Rivals: Cancellara Vs Boonen | movie | 2023 | Official Trailer

  • last year
Tom Boonen vs Fabian Cancellara. A bike racing rivalry spanning over 15 years between two heavyweights of the cobbled cl | dG1fNmxlOVA4ZkVvblE
00:00 Fabian Cancellara.
00:02 Tom Bohnen.
00:04 Classics titans whose careers spanned a generation.
00:08 They gave us moments of drama.
00:14 One time he crashed in the defeat zone in Flanders and he broke the collarbone and it was difficult for the team because he was our only shot.
00:24 Controversy.
00:25 Tom's in trouble now, that's an incredible acceleration.
00:30 I think everybody knows that Tom started believing Cancellara won that race with the motor in his bike.
00:36 These allegations went viral.
00:38 And glory.
00:43 So who really was the best?
00:49 When you look deep into the palm rest of both riders, it's a very, very difficult one.
00:55 If you had carried Bohnen in the lead, you would have lost.
00:57 If you had gone for Cancellara, you wouldn't have caught him again.
01:00 Let's revisit the world of Cancellara vs. Bohnen and find out.
01:07 [MUSIC]
01:14 [MUSIC]
