a chance to be expansive and express,
09:00 you know, get a team to express the real Sean Dyche,
09:02 what would it look like?
09:04 I don't know.
09:05 One that wins.
09:10 That's always been my obsession as a player and as a manager.
09:13 I think you've noticed there's been some noise about,
09:15 'Why I do this and I do that, or I don't do this and I don't do that.'
09:17 I can't remember responding to it probably ever.
09:20 So I don't know. I've lost sight of what the game's about,
09:22 and that's to win.
09:23 So if it starts with a winning mentality,
09:26 then we've got a chance.
09:28 So I don't know.
09:29 That's what I'd hope.
09:30 People look at a team and go, 'They'll give their lot to win.'
09:33 That's a powerful thing.
09:35 Might be old-fashioned, but I'd say it's a powerful thing
09:36 when you've got a group of players who are saying,
09:38 'We are going to give everything to win.'
09:41 That's a good thing to have.
09:43 Sean, Maurizio just said in here that he wants to spend more money
09:46 to get Striker, get aggression in, to help his team.
09:49 I was wondering if your team have given you that opposite reason
09:52 to not spend money in January, and what you react to spending even more?
09:55 Yeah, I don't want to spend any money.
09:58 Just keep giving us nothing.
09:59 That would be helpful.
10:01 Really?
10:02 It's always helpful if you've got money.
10:04 But at this current time and during the summer,
10:07 I try to be fair and say, 'Look, we've got to cut our cloth accordingly.'
10:10 That's what we're trying to do.
10:12 Find a more balanced squad.
10:13 I think we have done.
10:15 Trying to get it to operate.
10:16 There's clear signs of that.
10:18 It's a constant work in progress.
10:20 Back to your point, it's a constant work in progress.
10:22 If things didn't go well for them games,
10:24 trust me, the novelty of ten points wears off very quickly
10:26 and say, 'Oh, we've got to make a change.'
10:28 That's the reality.
10:29 They're the laws of the jungle when you're a football manager.
10:31 I've been doing it a long time.
10:33 I wasn't running around the pitch at the end, if you noticed.
10:35 I know the next one's the most important one,
10:37 and we've still got more than half a season's work in front of us.
10:41 Yes, I enjoy it more than you think.
10:43 But when I wake up tomorrow and I'm going, 'Right,
10:46 that one's the next most important thing.'
10:48 And that's next week.
10:49 Well, Sean, first goal of the game, you couldn't have stopped.
10:52 And I was pleased with that.
10:53 Do you know what? I was most pleased,
10:55 because it was just a really authentic reaction.
10:57 I commended him afterwards about it.
10:59 You know, everyone nowadays wants to do a dance.
11:01 That's nonsense.
11:03 He's run over the corner, slid on his knees and went, 'Have that.'
11:06 And then everyone went with him.
11:08 Seriously, that's when you're on something.
11:09 'Oh, why wouldn't you... I'd love to score a goal.'
11:12 I don't express it in that way.
11:13 I mean, who thinks everyone can do a dance?
11:16 I can't even work it out.
11:18 I just go, 'Just go and enjoy the moment.'
11:19 And if you see the reaction from him and all of his team-mates,
11:22 everyone's just piling on. I love that.
11:24 I love the authenticity of that, seeing someone score a goal.
11:27 And that delight in their face and, oh, magic.
11:31 Absolutely delighted for him. Couldn't be more delighted for him.
11:33 Yeah, because, I mean, it's been a bit of a policy involved.
11:35 Has he been uncritically more fair to you now,
11:38 playing a lot of football?
11:39 What's he been making out of it?
11:41 You know, you have to wait.
11:44 He's a young player, he's developing, he's learning.
11:47 You know, and that's the game. You have to be patient.
11:49 My own son's a footballer. He's not getting his game.
11:51 And I said, 'That's being a professional footballer, son.'
11:54 He says, 'No, Dad, I give the players here what I give to my own.'
11:57 You know what I mean? So I tell him.
