How a Congolese guitarist found refuge in Uganda

  • last year
He's a guitarist, a refugee and has made a name for himself in Uganda's gospel scene. Congolese musician Charmant Mushaga shares his experience of fleeing his home in Eastern Congo to find refuge in Uganda's capital Kampala.
00:00 [Music]
00:13 I was the best guitarist in Bukavu. I was top number one.
00:18 [Music]
00:27 The O came of the Mai Mai, this M23 came in 2004.
00:34 I was in Goma at that time and that is how I was forced.
00:38 I was forced to leave home to Uganda and Uganda became home just like that.
00:43 [Music]
00:46 I realized you have to be simple, you have to be humble, you have to behave well with people
00:51 because now you are far from your family, you are alone.
00:54 How do you create your own family?
00:57 [Laughter]
00:59 I had to be good to people, I had to learn how other people live their lives, I had to learn a new life.
01:06 [Music]
01:11 Yes, you are a refugee but does it stop me from thinking to be a better version of me?
01:19 So I had to start searching how can I continue being a better guitarist, which I became.
01:25 Because since I came in Uganda, to be honest, you won't count three guitarists and I'm not among.
01:30 There are people who want to give up on life, people want to give up on their dreams thinking it will never happen.
01:38 No, it will happen by the way, it will happen because I've been there and I'm here to tell you that
01:47 dreams do come true.
01:50 [Music]
