Doctor Who 10 Worst Things Amy Pond Has Ever Done

  • last year
Who doesn't love Amy Pond? But it can't be avoided she has made some questionable decisions.


00:00 The grouping of 11th, Amy, and Rory are highly regarded as one of the greatest TARDIS teams
00:05 in the show's history.
00:06 Played by Karen Gillan, Amy became an instant hit with fans, and her tenure is heavily praised
00:11 for the enthusiasm she brought to the role, as well as clear chemistry with co-stars Smith
00:16 and Arthur Darville.
00:18 However, as is very common for Doctor Who companions, Amy has made some questionable
00:22 decisions during her TARDIS adventures.
00:25 With that in mind, then, I'm Ellie with WhoCulture, and these are the 10 worst things
00:29 Amy Pond has ever done.
00:32 10.
00:33 Wearing a skirt - Space and Time
00:36 Now this entry may be a little unfair on Amy's choice of outfit, a rather short skirt, but
00:41 this choice could have led to a significant space-time catastrophe.
00:45 As a part of Series 6, 2011 saw several mini-episodes filmed aboard the TARDIS, filling in little
00:51 adventures between the main episodes.
00:53 Two such mini-sodes were Space and Time.
00:56 This two-part short story saw Rory assisting the Doctor with TARDIS repairs when something
01:00 goes wrong, and so the TARDIS materialises at the nearest safe place.
01:05 The issue is, the nearest safe place is within the TARDIS itself.
01:08 This results in a Legopolis-type situation where there are two TARDISes within one another.
01:13 But what has this got to do with Amy's skirt?
01:15 Well, the 11th Doctor's first TARDIS is a beautiful design, part of which is a glass
01:20 floor raised in the console up above the maintenance section, where Rory is.
01:25 So without obviously going into too much detail, our dear Rory looks up to the Doctor and Amy
01:29 wearing the skirt in question, and as a result, Mr. Williams drops a thermocoupling, setting
01:35 the events of the minisode in motion.
01:37 Once everything starts going pear-shaped, Amy even apologises to the Doctor saying it
01:41 was "my skirt and my husband and your glass floor", which of course takes our innocent
01:46 11th Doctor a few seconds to catch on to.
01:48 As it is Doctor Who, in the end all is resolved, but the Doctor does insist Amy put some trousers
01:53 on.
01:54 9.
01:55 Pressing the wrong button, The Girl Who Waited
01:58 Again, maybe not a situation that Amy could have helped, but it is a mistake which could
02:02 have easily been avoided and stopped a whole chain of awful events taking place.
02:07 Series 6 The Girl Who Waited ends with one of the most tragic ends to a Doctor Who story,
02:12 and it all revolves around one choice.
02:14 Quickly summing up how the events of the story kicks off, the TARDIS arrive at the Two Streams
02:18 facility and the Doctor and Rory wander off, and are presented with two buttons; Red Waterfall
02:23 and Green Anchor.
02:24 Rory chooses the Green Anchor and waits in a room with the Doctor.
02:27 Amy then comes out from the TARDIS after looking for her phone, and is presented with the same
02:31 two buttons.
02:32 She asks what to do and is simply told "Press the button", resulting in her choosing Red
02:36 Waterfall, leaving her in a room completely different to the boys.
02:41 As a result, the episode tragically plays out and will be addressed properly in a later
02:45 entry.
02:46 But these events didn't need to happen.
02:48 Okay, yes, equal blame could be given to Rory and the Doctor for not specifically telling
02:52 Amy which button to press, but equally she could have asked more specifically.
02:56 This may not sound like a grave action, but those who know the episode will definitely
02:59 feel this tragedy could have been avoided.
03:02 Didn't your parents or Aunt Sharon tell you not to randomly press buttons, Amelia?
03:06 Number 8 - Reckless Decision Making, The Beast Below
03:10 The Beast Below is Amy's first trip in the TARDIS, picking up directly from her and the
03:16 Doctor's departure in the closing scene of The Eleventh Hour.
03:19 And straight away she's making decisions with potentially awful consequences.
03:23 With the revelation that the Starship UK is being transported through a tortured star
03:28 whale, the Doctor is left with a decision to see if he can save the creature, or as
03:31 harmlessly as possible put the creature out of its misery.
