Tottenham's Postecoglu on Chris Davies potentially leaving, threat of Newcastle and Son injury (Full Presser)

  • last year
Tottenham's Ange Postecoglu on Chris Davies potentially leaving to become Swansea manager, the threat posed by Newcastle and the injury to Heung Min Son
00:00 Hi Ange, I know players are coming in a bit late, is there any update on Son in particular
00:10 or any more information?
00:12 No, nothing really.
00:13 Sort of the last update I got was late last night and he was a bit sore after the game
00:19 obviously.
00:20 The extent of it, we kind of need to see how he recovers today.
00:24 There were a couple of others with some knocks but I don't think anything else significant.
00:30 It was obviously a tough night last night but it's been a brilliant start.
00:34 Is there a message that there's going to be difficult periods?
00:42 You've only had one transfer window, this is just the beginning for you here.
00:45 Yeah, but I think I've been consistent in saying that when things were going well.
00:51 I don't think it was a brilliant start and a brilliant start would have been last night
00:55 like I said in other games, to take advantage of the dominance we have in games and we're
01:01 not and it's keeping the oppositions in the game.
01:04 Especially in the second half, we had a couple of defensive lapses which a team like West
01:10 Ham will always punish you.
01:13 The football, for it to be brilliant, it's got to be there in its entirety.
01:16 I don't know how many times I've said to you, I still think our front third, we've
01:21 got a lot of work to do and unfortunately that's costing us at the moment in terms
01:26 of results.
01:28 But that's the challenge for us, we've got to keep pushing on and trying to become
01:33 better in those areas.
01:34 Can I just get confirmation that the club have rejected an approach from Swansea for
01:40 Chris Davis?
01:41 Obviously, it's a potentially exciting role but it looks like he might be staying here
01:44 then?
01:45 No, look, I've just had a brief discussion with Chris and he knows we've got a busy
01:51 week so we're all focused on that.
01:55 Look, he's an outstanding individual, he's done some great work with us, he's done
02:00 great work in the past and it's not surprising to me that whether it's Swansea or other
02:04 clubs who look at him, it's what you want to be honest.
02:08 You want good people and when you've got good people, they're going to attract attention
02:12 and from my perspective, whatever that transpires to, it's very much in Chris' hands in
02:21 terms of his decision and what he wants to do moving forward and then obviously the club
02:25 will deal with it from there.
02:31 Obviously the last five games might not have gone as you would have wanted but overall
02:34 after 15 games, where do you think things are at?
02:37 Where do you feel?
02:38 I guess where I've said all along, we're at the beginning to trying to build something
02:44 and a lot of it is, I think there's been progress made for sure in many areas, other
02:53 areas we still need to do a lot of work in.
02:57 We've obviously had some challenges within that time frame of injuries which have disrupted
03:03 our ability to have a consistent line-up out there and players out there who had started
03:10 the season well and were very influential.
03:13 So with all that context, but that happens to every football club and we've just got
03:17 to work our way through this difficult period.
03:20 But as I said, we're still at the beginning to what we're trying to build.
03:23 Cristian Romero returned last night, almost looked like he hadn't been away.
03:27 How did you view his performance and also as part of that leadership group as well?
03:31 I thought Cristian was good last night.
03:35 He obviously tied towards the end a bit but he gave everything.
03:38 It was good to get him back in the line-up.
03:40 He gives us a certain security back there and also he is one of these, as I said, a
03:49 leader strong figure out there which we're going to need through this period because
03:53 we've obviously still got some tough times ahead and guys like him will help steer us
04:00 through that.
04:01 Just last week, Newcastle obviously on Sunday, they've struggled a lot away from home this
04:05 season, certainly more than they did last season.
04:07 Is there anything that you've seen in their performances as to why they might be performing
04:10 differently away from home?
04:11 No, but it's fair to say Newcastle are probably the only other club that have gone through
04:15 anything like we have from an injury perspective and that's going to affect every club.
04:23 I think they've actually battled through reasonably well, very well actually, considering the
04:27 amount of disruptions they've had to their first-team squad and the challenges they've
04:31 had.
04:32 I think any club in the Premier League that goes through that sort of period will find
04:38 it hard to get a consistency in results.
04:40 But it'll be a tough game on Sunday for us because, again, they've got a team that
04:47 do have goal threats and they work hard as a unit and we've got to be able to match
04:52 that.
04:53 You mentioned about the front players and that's an area that's got to work on.
05:01 Obviously you've mentioned previously about Kuznetski and Johnson, you want to get more
05:05 goals out of them.
05:06 How is that something you coach into players?
05:07 Is it about movement, positioning or I guess all of the above?
05:08 It's all of it, yeah.
05:09 Look, Brennan's 22, he's still sort of learning the game in many respects and it's
05:22 a big move for him.
05:25 Kulosevsky, similar, he needs to sort of develop that side of the game but it's like anything
05:30 else, you've just got to keep working at it.
05:33 It's not just them, it's us as a team.
05:37 The opportunity just didn't fall for them last night, it was other players in those
05:41 areas.
05:42 Like I said, we lack some real conviction as we have in previous games.
05:47 I think from the start of the season, I don't think we've rewarded our dominance with goals
05:54 even in the games we've won.
05:56 We haven't really converted the opportunities or created the chances that our play should
06:03 have.
06:04 So as I said, that's still the area where we've got a hell of a lot of work to do.
06:09 Obviously with that conviction and creativity as well, would that be an area maybe in January
06:13 to look to bring in someone with that kind of those attributes?
