• 2 years ago
When the unimaginable happened, Rock Thomas needed a win. Shocked, despondent, and embarassed, Rock dug deep and found a way to turn his frown upside down, a surefire way to find the silver lining in any situation. Rock Thomas is the founder of M1, a community of high achievers as committed to your success as their own. He is also the host of the #IAmMovement Podcast, where we believe, "the words that follow I am, follow you." Visit www.rockthomas.com to discover the power of progress, your mindset, and making success a part of YOUR identity.


00:00 I went and I got a hair transplant. I was losing a little bit of hair up top and I'm thinking, you
00:06 know, I still want to look blonde and blue-eyed and all that kind of stuff. So I did that and then
00:14 a little bit after that I'm at the hairdresser and he goes, "Huck, you've got a huge patch of
00:21 hair missing from the back of your head." I go, "Yeah, I had that." Then he goes, "It's a round
00:25 patch like this." And he goes, "I'm concerned. You better get to the doctor and check it."
00:31 I'm like, "Well, what do you mean?" So he holds a mirror up and I'm looking and there's literally a
00:35 round, perfectly round patch at the back of my head, kind of near the top. And I'm like, "That's
00:41 so weird." So I go home and now I'm, my heightened awareness, I start to look at my arms and I see
00:47 patches of hair missing. I'm like freaking out now. And the first thing that came in mind was
00:54 "Do I have cancer? What's going on?" I started to freak out. I couldn't focus on anything.
00:58 So I quickly called my doctor and I went to see him. He goes, "I think you have allopatia."
01:03 I go, "What is that?" He goes, "Well, it's, you know, it's destructive on your immune system.
01:09 It's not going to kill you, but it will probably cause you to lose part or all of your hair."
01:14 I'm like, "Are you serious?" And sure enough, within the next two months, all the hair fell
01:21 out of my body. When you have an identity of somebody who, you know, at 40 years old,
01:26 I lost all my hair. My first thing is, "What are people going to think of me?" And I thought,
01:32 "You're going to think I'm old. Are you ugly this way? You're bald. You're not blonde here." I was
01:37 identified with that. That's who I was. And I started to feel a lack of self-esteem. I started
01:44 to feel scared. I started to feel weird. And then I remembered anytime I have adversity,
01:51 you can change your focus. What you focus on is what you feel. It's not the event that matters.
01:56 It's the meaning you attach to it. So I thought, "What's great about this?" And as I said that to
02:03 myself, I'm like, "Well, I'll never have a bad hair day." That sounds so bad. And I don't have
02:10 to buy shampoo and take that 10 minutes to prepare. I'm going to save some money on that.
02:15 And I was coloring my hair at that time. I don't have to do that anymore. It's like $100 a month.
02:20 Why don't I get a massage instead of that every month for the rest of my life? That's pretty cool.
02:25 And I started to feel excited about something that I could have felt really bad about.
02:30 And I realized that it's never what happens to us. It's the meaning we attach to it.
02:36 And the fastest way to get there is to ask yourself a quality question, "What's great about
02:41 this?" And then I started to stack and stack and I started to actually feel excited. It's not what
02:46 happens to you. It's the meaning you attach to it. So think about any event that happens in your life.
02:52 Can you attach an empowering meaning to it? Yes, you can, if you choose to. Or you can play the
02:58 victim. And you can go, "Oh, woe is me. I lost all my hair." Or you can look for the silver lining.
03:04 You can look for the blessing in the event that happened. If you have a small little car accident,
03:09 maybe you meet the love of your life. You just don't know what's going to happen. The world is
03:15 going to deliver to you what appears to be an obstacle, but really is a gift or is a blessing.
03:20 So when something difficult happens to you, a surprise happens to you that you don't really
03:26 think is good, ask yourself this question, "What's great about this?"
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