Kyle Long Creates A New NFL MVP Format - The Pro Football Football Show Week 14

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The Pro Football Football Show | The Pro Football Football Show
00:00:00 All right, we're back. Another season. Pro football, football show. Chevy Silverado.
00:00:06 Chicago. Couldn't be more excited to be back.
00:00:09 Yeah, Will, how are you feeling?
00:00:11 Boys, girl, this season is going to be awesome. But who is this jabroni?
00:00:17 That's the mystery guest. Different hosts every single week. I love that idea.
00:00:23 Let's go!
00:00:25 [Music]
00:00:39 Welcome to the Pro Football, Football Show presented by the Chevy Silverado. Week 14 of the NFL season.
00:00:45 Kyle Long is back with us. Yay!
00:00:48 By the way, he was like walking around about like 15-20 minutes ago wondering where everybody was.
00:00:52 He was like, why is the show not starting? Where are the vibes?
00:00:54 Linebackers, D-line. Thumbs up if you miss a meeting.
00:00:58 He's like, where's Jerry? I'm like, I think Jerry's upstairs brushing his teeth.
00:01:01 Dan, it's quite a scene around this office today.
00:01:04 Yeah, it's crazy right now. We have the guys in the 24-hour stream.
00:01:06 I have a bone to pick, though. Not with anyone on this panel.
00:01:11 You were pinning me for a second.
00:01:13 I know, I was coming in this direction.
00:01:15 I happened to see a YouTube comment the other day and someone said, I can't remember exactly what it was,
00:01:20 but it was like, I love when I'm on the opposite side of Big Cat's pick because I know I'm going to win.
00:01:25 I'm 185. I'm 185.
00:01:29 So I don't know what the fuck people are talking about. I'm 185 picking every game this year.
00:01:33 That's quite a record already.
00:01:35 Suck it, okay? Like that's, I don't know what you want me to do.
00:01:39 185, you pick every game. You can't pick every game and go 185.
00:01:43 185 and 8, yeah, Will, you're 99-87. Not bad.
00:01:47 You had a sick week last week. I know. When I was looking, I was like,
00:01:50 man, 99 just looks a little different on paper than 100. I hit 100.
00:01:54 You both had good weeks last week. Taylor did fine, I guess.
00:01:57 Kyle has to pick up for Taylor. He and Taylor are doing all right, though, I think.
00:02:00 I got to the end of Sunday and I texted Don, I said, hey, did I go 10 and, am I 10 and 2 right now?
00:02:05 He's like, yes, bro. You're welcome for the Panthers pick.
00:02:08 Thank you for the Panthers pick. There's usually a couple you throw my way.
00:02:11 There's usually a couple you throw my way. Jerry, how you doing back there?
00:02:13 Good, really good. Really good Titans.
00:02:15 Little step stool for me. My legs get, they're dangling all show and look stupid, so.
00:02:20 Now he's got a step stool.
00:02:22 Hey, and the Steelers Cardinals.
00:02:25 This guy doesn't know shit about the Steelers.
00:02:28 Every time he says something about the Steelers, it's wrong.
00:02:30 It's a coaching problem. A coaching problem in Pittsburgh.
00:02:33 I think intuitively he knows, he just, you probably can't shit on them every week.
00:02:37 What? Oh, I know. They're my friends. What do you want me to do?
00:02:41 Yeah, they're your friends.
00:02:43 You've been a couple weeks. We break bread. We go to dinner together. I can't.
00:02:46 You've been out on him before now?
00:02:48 Yeah, I'm out, but I'm back in all the way.
00:02:50 He lives in the space to where he's out when they lose, right?
00:02:54 When it's convenient for him.
00:02:55 Yeah, but when he's coming off a win, they're actually looking at a tough game where it's like,
00:02:58 hey, you know, how do you see him for who they really are? He doesn't necessarily.
00:03:01 Jerry is the guy that you guys probably hated when you were playing,
00:03:04 because when you're winning, it's we, and when you're losing, it's they.
00:03:07 Yeah, yeah.
00:03:10 They stink, and then when they win, it's like, we're awesome.
00:03:13 I'm repping you, so. I always rep.
00:03:15 So this show is airing after Thursday Night Football, but what's going to happen with you guys on tonight's game?
00:03:19 Oh, I'm going to smash the Patriots. Smash them.
00:03:22 This is why you got to take the Patriots.
00:03:25 Where's that from? You know that? Whack 'em.
00:03:27 Whack 'em.
00:03:28 You know what that's from?
00:03:29 Hit me with it.
00:03:30 Lone Survivor.
00:03:31 Swack 'em.
00:03:32 You ever see that clip? Nobody's seen that movie?
00:03:34 I've seen that movie. I don't know which.
00:03:36 There was so much going on in that movie, I failed to.
00:03:38 When they were going up on the hill.
00:03:40 I'm surprised you remember that one.
00:03:42 I wouldn't say it's a quotable movie.
00:03:44 There was so much to remember.
00:03:45 When they were going up on the hill, and the Taliban with the goats were up there,
00:03:50 and they didn't know what to do with them, and the one.
00:03:52 The kids.
00:03:53 Yes, the one guy was like, "Swack 'em."
00:03:56 I don't remember that part.
00:03:57 The blonde dude, right?
00:03:58 Yes, yes.
00:03:59 The crazy one.
00:04:00 The one they should have listened to.
00:04:02 Yes, exactly. They never listened to him.
00:04:04 Kill him.
00:04:05 I don't know where this show is going to go.
00:04:06 I did not expect to be breaking down Lone Survivor, but here we are.
00:04:09 Let's get into it.
00:04:10 We're going to talk Taliban.
00:04:11 Leave it up to Jerry on a Wednesday morning, or Thursday morning, to talk about the Taliban.
00:04:15 The storyline games of the week presented by the Chevy Silverado.
00:04:18 Dan, I'll start with you.
00:04:19 The Rams and the Ravens.
00:04:20 The Ravens favored right now by seven.
00:04:23 The Rams last week get a big win over the Browns.
00:04:26 The Ravens with a bye week, but Lamar playing like Lamar.
00:04:29 I know that he's-- Jerry hates Lamar, but I think you guys are okay on Lamar Jackson, right?
00:04:33 Yeah, no. The Ravens are my Super Bowl pick preseason.
00:04:37 This is a very tough game, to quote my good friend Will Compton.
00:04:41 There are competing things going on here.
00:04:43 I think the Rams have been playing a little bit above where they are,
00:04:48 and then you have the Ravens off a bye week, well-rested, best effort, that type of thing.
00:04:54 The Ravens also looking around.
00:04:56 Chiefs catch a loss. Jaguars catch a loss.
00:04:58 They're like, "Hey, if we can't handle business here, we have a game coming up against the Dolphins.
00:05:02 We can get the one seed, which means everything for the AFC playoffs."
00:05:06 So my initial thought was go with the Ravens.
00:05:10 The reason why I'm going to take the Rams here is Kyron Williams has been awesome.
00:05:15 He was injured for a month.
00:05:17 Sean McVay's entire offense, you need the running back, and he's kind of filling that Todd Gurley role
00:05:22 where it's like they're able to run the ball again, play action with Matthew Stafford,
00:05:25 a bunch of crossers, everything's working for the Rams' offense.
00:05:29 But more than anything, it's no Mark Andrews.
00:05:32 So I went back and looked, because I was like, "I thought Mark Andrews missed more games than he has."
00:05:37 He actually hasn't missed that many games.
00:05:39 So the four games that Mark Andrews has missed where Lamar Jackson has played in the last couple years,
00:05:45 Lamar has thrown for 107 yards, 130 yards, 169 yards, 177 yards.
00:05:51 Mark Andrews is very important for this offense.
00:05:54 Now they do have a lot more offensive firepower on the outside than they did the last couple years,
00:06:00 so you can say that.
00:06:01 Like, look, Mark Andrews, when you take out Mark Andrews and you don't have wide receivers,
00:06:06 then it's a real big problem.
00:06:07 They have wide receivers now, but I think he just makes a lot of that stuff work.
00:06:11 So I'm going to take the Rams plus seven.
00:06:13 Kyle?
00:06:14 I think it's an opportunity for Lamar to disprove what you're talking about.
00:06:16 That's true. It could be that.
00:06:18 This is the best we're going to see Lamar Jackson in this offense look with Todd Monk in
00:06:23 the new weapons, and to your point, yeah, Mark Andrews is the safety net,
00:06:26 but you look at the young receivers there, and these guys are in a perpetual state of being chased by D.B.s
00:06:30 who are not as quick as them.
00:06:32 So they can beat Mann, they can beat Zone, and with Lamar's legs, it presents way too much
00:06:37 for that Los Angeles defense.
00:06:38 But to your point about Los Angeles, Matt Stafford looks great.
00:06:42 He found the Fountain of Youth.
00:06:43 His feet, his arm looks healthy.
00:06:45 McVay is one of the best coaches in the league, so you can never count them out.
00:06:48 Seven's a lot of points here.
00:06:49 That's the thing, but the concern I have, because I do think that on paper,
00:06:55 the Rams should be able to stay in this game, but you look at the Ravens,
00:06:59 some of their home games, they absolutely smush the Seahawks, absolutely smush the Lions.
00:07:05 They have that ability.
00:07:06 And they can keep the ball away from the Rams, and the Rams' strength is score points,
00:07:10 get it to our receivers, but if Lamar and this offense can control the pace of the game,
00:07:15 it could get ugly.
00:07:16 Yeah, I don't love this pick, but I'm going Rams.
00:07:18 Will?
00:07:19 I like the Rams.
00:07:20 I like the Rams because when you look at the Ravens, usually their offense slows down
00:07:24 later in the year because they start to get figured out a little bit more.
00:07:27 If you look at--you go all the way back to 2021, they were 8-3 going into December.
00:07:31 They lose their last six.
00:07:32 They had three of their seven losses last year late in the year.
00:07:36 And going on the flip side with the Rams, I think seven's a lot of points.
00:07:40 I think Ravens still squeak this one out, but the Rams keep it close.
00:07:44 The Rams started off 3-6.
00:07:46 They've won three in a row, and Kyle, you know, like when you're playing for something
00:07:49 in December, there's a lot of momentum and a lot of motivation.
00:07:52 And you get the wheels rolling like that.
00:07:54 Right, everyone comes in excited.
00:07:55 I think it sucks that Puca--he has an AC joint going on with his shoulder.
00:07:59 But I like the--again, I like the momentum from the Rams.
00:08:02 You were talking about earlier, the juice from Stafford, he still kind of has that--he
00:08:06 still kind of has that rhythm.
00:08:07 He's got to be a top-three natural thrower of the football game.
00:08:09 Yeah, it's incredible.
00:08:10 It's great.
00:08:11 His arm is incredible.
00:08:12 And I think they're going to feel good going into Baltimore.
00:08:14 They know that they are the underdogs no matter where they go, so I don't think travel's
00:08:17 going to kill them.
00:08:18 I'm going to go Rams plus 7.
00:08:20 This is a Ravens defense game.
00:08:22 Yeah.
00:08:23 Yeah, I could see that.
00:08:24 It's a bully ball game.
00:08:25 I could see that.
00:08:26 Jerry, that one's for you.
00:08:27 This is where your Lamar Jackson stuff usually starts to pop up.
00:08:28 Yeah, this is where--how are you feeling about Lamar Jackson right now?
00:08:31 I know how you emotionally feel, but realistically.
00:08:33 I just don't think he's going to win when it matters.
00:08:36 I think he's going to get to the playoffs, get a 1 or 2 seed, and then he's just going
00:08:41 to lose in the playoffs.
00:08:42 That's just my opinion.
00:08:43 That's what he's shown me in the past and what he's going to do.
00:08:45 He's got to prove it before you think differently.
00:08:47 Exactly.
00:08:48 That's fair.
00:08:49 I think he's having a great year.
00:08:50 He's a great quarterback, but--
00:08:52 He's got to win when it matters.
00:08:53 He's got to win a playoff game.
00:08:55 He's got to win when it matters.
00:08:56 Are you taking the Rams?
00:08:57 This week, yes.
00:08:58 Taking the Rams.
00:08:59 Okay.
00:09:00 Let's go to the Bills and--
00:09:01 God, I look white in this shirt.
00:09:02 What do we do?
00:09:03 Can we--
00:09:04 [laughter]
00:09:05 Just filter a little bit.
00:09:06 TV lighting is tough.
00:09:07 I know.
00:09:08 We got the gray on TV.
00:09:09 TV lighting is tough.
00:09:10 I'm just immediately uncomfortable.
00:09:11 Bill's cheese.
00:09:12 Bill's cheese.
00:09:13 Yes, Bill's cheese.
00:09:14 Okay, Kyle, I'll let Will kind of get it together over here.
00:09:18 The Chiefs favored by 1-1/2 right now.
00:09:20 Josh Allen, Patrick Mahomes, the Chiefs losing to Green Bay, I think,
00:09:23 surprised a lot of people.
00:09:24 Not everybody, but it did surprise a lot of people.
00:09:26 How are you feeling about this game?
