Ahmed El Guendouz Surat El A'raf With English Subtitles

  • last year
Surat Al-A'raf (Arabic: الأعراف) is the seventh surah of the Quran, with 206 verses. It is classified as a Meccan surah, meaning it was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) before he migrated to Medina.

The surah is named after "Al-A'raf," a barrier mentioned in verse 46 that separates the inhabitants of Paradise from the inhabitants of Hell. The surah covers a wide range of topics, including the creation of Adam and Eve, the story of Moses and Pharaoh, the Day of Judgment, and the attributes of Allah.

Here are some of the key themes of Surah Al-A'raf:

The oneness of Allah: The surah repeatedly emphasizes the oneness and omnipotence of Allah, and warns against shirk (polytheism).
Prophethood: The surah recounts the stories of several prophets, including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. It emphasizes the importance of prophethood and the message of Islam.
The Day of Judgment: The surah describes the Day of Judgment in vivid detail, and warns people to prepare for it by leading a righteous life.
Heaven and Hell: The surah describes the rewards of Paradise and the punishments of Hell. It encourages people to do good deeds and avoid sin.
Human responsibility: The surah emphasizes that humans are responsible for their actions and will be judged on the Day of Judgment.
Here are some of the benefits of reciting Surah Al-A'raf:

Protection from evil: It is believed that reciting Surah Al-A'raf protects one from evil and misfortune.
Intercession on the Day of Judgment: It is believed that those who recite Surah Al-A'raf will be interceded for on the Day of Judgment.
Increase in faith: Reciting Surah Al-A'raf can help to increase one's faith and strengthen their connection to Allah.
Here are some resources where you can find more information about Surah Al-A'raf:

Quran.com: https://quran.com/al-araf
Islamopedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Araf_%28Islam%29
Tafseer Ibn Kathir: http://www.quran4u.com/Tafsir%20Ibn%20Kathir/007%20A%27raf.htm
In addition to the information above, here are some other interesting facts about Surah Al-A'raf:

The surah is the longest surah in the Quran that is entirely Meccan.
The surah is divided into seven sections, each of which focuses on a different theme.
The surah is known for its beautiful and eloquent language.
The surah is a source of comfort and guidance for many Muslims.
