Focusing on the European front of the One Year War, which was the setting of the first Gundam series "Mobile Suit Gundam" (1979), the new animated series "Mobile Suit Gundam: Requem for Vengeance" is a joint production with SAFEHOUSE, Inc. that is made with Unreal Engine 5 and aimed at audiences worldwide. The series will stream only on Netflix.
00:00 (singing in foreign language)
00:03 - This is Sentinel-2 lead.
00:13 We read you loud and clear.
00:15 - I need those bubble suits on the ground now!
00:17 Deploy the 42s!
00:19 - You heard the Major.
00:21 Red Wolves, prepare to drop.
00:23 (dramatic music)
00:26 (dramatic music)
00:29 - Charlie, are you on the--
00:49 - Don't worry about me!
00:51 (dramatic music)
00:54 (dramatic music)
00:57 - What the hell is that?
01:10 (singing in foreign language)
01:17 (dramatic music)
01:21 (dramatic music)
01:23 (dramatic music)
01:26 (dramatic music)