00:09:28 I'm going to talk about this game without talking about the offense first.
00:09:30 I'm going to talk about the defense.
00:09:31 I like this.
00:09:32 I had similar thoughts.
00:09:34 Obviously, the Kansas City Chiefs have been a great defense this year.
00:09:36 They've kept guys to under 25 every single game until they went and played
00:09:40 Jordan Love on the road.
00:09:41 Now, Green Bay, they're not used to losing,
00:09:44 so you get an opportunity to win some games.
00:09:46 Your quarterback plays well.
00:09:47 That's a raucous place to play in front of.
00:09:49 Chiefs go and they drop that one.
00:09:51 I think Joe Brady and Josh Allen take advantage of the holes they see
00:09:53 in the coverage.
00:09:55 They've been electric the last two times we've seen them out with their
00:09:57 offensive game plan, albeit in a loss.
00:09:59 I mean, Josh Allen's still got it.
00:10:01 You can't write that guy off.
00:10:03 And any time the Chiefs and the Bills play, you know it's going to be an
00:10:05 awesome game.
00:10:06 I think it comes down to turnovers.
00:10:08 I am going to be taking the Bills in this one.
00:10:11 Bills plus one and a half.
00:10:13 But I do think Josh Allen throws one to the other guys.
00:10:16 But they are not able to take advantage because the Chiefs just don't have
00:10:19 that explosive scoring ability as they're used to having.
00:10:22 Yeah.
00:10:23 Particularly in the red zone.
00:10:25 You saw them have that red zone opportunity on the two-point conversion
00:10:28 last game, and it was an ugly play call.
00:10:30 And even Travis Kelsey is going like this.
00:10:32 It's a fact that Travis Kelsey, he's a Hall of Famer,
00:10:35 but he has lost a little step.
00:10:37 And that's not like I'm not trying to knock him.
00:10:39 It happens to everyone.
00:10:41 And it's like he's played at such an elite level for so many years,
00:10:44 and he's still very, very good.
00:10:47 But that little step matters a lot when you don't have wide receivers on the
00:10:50 outside who defenses have to key on.
00:10:53 And passes getting hit early in the game.
00:10:55 Right.
00:10:57 This game, though, comes down to some injuries for the Chiefs
00:10:59 that you have to watch.
00:11:01 So this goes to you, Will, and you can speak to this better.
00:11:05 Something big happened against the Packers.
00:11:07 Drew Tranquil goes out with a concussion.
00:11:09 He's got the green dot because Nick Bolton had a wrist injury.
00:11:12 He's been out for a month.
00:11:13 He actually started practicing.
00:11:14 He might play this week.
00:11:16 But both those guys in a Steve Spagnuolo defense are so important for what they
00:11:19 want to do, aggressive defense where they're making the calls on the field.
00:11:23 And you can see the drop-off in that Chiefs defense when Tranquil goes out.
00:11:27 I don't know if either of them are going to play.
00:11:29 If neither of them play, I think it's the Bills,
00:11:32 and they might win convincingly.
00:11:34 But either way, I'm going to take the Bills just because the Bills can play.
00:11:38 I think the Bills are going to try to play in a shootout here.
00:11:40 I don't think the Chiefs can match them offensively.
00:11:42 No, you're right.
00:11:43 Like when you have Bolton out there and he's running the green dot and, say,
00:11:45 he goes down and then gets shuffled over to Tranquil,
00:11:48 you know you have a competent backup linebacker to go in and kind of call the
00:11:51 shots, play the same defense, talk the same scheme throughout the week.
00:11:54 When both of those guys are out, you're now seeing who can rock the green dot.
00:11:59 It's really game.
00:12:01 Yeah, two guys might be doing it to see who can command the huddle.
00:12:03 You start kind of questioning, should we keep it a little bit more vanilla so we
00:12:06 can get guys lined up?
00:12:07 But you're right, like that is a great point to look to.
00:12:10 And then also, talking about the Chiefs' offense,
00:12:13 when they had an opportunity early in the fourth quarter,
00:12:15 it was they forced a turnover or punt, but they couldn't capitalize on it.
00:12:19 I do think that they are struggling in that area.
00:12:21 Yeah, and the Bills' backs are against the wall.
00:12:24 You saw last week, like Packers had a lot of success.
00:12:27 Jordan Love, by the way, I mean, he's really been showing up.
00:12:30 That's a problem.
00:12:31 Again, they're getting creative on the edge to get the ball on the edge
00:12:34 because you can't necessarily run right at the Chiefs,
00:12:36 but also they're getting under center with play action and everything else.
00:12:39 The Bills started to go under center and incorporate more play action
00:12:42 and the running game.
00:12:43 So that's why I like the Bills too.
00:12:45 I also--and this happens to Andy Reid offenses sometimes,
00:12:48 as it was a story with the Eagles.
00:12:50 He is so committed to the pass, and he loves to pass.
00:12:54 I actually think the Chiefs would be better off if they tried to run more.
00:12:59 I don't think Andy Reid ever will do that.
00:13:01 But if they tried to run more, it could take a lot of pressure off
00:13:04 these wide receivers that are forced to make plays.
00:13:07 And it feels like the Chiefs keep getting in these long down and distance
00:13:12 where you're expecting--
00:13:13 Playing from behind all the time.
00:13:14 Yeah, Patrick Mahomes to be a superhero, and he is a superhero,
00:13:17 but to expect him to do that over and over and over again
00:13:20 when the Bills should be able to move the ball easier, it's Bills.
00:13:24 Dude, Pacheco totes the rock, bro.
00:13:26 I know.
00:13:27 He's made a great point.
00:13:28 That's what they do.
00:13:29 They don't run the ball.
00:13:30 If you were the Chiefs, just run the ball.
00:13:32 You made a great point about the Bills on offense,
00:13:34 getting under center, running that heavy play action.
00:13:36 When you have those backup linebackers in there, what's the rule?
00:13:39 If we're in gun, you're going to read it out.
00:13:41 If we're under center, you're going to be hitting that A-gap harder, right?
00:13:44 Yeah, you'll be stepping up to the line of scrimmage.
00:13:46 So what is that going to do to the defense?
00:13:47 It's going to open up that middle of the field for Josh Allen,
00:13:49 those receivers, to work that mesh concept.
00:13:51 PA Reid stuff.
00:13:53 Dalton Kinkade, yeah.
00:13:54 That's tough.
00:13:55 So you put a backup linebacker in that tough position,
00:13:57 and you've got to go make plays.
00:13:58 So you guys are all taking Buffalo,
00:14:00 and we do know that Patrick Mahomes and his career has a lot of success in December.
00:14:03 I think he's -- I mean, on here it says he's only lost five games in this month.
00:14:06 He plays fantastic.
00:14:08 When you talk about when it starts to matter, we know how successful he's been.
00:14:11 Do you have any concern about him more so than you have the last few years?
00:14:16 It's not concern about him.
00:14:17 No.
00:14:18 It's about his weapon.
00:14:19 Rasheed Rice is kind of the only guy he feels like he trusts right now.
00:14:22 And I still wouldn't bet against Patrick Mahomes in January
00:14:27 because I think they will figure it out.
00:14:29 But right now it just doesn't work.
00:14:31 He's taken too many hits too.
00:14:32 Yeah.
00:14:33 We've seen a Patrick Mahomes-led team with all the weapons.
00:14:35 They had Tyree Kill, they had Travis Kelsey, they had all those guys,
00:14:38 and they went and they got beat because Pat couldn't run.
00:14:40 He couldn't extend plays with his legs, and that's such a big part of what he does.
00:14:43 And it's weird because it's actually both the quarterbacks in this game
00:14:46 are kind of stuck in the same spot for different reasons.
00:14:49 Patrick Mahomes because he doesn't have the outside weapons,
00:14:51 and Josh Allen because the defense had a ton of injuries
00:14:54 and isn't playing the best although they played a little bit better.
00:14:57 But both of them know going into a game they kind of have to be perfect.
00:15:00 And so having that pressure of like there's no margin for error here.
00:15:04 Like we have to be able to be perfect and not turn the ball over.
00:15:08 It's a lot of pressure, especially in a game like this.
00:15:11 Yeah, Chiefs are thinking stop the bleeding.
00:15:13 Bills are like, hey, this is it.
00:15:15 They have a tough schedule too.
00:15:17 And the Bills got in the bye week, they won the bye week
00:15:21 because Trevor Lawrence goes down, Jaguars take a loss.
00:15:25 You know, the Steelers, Kenny goes down, they take a loss.
00:15:28 Like some of these teams in front of them have tripped up a little.
00:15:32 The Broncos take a loss.
00:15:33 Crawling to the finish line.
00:15:34 This is the Bills.
00:15:35 If the Bills can get in the dance.
00:15:37 Don't let those guys get hot.
00:15:38 I'm telling you, like they are the team that no one wants to see in the playoffs.
00:15:42 First time they panned to the booth and I saw Joe Brady,
00:15:45 what he looked like for the first time, and he had a gold chain and a fade.
00:15:48 I was like, you're all in big good.
00:15:51 You're bought in.
00:15:53 The chain did it for you.
00:15:55 Let's go to the game of the week presented by the Chevy Silverado.
00:15:58 Before we get to the Eagles and the Cowboys,
00:16:00 we're going to run Lucas Edits presented by Jersey Jerry.
00:16:03 Lucas isn't a boy, he's like a man.
00:16:05 I thought he was like a child.
00:16:07 How old is Lucas?
00:16:08 Probably like 20-something.
00:16:10 I think he's like 22.
00:16:11 You thought he was like a kid.
00:16:12 I thought he was like one of his kid friends.
00:16:14 I thought 20.
00:16:15 Jerry has kid friends?
00:16:16 I got some kid friends on Call of Duty.
00:16:19 Bully Ravioli.
00:16:20 [Laughter]
00:16:23 One of my guys.
00:16:25 Welcome back to the Pro Football Football Show Week 14,
00:16:28 Lucas Edits presented by yours truly, Jersey Jerry.
00:16:32 First quarter, time running out.
00:16:34 Jalen Hurd, shotgun formation, back to throw.
00:16:38 Spinneroonie, pass is incomplete.
00:16:41 The Eagles settle for a field goal.
00:16:43 3-0 Eagles after a goal.
00:16:46 Second quarter now.
00:16:48 Cowboys have still yet to get the ball in two quarters.
00:16:50 What?
00:16:51 Jalen Hurd all the way down the field.
00:16:54 Airmails in the back of the end zone.
00:16:56 They have to settle for another field goal.
00:16:58 6-0 after two quarters.
00:17:01 The Eagles lead.
00:17:02 Halftime is over with.
00:17:04 Steph Prescott down the field.
00:17:07 Wide open, CD Lamb, touchdown.
00:17:09 No, short of the goal line.
00:17:11 And this is turned into a field goal.
00:17:13 No, it's not a field goal game.
00:17:15 Tony Pollard finally after 60 seconds.
00:17:17 [Speaking Spanish]
00:17:32 Jalen Hurd, fourth quarter, two minutes left.
00:17:36 Shotgun over the middle.
00:17:38 Got it, good.
00:17:39 Touchdown.
00:17:41 The game's over.
00:17:42 [Laughter]
00:17:45 I don't even know what happened.
00:17:47 Game of the week.
00:17:48 My management sucks.
00:17:49 That's a terrible thing.
00:17:51 Now, watching that and knowing, Kyle,
00:17:53 that you thought that Lucas was one of Jerry's kid friends,
00:17:55 I can see how you can do that.
00:17:57 I thought he was a little kid.
00:17:58 He was like, Jerry, can you put my highlights on the show?
00:18:01 He's just a grown man.
00:18:03 I thought we were doing something nice for a kid.
00:18:05 I followed Lucas, though.
00:18:06 He's like 22.
00:18:07 It's kind of creepy now.
00:18:08 He's a weird one.
00:18:10 I like him, though.
00:18:11 He's a weird one.
00:18:12 He has a man bun, right?
00:18:13 Yeah.
00:18:14 He's perfect for Varsuil.
00:18:16 Nothing wrong with a man bun.
00:18:17 I didn't picture Lucas with a man bun.
00:18:19 That threw me off a little bit.
00:18:20 Okay, well, the Eagles and the Cowboys,
00:18:22 obviously the Eagles beat the Cowboys in week nine just about a month ago,
00:18:26 28-23.
00:18:27 The Cowboys, we talked about it on this show a lot,
00:18:29 that they're kind of in a really good spot right now.
00:18:31 They go out and they beat Seattle last week,
00:18:33 but not a lot of people are talking about them one way or the other.
00:18:37 Do you think that's going to change after this game?
00:18:39 Yeah, I'm back.
00:18:41 I'm back with the Cowboys.
00:18:42 Yeah?
00:18:43 I'll be back in after last Thursday.
00:18:45 Because, again, the shtick with them this year and years past is they're front runners.
00:18:50 They don't know how to get hit in the mouth.
00:18:52 I think that they had some adversity last week, last Thursday, against Seattle,
00:18:56 and they showed that they can grit out a fourth-quarter win.
