FTS 16:30 6-12: House of Representatives approves healthcare reform in Colombia

  • last year

Israeli occupation army leads operation into Khan Yunis and Rafah. // House of Representatives approves healthcare reform in Colombia. // Death toll reaches 23 after volcanic eruption in Indonesia. teleSUR


00:00 The Colombian House of Representatives approved the second debate on the government's health
00:12 reform.
00:18 In the framework of the 61st date of the Israeli side on Gaza, the Israeli Occupation Army
00:24 is directing its genocidal operation against the kind units area southwest of the Strip.
00:34 And in Indonesia, rescue teams found the body of the last hiker missing after the volcanic
00:40 eruption bringing the death toll to 23.
00:44 Hello, welcome to From the South, I'm Ana Marrero from the Telestura headquarters in
00:50 Caracas, Venezuela.
00:51 Moving on with the news, stay with us.
01:06 It took six months for the Colombian House of Representatives to approve the second debate
01:12 on health reform on Tuesday night.
01:15 The bill proposed a profound transformation of the healthcare system and was supported
01:21 by the Liberal Party and the EU Party.
01:24 Ten hours of discussions ended with the approval of three articles and the elimination of two,
01:30 thus completing the five articles necessary for approval.
01:34 Article 122 and 123, which grant the President of the Republic the power to issue regulations
01:41 with the force of law, were approved by an absolute majority.
01:52 No matter how many obstacles they try to impose on the health reform project, sometimes obstinate
01:58 and often not sensible opposition, the Colombian government complies.
02:03 It is advancing at this moment the health reform project in the Chamber of Representatives,
02:08 fulfilling the promise of giving health to all Colombians, trying to bring health to
02:13 the regions, especially those less attended historically.
02:18 On Wednesday, the Government of Colombia made official its return of the Union of South
02:24 American Nations, UNASUR, after almost five years of absence, a decision that responds
02:30 to the country's comity with regional unity.
02:34 The Colombian foreign ministry detailed that the return to the organization that emerged
02:38 in 2008 also follows the call of President Gustavo Petro to strengthen the collaboration
02:44 ties in South America.
02:46 The Colombian sovereign ministry stressed that this step represents a milestone in its
02:52 regional integration policy and demonstrates the country's willingness to work hand in
02:57 hand with other member states to address the challenges and opportunities shared in the
03:05 area.
03:09 On Wednesday, the Venezuelan government issued a statement informing that Foreign Minister
03:13 Ivan Gil had held a telephone conversation with Guyanese foreign ministers who toured
03:20 over the Ezequiel dispute.
03:22 The statement informed that the call held at request of the Guyanese side was meant
03:28 to discuss the territorial controversy following the consultative referendum which took place
03:33 on December 3rd.
03:34 According to the statement, the Venezuelan side took the opportunity to update the Government
03:39 of Guyana on the overwhelming participation in the popular consultation, which resulted
03:45 in an unappellable mandate for the Venezuelan institutions on the road to follow the statement.
03:55 The settlement of this territorial controversy, which is the end of a gritten sign between
04:00 the parties in 1966.
04:02 Furthermore, the Venezuelan side expressed the need to stop the actions of aggravation
04:07 of the controversy in the territory of Guyana's Akiba and agreed to keep the channels of communications
04:13 open.
04:14 On Tuesday, Jose Casales, head of the Public Prosecutor's Office in the municipality of
04:23 Juan Escudero in Southern Mexico, was assassinated.
04:27 The police said the official was shot in the morning hours as he drove his car in the Chilpan
04:34 Cinco-Acapulco highway near the gas station.
04:38 The Public Prosecutor's Office announced that they'd already started investigations for
04:43 the crimes of the aggravated homicide.
04:45 It is worth mentioning that in the last five days, three people have been executed in the
04:51 same area.
04:55 Joseph Benzen, a former DEA in Fort Mana, pled guilty to the assassination of the Asian
05:07 President Jovenel Moïse.
05:09 The accused of the U.S.-Haitian nationality collaborated with the U.S. Drug Enforcement
05:14 Agency, which has been linked to the crimes perpetrated in July 2021.
