• 2 years ago
I am not the creator or original publisher of this video. I a mirroring it for archival and informational purposes. Source link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kznEhzbc7Q
The victim was 62 year old Michael Fife. He suffered severe head trauma from being tackled to the ground and died four days later in the hospital on April 27th. His attacker is the 17 year brother of a 16 year old who had accused Fife of sexually assaulting her. Surveillance footage proved her claim false. Fife is survived by a son.
Uhri on 62-vuotias Michael Fife. Hänet taklattiin maahan, joka aiheutti vakavan päävamman, johon hän kuoli sairaalassa neljä päivää myöhemmin 27.4.2019. Tekijä on 17-vuotias, jonka 16-vuotias sisko väitti Fifen ahdistelleen häntä seksuaalisesti. Valvontakameravideo todisti, että väite ei pitänyt paikkaansa. Fifen omaisiin kuuluu poika.