00:19:00 There were still some situational moments there,
00:19:02 like on third down when they threw the ball versus running it
00:19:04 and making Seattle burn a timeout.
00:19:06 But I think Dak is playing really well.
00:19:09 Was it one of your opinions on Dak getting back in the MVP?
00:19:13 Oh, yeah, he's very much in.
00:19:15 I think that that is very true, and I think the Cowboys can be for real.
00:19:19 This is the game.
00:19:20 This is where you finally bring home that gal that you've been flirting with.
00:19:23 She kind of gets ran through a little bit.
00:19:24 She gets some fakies, but you're thinking maybe she's in a place now
00:19:27 where you can bring her home to Mom and Dad and marry her forever.
00:19:30 So this, I think, is where the Cowboys sit.
00:19:32 A milkman, huh?
00:19:33 Yeah.
00:19:35 Okay, Dan.
00:19:37 Watching Kyle like--
00:19:39 They chased the wrong things for a few years.
00:19:41 It was just college.
00:19:42 It was college.
00:19:43 They were in their 20s.
00:19:44 Kyle like shaking his head like--
00:19:45 I love it.
00:19:46 I was like, "Oh, boy, here we go."
00:19:47 They're ready for the long-term thing.
00:19:48 This is a real--I mean, this game is weird because I think both of these teams
00:19:53 are a little fraudulent defensively, and I think it's going to be
00:19:56 a high-scoring game.
00:19:58 The Eagles have given up, have been out-gained by 100 yards in four
00:20:02 of their last five--or no, sorry, five straight games by 100 yards.
00:20:06 So it feels like they've been flirting with it.
00:20:08 They make big plays.
00:20:09 They know how to win games.
00:20:10 The Cowboys, on the other side, I was looking at it last night.
00:20:13 The Cowboys have given up 220 points, and I was looking deeper into it.
00:20:17 Five of the games, they've given up 40 points total.
00:20:21 So five of those 12 games, they've given up 40 points total.
00:20:24 They're all against the worst offenses in the league--the Giants twice,
00:20:28 the Patriots, the Panthers, and I can't remember--oh, the Jets.
00:20:31 So when they play a good offense, the defense is not as dominant
00:20:35 as it feels like it should be.
00:20:38 I'm going to go with the Cowboys simply because the Eagles offense
00:20:44 is what scares me right now.
00:20:46 It doesn't feel like it's flowing the way it was last year.
00:20:49 It feels like there's something a little bit off that they have to figure out,
00:20:53 and I trust the Cowboys offense a little bit more in this matchup.
00:20:56 Kyle, we do know that the 49ers, they've been rolling,
00:20:59 but the way that the Eagles lost to the 49ers,
00:21:01 did that give you some pause with Philly?
00:21:03 I think Dallas can come out with the same kind of mindset.
00:21:05 It depends on which version of yourself you get off the bus in Dallas with Will,
00:21:10 and you and I know these type of games where it's like we're either going to
00:21:13 show up flat and we may have to come from behind and win this game,
00:21:16 we'll have to be perfect in the second half, or we come out and execute
00:21:19 our first 15, our defense makes a stop, and the Eagles are behind the 8-ball
00:21:22 the entire game.
00:21:24 Then you can get to what the Cowboys do well, and that's play offense.
00:21:26 They play offense well and they get after the passer.
00:21:29 You take a lead early if you're Dallas, and you force Philadelphia to get out
00:21:33 of their strong suit, which they run the ball really well.
00:21:36 Force them to throw the ball, get your rushers after Jalen Hurts,
00:21:39 and let's find out how healthy he is.
00:21:41 Question.
00:21:42 That is a scary thing about--you were talking about it when--
00:21:45 In Dallas too?
00:21:46 Yeah.
00:21:47 They don't lose at home right now.
00:21:48 No.
00:21:49 They do a good job playing offense, but in that second half with Seattle,
00:21:52 Seattle at times were just driving and doing whatever they wanted.
00:21:55 So this is a massive gain for Dallas' defense.
00:21:58 Question for you guys.
00:21:59 Mike McCarthy got an appendectomy this week, so he was in the hospital,
00:22:03 probably missed some days of practice.
00:22:04 Does it matter, or is it a benefit?
00:22:06 Question number one, what is an appendectomy?
00:22:09 It's when you get your appendix removed.
00:22:11 Good question number one.
00:22:13 I would say it matters, and maybe in a good way, because we know it's like
00:22:16 the same thing every week, every week.
00:22:18 Substitute teacher comes home.
00:22:20 They roll in that thing and they put on the movie and the projector.
00:22:23 Roll in the movie.
00:22:24 Practice is fun for a day.
00:22:25 You chirp the guy, do it running the head of the meetings,
00:22:28 doing the team meetings.
00:22:29 Well done, John.
00:22:30 [laughter]
00:22:31 Well done, coach.
00:22:32 Okay, I like that.
00:22:33 It brings a unit closer together.
00:22:36 Do you still have your appendix?
00:22:38 I believe so.
00:22:39 Yeah, you would know if you had it.
00:22:40 I was hoping he would say no, and then he just didn't know that it was
00:22:43 called an appendectomy.
00:22:44 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:22:46 Once you said appendix, I'm like, "Okay, appendix."
00:22:48 Yeah, that makes sense.
00:22:49 Put the words together.
00:22:50 Yeah.
00:22:51 Use it in a sentence kind of thing.
00:22:52 Cowboys all around for everybody?
00:22:53 Yeah, that makes you nervous.
00:22:55 Okay.
00:22:56 I think that's a good thing.
00:22:57 We went 3-0.
00:22:58 We were on the same boat every pick and throw.
00:23:00 I like the over in this game more than anything.
00:23:02 And can Philadelphia hold up on the A and B gap runs of the Dallas Cowboys
00:23:07 when it becomes time to waste this clock out?
00:23:10 One of my favorite football players in the National Football League is
00:23:13 left guard Tyler Smith for the Dallas Cowboys.
00:23:15 He's a second or third-year player.
00:23:16 Second-year player?
00:23:17 He's like 23.
00:23:18 And he just kicks people's asses.
00:23:20 And you know what?
00:23:21 He's opposite the right guard Zach Martin, who's a first ballot Hall of Famer.
00:23:24 Underappreciated offensive line, particularly on the inside there in Dallas.
00:23:28 And the Eagles' back seven has been a problem.
00:23:31 They haven't been able to sort that out.
00:23:32 It feels like teams, like even in this first matchup, I remember, you know,
00:23:36 the Eagles win this game, but the Cowboys,
00:23:38 it felt like they were getting yards a lot easier than the Eagles.
00:23:41 I don't even know what year that guy is.
00:23:43 He plays like a seven-year-old pro.
00:23:44 Yeah, that makes me feel better.
00:23:45 I felt like the more we were talking about it, the more nervous I was getting.
00:23:48 Yeah.
00:23:49 They're going to bully these guys.
00:23:50 Here's the thing.
00:23:51 The only thing that scares you about this game is the Eagles have the ability
00:23:55 to make big plays in big moments, and I don't know if the Cowboys have that.
00:23:58 So it's like the script here is Cowboys have to play with the lead
00:24:01 and feel comfortable.
00:24:02 And the Daron Bland matchup versus D.K. Metcalf,
00:24:04 I don't know if that bodes well for the A.J. Brown matchup
00:24:06 because they're two big physical guys.
00:24:08 They're going to try to outmatch.
00:24:09 But C.D. Lamb and Cook.
00:24:11 But Bland did come back and make a play.
00:24:13 Yeah, he did.
00:24:14 He did.
00:24:15 So back to finish this game out, back to the--no, no, no--
00:24:17 the Dak Prescott conversation.
00:24:19 Dan, I know that you've said you think he's squarely back in the MVP race.
00:24:22 He makes some weird decisions sometimes late in games.
00:24:24 The last time they played Philly, it was kind of like at the end,
00:24:26 it was like, all right, Dak's going to do some things.
00:24:28 If he wins this game, if they win this game, where do you put him in the MVP race?
00:24:31 I think they have to probably get the one seed, unfortunately.
00:24:33 I think that's how it kind of works, or at least win the NFC East.
00:24:36 So they have to--like for Dak to win MVP, they have to win this game.
00:24:40 If they lose this game, Dak will not be MVP.
00:24:42 I'm pretty confident in saying that.
00:24:44 And a lot of doubt creeps in outside noise-wise, like in the media,
00:24:47 with Philly dropping two now, which leaves the room for Dak to get in there.
00:24:51 Can you imagine if Dak didn't step out and got in the end zone the first time?
00:24:54 Yeah, I know. And Philly, again, I know that I've been preaching this,
00:24:57 but you've seen it, you saw it last week with the Niners.
00:25:00 They have run a gauntlet.
00:25:01 They have run an emotional gauntlet of, you know, it was what, Cowboys, Chiefs,
00:25:06 Bills, Niners.
00:25:09 Like they have been playing some really tough teams, and every week has been this--
00:25:13 Is that Mike North, the schedule guy?
00:25:15 Yeah, I mean, I pointed out to this gauntlet before the season, I was like,
00:25:18 "If I'm going to bet the Eagles to win the Super Bowl,
00:25:20 I'm going to wait until they go through this gauntlet."
00:25:22 Now they did start 3-0 in it, so they kind of proved me wrong on that,
00:25:26 but this is kind of the tail end of this, and it's a lot of emotion,
00:25:30 a lot of big games that they've had to play.
00:25:32 Let's go to the Gotta Have It Picks of the Week.
00:25:34 Dan, we'll start with you.
00:25:35 Your matchup is the Panthers and the Saints.
00:25:37 Who has to have it?
00:25:38 The Saints have to have it.
00:25:40 The Saints are a joke.
00:25:42 If you're a Saints fan, you should be rooting for them to lose at this point
00:25:46 because the Saints have been kicking the can down the road
00:25:48 for what feels like five-plus years now, going back to the end of Breeze
00:25:52 to the transition to a new quarterback.
00:25:55 They're in cap hell.
00:25:57 They're in cap hell every year.
00:25:58 It feels like they're just trying to recapture something they had
00:26:02 when they should hit the reset on everything,
00:26:04 but they have to have it because the NFC South is still there.
00:26:07 They could still win the NFC South, which is crazy to say.
00:26:12 And with all that, I'm going to take the Panthers plus 5.5.
00:26:15 Again, I'm going to ride the Panthers plus 5.5.
00:26:17 They looked better last week.
00:26:18 They looked better last week.
00:26:19 The Saints are 0-5 against the spread in the Dome this year, which is crazy.
00:26:24 That whole Saints, hardest place to play, it hasn't existed for the last month.
00:26:29 Is this a Jameis game?
00:26:30 It might be a Jameis game.
00:26:31 Throw the records out.
00:26:32 It might be a Jameis game.
00:26:33 Throw the records out.
00:26:34 It doesn't count when Jameis is here.
00:26:35 Olave, 167.
00:26:36 But you know Jameis will give us one.
00:26:38 You know he'll give us one.
00:26:39 Three touchdowns, one interception.
00:26:40 He'll give us one.
00:26:41 Yeah.
00:26:42 I don't love the pick.
00:26:43 The Panthers are bad.
00:26:44 Yeah.
00:26:45 They are.
00:26:46 But the Saints shouldn't be 5-1.
00:26:47 I want to pick the Panthers.
00:26:48 There's too much talent.
00:26:50 Kyle, are you about to sell the Saints?
00:26:53 Hold on a second.
00:26:54 I want to hear what you got.
00:26:55 No, I'm trying to hear you.
00:26:56 I feel like this is like an I don't know moment for your boy.
00:26:58 I'm trying to--
00:26:59 I'm going to go with the New Orleans Saints, and here's why.
00:27:01 I got Jameis Winston, the guy that people have begged to see more of.
00:27:03 This is all of Jameis Winston plays.
00:27:05 Chris Olave, one of the best guys going down the field 25.
00:27:08 He leads the league in air target yards.
00:27:12 He's got 1,600 air target yards, which is the most in the NFL,
00:27:15 which means he's ran 1,600 yards, and they try to throw it to him for that much.
00:27:19 So Jameis Winston is the guy that's going to pull the trigger on that.
00:27:22 And I think the Panthers, I don't know how they're going to hold up on the back end there.
00:27:25 Obviously the rush has to get home, and the Panthers can't rush a little bit.
00:27:28 But I think Jebo Wins is going to get after it.
00:27:31 He's going to be throwing that thing all over the field.
00:27:33 You buying it?
00:27:34 Saints.
00:27:35 I'm going Saints.
00:27:36 Olave, big game.
00:27:37 And Winston for sure is playing.
00:27:39 I mean, this is one of those if he is.
00:27:41 The Astro game.
00:27:42 He is.
00:27:43 So Carr came out with a back, elbow, and a concussion last week.
00:27:48 Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:27:49 It seems like a Jameis game.
00:27:51 Jameis is in Saints.
00:27:52 Feels like it.
00:27:53 Carr is in Panthers.
00:27:54 The only thing I'll say also in favor of the Panthers, J.C. Horn,
00:27:57 I think he came back last week.
00:27:59 He's going to play more this week.
00:28:00 He does change their defense.
