Former FA director warns gap between rich and poor in football will widen

  • last year
Former FA director warns gap between rich and poor in football will widenCredit: Sky News
00:00 This is a great tribute to what Sky and their coverage
00:04 have achieved over the past 30 years.
00:08 And, you know, we wait to see the impact on subscriptions.
00:12 That will be important.
00:14 The worry I have, the only worry I have,
00:17 or certainly the biggest worry I've got,
00:19 is that the gap between rich and poor in football
00:23 is almost certainly going to get wider.
00:26 And that's why some of us came round to the view
00:29 with reluctance of the need for an independent regulator,
00:33 which now both sides of the House of Commons support
00:37 and was in the King's speech.