03:34 As is a theme throughout the story, there are two buttons with two options, this time
03:39 presented to Liz-10.
03:40 She can either abdicate, releasing the creature, or get on with the way things are, going with
03:44 no memory.
03:45 But Liz doesn't make this choice.
03:47 Amy sees that the star whale is kind to the children, and believes that it is here by
03:51 its own free will.
03:53 As a result of her theory, she makes Liz abdicate and the torture of the beast halts, potentially
03:57 leaving Starship UK to be destroyed.
04:00 With that, the ship rumbles, but then stops.
04:02 The star whale continues to help the ship travel through space.
04:06 So whilst it all worked out for the best in the end, there is no way Amy could have been
04:10 certain her actions would end as positively as they did.
04:13 What if they didn't?
04:14 What if the whole of Starship UK would have been destroyed, killing the entirety of the
04:17 population of England, Wales, and Northern Ireland?
04:20 But not Scotland.
04:21 They wanted their own ship.
04:22 That's two entries in a row where Amy is making questionable decisions with buttons.
04:26 Thankfully, this one was the right choice, but the alternative would have been horrific.
04:31 7.
04:33 Not properly talking to Rory, Asylum of the Daleks
04:37 Series 7A features the last five episodes to show Amy and Rory travelling with the Doctor.
04:42 By this point after Series 6, the couple from Ledworth travel more on a now and then basis.
04:47 But as shown in prequel minisode Pond Life, something is wrong with Amy and Rory.
04:51 When we are first reintroduced to Amy and Rory for the series, Amy is at a modelling
04:55 job and after being told her husband is here, she heartbreakingly replies "I don't have
05:00 a husband".
05:01 Going to her dressing room, she is met by Rory, who is waiting for her to sign divorce
05:05 papers.
05:06 The story goes on and the two are separately captured by the Daleks and taken to their
05:10 parliament before being sent into the titular Dalek asylum along with the Doctor.
05:14 Later in the story, whilst the Doctor is off trying to collect Oswin, the Ponds, or really
05:18 Williamses, begin to discuss why they are separating.
05:21 Rory reveals Amy kicked him out.
05:23 The couple argue and Amy breaks down revealing she did not kick him out, rather she gave
05:27 him up.
05:28 We learn Rory has always wanted kids, and after whatever was done to her at Demon's
05:32 Run last series, Amy can no longer get pregnant.
05:35 Everything gets more emotional before they discover Amy has the Doctor's bracelet and
05:38 so is now safe.
05:40 Now waiting for the Doctor and the asylum beginning to be destroyed, Rory asks how long
05:44 they can wait to teleport off.
05:46 To that Amy responds "for the rest of our lives".
05:48 They kiss and seemingly everything's okay again by the end of the episode.
05:52 Whether a slightly rushed script element or not, it cannot be said whether the two would
05:56 have reached the stage of near divorce if they would have actually spoken to each other
06:00 properly rather than the argument and storming off that we were shown.
06:05 Number 6 - Not saving herself, the girl who waited
06:09 We've already mentioned the girl who waited and the first questionable decision of the
06:13 episode, but moving on from that is another questionable decision.
06:17 By Amy entering the Two Streams facility by the alternative button, she finds herself
06:21 on a faster time track.
06:23 When Rory finally gets into the facility, Amy has waited for 36 years and has totally
06:28 changed and grown whilst trapped.
06:30 Eventually, the Doctor and the gang get a plan to restore their younger Amy and get
06:34 her out of the facility.
06:35 However, in doing so, the Doctor convinces older Amy that he can save them both, allowing
06:40 them both to live.
06:42 However, time doesn't work like that.
06:44 You remove younger Amy, then older Amy can never exist, and in the end, older Amy realises
06:48 this.
06:49 Knowing she will cease to exist, older Amy demands to be taken with the Doctor and Rory
06:53 rather than giving back the younger version of herself.
06:56 If you think about it, it's not out of Amy's character.
06:59 She's been through so much, you can understand why she would be selfish about this matter.
07:03 But she would also know that a happier Amy would take her place.
07:07 This poor older Amy has lived alone with a robot companion for 36 years.
07:11 Why would she not want the proper life with her husband and best friend for her younger
07:15 self?