00:28:02 You saw it last year when he came back,
00:28:04 like they started playing some pretty competent ball,
00:28:07 obviously a different team, but he's a very good player.
00:28:09 And so he's very important for their defense.
00:28:11 I'm dumb.
00:28:12 Panthers, I hate the Panthers so much.
00:28:14 Kyle, we had this conversation last week on the show.
00:28:16 Would you coach the Carolina Panthers?
00:28:18 I would.
00:28:19 I would because I'd probably be fired immediately and I'd get all my money.
00:28:22 Yeah.
00:28:23 There you go.
00:28:24 Dan said he would do it as long as he could keep podcasting.
00:28:28 Yeah.
00:28:29 I just podcast after every game.
00:28:30 Be like, "Man, I suck today."
00:28:31 Treat the press conference like a podcast.
00:28:33 Just don't leave the podium.
00:28:35 Just stay up there for an hour every time.
00:28:36 Go for it on fourth down.
00:28:38 I also have a new play that I've been kind of cooking up in my head.
00:28:42 It's a fake punt punt.
00:28:44 I don't know if it would work, but you fake a punt.
00:28:46 Get the guys to come up and then you put it over their head?
00:28:48 No, you snap to the punter.
00:28:51 You have another punter next to the punter.
00:28:54 You snap to the punter.
00:28:55 The punter pretends that he's going to run,
00:28:56 then he pitches it back to the other punter, then you punt.
00:28:59 Kind of fuck them up.
00:29:01 You lose a guy in coverage, but you gain some style points.
00:29:05 Yeah, they don't see that coming, the fake punt punt.
00:29:07 And if you can pull that off, that would be--
00:29:08 If two punters are out there, they're thinking,
00:29:10 "Which one can throw it here?
00:29:11 Hey, everybody, be ready for the fake."
00:29:12 But it's actually just a real punt.
00:29:14 I love that.
00:29:15 Alert, alert, alert.
00:29:16 Yeah, fake punt punt.
00:29:17 Okay, Will, you're got to have it.
00:29:19 Matchup of the week are the Bucs and the Falcons.
00:29:20 Who has to have it?
00:29:21 Falcons.
00:29:22 Both teams have to have it, but this right here is for it all, in my opinion.
00:29:26 The Buccaneers, Falcons.
00:29:28 Falcons have a chance to pull away, go 8-6.
00:29:31 And again, build on that momentum, similar to as we were talking earlier
00:29:35 about the Rams, on something to play for in December.
00:29:37 Both teams, like them, the whole--I mean, not the Panthers,
00:29:40 but the Saints, Bucs, Falcons, they all feel like they're in that world
00:29:42 of having something to play for.
00:29:44 But this right here is a separation game with the Falcons and Buccaneers
00:29:47 because we said it's out of those two, and they're playing this weekend.
00:29:50 They all control their destiny, huh?
00:29:52 Yeah, I'm taking the Falcons as well.
00:29:54 Falcons defense has been playing great.
00:29:56 They've gone 24 straight drives without giving up a touchdown.
00:29:59 Now, obviously, some of that was against the Jets,
00:30:01 which doesn't really count as playing a real team.
00:30:04 But I think the Bucs are just getting by on a lot of reputation with their defense
00:30:08 because it has not been good, and it's banged up.
00:30:10 Your guy, Levante David, got hurt last week.
00:30:12 I think they have a cluster injury in linebackers.
00:30:15 I think the Falcons are just healthier, and they have everything right in front of them.
00:30:20 They're not winning--it doesn't look pretty, but they're winning some games.
00:30:24 So I'll take the Falcons.
00:30:26 I think the Bucs could easily be 4-8, and the Falcons could easily be 9-3.
00:30:30 Ooh. Okay.
00:30:31 So I look at this game, and I think, yeah, got to have it for sure.
00:30:34 The Atlanta Falcons, they've started to figure out their identity.
00:30:37 They're getting the ball to Bijan a lot more.
00:30:39 I love their guard Lindstrom. He kicks people's asses.
00:30:41 And Arthur Smith is a guy that understands if you've got advantages like that,
00:30:45 take advantage of it.
00:30:47 Give it to Bijan.
00:30:48 Don't ask Desmond to do too much.
00:30:50 And this team, the defense in particular, can carry you to some wins.
00:30:53 So across the board, Falcons.
00:30:55 Falcons. Let's go.
00:30:56 Okay. Let's go.
00:30:57 Party, party.
00:30:58 All right, Kyle, your got to have it matchup, the Jags and the Browns.
00:31:01 Who has to have it?
00:31:02 So I placed a future on the Cleveland Browns.
00:31:04 Ooh.
00:31:05 Like four weeks ago.
00:31:06 With Joe Flacco?
00:31:07 Yeah.
00:31:08 [laughter]
00:31:10 And you know what? I'm not feeling too terrible about it.
00:31:12 It's a got to have it win for the Cleveland Browns.
00:31:14 You're going against a team.
00:31:15 There's blood in the water in Jacksonville with Trevor Lawrence banged up.
00:31:18 We're not quite sure if he's going to come back or not.
00:31:20 But the Cleveland Browns, you're a team that's built offensively
00:31:23 and defensively on the line of scrimmage to win football games in the playoffs.
00:31:27 You're constructed to be able to run the football and beat teams with play action.
00:31:31 You've got guys on the defensive side of the ball
00:31:33 who can get after the quarterback as well.
00:31:35 But Miles Garrett, he's been banged up.
00:31:37 Joe Flacco looked pretty good in his first start.
00:31:39 He looked poised, confident.
00:31:41 He did. He's a great ball.
00:31:42 He does.
00:31:43 He's a great ball.
00:31:44 The thing that I wanted to look for in that first week was his poise in the pocket
00:31:47 when there's color around him because, you know, it's a lot different than practice.
00:31:50 These guys can hit you.
00:31:51 So he passed that test in my eyes, and I think Flacco takes another step this week.
00:31:55 Got to have it.
00:31:56 Cleveland Browns against the Jaguars.
00:31:57 Will?
00:31:59 I agree. I agree with him.
00:32:01 Oh, no.
00:32:02 It's a good speech.
00:32:03 I was thinking I was going to let him do his whole thing and be like, "Jaguars."
00:32:06 But through all of that, I think you're right.
00:32:09 You're built in December to play through the trenches.
00:32:11 And C.J. Beathard could be out there.
00:32:13 And then also, even with Flacco, though, like he still throws a good ball,
00:32:17 but as somebody who's came in late in the year, you have zero expectation.
00:32:23 So the part of you is like, "Hey, this is the last one.
00:32:26 Let's just go out here and f--- it."
00:32:27 F--- it.
00:32:28 Yeah, f--- it.
00:32:29 Have fun with the boys in the locker room, and if you get an opportunity
00:32:32 and you have an opportunity, just have fun.
00:32:34 And there's nobody that's happier for him than the guys in that locker room.
00:32:37 They're like, "Joe Flacco's here now. Look at that."
00:32:39 And as Joe has felt that he's still got something, you're showing up each week
00:32:43 knowing that everyone's thinking we're pretty much out of it.
00:32:46 There's nothing to lose.
00:32:47 He's going to start growing the beard out of me a little bit.
00:32:49 Letting loose, having fun.
00:32:51 Yeah. Cleveland's a great town.
00:32:53 They want a winner. Joe Flacco, they got their winner.
00:32:56 Dan, you buying in?
00:32:57 It makes me nervous that we're all on the Browns.
00:33:00 I have two questions.
00:33:01 Well, I have one injury question and one injury comment.
00:33:04 So the Jaguars, Trevor Lawrence might play.
00:33:07 Does that make him tough, or does that make him a baby?
00:33:09 Because he acted like his season was over.
00:33:12 He's tough. I mean, he's tough.
00:33:14 Tough? Because I thought he was never going to walk again.
00:33:17 Can they not afford a cart?
00:33:18 The way he said he wanted to walk.
00:33:20 That was a good Hollywood joke.
00:33:21 That's what I told my wife.
00:33:22 You think he was faking it?
00:33:23 Yeah, I mean, it wasn't that bad.
00:33:25 You know what, Derek?
00:33:27 I mean, Kenny walked off the field. He had the tightrope surgery.
00:33:31 Walked right off the field.
00:33:33 Did Lawrence have--is he having surgery?
00:33:35 No. He might play.
00:33:37 Kyle has so many things he wants to say.
00:33:39 Okay, so either way, Trevor Lawrence, yeah, probably tough if he plays.
00:33:43 Is that the correct term?
00:33:45 It is, right? The rubber band.
00:33:48 He's got to be able to walk off the field.
00:33:49 He walked off the field.
00:33:50 Yeah, but I'm saying--
00:33:51 He looked like he would never--
00:33:52 Right, right, right. It was kind of like--
00:33:54 Paul Pierce?
00:33:55 And again, not throwing--you can't get it in anybody's head.
00:33:58 You don't know how much pain somebody's going through.
00:33:59 But what was it? Hendrickson a few weeks ago?
00:34:02 We did see that in real time.
00:34:04 We saw that when the receiver fell into Hendrickson.
00:34:07 Yeah, he was done for the year.
00:34:08 And the way he fell into--which, by the way, that's shitty luck,
00:34:11 but you thought it was over.
00:34:13 I tweeted, "I hate to see that for anybody. This is terrible."
00:34:17 Yeah.
00:34:18 Play in the next series.
00:34:19 Play in the next series, the next week.
00:34:21 Like, no loss of a step.
00:34:23 Yes, rollercoaster motion.
00:34:24 A sack in the first quarter.
00:34:25 This league.
00:34:26 Yeah, yeah.
00:34:27 The next game.
00:34:28 You're like, "Hey, wouldn't he just--?"
00:34:29 Yeah, that's what I said on the stream.
00:34:30 "Wouldn't he just be rolling around?"
00:34:31 Yeah, he was just begging for his life on the field.
00:34:33 I'm watching you and Jerry try to process that,
00:34:35 and you just dropped, like, a Paul Pierce wall.
00:34:37 They're talking about what ball it was.
00:34:38 Yeah, it was.
00:34:39 Like, the epitome of this show.
00:34:40 It was the Paul Pierce.
00:34:41 Yeah, listen, if Trevor Lawrence plays, his ankle's obviously not 100%,
00:34:44 and he has been able to beat people with his feet.
00:34:46 Like, when the Jags' offenses look good, he's been able to scramble.
00:34:50 The big thing, though, for this game, to me, is Christian Kirk injury.
00:34:54 So he's out for the year.
00:34:55 Exploded ball.
00:34:56 Smushed his nuts.
00:34:57 Smushed his nuts.
00:34:58 I know they said it was a groin injury.
00:34:59 He smushed his nuts.
00:35:00 I watched it happen.
00:35:01 He smushed his nuts.
00:35:03 Christian Kirk, though, Doug Peters shouldn't even have said this, week two.
00:35:07 Going back to week two, he said Christian Kirk thrives against man defense.
00:35:11 He is their man killer.
00:35:13 Guess what the Browns do?
00:35:14 Yeah.
00:35:15 They run man defense.
00:35:16 They're number one in the league in man defense.
00:35:17 So I think that injury is actually more important--
00:35:19 Christian Kirk down a man.
00:35:20 --for this game.
00:35:21 Yeah, exactly.
00:35:22 So I'm taking the Browns as well.
00:35:25 And, yeah, even if Trevor plays, I think Trevor playing would actually make me
00:35:28 like the Browns more because I don't think--
00:35:31 Really?
00:35:32 --I don't think it'd be 100%.
00:35:33 I couldn't hate the Jags anymore with their current situation.
00:35:36 But, like, if Trevor Lawrence plays and Miles Garrett, who is not 100%,
00:35:40 and that defensive line says, "Hey, Trevor Lawrence is playing
00:35:42 and he can't move in the pocket," like, they're going to tee off.
00:35:46 Yeah, the Christian Kirk thing is a good point because last week the Rams,
00:35:48 they had man beaters with Puka and Cooper,
00:35:50 and they obviously struggled against the Rams.
00:35:52 Right.
00:35:53 You've had Labrum.
00:35:54 Right, they lit them up.
00:35:55 So you know the first couple weeks after you're Labrum,
00:35:57 like, you can't really use that arm.
00:35:59 It feels loose.
00:36:00 It feels like there's space in there.
00:36:01 But then week three and four and five, it starts to be like,
00:36:04 "Well, this is my new normal."
00:36:05 Right.
00:36:06 I think Miles Garrett returns to that here soon.
00:36:08 If there's anybody physically, you know, to have the predisposition
00:36:11 to recover quickly, it's Miles Garrett.
00:36:13 Yeah.
00:36:14 I think he does continue to get after people.
00:36:15 Hey, we like the Browns.
00:36:16 We're all on the Browns.
00:36:17 All on the Browns.
00:36:18 I had to sure that up because you said Miles--I was like, "Whoa, whoa."
00:36:20 Yeah.
00:36:21 I don't want to play him if he's got no arms, you know what I mean?
00:36:23 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:36:24 He's scary regardless.
00:36:26 I got that arm in them gray shorts the other week.