05:19 Several investigations assured that the assassinated president was going to send a list of people
05:25 linked to drug trafficking to Washington.
05:27 In a Miami court, Benzen, who was arrested together with several Colombians and Haitians,
05:32 had initially said that he was hired by the assassins as a translator.
05:46 Haitian Premier Harriet Henry confirmed that he held a meeting with the delegations of
05:51 the United States and Guinea on Tuesday in Port-au-Prince.
05:54 The Prime Minister described the meeting as very important, without preferring openly
06:00 to the arrival of the International Foreign Service missions to restore peace in Haiti.
06:05 Henry explained that there had also been meetings with the High Transitional Council and that
06:10 in the coming days, technical teams will travel to Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, to organize
06:17 preparations for a mission to be instilled temporarily in the country.
06:25 Mercosur foreign ministers meet on Wednesday in Rio de Janeiro in the framework of the
06:30 summit where the states of negotiations with the European Union will be discussed.
06:36 During the working session of the summit, Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
06:39 hopes to close his pro-Tempera presidency of the Mercosur by finalizing the trade agreement
06:45 with the European Community that for more than two decades has been elusive to the regional
06:51 bloc and that the French and Argentine governments could hide in the 2023 event.
07:04 In Brazil, social and indigenous movements gather at the Mercosur Social Summit, which
07:08 had not been held for seven years.
07:11 During the two-day event, they denounce the violations in their territories and demand
07:17 that the leaders of Mercosur participate in the definition of public policies.
07:22 Luana Kengang, indigenous activist and representative of the articulation of the peoples of the
07:28 southern region, stresses the importance of the joint construction.
07:31 It is very important this joint construction.
07:35 We talk so much collectively, but sometimes, in some spaces, we do not have the opportunity
07:42 to expose what happens within our territories, as for example today with the indigenous people
07:48 of Brazil.
07:53 In Uruguay, health workers strive for at least 15 hours during the General Assembly session
07:58 in Parliament.
07:59 The Uruguayan Health Federation called for a protest this Wednesday against President
08:04 Luiz Lacalle Poso, partial veto of the parliamentary proposal to honor the work credits of former
08:10 employees of the Casa de Galicia and the Uruguayan Medical Unions joined them.
08:15 In this sense, those mobilized go directly to the Legislative Palace, where they will
08:20 be at parliamentary session, while the demonstrators will be in the outskirts waiting for the legislators'
08:27 response to the presidential veto.
08:30 Let's take our first break, but remember, you can now join us on our Tik Tok account
08:39 @CELESTINELISH where you'll be able to see news in different formats, news updates and
08:43 more.
08:44 Stay tuned for more news.
08:45 [music]
08:45 the South.
09:14 On Wednesday, local media and Palestine reported that in the framework of the 61st day of the
09:20 Saudi-Alberta Gaza Strip, the Israeli occupation army is directing its genocidal operation
09:25 against the Ghani units area.
09:28 South-west of the Gaza Strip, where the heavy fighting with Hamas is expected to take place.
09:32 Israel Defense Forces spokesman Daniel Hagari clarified that his troops expect on Wednesday
09:39 to reach Rafa as well.
09:42 On the other hand, Premier Benjamin Netanyahu insisted on Tuesday that the Gaza Strip will
09:46 have to be the preliminary ties of the trade agreement with Hamas, saying that only the
09:51 Israeli Defense Forces and not any international forces will be entrusted with such a mission.
10:06 In this context, the Gaza Ministry of Health has confirmed that the north of the Strip
10:10 has been left without medical and health services due to the site of the occupied and the lack
10:16 of fuel for hospitals.
10:18 The ministry confirmed that a Kalman Awa hospital has run out of fuel.
10:22 In addition, the site of the Siamese army continues in a vicinity with IDFA units surrounding
10:29 health centers a kilometer away, according to reports.
10:40 On Wednesday, Volker Torg, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, denounced
10:44 that Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are living in apocalyptic circumstances.
10:49 I reiterate his call for immediate ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.
10:55 No place is safe.
10:57 As we speak, some 1.9 million out of the 2.2 million Palestinians have been displaced and
11:04 are being pushed into ever-diminishing and extremely overcrowded places in southern Gaza
11:10 in unsanitary and unhealthy conditions.