06:16 Well, it's not easy because again, when you're talking about the finished product, you know
06:21 what that's going to cost in the market and there aren't that many there.
06:24 So it's about developing our players here and giving them more information and more
06:33 room for them to continue to grow and understand the different options they have in those kind
06:41 of areas.
06:42 So it's just, like I said, experience of them being in those positions and us giving
06:46 them the information to execute better next time.
06:49 Just on Chris Davies briefly, obviously he's done fantastic work for you so far this season,
06:55 but with your experience of going into clubs, bringing in new coaches each time, does it
07:00 make it easier to absorb a departure or not?
07:03 Yeah, I've always been relaxed.
07:05 I mean, I've said in the past, I think it's part of my role to develop staff.
07:10 I mean, I'm really proud of the fact that a lot of the guys I've worked with, the reason
07:14 they're not with me as assistants are because they're senior managers in their own right.
07:18 So I don't, I never say, you know, look, if you're looking for things that are going to
07:23 be disruptive and you can use that as a clutch and excuse for anything, you know, we lost
07:28 Harry Kane the day before the season started.
07:32 You know, there's a disruption.
07:33 We've lost half a squad after one game.
07:36 There's a disruption.
07:37 But with these things, there's always going to be, you can't, you know, you can't work
07:40 in a vacuum where everything is perfect.
07:42 And for me, I've been relaxed in these kinds of situations because I always believe that
07:46 the environment will cover whatever sort of challenges we have if we get it right.
07:52 Very quickly, Lascelles though, when he came off last night, was that just tiredness or
07:55 down the knock or anything or just tactical?
07:57 No, no, just sort of tactical.
07:59 I just thought we needed some more legs in the midfield and try to change things up a
08:02 little bit.
08:03 And in terms of returning players, is this pretty much it until the new year now or are
08:13 there some coming back?
08:14 No, I think that's it.
08:15 I mean, we obviously, we got Pepe a few minutes last night and my understanding is he and
08:20 Richie both sort of reported they were OK, but there won't be anyone else coming back
08:26 between sort of now and the new year.
08:29 You mentioned a few weeks ago how good training was and how fringe players were really pushing
08:33 the post-eleven.
08:34 With the amount of players you've got out, does that naturally suffer in training or
08:37 are the levels still as you would like?
08:38 No, we're still sort of maintaining those levels.
08:41 I still think our training's been good.
08:44 It's had to get supplemented by younger guys coming in, so that sort of changes the dynamic
08:48 a little bit.
08:49 But in terms of what we've seen, the quality and tempo of our training is still being at
08:54 the levels we need it to be.
08:56 Hi, Ange. You're obviously short of creative options and the last few home games in particular
09:05 you've sort of turned to the bench and brought on Valise.
09:07 I wonder, has there been a temptation looking at Jamie Dunleave, even though he's only 17,
09:12 18, to sort of throw him on and see what he can do?
09:15 Because I guess the one thing he's shown for the under-21s is that creativity this season.
09:20 Look, he's in the squad and all these kind of decisions are made within the context of
09:25 all the information I have.
09:27 Players have an opportunity every day to show what they can do and give me food for thought
09:34 in terms of selecting.
09:35 So if I'm not doing it, there's a reason why I'm not doing it, but that doesn't mean it
09:39 doesn't change for next week or the week after.
09:42 It's not just about the games they play, it's about what they do on a daily basis.
09:45 But certainly, Jamie, I think he's developing.
09:48 I think it's benefited him sort of training with us regularly now.
09:52 He's pretty much a permanent feature in here.
09:57 Within that context, I think over the next few games, if he keeps developing the way
10:01 he is, he'll get an opportunity in a game as well.
10:04 Obviously, results are important, but it feels like everyone knows you're at the beginning
10:07 of this journey, what you hope to be a long-term project.
10:11 Does the four defeats in five bring extra pressure or do you have to focus on the long-term
10:17 job?
10:19 I guess neither on both.
10:23 The pressure is the pressure.
10:25 It's always there.
10:28 It's how you kind of treat it.
10:30 I've never let it sort of guide my path or my way forward.
10:35 I just think I've got a clear idea about what I'm trying to do and will keep methodically
10:40 working against that and being really disciplined about that.
10:45 But that doesn't mean long-term.
10:46 For me, like I said, I don't have a three or five-year plan up my sleeve that's guaranteed
10:54 success.
10:55 What I do have is a plan that I think will get us to where we need to be.
10:57 How long that takes, I don't know.
10:59 It depends on sort of how we keep sort of, like I said, disciplined in sticking the path
11:07 because ultimately, whether it's this challenge, there'll be another challenge in six months'
11:11 time.
11:12 There'll be another one.
11:13 Even if you have success, there's a challenge there.
11:15 So it's how really focused you are and how committed you are to go on the path that you've
11:21 started.
11:22 I'm unwavering with that.
11:24 I just will not budge in terms of - because I just think - I just think that's what I
11:29 believe is the best way forward.
11:30 You faced Eddie Howe this weekend, who was obviously in the running for the Celtic job,
11:31 but before you got it - I mean, that's a four defeats and five now, but you are a Premier
11:32 League manager.
11:33 Do you ever kind of have the chance to sit back and think what could have happened if
11:34 you hadn't?
11:35 Oh, absolutely.
11:48 Sliding doors moment, but yeah, there's probably been no bigger decision than me being here
11:54 today than Eddie knocking back the Celtic job.
11:56 Yeah, so I haven't thanked him.
11:59 I probably should.
11:59 [LAUGHTER]
12:01 OK, we'll end the broadcast section there.