00:36:28 Yeah.
00:36:29 He's got a couple arms.
00:36:30 Your tweet about that was just like--
00:36:32 What are you saying?
00:36:33 Hey, buddy.
00:36:34 You're just like, "Yo."
00:36:36 Hey, I'm just saying, Kyle, you know if somebody's standing up there like that,
00:36:40 you know exactly what is happening and what you're doing.
00:36:42 I don't know anything about that.
00:36:44 Oh, yeah, yeah.
00:36:45 Me neither.
00:36:46 I'm saying, like, you know somebody doing that.
00:36:48 Yeah.
00:36:49 Kyle had a video like that, but it went a little different.
00:36:51 Yeah.
00:36:52 It was cold in the locker room.
00:36:54 Post game.
00:36:55 It was cold.
00:36:56 They were trying to cool us down.
00:36:57 It was cool.
00:36:58 We've covered it.
00:36:59 You know that.
00:37:00 The commander's locker room.
00:37:01 It's like an ice box in there.
00:37:02 Yeah, I thought you were going to refer to the case race.
00:37:04 Oh, yeah, that also--yeah, he's also--
00:37:06 It was cold in there.
00:37:07 So we're all there?
00:37:08 Yeah, we're all there.
00:37:09 Hey, come here.
00:37:10 Give me some.
00:37:11 Locker room vibes over there.
00:37:12 Let's get to the rapid fire games of the week presented by Body Armor.
00:37:15 As always, Jersey Jerry is the water boy.
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00:37:26 We'll start with the Colts and the Bengals.
00:37:29 The Colts favored by one.
00:37:31 Colts, they won a tough game last week at Tennessee.
00:37:34 Yes, Tennessee's not very good, but Tennessee usually guts them out at home.
00:37:40 I like the Colts.
00:37:41 They have something to play for.
00:37:42 Bengals, I think they're just--they're hoping that they can put games together
00:37:45 and win the game with Browning.
00:37:47 I'm going Colts.
00:37:48 Kyle, I know you're a big fan of Jake Browning.
00:37:51 I love me some Jake Browning.
00:37:52 Yeah.
00:37:53 I love me some Orlando Brown Jr.
00:37:55 They're left tackled.
00:37:56 You see him hit his little dance in the end zone the other night.
00:37:58 Yeah.
00:37:59 Jackass.
00:38:00 Yeah, I like that.
00:38:01 I like that.
00:38:02 That team seems to be having a lot of fun.
00:38:04 And their season got saved.
00:38:05 Any team that's having fun whose hero got killed
00:38:08 and then they bring in another hero, it's like we're in it, guys.
00:38:11 This is a team of destiny.
00:38:12 The Bengals--I got the Bengals for sure.
00:38:14 The Colts have been awesome.
00:38:15 Shane Steichen's done great.
00:38:17 Their defense has played awesome.
00:38:18 But Bengals, I truly feel it.
00:38:20 After seeing what our guy did in primetime the other night,
00:38:23 it's hard not to pick him.
00:38:24 He was good.
00:38:25 He set up for massive--
00:38:27 Letdown?
00:38:28 Letdown, heartbreak.
00:38:29 Even if it's a massive letdown--thank you--
00:38:30 even if it's a massive letdown from where he was,
00:38:32 he threw for .350 in like four touchdowns.
00:38:34 It was incredible.
00:38:35 So if he throws for .220 and a touchdown,
00:38:37 and we get Joe Mixon in there--
00:38:39 Yeah, Robin can save the day every now and then,
00:38:41 but can he actually watch over the city 24/7?
00:38:43 I'm with Kyle.
00:38:45 Yeah, I'm with Kyle on the Bengals.
00:38:46 Jake Browning's a great test case of how important weapons are.
00:38:50 You know what I mean?
00:38:51 We see young quarterbacks come into the league and struggle,
00:38:54 like Bryce Young.
00:38:55 Yeah, you have to have guys around you because you plug in Jake Browning.
00:38:58 Guess what?
00:38:59 Jamar Chase is still one of the, if not best, receivers in the league.
00:39:04 Tee Higgins, all these guys.
00:39:05 He's the first free agent off the board is Tee Higgins.
00:39:07 Right, right.
00:39:08 So it's like when you plug someone in with those weapons,
00:39:11 he can be pretty damn good.
00:39:13 So I'm taking the Bengals.
00:39:14 And add to that, Big Cat, it's not too often you see these backup quarterbacks
00:39:19 get a ton of reps in the preseason.
00:39:21 Yeah, they're going to get reps, but with Joe Burrow out with the calf,
00:39:24 he's getting home, got reps with the ones.
00:39:26 So it was like Jamar and those guys working with Jake Browning,
00:39:29 that's important to me.
00:39:30 Yeah, and the Colts, I think Shane Steichen is my--
00:39:33 Change it.
00:39:34 I'm changing it?
00:39:35 No, don't change it.
00:39:36 Shane Steichen's my coach of the year.
00:39:37 He thought about it.
00:39:38 He's been incredible.
00:39:39 But I mean, I watched that Titans game.
00:39:41 The Colts had two block punts.
00:39:43 They were able to win the game not with traditional offense.
00:39:47 They got my man off-fired in Tennessee.
00:39:49 It was crazy.
00:39:50 I mean, those were--
00:39:51 You can change it.
00:39:52 Don't.
00:39:53 But change it.
00:39:54 But don't.
00:39:55 But don't.
00:39:56 That would be really--
00:39:57 No.
00:39:58 Are you going to change it?
00:39:59 Are you a sheep or are you a lion?
00:40:00 He wants to change it.
00:40:01 Oh, you're a sheep.
00:40:02 Okay.
00:40:03 He wants to change it.
00:40:04 I kind of want to change it now.
00:40:05 I know you do.
00:40:06 Do you want to change it?
00:40:07 Go ahead.
00:40:08 No, no, no, go ahead.
00:40:09 Final answer, everyone's on the Bengals?
00:40:10 You know what I'm betting on Robin this weekend?
00:40:12 Yeah.
00:40:13 Kyle, just please no crowning jokes on Twitter anymore.
00:40:15 I won't.
00:40:16 I won't.
00:40:17 You will.
00:40:18 Okay, the Lions and the Bears, the two of you down there,
00:40:20 how are you feeling about your Chicago Bears?
00:40:22 You want to go first?
00:40:23 Yeah, I'll go first.
00:40:24 I'm going to let you guys decide who wanted to go first.
00:40:26 I think they're going to win this game.
00:40:28 Yeah.
00:40:29 You think the Bears are going to win?
00:40:30 Yeah.
00:40:31 I think the Bears are going to win this game.
00:40:32 Both of you do.
00:40:33 Yeah.
00:40:34 I do.
00:40:35 This is not you guys talking yourself into it.
00:40:36 No, let's talk facts.
00:40:37 They had like a three possession lead with six minutes to go
00:40:38 the last time they played.
00:40:39 They threw the game.
00:40:40 Let's talk facts.
00:40:41 The Bears defense has been playing great ball.
00:40:45 The Bears defense in the last month is number one against the run.
00:40:48 What do the Lions want to do?
00:40:49 They want to run.
00:40:50 Jared Goff, very good friend of mine,
00:40:52 sometimes outdoors it hasn't gone as well.
00:40:55 Remember 2018?
00:40:56 I was actually on Waddle and Sylvie yesterday,
00:40:58 so that might be my last good Bears memory is Jared Goff and the Rams
00:41:02 who ended up going to the football,
00:41:03 came to Soldier Field in December.
00:41:05 Warm out.
00:41:06 And just the Bears just smushed them.
00:41:08 Your last good memory of the Bears is 2018?
00:41:11 Probably.
00:41:12 Stick with us here.
00:41:13 I guess when we drafted Justin Fields, but yeah, that's probably --
00:41:17 it was a great game.
00:41:18 That was an awesome game.
00:41:19 That was a game where I was like, this team can win the Super Bowl.
00:41:21 So -- and then on the other side, the Lions defense is struggling.
00:41:27 And guess what the Lions defense also struggles with,
00:41:29 mobile quarterbacks.
00:41:30 Justin Fields in his last three games against the Lions is averaging 127
00:41:35 yards on the ground.
00:41:36 He's been dicing them up.
00:41:38 I think the Bears can win this game.
00:41:42 And so three is a gift.
00:41:44 So all that being said, and add to it the fact that Justin Fields has been
00:41:48 disrespected the entire year, pretty much his entire career.
00:41:51 Yeah, because now he's getting the questions from the media being like,
00:41:53 are you reading about how you're playing for your job
00:41:56 and they're going to move on?
00:41:57 Like, he is.
00:41:59 He's playing for his job.
00:42:00 Any athlete is playing for their job.
00:42:02 Any athlete is going out there to prove something.
00:42:03 And Justin Fields, like you said, the last four times against Detroit,
00:42:06 he's over 100 yards, 120 yards.
00:42:08 I mean, that's ridiculous.
00:42:10 Add to that the fact their defense is playing good,
00:42:12 but I really do like this Chicago Bears offensive line.
00:42:15 I did some stuff this week with the guys from the local networks here,
00:42:19 and we were watching film.
00:42:21 And I just fall in love with this offensive line group more and more the more
00:42:24 that I watch it.
00:42:25 I love Tevin Jenkins.
00:42:26 Him being healthy, yeah.
00:42:28 Darnell Wright, a lot of people made a lot of gripes about not getting
00:42:31 Jalen Carter, but you get a right tackle,
00:42:34 and now you've got number 58 out there for the next ten years mauling people.
00:42:37 Watch him in the run.
00:42:38 Go put the tape on.
00:42:39 This team isn't just going to luck their way into wins.
00:42:42 They're going to beat people for wins.
00:42:44 They play defense.
00:42:45 They've got a quarterback who can throw and run exceptionally,
00:42:47 and they've got an offensive line who can run the football.
00:42:49 And Jalen Johnson, the cornerback for the Bears,
00:42:51 has been playing out of this world good.
00:42:53 So, you know, he can be --
00:42:55 And he dropped three picks in the last half.
00:42:57 Yeah.
00:42:58 All of this said, like, we're going to -- this is going to be a bad clip.
00:43:01 We're talking like the Bears are one of the best.
00:43:03 David Montgomery scares the shit out of us.
00:43:07 Will's been, like, looking over at me for a while, like, is this for real?
00:43:10 David Montgomery scares the shit out of us.
00:43:12 We don't have an answer.
00:43:13 I just had an out-of-body experience.
00:43:14 I had an out-of-body experience when I realized, like, if you just dropped --
00:43:20 If you drop someone --
00:43:21 We've got an answer.
00:43:22 Yeah, no, if you drop someone into week 14 and you just had no idea what was
00:43:26 going on and you listen to me and Kyle talk, it's like, Bears lost?
00:43:29 I was just letting you guys cook.
00:43:33 I was like, you know what I mean?
00:43:34 None of that is --
00:43:35 Hey, it's not false, but it sounds crazy.
00:43:37 You are too big to be yelling like that.
00:43:39 It sounds crazy, but it's real.
00:43:41 It sounds crazy.
00:43:42 The three of us were just sitting here like, hey, let him go, let him go.
00:43:45 I was like, let's cook.
00:43:46 Let him cook.
00:43:47 Darnell Wright, Aidan Hutchinson, the game ended last time in Detroit
00:43:51 with Aidan Hutchinson beating Darnell Wright on the outside
00:43:54 and having Darnell with the ball on the ground, he kicked it out of the end zone.
00:43:57 That's how the Lions won.
00:43:58 Yes.
00:43:59 So this is the rematch.
00:44:00 You're just, like, laughing at them now?
00:44:02 If you're looking for real line versus line warfare,
00:44:04 go watch number 58 versus Aidan Hutchinson.
00:44:06 It's going to be a great matchup.
00:44:07 This is why I asked him off the top.
00:44:08 I said, is this a heart pick or a hope pick?
00:44:11 They just gave you every reason.
00:44:12 That was amazing because --
00:44:13 You want more?
00:44:14 I have more.
00:44:15 No, no, no.
00:44:16 I have more.
00:44:17 Frank Ragnow probably not playing.
00:44:18 That's pretty important.
00:44:19 The center.
00:44:20 Frank Ragnow.
00:44:21 Big.
00:44:22 He's a bully.
00:44:23 And also --
00:44:24 He's a bully.
00:44:25 Also, what's his name, Elie McNeil, their interior defensive lineman,
00:44:29 he's also very important to that Lions defense that has been suspect.
00:44:33 He's one of those guys that, like, most people won't talk about,
00:44:37 but if you ask a Lions fan, it's kind of like when the Bears defense was rolling
00:44:41 and everyone would be like, who's the one guy you can't lose on the defense?
00:44:44 People would be like, Cleelmac, Cleelmac, all this stuff.
00:44:46 It's like, no, no, no, it's Akeem Hicks.
00:44:48 It's Akeem Hicks.
00:44:49 The defense is different when you've got a big body in the middle
00:44:52 who just sucks up space and just, like, grinds people down.
00:44:56 Blasts you a lot of the time.
00:44:57 They're missing that guy now.
