Cameron On Inference

  • last year
Cameron On Inference
00:00 Oh, yes, yeah, am I interfering with America? I hope I've been very careful to say, you know, I I'm not telling you
00:06 how to do this vote and how to run your life or anything else I've literally just come as a friend of
00:13 America as a
00:16 Friend of Ukraine and made some arguments that I think are very relevant about why this is absolutely the right thing to do
00:24 You know in the 1930s
00:27 We didn't act fast enough to deal with the evil dictator
00:31 who was invading European countries and redrawing borders by force and we know how that ended and I think strength through deterrence and
00:38 Helping your allies and stopping
00:41 this appalling
00:43 Invasion is absolutely essential. So I've been making those arguments, but I've also I hope have made some value for money arguments
00:49 As I said, you know for a 10% uplift in the US defense budget is actually with Ukrainian bravery
00:56 It destroyed almost half of Russia's pre-war military capacity
00:59 without the loss of a single American life
01:02 Now, of course, there are all sorts of issues
01:05 We all have to deal with in our own countries at the same time as making arguments for international engagement and for working together
01:11 Overseas, but I don't think I can remember a time
01:14 when the need for
01:16 international solidarity and action
01:19 To to tackle these threats has been more important for our own domestic security
01:25 I simply don't think there is in any of our countries a sort of put up the drawbridge and
01:31 Think you can insulate yourself from these problems
01:34 You can't our people whether you're American or British they live all over the world our businesses trade all over the world. We need
01:41 international international stability and security and open sea lanes and all those other things and I think that argument is
01:48 One worth making and that's what I've been making here this week. It's not interfering
01:52 It's it's making an argument and hoping that people will engage with you listen and hopefully vote through that money