11:13 The catastrophic situation we see unfolding in the Gaza Strip was entirely foreseeable
11:19 and preventable.
11:21 My humanitarian colleagues have described the situation as apocalyptic.
11:27 In these circumstances, there is a heightened risk of a ceasefire.
11:32 In the incident that Israel announced on Wednesday, the decision to revoke the resident visa of
11:40 the United Nations humanitarian corridor, the Linh-Hasten.
11:43 The incident is only the latest in a series of instances of Israel clashing with the UN
11:49 over the war in Gaza in ways that are uncommon for member states of the global body.
11:55 The UN official warned that an even more hellish scenario is about to unfold, one in which
12:01 the humanitarian operation might not be able to respond, referring to a resumption of Israel's
12:07 bombardment on Gaza.
12:09 Meanwhile, South Gaza residents tell first-person accounts of the relentless bombardment against civilians.
12:21 We were sleeping peacefully at night and the house was mostly packed with children and women.
12:28 All of a sudden a strike hit and debris fell on us.
12:31 Good Samaritans helped us and we sustained some injuries, varying from bone fracture
12:36 to injuries that needed stitching.
12:40 At around 20.30, I left the office where I work for the civil defense and headed home
12:45 to eat and ask my wife to prepare some food, only to be hit by a strike as I was changing
12:51 my clothes, without prior warning or instructions to evacuate.
12:55 Fire was all over the place and I tried to cover myself with a blanket.
13:00 I woke up later at the hospital.
13:02 Let's go over some key facts to better understand the devastating impact of the Saharan Gaza
13:08 to this day.
13:09 Since October 7th, at least 16,248 Palestinians have been killed in the strip.
13:16 This includes at least 7,112 children and 4,885 women.
13:23 Also over 3,600 Palestinians have been injured and over 7,600 remain missing under rubble.
13:30 After over 60 days of almost relentless shelling, over 50% of Gaza's homes have been damaged
13:36 or destroyed.
13:37 That is over 300,000 residential units.
13:40 According to the UN, this has caused 1.9 million Palestinians to be displaced from their homes.
13:53 The organization said the children has denounced that all the children in the Gaza Strip are
13:58 injured of being killed.
14:00 The non-governmental organization which has its headquarters in London confirms that more
14:06 than 1 million children, that is to say the entire children population of the englab,
14:11 have been left without a safe place to protect them from the bombing and armed confrontations.
14:16 The organization's director in Gaza Jason Lee reiterated after the resumption of hostilities
14:22 that orders in Jeba Israel are unworkable and put children at great risk.
14:31 Palestinian mourners prayed around several bodies outside a hospital in the Gaza city
14:39 of Deraa Bala following Israel's strikes in the region on Wednesday.
14:44 Thousands of bodies were brought to all outside a hospital, including those who were killed
14:48 in an airstrike that hit a house in the city.
14:51 Others were also killed in an attack on a house in the Nusayr al-Rafi camp.
14:57 The health ministry in Gaza said on Wednesday morning that a hospital had received the bodies
15:01 of 73 people who had been killed in Israel bombing in the last 24 hours period.
15:13 Palestinian demonstrators gathered in the center of Ramallah on Wednesday to protest against
15:18 the word of Israel on Palestine.
15:20 The demonstration was called for the Fatah party of Palestinian President Hamoud Abbas.
15:26 In the protest, demonstrators carried Fatah flags and banned the ministerial bombardment
15:32 of the Gaza Strip.
15:33 The UN says that of 1.9 million people, more than 80 percent of the population have already
15:39 fled their homes during the ongoing conflict.
15:48 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held a meeting with families of the hostages
15:52 held captive by Hamas, who condemned the prime minister's attitude.
15:58 The families expressed harsh criticism against the premier, calling his actions "disorderly."
16:05 They asserted that the real architect of the few reliefs that have been achieved is the
16:11 leader of Hamas in Gaza, Hayam Shingward, who returned them.
16:16 The issue of the demonstration of the captives by Hamas was on the table, but was overshadowed
16:22 by the desperation of the families whose relatives are still being held.
