• 2 years ago
Guru Gaur Gopal Das recounts a universal lesson in love through a simple story about food.


00:00 A man, much reserved by nature, was very hesitant to ask his boss for a raise in his salary.
00:09 One Friday morning, he got up and told his wife, "I will do it today, darling.
00:16 I shall ask my boss for a raise in my salary."
00:19 Late in the afternoon, as he approached his boss, finally he gathered up the courage to
00:26 speak up and ask for a raise in his salary.
00:30 Much to his delight, the boss agreed.
00:35 The man was on the top of the world.
00:38 And when he came back home, he saw a beautiful dinner table, fine crockery set on the table,
00:46 beautiful candles lit up.
00:50 His wife had prepared a festive meal to celebrate the occasion.
00:55 He guessed someone from the office may have tipped her off and informed her about it.
00:59 Anyways, he got into the kitchen, hugged her, gave her the good news, and came and sat down
01:07 to have his meal.
01:09 Right there on the table was a card.
01:11 When the man picked up the card and read the contents, the card said, "Congratulations,
01:17 darling.
01:18 I knew you will get that salary raise.
01:22 All of these things are to tell you how much I love you."
01:28 Prep by prep, the lady served her husband.
01:32 And as she went back into the kitchen finally to bring the dessert, from the pocket of her
01:38 apron fell another card unknown to her.
01:42 The man picked up the card.
01:45 And as he read the contents of the card, he had tears in his eyes.
01:51 Then the card was written, "Don't worry, darling.
01:55 Even if you did not get that salary raise, you deserve much more than that.
02:01 This dinner table, this crockery, these fine candles, this fantastic meal, all these things
02:08 are simply meant to tell you how much I love you."
02:14 Her love for him was unconditional.
02:17 It did not depend on his success at work.
02:22 In fact, it was exactly the opposite.
02:25 If he were to fail, if he were to be rejected, he would have needed that total acceptance
02:32 and support all the more.
02:34 And she would be there by his side.
02:37 Even if he were to be rejected by the whole world, if we have one person in our lives
02:43 like this woman, who can totally accept us, totally believe in us, totally love us, and
02:50 totally support us, we can certainly achieve what we want and reach where we want to go.
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