Full CBS New B&B Thursday, 12_7_2023 The Bold and The Beautiful Episode (Decembe

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Full CBS New B&B Thursday, 12_7_2023 The Bold and The Beautiful Episode (Decembe
00:00 (dramatic music)
00:02 CBS The Bulls and The Beautiful reveal
00:09 that Eric has not shared with everyone about his illness
00:13 that makes him gradually become more complicated.
00:15 Now Eric is busy preparing for the gala
00:17 at the Forster Mansion.
00:18 This will be partly because this will be a party
00:21 with full of participation of family members
00:24 and people very close to Eric.
00:25 He will also show his collection again
00:27 so people remember it more.
00:29 Eric was the host of the party
00:30 so he seemed very happy to welcome everyone
00:32 but actually Eric is very miserable
00:34 because he knows he doesn't have much longer to live.
00:37 Eric raised the first glass to open the party.
00:39 I'm also very grateful to everyone who came here
00:41 and congratulated me.
00:42 Last time everyone was always there and helped Eric
00:46 which made Eric very touched.
00:47 Eric was grateful to everyone and thanked them
00:49 but at the same time he did not announce his illness.
00:51 This is clearly an act of disrespect for others.
00:54 Meanwhile, Bridget and Thorne also returned to Los Angeles
00:56 to attend a party hosted by Eric.
00:59 At first the two of them were very excited
01:00 because this was a celebration party for the success
01:03 of the fashion project designed by Eric.
01:05 Bridget and Thorne are both happy for Eric
01:07 that he gets to do things he enjoys.
01:09 However, Bridget and Thorne will soon receive shocking news
01:13 which is that Eric is sick
01:14 and does not have much longer to live.
01:15 Of course, Eric won't be able to announce this.
01:18 The other members of Forster will inform Bridget and Thorne
01:21 Eric was very ill and his time was running out.
01:24 But Eric is still trying very hard not to be discovered.
01:26 Bridget and Thorne were heartbroken by this truth
01:29 but there was an even more tiring problem.
01:31 They had to keep the fact that Eric was sick,
01:34 a secret, Bridget and Thorne had to act
01:36 like nothing was wrong even when they were heartbroken.
01:38 Most all members of the Forster family knew
01:41 about Eric's condition.
01:43 But they all agreed to keep this a secret
01:44 and not let Eric find out.
01:46 Eric still wants to hide it from everyone.
01:48 If he says it himself
01:49 then everyone will be allowed to express their feelings.
01:52 Now they have to appear happy
01:53 and congratulate Eric on his success.
01:55 Thorne and Bridget were the last to know about this.
01:57 And of course they have to do what everyone else has done.
02:01 It's probably okay for Thorne
02:02 but it will be difficult for Bridget.
02:04 Bridget is a doctor
02:04 so she did not easily accept that Eric would leave.
02:08 Bridget will find a way to save Eric.
02:09 He did not believe that in such a developed medical error
02:13 there was no way to save Eric.
02:15 So will Bridget talk frankly with Eric
02:17 and recommend that Eric get treatment?
02:19 Does it shock Eric
02:20 that he hasn't revealed his illness to Bridget?
02:22 (upbeat music)
02:25 (upbeat music)
02:27 (upbeat music)
02:30 (upbeat music)
