LeBron hits out at 'ridiculous' gun laws after another mass shooting in America

  • last year
Three people lost their lives in a shooting at the Las Vegas campus of the University of Nevada on Wednesday
00:00 Yeah, my brother from back home, um, text me and told me to be safe out here
00:06 because he heard about the shooting at UNLV. So first of all, I don't know,
00:11 was there any casualties with anybody? So first of all, my condolences goes to
00:16 the families that lost loved ones. Um, and, uh, families and friends and
00:21 everything. It just
00:23 just goes back. What I said before about guns in America. I think it's
00:30 such a longer conversation, but it's
00:32 we're the only ones who keep dealing with this same story, the same
00:36 conversation every single time it happens, and it just continues to
00:39 happen. And,
00:40 the ability to get a gun, the ability to, you know, to do these things over
00:47 and over and over, and there's been no change is literally ridiculous. It
00:52 makes no sense that we continue to lose innocent lives.
00:57 You know, on campuses on schools that shopping markets and, you know, movie
01:04 theaters and all type of stuff. It's just it's ridiculous. It's ridiculous.
01:08 And the fact that we haven't changed anything has actually been a lot easier
01:11 to actually be able to own a firearm. Um, it's
01:17 stupid.