16:33 On Monday, December 4th, Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega addressed a letter to his Palestinian
16:38 counterpart, Mojahed Abu Rabbas, in which he reinforced his country's solidarity with
16:43 the Palestinian people.
16:44 In his letter, Ortega stressed that their people have always been together and continue
16:50 to be together, united in all the battles for national liberation which have enabled
16:56 them and which is a hope for them to continue fighting.
17:01 Sure, in the knowledge that so much self-denial, self-sacrifices and commitment to the conviction
17:10 of the rights and defence of the Palestinian nation will come to friction in a new world
17:17 that is already awakening and taking a path.
17:21 In this sense, the Nicaraguan President stressed that the whole human family shares struggles
17:29 and their determination for justice and peace.
17:32 Finally, in his message of support, Ortega added, "God continues to give us strength
17:38 and for you to continue lighting the way of this world towards great victories, and your
17:45 people and all the competitive people of the right to say consensual disservice."
17:51 Let's take our last break, but before we invite you to join us on our WhatsApp community
18:01 for our English-speaking audience.
18:03 You can scan the QR code on the screen to join the link and share the link to reach
18:07 more people.
18:08 Consisting of news coverage of Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as the rest of
18:11 the world, stay connected and informed with Telesur.
18:15 One final short break, then go away.
18:35 Welcome back.
18:36 The body of the last hiker missing after a volcanic eruption in Indonesia was found on
18:41 Wednesday, rescuers said, bringing the total death toll to 23, three days after the disaster.
18:47 Aduk Malik, head of the Paran Surgeon Rescue Agency, said that the joint search and rescue
18:54 team had found a victim of the Mauna Parapi eruption.
18:58 The National Search and Rescue Agency earlier said the latest victim was a woman named Seska.
19:05 Mauna Marapita on the Indonesian outland of Sumatra, speed at 3,000 meters at Puma Overeats,
19:13 crowded on Sunday as 75 people were walking in the area.
19:17 Hundreds of rescuers and workers tirelessly to find the missing hikers, 52 of whom were
19:25 found alive in a complex search, brimmed with water eruption and bad weather.
19:36 Britain and Rwanda signed a new treaty on Tuesday in a bid to revive a controversial
19:41 proposal by London to transfer migrants to this African country that was applied by the
19:46 UK courts.
19:47 The UK government said that under the new treaty, Rwanda will be banned by international
19:53 law not to return people to a country where their life or freedom would be endured.
19:58 That agreement, which UK Premier Richard Sunet said is crucial to achieve his pledge of solid
20:06 and regular migration before a general election expected next year, was signed in Kigali.
20:12 It was a plan by Rwandan Foreign Minister Vincent Ndibiruta and British Interior Minister
20:18 James Cleverly who travelled to the Rwandan capital to salvage London's exiled bids to
20:25 send migrants to Rwanda after the UK Supreme Court then did a wrenching on Lafayette.
20:36 On Wednesday in West Africa, the government of Mali and Niger announced they have decided
20:42 to cancel their fiscal cooperation treaties with France.
20:45 They communicate that a measure which has a unique community scope in the European Union
20:52 has been implemented because of the hostile attitude of Paris.
20:56 In this sense, data explain that the agreements also implied losses of resources for the country
21:02 and take into account that in three months they will expire their accelerated decision.
21:09 On Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin paid a work and visit to Saudi Arabia,
21:22 his second stop in the Middle East.
21:24 The Russian President met in Riyadh, a Saudi capital, with Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
21:29 The two leaders discussed all issues of regional conflict.
21:33 Earlier, Russian leader Putin visited the United Arab Emirates in pursuit of the Kremlin's
21:38 goals for a new world order.
21:46 We have come to the end of this news brief, but before saying goodbye we want to thank
21:50 our Caribbean audience, especially the audience of Trinidad and Tobago.
21:54 We are pleased to share our new cast and contribute to provide an alternative news sources of
21:58 the latest world events.
21:59 You can find this and many other stories on our website at elastoreenglish.net and also
22:03 join us on our socials from Facebook, On X and on Instagram as well.
22:06 For El Astore English, I'm Manuela Marrero.
22:09 Thank you for watching.