12:00 Tell him, 'I'm telling you stuff I tell my own.'
12:02 So, you know, I think that's fair.
12:04 You know, I go, 'Look, that's the demand.
12:07 You know, keep working hard, wait for your chance, stay right.'
12:10 And he stayed right. And it's a very fine line today,
12:13 putting Arnie on, putting him on, who fits the bill.
12:15 Tough game, we're working, we're trying to dog it out,
12:18 trying to see it through. I didn't put him on, trust me,
12:20 and go, 'Yeah, I'll go and ping one in the corner, mate.'
12:22 So even with subs on now, I get a question about subs all the time.
12:26 I don't milk it when I get it right.
12:28 And I'm not too, when I get it wrong, it's very difficult,
12:30 putting subs on and when to put them on and all the different reasons.
12:34 So, you know, there's a lot to it.
12:35 But, no, back to the point. Anyway, I'm absolutely delighted for him.
12:37 I'm delighted for the team, delighted for all of them.
12:39 Delighted for the squad, because it's not just the team.
12:41 There's a lot of people working very hard here
12:43 who are not playing at the moment.
12:44 We'll just take a couple more, one from here.
12:47 Sean, is it too simplistic to say that that point deduction
12:49 has sort of galvanised everyone, all the players?
12:51 Yeah, it is. It is, yeah.
12:53 Because the reason I'll give is that I thought we were onto something before all this.
12:56 I thought we were playing well.
12:58 I thought the performances were good.
12:59 I thought the mentality was good.
13:00 I thought the fans were with us anyway.
13:02 It might have enhanced that bit.
13:04 I think some of the fans might have gone, 'Hang on a minute.
13:05 Cool, that's a blow.'
13:08 So, to see that reaction has been very pleasing.
13:10 But not only do I think our performances have been good,
13:12 I've been very pleased, you know,
13:13 even in the one early season when we were questioned about not winning.
13:16 I thought some of the performances were excellent.
13:18 Arguably, it's good, if not better than some of the recent performances.
13:20 But as we just spoke about, you've got to win.
13:25 I think the word you've used most today is 'mentality'.
13:29 In getting this team together,
13:32 was that the most important thing in saying,
13:34 'You're going to be my player'?
13:37 And maybe letting others go?
13:39 But when you look around the Premier League at some of the big clubs
13:42 who have got a lot of big players,
13:45 but maybe haven't been put together with mentality in mind,
13:48 do you see...
13:49 It's not...
13:50 You've said old-school.
13:52 Do you see mentality as being perhaps not as respected across the Premier League?
13:58 For me, it's not old-school or new-school, it's the right school, for one.
14:01 Within all that, it's not easy.
14:04 You can't just recruit on mentality.
14:07 You have to form a mentality.
14:09 There were players we left here we had no choice
14:11 because of the contractual situation and the finances of the club.
14:14 There were players we brought in who we wanted,
14:17 who we thought could grow into the club, and the finances were right.
14:21 And there's players here we could develop further.
14:23 And the biggest thing for me was trying to get a more balanced view of the squad.
14:27 So that's what I had to do.
14:28 That's part of the job.
14:29 And knowing the parameters when I got here,
14:32 they did change a little bit, it's fair to say.
14:34 But working within it, no excuses.
14:37 Right, what can we do rather than what we can't?
14:39 So I was looking at what we could do,
14:40 looking at the players we could get in,
14:42 the ones who we thought could be effective,
14:43 and then equally the ones we got,
14:45 and moulding that into a strong group.
14:47 So that's part of the job.
14:49 But I've said it many times,
14:51 managing the reality is what I really enjoy.
14:55 Even if the reality is not very good news,
14:57 at least I know it's reality.
14:59 It's when the goalposts keep shifting,
15:01 that's when it's really difficult for managers.
15:02 So fortunately I've had a straight alignment,
15:05 this is the situation, this is where it's at,
15:07 this is what you're going to have to manage.
15:09 So I'm like, "Cool, OK, let's crack on."
15:11 OK, folks, cheers, everyone.