00:44:59 Dude, remember --
00:45:00 This is bad.
00:45:01 We're talking ourselves into the Bears.
00:45:03 Remember those early 2000s Bears defenses with the stripper?
00:45:06 Yes.
00:45:07 The strip in Arizona.
00:45:08 Dude, Lovie taught them to take the ball away.
00:45:11 The one in '18 was better.
00:45:13 Yeah, the peanut punch.
00:45:15 I mean, Mike Brown, one of the best.
00:45:17 Like, his career got cut short because of injuries,
00:45:19 but dude had back-to-back games where he had to walk off pick six.
00:45:23 Think about that.
00:45:24 It's crazy.
00:45:25 Will, I feel like you have to ride with him after what just happened.
00:45:27 No, no, that was amazing.
00:45:29 What just happened, I feel like you have to.
00:45:30 It was a couple husbands at a holiday party.
00:45:32 They got away for a minute.
00:45:33 I'll say it right now.
00:45:35 I want to apologize to everyone.
00:45:36 That was way too much time to talk about a 4-18.
00:45:38 Way too much.
00:45:40 But the passion that was behind it was so good that none of us wanted to interrupt.
00:45:43 And then one of them would say something else that would kick them off.
00:45:46 And then it's just a body language.
00:45:47 And the 12 husbands, yes.
00:45:49 The 12 husbands are going to get the families together in the future.
00:45:51 It's the Lions.
00:45:52 Yes.
00:45:53 It's the Lions.
00:45:54 Okay.
00:45:55 It was always the Lions.
00:45:56 Jerry, is it the Lions?
00:45:57 I trademarked it.
00:45:58 You know, I kind of like the Bears this week with the points.
00:46:00 I really do.
00:46:01 Look, it's a --
00:46:02 I really do.
00:46:03 Again, yes, Justin Fields has had success with his legs against his team.
00:46:06 Dan Campbell, you know that this is going to be just an emphasis on, hey,
00:46:09 do not let him beat us with his legs because 80% of their plays are drawn up
00:46:14 five yards or less because they do not believe in Justin Fields.
00:46:17 I think that's an easy game to play for.
00:46:20 That hurt a little bit when you said that.
00:46:21 I'm just saying, you look it up, a lot of their plays,
00:46:24 honestly a lot of them are behind the line of scrimmage.
00:46:26 I'm going to look it up.
00:46:27 Yes, look that up, under five yards.
00:46:29 They got to have their moment, though.
00:46:30 I know, I loved it.
00:46:31 That felt very good.
00:46:32 I mean, you could just say the Lions and just say Luke Getzey,
00:46:35 and I'd be like, yeah, you're probably right.
00:46:36 That turns our argument on.
00:46:38 Like he's got a good game and we have not seen that.
00:46:42 It's okay.
00:46:43 There's hope over there, and that's important.
00:46:44 Okay, the Texans and the Jets, Dan.
00:46:46 The Jets are starting Zach Wilson.
00:46:49 That is for sure happening.
00:46:51 Spark.
00:46:52 Spark.
00:46:53 Are you buying into the Zach Wilson spark?
00:46:55 Spark.
00:46:56 That was good.
00:46:57 That was good.
00:46:58 I really want to take the Jets, trying to catch a falling knife,
00:47:02 but I don't think I can do it.
00:47:04 No tank tail really does hurt the Texans,
00:47:06 but I was actually -- the Texans game against the Broncos,
00:47:10 their offense wasn't what carried them.
00:47:12 Their defense was phenomenal.
00:47:13 Will Anderson is a study, probably is going to win defensive player of the year,
00:47:17 him or Jalen Carter, and then Stingley with those two picks.
00:47:21 Huge.
00:47:22 Like their defense is coming along where they can win them games,
00:47:25 so I'm going to take the Texans, although I really want to take the Jets so bad.
00:47:29 It's such an ugly pick that like --
00:47:31 That's what makes it attractive.
00:47:33 Because everyone's going to look at it and be like, Texans,
00:47:35 the way Jerry did is more to lock is the Texans.
00:47:37 And the visors, yeah.
00:47:38 Yeah, like it's such a sucker pick.
00:47:40 Texans play on a --
00:47:42 Why is it three and a half?
00:47:43 Texans play on a similar surface.
00:47:45 This is a strange way to attack this argument.
00:47:47 Yeah, I like this.
00:47:48 The Texans play on a similar surface.
00:47:50 It's not going to be entirely home field advantage for the Jets in that regard.
00:47:54 You're not going to be like going from grass to turf.
00:47:56 Yeah, tank tail's out, and that's awful,
00:47:58 but Nico Collins has been the explosive option there as well.
00:48:01 And Noah Brown, another guy who CJ has been relying on.
00:48:05 We talked about Bobby Slowik on this show,
00:48:07 the offensive coordinator for the Texans.
00:48:09 That balance is definitely something that they want to maintain.
00:48:12 Yeah, they can be explosive in the passing game,
00:48:14 but this is a team that can run the football too.
00:48:16 Devon Singletary has been awesome.
00:48:18 And Damian Pierce has stayed.
00:48:19 And then even with Damian Pierce back, they still prefer Devon Singletary.
00:48:23 But to your point, it's that defense.
00:48:25 Yeah.
00:48:26 It's the defense that's kept this team in games.
00:48:27 I've got the Texans.
00:48:28 I just don't see the Jets scoring a bunch of points, man.
00:48:30 Will?
00:48:31 Agreed.
00:48:32 I'm with the Texans.
00:48:33 The best part about the Zach Wilson stuff, obviously,
00:48:36 is everything that comes out on social throughout the week on it.
00:48:38 Who's got the sources?
00:48:40 Who's, yeah, like, hey, I'll come back if I can start type of thing.
00:48:43 Yeah.
00:48:45 And I like the Texans winning the division.
00:48:47 So I'm going Texas.
00:48:49 Okay.
00:48:50 Kyle, Vikings at the Raiders.
00:48:51 It pains me.
00:48:52 I think it's going to be the Jets.
00:48:53 It just pains me so much.
00:48:54 Switch.
00:48:55 Do you want to switch?
00:48:56 I can't.
00:48:57 I don't want to bet on the Jets.
00:48:58 I don't want to bet on the Jets.
00:49:00 Vikings Raiders scares me because I want to pick the Vikings.
00:49:04 Justin Jefferson's back.
00:49:05 He is back.
00:49:06 Josh Dobbs got all the interceptions out.
00:49:09 He threw four.
00:49:10 He tried to throw ten.
00:49:11 Not only did he come crashing back down to Earth from outer space,
00:49:14 but he went through planet Earth to China and out into the outer space again.
00:49:19 So I think he goes four touchdowns, no interceptions.
00:49:21 Ooh.
00:49:22 Oh.
00:49:23 Against the Raiders, and I've got the Vikings.
00:49:24 Justin Jefferson's going to have two.
00:49:26 Dan?
00:49:27 I'm going to take the Raiders.
00:49:29 This will be fun.
00:49:30 I'm going Raiders, too.
00:49:32 I like both teams.
00:49:34 This is more of like a--
00:49:35 This is an O'Connell game, bro.
00:49:37 I'm worried about O'Connell versus the Blitz because Ryan Flores is going to Blitz,
00:49:41 and I don't know how that's going to go.
00:49:43 I'm worried about that.
00:49:44 But here's one thing that I do like about this matchup, Will.
00:49:47 Josh Dobbs, really good with his feet against man coverage
00:49:51 because everyone's downfield looking at their receiver.
00:49:54 He's able to take off, extend a play.
00:49:56 The Raiders play a lot of zone, and they keep everything in front of you.
00:49:59 They make you go down the field methodically.
00:50:01 I think that's where Josh Dobbs struggles.
00:50:04 Everyone's looking at the quarterback.
00:50:06 It's not the same as when you have a cornerback going all the way down the field
00:50:10 with Justin Jefferson, and then Josh Dobbs just rips off 20 yards around the corner.
00:50:14 I'm going to take the Raiders.
00:50:16 I'm picking Raiders, and I love all those points.
00:50:18 I just do not love the pick.
00:50:20 I don't love it.
00:50:21 No, this is a game you can't feel comfortable.
00:50:23 Because you do, you get JJ back.
00:50:25 And he changes their entire offense.
00:50:28 I think the answer to that pressure that you're talking about is the shallow crosser
00:50:32 with Justin Jefferson working across the field,
00:50:34 like where you see Kelsey stop in those zone windows.
00:50:37 Jefferson's got eyeballs like that too.
00:50:39 And Nate Tice wrote something up about how Justin Jefferson,
00:50:42 when he's on the field, the Vikings can run the ball a lot better too
00:50:45 because the defense has to play completely different.
00:50:48 So I just talk to myself.
00:50:50 I'm sticking with the Raiders.
00:50:51 I know.
00:50:52 Let's go.
00:50:53 [imitates horn]
00:50:54 I'm sticking with the Raiders.
00:50:56 Okay, Will, the Seahawks with the 49ers.
00:50:59 Niners.
00:51:00 I love the Niners.
00:51:01 I mean, they took the Eagles out to the woodshed last weekend, called it.
00:51:05 Yeah.
00:51:07 I just don't think you can stop it.
00:51:08 And I think Seattle,
00:51:09 they had such an emotional loss against the Cowboys last week.
00:51:11 It's like one of those things to where they're trying to hang on.
00:51:15 And I think they're in a different spot than in that division.
00:51:18 The Rams, where the Rams are on a three-game win streak,
00:51:20 I feel like the Seahawks, they've lost some close games.
00:51:23 They've lost tough games.
00:51:24 And I feel like it's weighing on them.
00:51:26 And they're at the 49ers, so I'm going 49ers.
00:51:28 So 10-1/2, Dan, you rolling with that?
00:51:30 Yeah, I'm taking the Niners as well.
00:51:32 I think that a lot of people are going to say, "Oh, the Seahawks, 10-1/2.
00:51:36 You've got to take it."
00:51:37 The Niners, that blip that they had where they lost those games
00:51:40 without Trent Williams and Debo, it feels like years ago.
00:51:42 They're back to what they do.
00:51:44 And the problem with the Seahawks is they don't do well guarding the middle
00:51:49 of the field, and they're not great at tackling.
00:51:51 And who's the best at breaking down the middle of the field?
00:51:55 It's the Kyle Shanahan offense.
00:51:56 Christian McCaffrey in space, Ayuk.
00:51:59 Like, all these guys, Debo, all these guys who run Kittle in the middle
00:52:02 of the field, like, it's just a matchup nightmare for the 49ers.
00:52:06 Yeah, and when you get –
00:52:08 Or, sorry, for the Seahawks.
00:52:09 When you get December 2 and you feel like the pressure's leaning on you on,
00:52:12 "Man, let's hope it goes right," and that's when you step on the field
00:52:15 and then it doesn't go right in the first series, it kind of just snowballs,
00:52:18 like, "Man, maybe this isn't our year."
00:52:19 Right.
00:52:20 Brock Purdy playing great.
00:52:21 Brock Purdy playing great.
00:52:23 San Francisco didn't score in the first quarter against Philly,
00:52:25 but they're one of these teams that I trust to go out and score
00:52:28 in the first quarter at a clip that nobody else can really match.
00:52:30 And they scored, what, like seven straight drives, I think,
00:52:32 against Philly after that?
00:52:33 Yes.
00:52:34 They're so – that's Shanahan making adjustments, bro.
00:52:36 Usually coaches have to go in at halftime and say, "What didn't work?
00:52:39 What did work?
00:52:40 What do you like?
00:52:41 What did you see?"
00:52:42 Well, Shanahan gets all that shit at the end of the first drive.
00:52:44 So, I truly love the Niners, and I think that being at home,
00:52:49 being at home for the Niners, you're going to be able to score early
00:52:53 and the Seahawks are going to have to be playing from behind.
00:52:55 I think that defensive front, they're not going to have to pressure a lot.
00:52:57 And they'll just be getting after Geno with those rushers.
00:53:00 And I got the Niners.
00:53:01 Dan, Broncos at Chargers.
00:53:03 I'm going Broncos here.
00:53:05 The Chargers are a complete shell of themselves.
00:53:08 So, I was right last week on the Broncos kind of regression with their fumble luck
00:53:12 and their turnover luck because you saw in their wins,
00:53:15 their five-game win streak, they were getting a lot of bounces going their way.
00:53:18 They didn't get it last week with the Texans, and Russ played bad.
00:53:21 But the Chargers offense is what the big problem is.
00:53:24 They scored six points against the Patriots.
00:53:27 Game was so gross.
00:53:28 I was looking at it.
00:53:29 So, Eckler looks old running the ball.
00:53:32 They can't run the ball.
00:53:34 Josh Palmer's been out.
00:53:36 I think he's still got a little time to come back.
00:53:38 I think they opened up his practice window.
00:53:40 Since Josh Palmer's been out, the Chargers have failed to go over 250 yards passing
00:53:45 in four out of the last five games.
00:53:47 And Keenan Allen's everything they have.
00:53:49 Keenan Allen's everything they have.