07:16 In the end, this could come down to her wanting to survive.
07:18 But when you know you could give yourself a better life, would you take it?
07:22 Who knows?
07:23 5.
07:24 Kissing the Doctor the night before her wedding, flesh and stone
07:28 This is the big one for a lot of people, really, but let's get inside Amy's head for a
07:32 moment.
07:33 Amy has just been through an ordeal.
07:35 The Doctor, Amy, River and the Clerics have just climbed out of the Byzantium, in which
07:39 Amy had an angel in her mind and had to climb out with her eyes shut.
07:42 Or did she?
07:43 For anyone, that seems pretty traumatic.
07:46 After this, she asks to go home and show the Doctor what she's running from, returning
07:50 to Amy's bedroom the night before her wedding.
07:52 She reveals the dress and engagement ring to him, saying that this is what she ran away
07:56 from during the closing moments of the 11th hour.
07:59 After this, Amy tells the Doctor that she needs comforting, and proceeds to make advances
08:03 on him.
08:04 He tells her that he is 907 years old and that this wouldn't work out, but still she
08:08 continues to try it.
08:09 In the end, as we all know, Amy kisses and tries to undress an awkward 11, and even jokes
08:14 at the fact that he considers this more than just a one-night stand.
08:18 Realising the incoming date of the 26th of the 6th, 2010, he quickly collects Amy and
08:23 hurries them into the TARDIS to avoid the incoming temporal explosion, which she believes
08:27 to be a further advancement.
08:29 And with that, the episode closes.
08:31 Most people may personally feel this is the worst thing Amy ever did, and maybe it is.
08:35 Cheating the night before her wedding night to one of the Doctor's most precious companions,
08:40 Rory, for some, weakens Amy's character.
08:42 But maybe it's not that deep, and the rest of the entries on this list are far worse
08:46 than a bit of a snog with her raggedy man.
08:49 Number 4 - Shooting the Astronaut in The Impossible Astronaut
08:53 The sixth series of New Who begins with The Impossible Astronaut, which kicks off the
08:58 timey-wimey story arc of the events which take place at Lake Silencio.
09:02 In these opening moments, Amy, amongst others, witnesses an astronaut step out of the lake
09:07 and seemingly kill the 11th Doctor.
09:09 Jump forward in time to the closing moments of the story, where the TARDIS team go back
09:13 in time to the year of the moon.
09:15 Amy and a younger 11th Doctor are met by the same astronaut.
09:18 In a heated cliffhanger, the astronaut approaches, and Amy picks up a gun.
09:22 Whilst busy picking up the gun, the astronaut lifts its mask, revealing a little girl.
09:27 But Amy instantly fires the gun, before even realising this, trying to eliminate the potential
09:32 threat to her friend without second thought.
09:34 Obviously, guns are not something the Doctor approves of, and so when asked what she is
09:38 doing, Amy simply responds, "saving your life".
09:41 Later in the series, the audience learns that the person inside the suit is actually Amy
09:46 and Rory's daughter, who grew up without her parents.
09:49 So that's some potential trauma for you, with your first meeting with your mum being
09:53 her taking a headshot at you.
09:55 Thankfully, Amy is an appalling shot, and misses the little girl, and simply damages
09:59 the suit.
10:00 We know Amy takes this drastic action to save her friend, but it is another example where
10:04 she seems to act before any thought.
10:06 But again, luckily this does not come to any horrific ramifications.
10:11 Number 3 - Risking time and space for her husband, the Angels take Manhattan
10:16 Amy and Rory's departure from the show comes in the form of a clash with the Weeping Angels
10:21 in the series 7A finale.
10:23 This is maybe an incredibly sweet moment, but was also potentially catastrophic.
10:28 After already having thrown themselves off a block of flats to crash a timeline in which
10:31 Rory is previously got by the Angels, the couple reawaken in a graveyard, along with
10:36 the Doctor, River, and the TARDIS.
10:38 But this graveyard has popped up in the episode before, and we're left to wonder its significance.
10:43 Well here it comes.
10:44 When the team wanders back into the TARDIS, Rory spots a gravestone with the same name
10:48 as his.
10:49 Zap!
10:50 Rory intercepts him and once again he's sent back in time, to the horror of his wife.
