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  • 6 months ago
A day filled with incredible discussions, mind-blowing ideas, and tons of inspiration! That's exactly what happened when Team Counsel India visited their campus on November 23, 2023. We didn't just talk about our awesome brand and vision; we dived deep into some seriously thought-provoking conversations!

The session was like a buzz of excitement! Everyone was sharing their thoughts and the energy was off the charts! And here’s the highlight of the day! We're collaborating with Maata Sundari College (@mscofficials), making it official with a Memorandum of Understanding real soon. What’s more, we've invited these young, curious minds for an exclusive office tour because we want them to see firsthand what our internship and placement programs are all about.

Every single attendee at our session received a Certificate of Participation from us. Let's just say, it was an epic experience for everyone involved✨