00:53:50 Keenan Allen has 71 more receptions than the second-highest reception guy on the
00:53:54 Chargers.
00:53:55 He's everything.
00:53:56 And Staley said he wished he could throw to him 15 more times.
00:53:58 Did you hear that quote?
00:53:59 Yeah, it's crazy.
00:54:00 I went and looked at it in the yard.
00:54:02 You're shitting on everybody else in that room.
00:54:03 Yeah, since Josh Palmer has been out, I think Keenan Allen has 46% of their
00:54:07 passing yards.
00:54:08 So, he's everything.
00:54:09 And I think you have Patrick Sertan.
00:54:11 Like, I don't know if they're going to put Patrick Sertan on him and shadow him,
00:54:15 but I think he's the type of guy who wants that to happen,
00:54:17 and he's up for the challenge.
00:54:19 So, I think they're going to be able to eliminate Keenan Allen,
00:54:22 and it's more an indictment of the Chargers offense and what they have become,
00:54:26 which is a shell of themselves, than it is, like,
00:54:28 I'm not super bullish on the Broncos.
00:54:30 I just think the Chargers offense is that bad.
00:54:32 Will?
00:54:33 No, I agree with everything Dan said.
00:54:35 And also, with the Broncos, like, last week a couple turnovers popped up,
00:54:37 but it's still a tough loss at Houston.
00:54:39 Houston's a good team, and they kind of piggyback on the coaching style of
00:54:43 making in-game adjustments.
00:54:45 That staff in Houston with -- who's the -- what's it -- Ryans and Slowick.
00:54:49 Yeah.
00:54:50 Like, it comes from the same mold.
00:54:51 Like, they play a tough team.
00:54:52 I don't think that that's a bad loss for the Broncos,
00:54:54 and they're kind of sitting in that pack where there's several teams that are,
00:54:57 like, 6-6, kind of like, hey, the wild card could get a little spicy in the AFC,
00:55:01 and the Broncos are in a good spot to do that.
00:55:03 And I feel like they have momentum.
00:55:05 They will have Sertan.
00:55:06 We'll want the challenge.
00:55:07 I don't think you just cover Keenan Allen or eliminate him, but who knows.
00:55:10 But they can if they want to.
00:55:11 They can if they -- yeah.
00:55:12 Right.
00:55:13 There's some ways to eliminate him on top of --
00:55:16 On big plays, yeah.
00:55:17 Yeah.
00:55:18 I like the Broncos.
00:55:19 I like them to get interesting late in the year.
00:55:22 Kyle?
00:55:23 It's going to be a low-scoring game.
00:55:24 I think Khalil Mack is one of five players in the National Football League
00:55:27 history to have multiple sacks in four straight weeks.
00:55:30 Ooh.
00:55:31 Yeah, he's, like, what, two or three in sacks this year?
00:55:33 He's like the Fountain of Youth.
00:55:34 First.
00:55:35 First.
00:55:36 He's leading sacks, yeah.
00:55:37 It's unbelievable.
00:55:38 Khalil Mack, I mean --
00:55:39 Not TJ.
00:55:40 I think he's going to get an extra possession in a game where I think
00:55:42 points are going to be at a premium.
00:55:44 We saw six points in New England, and obviously --
00:55:46 That was bullshit, by the way, because I took -- I was right.
00:55:51 I should get credit for that.
00:55:52 Think about it.
00:55:54 I took a team getting five and a half points, and they gave up six points
00:55:58 and didn't cover.
00:55:59 That's wild.
00:56:00 That sucks.
00:56:01 It's impossible.
00:56:02 That's impossible.
00:56:04 I think if Khalil Mack --
00:56:06 I should get a win.
00:56:07 I wish that would have sat for --
00:56:08 I was going to let that fail.
00:56:10 I was just looking at the ones I lost.
00:56:11 How did I lose this?
00:56:12 Yeah, they didn't score.
00:56:13 That was like a therapist's office moment.
00:56:16 If Khalil Mack doesn't find a way to create an extra possession for the
00:56:19 Chargers, I am going to go with the Broncos.
00:56:21 And is the Broncos plus 2.5?
00:56:22 Yeah.
00:56:23 Okay.
00:56:24 Yeah, I'm going to go with the Broncos.
00:56:25 Okay, so Broncos across the board.
00:56:27 Monday night football, the Titans.
00:56:30 You want me to start with you, Will?
00:56:31 Oh, it's Dolphins.
00:56:33 Like, this is -- yeah, it's Dolphins.
00:56:35 Dolphins to me are --
00:56:36 13 and a half.
00:56:37 I don't like them going deep in the pool.
00:56:38 13 and a half.
00:56:39 I do, too.
00:56:40 Yeah, and Titans are -- they're, you know, they're dying.
00:56:42 I figured you would say the Dolphins would win,
00:56:44 but I didn't know if 13 and a half you thought was too many.
00:56:46 I'll take 14 and a half.
00:56:47 Yeah.
00:56:48 Oh.
00:56:49 I'll take 13 and a half.
00:56:50 Go ahead, Kyle, finish it up.
00:56:51 I'm going to go with the Dolphins.
00:56:52 Wait, hang on, you said I'm going to take what?
00:56:54 15 and a half?
00:56:55 You said 15?
00:56:56 I'll take 15.
00:56:57 Okay, all right.
00:56:58 I was going to say.
00:56:59 So we've got 14 and a half, 13 and a half, and 15.
00:57:00 I hope the Dolphins win by 14.
00:57:01 That would be great.
00:57:02 I like Will Levis in this game.
00:57:03 I don't think they could win the game, but I think he keeps it close.
00:57:06 He has a lot of heart.
00:57:07 I loved what he did to Hopkins.
00:57:08 Yeah.
00:57:09 Hopkins got mad at him, and then Will Levis was like, "Nah, motherfucker,
00:57:12 that ain't how we're going to run here."
00:57:14 I like Will, man.
00:57:15 I think he throws a good ball.
00:57:17 Titans to cover.
00:57:18 I think it's like a 10-point game.
00:57:19 He's fearless.
00:57:20 Yeah, but you can like Will.
00:57:21 I agree with you.
00:57:22 I think he's got a lot of heart, but it's like the minds you're going
00:57:25 against in Miami versus the team that they have in Miami with all that firepower,
00:57:29 I just --
00:57:30 It's a lot of points.
00:57:31 Tyree Kill, is he going to win the MVP?
00:57:33 Yeah.
00:57:34 He has 2,000 yards, and he should win the MVP.
00:57:36 He should.
00:57:37 There's never been a receiver to win the MVP.
00:57:39 Who's supposed to win the MVP?
00:57:41 Is it a bugger?
00:57:42 Tyree Kill?
00:57:44 Don't look now.
00:57:46 Just look more towards me.
00:57:47 Yeah, you got it.
00:57:48 Don't look now.
00:57:49 That's when I got to --
00:57:51 Tyree Kill should --
00:57:52 I just pick my nose on what I'm -- I don't care.
00:57:55 Just pick your nose if you've got to pick your nose.
00:57:57 I picked my nose in the Uber, and I caught the guy catching me.
00:58:00 Who cares?
00:58:01 Did you say anything?
00:58:02 Who doesn't pick their nose?
00:58:03 I gave him one of these.
00:58:04 I was like, "You want one?"
00:58:05 Everyone picks their nose.
00:58:06 The wiping it on the seat thing is disgusting.
00:58:08 You got to pick your nose.
00:58:09 I'll never do that.
00:58:10 Yeah, that's a little rough.
00:58:11 You got to flick that thing out the window or just go straight to the shower.
00:58:13 Roll the window down and give it a little -- let him know that it was going to be all good.
00:58:16 Picking your nose is the best.
00:58:18 I'm just -- you had it --
00:58:19 This time of year, when it goes from hot out to cold out and the heater's on in the house,
00:58:23 you get dry, you get bugs, it's bad.
00:58:25 We're all parents here.
00:58:26 Is there not anything more satisfying than getting -- like picking your baby's nose and knowing --
00:58:30 Big bug.
00:58:31 Yeah.
00:58:32 No, I get -- I'm like, "I hate doing it."
00:58:34 Well, I don't want to, like, make him upset, but, like, when I know it's there and he needs to get it out
00:58:37 and I successfully get it out, it's, like, the best feeling ever.
00:58:39 Yes.
00:58:40 I'm the dolphins as well.
00:58:42 So we have 10 points, dolphins -- no, Titans at 10.
00:58:46 No, no, Titans, yeah.
00:58:47 He likes Titans.
00:58:48 I like Titans.
00:58:49 Yeah, Titans plus 10.
00:58:50 13 and a half.
00:58:52 Oh, 13 and a half.
00:58:53 Yeah, I think it'll be a 10.
00:58:54 14 and a half, 13 and a half.
00:58:55 14 and a half, 13 and a half, 15.
00:58:56 Dolphins minus 15.
00:58:57 Okay.
00:58:58 Yeah.
00:58:59 A lot of numbers to keep track of here.
00:59:00 A lot of numbers.
00:59:01 Okay, so we'll finish with the Packers at the Giants.
00:59:04 I know we talked about the Packers a little bit off the top of the show.
00:59:06 Jordan Love, Dan, you said you think he might be a little bit of a problem.
00:59:09 He's good.
00:59:10 He's good.
00:59:11 He's good.
00:59:12 So that's a problem for you.
00:59:13 It's a huge problem.
00:59:14 He's really good.
00:59:15 So is A.J. Dillon.
00:59:16 He's really good.
00:59:17 It's a problem.
00:59:18 I've admitted it.
00:59:19 And I don't like the Packers fans that are using the clip from part of my take where I was saying
00:59:24 how good he is.
00:59:25 That was supposed to be for Bears, Vikings, and Lions fans only, so that's a legal taping of me.
00:59:31 I've been like going -- they made a TikTok of me, and I've just been trending on Packers Twitter.
00:59:37 It's very hurtful.
00:59:38 Because you're glazing Jordan?
00:59:39 Well, no, I was just saying it's unfair.
00:59:40 That he's good?
00:59:41 Yeah, it's unfair that he's good.
00:59:43 Because you've also -- I mean, us too, we were saying the Packers are bad, but you, you know.
00:59:46 Yeah.
00:59:47 You really shoved the knife in a couple times.
00:59:48 They're good.
00:59:50 He does.
00:59:51 They look good.
00:59:52 Here's the thing, though.
00:59:53 I hate it as a Bears fan, but I love it as an athlete who understands what Jordan Love's been going through.
00:59:58 And the people --
00:59:59 Ah, fuck what he's going through.
01:00:00 I mean, I'll tell you what.
01:00:01 I work with a number of people who have things to say that I don't necessarily think are fair.
01:00:05 Oh, yeah, Adam Schrein did go after Jordan Love.
01:00:08 And I give Adam a hard time about it, and he apologized for it.
01:00:12 He said, "Look, Jordan Love's playing great, but at the end of the day, a guy like Jordan Love to come
01:00:16 into Green Bay, like that hallowed ground with all those great quarterbacks that come before him,
01:00:20 put his best foot forward like he has, it's impressive.
01:00:22 It's impressive.
01:00:23 Matt LaFleur's a great coach, and the Packers, they scare me, bro.
01:00:26 I got the Packers here."
01:00:27 It's not even two with what the media says and everything else.
01:00:31 Like even in the building, like when you have that first kind of first half of the year,
01:00:35 and then you beat like a Rams team without staff, and you put one game together,
01:00:40 you're still going in the building like, you know, I know the Cooks are fired up, but is this real?
01:00:43 And then you put two together.
01:00:44 Then you put another one together.
01:00:46 It's like that optimism, that buy-in that they're getting now because he is just back there,
01:00:50 and he's slinging it, bro.
01:00:51 And against the Chiefs, you know, when Patrick's on the field, they show Jordan on the sideline
01:00:57 in his trench coat, and his mannerisms were a lot like Patrick Mahomes.
01:01:02 Crazy.
01:01:03 Come on.
01:01:04 We said he's good.
01:01:05 His mannerisms on the sideline while waiting for the other team to finish their drive reminded me
01:01:11 of a locked-in focus like Jalen Hurts, like Patrick Mahomes.
01:01:14 The guy just doesn't seem to be phased by a lot because he's been through the ringer emotionally.
01:01:18 If Pat answered, he would come out and answer.
01:01:20 Yeah, man.
01:01:21 I'm telling you, the play action, the comfort in the pocket.
01:01:23 It's real.
01:01:24 That's how I feel.
01:01:25 And the way LeFleur is being creative on getting some of these run games to the end.
01:01:27 He's good.
01:01:28 Just leave it at he's good.
01:01:29 It opens up the play action path.
01:01:30 He's good.
01:01:31 You're hurting, Dan, as you're--
01:01:32 I'm going to take the Giants in this game, Tommy DeVito.
01:01:35 Jerry's got Tommy DeVito.
01:01:36 Spite pick.
01:01:37 Spite pick.
01:01:38 I had the Packers last week, they won outright.
01:01:40 I'm spite picking this.
01:01:42 You don't feel good about it?
01:01:43 No.
01:01:44 Hell no.
01:01:45 You didn't like all the love that you were just throwing to the Packers.
