How does pressure affect San Beda’s Clifford Jopia? | NCAA Season 99

  • last year
Clifford Jopia of the San Beda Red Lions shares how he overcame the nervousness and pressure of being a part of the starting lineup in the Finals. How did he prevail over the pressure of losing Game 1 against Mapua? #NCAASeason99 #GMASports


00:00 Now we will talk to another key player today for the Sun Better Red Lions, Clifford Hopia.
00:05 Clifford, Cliff, how are you?
00:07 Hello, I'm okay.
00:09 Cliff, congratulations on the win today.
00:13 Okay, I asked Coach Yuri earlier, he said you're like a different Clifford Hopia.
00:17 We can see that in the Final Four, especially in terms of effort.
00:23 He also mentioned that Coach Norman Black always talks to you.
00:27 Talk about your training with Coach Norman, and of course,
00:31 what kind of mindset do you have in trying to fulfill your role for the Sun Better team, especially in the Finals?
00:38 Because it's my last year, I told myself that I will give my all because there's no tomorrow,
00:45 especially that we lost Game 1, so Game 2, I will do my best to help my team.
00:53 Clifford, we can see that you're reacting, especially, I remember your block in the first half,
01:00 you're all fired up, showing emotions.
01:03 How was the Finals pressure? Do you feel nervous whenever you take on the court?
01:09 Especially now, you're always part of the starting lineup.
01:12 Yes, I'm nervous, but I need to play for the team to help them.
01:18 I'm doing everything I can, I'm not thinking about the pressure, I'm just praying that I don't feel nervous when I get on the court.
01:26 Clifford Hopia has come a long way in his career in the collegiate scene.
01:32 Yes, the improvement since Day 1, when we saw you play here in San Bedas,
01:38 your improvement is great.
01:41 What we noticed here, every time you get the rebound,
01:44 you wanted to release the ball right away, you didn't want to take too long,
01:49 but now we can see that you're looking for it for a long time,
01:53 and you're trying to prevent a turnover.
01:56 Did Coach Norman Block help you a lot?
01:59 Because earlier we talked to Coach Urien, he said that Coach Norman Block is really helping you.
02:05 He's really helping me a lot.
02:07 I've learned a lot that I didn't know before.
02:11 Coach Jenkins and I are aiming for the bigs.
02:14 In the rebound, I need to secure all the rebounds that I can get,
02:19 because that's my role in the team to help our game, especially in the finals.
02:24 Yes, your game, your rebounding, but we can see your positioning,
02:29 you know where you're going to position every time, where the ball will go,
02:32 you know where to pass it, from Coach Norman or from all the coaching staff?
02:37 He also taught us that if the ball is going to be passed from the other side,
02:41 we should be on the other side because that's where the ball will go.
02:46 So I just go there, that's why I sometimes get the rebound.
02:52 So if there's a turnover there, you know where to position.
02:55 So now if there's a turnover, the ball will go in a different direction,
02:57 when you get angry, the ball will go in a different direction.
02:59 No longer.
03:01 He doesn't know, he's reacting.
03:02 I'll answer first, because there's a meta.
03:04 Okay, Cliff, just to be clear, he can't see your face.
03:07 Yes, he doesn't know if I'm serious.
03:09 Okay, Cliff, looking ahead, game number three, expectations from you and of course, from your team?
03:16 We'll do our best, especially since this is our last playing year,
03:22 especially since we're four seniors graduating,
03:25 so we'll do our best to win this championship.
03:29 Cliff, please greet everyone who's watching you now.
03:31 Big moment for you, congratulations. Go ahead, greet them.
03:34 Hello to my family in Cebu, my parents, my siblings, my cousins, my uncle and aunt,
03:40 and my friends there, and my acquaintances in Cebu. Hello to all of you.
03:44 Clifford Hopia, thank you very much.
03:46 Thank you.
03:47 Big time performance today, again providing the energy and the effort for the San Pedro Red Lions,
03:53 especially in that fourth quarter.