10:54 Asking if once again they can go back in the TARDIS and collect him, but apparently another
10:58 such trip would rip the universe in half.
11:01 Thinking there is room on the gravestone for another name, Amy decides to make what could
11:04 be considered an ultimate sacrifice.
11:07 After the various escapades of the episode, creating paradoxes to stop the Angels, Amy
11:11 decides to create a fixed point in time by letting the Angel touch her too, and find
11:16 herself in the same time as her dear husband.
11:19 Putting time and space into her own hands for the man she loves does seem very much
11:22 in Amy's character, whether it is the wrong thing or not.
11:25 Either way, it's a moment that really breaks the Eleventh Doctor.
11:29 Number 2.
11:30 Killing Madame Kovarian in cold blood in The Wedding of River Song
11:33 "But you'll still save me though, because he would."
11:37 "And you'd never do anything to disappoint your precious Doctor."
11:40 That's a quote from Madame Kovarian, seconds before being killed by Amy in the Series 6
11:45 finale.
11:46 As we already know, Series 6 is a beast of a story when it comes to its series arc, all
11:51 coming to a conclusion in a timeline where River refuses to kill the Doctor.
11:55 In the closing moments of this story, all our heroes present are doing Nick Fury impressions
11:59 by wearing eye patches, or eye drives rather, which they believe allows them to view the
12:04 silence.
12:05 However, these turn out to simply be a ruse, and the eye drives turn on their wearers as
12:09 they begin zapping them.
12:11 Madame Kovarian, believing she is in charge of the silence, thinks herself safe from this
12:15 massacre, incorrectly.
12:16 Kovarian's drive begins twitching too, leaving her also to get zapped.
12:21 In order for the Doctor, River, and Amy to escape, Rory stays behind, keeping his eye
12:25 drive on to defend them from the incoming silence.
12:28 As they burst through, Rory goes down from the pain of the deadly eye drive, about to
12:32 die once again.
12:34 Until…
12:35 Amy returns with a machine gun and mows the incoming silence down.
12:39 Brutal, but justifiable to save the man she loves in another timeline.
12:43 What isn't so justifiable is her actions towards Madame Kovarian.
12:47 Amy goes over to the still-conscious Kovarian, has a little exchange with her over what she'd
12:51 done to her daughter, and reapplies the eye drive firmly, allowing it to kill her as she
12:56 casually walks off.
12:57 Yes, Kovarian turned Amy's daughter into a psychopath, but is casually murdering someone
13:02 in her character?
13:03 Maybe.
13:04 1.
13:05 Rory Williams or The Doctor?
13:08 When we first meet adult Amy Potton, we learn that her first encounter with the Doctor when
13:12 she was younger left quite the impression.
13:14 The little girl from Ledworth had everything from custom figures of the Doctor and the
13:17 TARDIS to making her future husband dress up in cosplay of him.
13:21 But a thread of Amy's character, especially in her first two series, is whether the Doctor
13:26 or Rory was more important to her.
13:28 Yes, both characters were significant in her life from a young age, but were both vastly
13:33 different from one another.
13:34 As shown by a previous entry on this list, in the end Amy risks time itself, but before
13:39 that Rory still questioned their relationship.
13:42 Most of us know what it's like to be compared to someone else, but imagine that person is
13:46 a 1,200 year old Time Lord.
13:49 How does one live up to that?
13:50 Particular examples include Vampires in Venice and the Day of the Moon, where Rory feels
13:54 totally overlooked compared to the Doctor.
13:57 An argument can be made that Rory is very insecure about the situation and should simply
14:00 trust his fiancé.
14:01 However, we've all seen the 11th hour to The Angels Take Manhattan, and whilst we do
14:06 see the couple grow, we also see Rory get unfairly treated from time to time.
14:11 Technically, the Williams get their happily ever after, but her early treatment of Rory
14:15 is largely wrong.
14:16 Amy is an exceptional companion, but just not always the best person, especially to
14:20 her Rory.
14:21 And that concludes our list.
14:23 If you can think of anything else, then please let us know in the comments below.
14:26 And while you're there, like and subscribe and tap that notification bell.
14:30 I've been Ellie with Who Culture, and in the words of River Song herself, goodbye,
14:34 sweeties.