01:01:47 Hell no.
01:01:48 Yeah, but you've got to acknowledge it.
01:01:49 Yeah, but you know what's happening right now?
01:01:51 What you guys are doing, you're just glazing Jordan Love.
01:01:54 He's got to hear that.
01:01:55 They think they're good now.
01:01:56 They don't have to worry about the Giants.
01:01:57 My therapist said I should do this.
01:01:59 A little set down, a little let down.
01:02:00 Jerry.
01:02:01 What did Jerry say?
01:02:02 Jerry.
01:02:03 Yeah, that's what you guys are doing.
01:02:04 Jordan Love right now.
01:02:05 That's a short stroke over there.
01:02:07 Let's go back to talking about the four and eight bears for 20 minutes.
01:02:12 Where else can you get this on a show?
01:02:16 Where else?
01:02:17 Nowhere else.
01:02:18 But he's right.
01:02:19 I'll top him up.
01:02:20 Are you going to take the Giants or the Packers?
01:02:23 No, I'm going Packers.
01:02:24 Or Packers, yeah.
01:02:25 Okay.
01:02:26 Jerry, are you going to take your guy?
01:02:29 I'm going to take Love, Jordan Love.
01:02:32 So after you're making fun of him for glazing, you're going to glaze too?
01:02:35 And I meant verbally.
01:02:36 Oh, also, Packers fans, I have an ad of five Jordan Love rookie national treasures.
01:02:42 Hit my DM.
01:02:43 Okay.
01:02:44 It's a big card.
01:02:45 [laughter]
01:02:46 Just throw that little ad in there.
01:02:48 Just slide in Jerry's DMs.
01:02:49 Okay, time for three bad opinions.
01:02:50 Dan, what's your bad opinion?
01:02:51 Okay, I tried it.
01:02:52 I did it last week.
01:02:53 I was right.
01:02:54 Niners blew out the Eagles.
01:02:55 I'm going to try it again.
01:02:56 I think the Bills are going to beat the Chiefs by over ten points.
01:03:01 Wow.
01:03:02 I think the Bills --
01:03:03 That'll bode well for us, though.
01:03:04 If you're looking for a future, if the Bills -- like I said, if the Bills get in the dance, watch out.
01:03:10 Got to get the future now, though.
01:03:11 You can't get it after this game.
01:03:12 It's like 35 to 1.
01:03:13 Yeah.
01:03:14 If you like them, if you think they can win this game, bet the future now because you'll get value out of it.
01:03:18 Before Sunday.
01:03:19 If they win this game, they'll go from 35 to 1 to 20 to 1.
01:03:22 Okay.
01:03:23 Will, do you have a bad opinion?
01:03:24 Pass, pass, pass.
01:03:25 Pass.
01:03:26 Okay, Kyle, do you have a bad opinion?
01:03:27 Do you think the Bills can blow out the Chiefs?
01:03:28 Pass, pass, pass.
01:03:29 Yeah, no, I do.
01:03:30 They all kind of like shook their head, yeah.
01:03:31 Blow out the Chiefs?
01:03:32 That's what I said.
01:03:33 It's a bad opinion.
01:03:34 You said all shook our heads.
01:03:35 Oh, you didn't.
01:03:36 It's a bad opinion.
01:03:37 I thought you were --
01:03:38 I got to wait and see.
01:03:39 It's a bad opinion.
01:03:40 You got to wait and see after the game?
01:03:41 I don't think they get blown out.
01:03:42 Okay.
01:03:43 I don't think they get boat raced.
01:03:44 So you think it's a bad opinion?
01:03:45 Yeah, it's a bad opinion, but man, if I went two for two in my last two bad opinions?
01:03:49 My bad opinion is that they should have a MVP for quarterbacks.
01:03:53 Yes.
01:03:54 And they should have a non-quarterback MVP.
01:03:55 That's a good opinion.
01:03:56 I like that.
01:03:57 That's a great opinion.
01:03:58 At the top of the list for me, it's Tyreek Hill.
01:03:59 Yep.
01:04:00 And the other guys shortly after, it's Christian McCaffrey, it's Trent Williams.
01:04:05 And I even think you potentially --
01:04:06 It's a bad opinion.
01:04:07 No, it's a great opinion.
01:04:08 Yeah, it's a great opinion.
01:04:09 It's a great opinion.
01:04:10 Well, the other ones were so bad.
01:04:11 Yeah.
01:04:12 I had to make this one.
01:04:13 Yeah, no, that's a great opinion.
01:04:14 You're right, though.
01:04:15 Tyreek Hill --
01:04:16 Maybe a coach could be in the running for a quarterback MVP.
01:04:18 Yeah.
01:04:19 But wide receivers never won the MVP.
01:04:20 It's crazy.
01:04:21 Like, Cooper Cupp had the Triple Crown two years ago.
01:04:24 Yeah.
01:04:25 Tyreek Hill -- and I know Tu is playing great ball, but Tyreek Hill is a one-of-one guy
01:04:29 right now, truly.
01:04:31 Calvin Johnson got 1,964 yards in 16 games.
01:04:34 Tyreek Hill is going to --
01:04:35 He's going to beat that, yeah.
01:04:36 I think that's the best opinion we've had throughout 14 years of bad opinions.
01:04:40 It's a great opinion.
01:04:41 There you go.
01:04:42 I've done the worst and the best.
01:04:43 Yes.
01:04:44 Great opinion.
01:04:45 You know what, just covering the entire spectrum.
01:04:46 All right, Will, do you have one or do you want to pass?
01:04:47 Let's say -- I'm going to say it's going to be a high-scoring game with the Texans-Jets.
01:04:49 Zach Wilson shows up --
01:04:50 What?
01:04:51 -- has two touchdowns.
01:04:52 Oh, my God.
01:04:53 And an interception.
01:04:54 But I'm saying he shows up, he plays well enough for people to talk about it.
01:04:56 That's a bad opinion.
01:04:57 But the Texans obviously still win.
01:04:59 That's a very bad opinion.
01:05:00 They'll win the game.
01:05:01 Let's say it's like 34-24.
01:05:02 What?
01:05:03 34-24.
01:05:04 You're crazy, dude.
01:05:05 That's crazy.
01:05:06 You're crazy.
01:05:07 Okay.
01:05:08 I like you, but you're crazy.
01:05:09 Kyle gave such a great opinion, he had to go the opposite way.
01:05:11 He's crazy.
01:05:12 Tom, can we -- Jake, can we change the photo in the bottom left?
01:05:15 You don't like that photo?
01:05:16 No, not really.
01:05:17 Why?
01:05:18 Just I don't -- you know, we got the red hat number one.
01:05:20 We don't sell those anymore, so we're -- you know, we got rid of them for a reason.
01:05:23 I mean, it's better than the shirt you're wearing now.
01:05:25 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:05:26 You're showing me right now, and now I'm even more uncomfortable.
01:05:29 Like, I'm white, I'm red.
01:05:31 These lights, I've been trying to tell you.
01:05:33 You look like a car salesman that's, like, dressing up as fancy as you can for a golf outing.
01:05:38 What?
01:05:39 Dressing up as fancy as you can because I'm trying to sell something.
01:05:42 Yeah, yeah, I just --
01:05:43 What are you getting on the lot?
01:05:44 Toyota.
01:05:45 Yeah, yeah.
01:05:46 And you get a little too handsy with the cart girls, and we're like, hey, chill out there, buddy.
01:05:51 Yeah.
01:05:52 That shirt doesn't look that nice.
01:05:54 Around, like, the 10th or 11th hole, he's starting to really feel himself.
01:05:57 Yeah.
01:05:58 That's Will.
01:05:59 Survivor pool picks.
01:06:00 You guys are still alive.
01:06:01 You and Jerry, Dan and Jerry are crushing it.
01:06:03 We're going into week 14.
01:06:04 So, Jerry, I ask you every week, do you want Dan to go first or you want him first?
01:06:07 Dan can go first.
01:06:08 No, you can go first.
01:06:09 No, I went first last week again.
01:06:10 Did you?
01:06:11 Come on, stop doing that to me.
01:06:12 Okay, there's not a lot of teams left.
01:06:15 So, Dan, you cannot take Seattle, Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago, Jacksonville, Dallas, or Miami.
01:06:22 I'll take the San Francisco 49ers.
01:06:24 Oh, my God, wow.
01:06:25 This is no spreads.
01:06:26 No spreads, it's survival.
01:06:27 Yeah, this is just surviving.
01:06:28 Survive.
01:06:29 They say survivor like I'm --
01:06:31 Yeah.
01:06:32 Lone survivor, right?
01:06:33 I'm learning.
01:06:34 Just whack them.
01:06:35 Yeah, what was --
01:06:36 Swack them.
01:06:37 Swack them.
01:06:38 Swack them.
01:06:39 Okay, so, Jerry, you know the teams you can't take?
01:06:41 Yeah, I'm looking at them right now.
01:06:42 Okay.
01:06:43 Oh, man.
01:06:48 The fact that you took the Giants and the Broncos in week 7 is --
01:06:51 Yeah, it's impressive.
01:06:52 I know, but it's just like eliminating an extra team.
01:06:55 You know what?
01:06:57 What?
01:06:58 I will take the Green Bay Packers.
01:07:00 Okay.
01:07:01 Okay.
01:07:02 Yeah, I'll take the Packers.
01:07:03 What was that, Monday night?
01:07:04 Yeah.
01:07:05 I'll take the Packers.
01:07:06 After talking about all that --
01:07:07 You're going against Tommy DeVito?
01:07:08 Prime time DeVito, bro.
01:07:09 You're going against your fellow Paisan?
01:07:11 You're done with Tommy DeVito now?
01:07:13 I mean, Jordan Love.
01:07:14 Never make a bet against a Sicilian.
01:07:16 You're going against the family?
01:07:18 I mean, they're my only option, really, I could take right now.
01:07:21 It's a good pick.
01:07:22 Yeah, I mean --
01:07:23 Green Bay's a good pick.
01:07:24 I'm going to take them, yeah.
01:07:25 Okay.
01:07:26 Who did you pick, the Niners?
01:07:27 How do you have all good teams left?
01:07:29 Because I took the Bears.
01:07:30 I took the Browns.
01:07:33 Yeah, but I took bad teams, too.
01:07:34 I took Giants, Denver.
01:07:35 You have the Niners as well.
01:07:37 Do I really?
01:07:38 But that would be a lame move.
01:07:39 You do have the Niners.
01:07:40 That would be a very lame move.
01:07:41 And I already saw him write it down.
01:07:42 I don't want to do that.
01:07:43 Yeah.
01:07:44 No, Green Bay's a good pick.
01:07:45 Yeah, Green Bay.
01:07:46 I'll take Green Bay.
01:07:47 Okay.
01:07:48 We're still just waiting --
01:07:49 You're still just waiting to give $1,000.
01:07:50 Green Bay's a great pick because Jordan Love's a great player.
01:07:52 Yeah.
01:07:53 Say it, big guy.
01:07:54 I said he was a good player.
01:07:56 What the fuck?
01:07:57 I said it's not fair.
01:07:59 They went from Favre to Rodgers to Love.
01:08:01 It's bullshit.
01:08:02 It's bullshit.
01:08:04 He said he was good, and then you guys took it like so over the top that he --
01:08:08 And I've already admitted it.
01:08:09 It's like I don't want to say it.
01:08:10 And then Jerry glucked him up.
01:08:11 Yeah, he did.
01:08:12 Gluck gluck $5,000.
01:08:13 It's the same as I would do with Rodgers.
01:08:14 I'd say all types of shit about Rodgers, and then I'd be like,
01:08:16 "But he's a really good player."
01:08:18 That's all you got to say.
01:08:19 If you say he's a really good player, then you can say everything else on top of it.
01:08:22 I fucking hate him.
01:08:23 I want him to go to jail.
01:08:24 Piece of shit.
01:08:25 Yeah, you guys did it so far that Jerry is like just making blowjob noises behind us.
01:08:28 Yeah.
01:08:29 That's what a program.
01:08:30 What a family-friendly program.
01:08:32 That was fun.
01:08:33 Anything else, guys?
01:08:34 No.
01:08:35 Great show.
01:08:36 Great show.
01:08:37 I'll be back for wild card weekend.
01:08:38 Hell yeah.
01:08:39 Ooh, okay.
01:08:40 Yeah, big one.
01:08:41 All right.
01:08:42 Go Bears.
01:08:43 We'll see you at wild card weekend.
01:08:44 We'll be there.
01:08:45 We'll be there.
01:08:46 We'll see you there.
01:08:47 After the way you guys talked, everybody's rooting for you.
01:08:49 That's going to be a bad clip if the Lions kill the Bears.
01:08:51 Get your laughs in now, America.
01:08:52 Yeah.
01:08:53 No, it's going to be bad.
01:08:54 It's going to be bad.
01:08:55 It's going to be bad.
01:08:56 All right.
01:08:57 Have a great NFL weekend.
01:08:58 We'll see you next week.
01:08:59 [music]
01:09:01 [music]
01:09:02 (dramatic music)
