Kim Richards Dreamt About Sister Kyle Richard's Separation Ahead Of Split

  • last year
Kim Richards Dreamt About Sister Kyle Richard's Separation Ahead Of Split


00:00 We're here at your sister's house celebrating the holidays.
00:04 We talked to Nikki and she said Kathy is more than,
00:07 here's Mariah, here's Kathy when it comes to Christmas.
00:10 Would you agree with that?
00:12 - I don't know where Mariah is on Christmas,
00:14 but I will tell you right now, my sister-
00:15 - Mariah Carey, yeah.
00:17 - Well, I mean, she did the, I don't,
00:18 she does Christmas songs, but like,
00:20 Kathy does her entire house.
00:24 I mean, it starts months prior.
00:27 I mean, sometimes I'm like, Kathy gets weird.
00:29 Stop, this is ridiculous.
00:31 A doll tree, a toy tree, a baby tree,
00:34 but it's her thing.
00:36 And I know, 'cause now I color on the walls.
00:39 And so I've been coloring a lot and painting
00:41 and people go, "Color on the walls."
00:43 And I'm like, yes, I do.
00:45 I did.
00:46 And, you know, but so my house,
00:48 like literally from floor to ceiling,
00:50 I just started doing these huge murals and-
00:53 - I love it.
00:54 - And I can't even draw.
00:55 - Well, I love it.
00:56 - Kyle goes, "Who did this?"
00:57 I go, "Me."
00:58 She goes, "But you can't draw."
00:59 I go, "I know."
01:01 - Oh, that's amazing.
01:02 Well, I love that the three of you are here together.
01:05 That must mean a lot, right?
01:07 That must be good.
01:08 - It was a really hard year for me
01:12 just because they were fighting and it was really hard.
01:15 And I miss them.
01:17 And, you know, we all have our things, you know?
01:21 Like I just, it was a lot.
01:23 And I had a flood at my house.
01:24 I had to move out.
01:25 I had to go somewhere and I didn't know where to go.
01:27 And like, you know, it was a lot.
01:29 And I just, I really needed them,
01:31 but I know everybody was going through their things.
01:32 So I had to figure out on my own, by myself,
01:36 what to do, where to go.
01:37 And I will tell you, Carter was like so helpful.
01:41 I'm a Carter fan.
01:42 Uh-huh.
01:42 He just was there for me and helped me.
01:45 Carter and Paris were amazing.
01:47 And my whole family's great,
01:48 but everybody was going through so much
01:50 that there just wasn't, and it was hard.
01:53 I lost my clothes, my car,
01:55 and everything came down to my car.
01:56 It was like one of those things,
01:58 but I also feel like God gave me a chance
02:01 to do this all over again.
02:03 I get a new home, I get a new car.
02:05 I have just-
02:06 Right.
02:07 But it's hard when you,
02:08 when you lose everything,
02:09 when it's taken like in a flood like that, it's awful.
02:12 So it must feel good to have the three of you guys
02:14 back together again,
02:15 knowing that it's something,
02:16 you had to go through something.
02:18 They were there.
02:19 I think that's just it.
02:20 And I worried about my sister every day.
02:23 So on top of what I was going through,
02:25 I'd call her and I'd say,
02:27 I know she heard like a life situation.
02:29 I said, please don't call
02:31 and think I want to talk about me.
02:32 I just, I want to know if you're okay.
02:34 Just one word, just say, I love you.
02:36 I'm okay, or whatever.
02:38 But she just stayed to herself.
02:41 And that's a new behavior for her.
02:42 She wasn't like that.
02:43 She always came running to me.
02:45 So I really took it like,
02:47 like her, you know?
02:50 So how are you supporting Kyle during this time?
02:52 A tough time, it's no secret.
02:54 You know, I don't really know
02:56 what's all happening in her life yet.
02:58 I know that I did, I know this sounds crazy,
03:01 but I had a dream two weeks prior
03:04 that they were getting separated or divorced.
03:08 And Kathy called, I said,
03:09 I think Kyle's getting a divorce.
03:10 She goes, what?
03:11 No.
03:11 And I said, Kathy, I dreamt it last night.
03:13 I dreamt it since I've been working interview.
03:16 So I feel things a little bit more.
03:18 She goes, Kim, I'm stop.
03:19 And I said, I hope not, but I think I'm right.
03:22 And two days later, it came out in the paper.
03:25 And Kathy called me, she's like, who told you?
03:27 I said, I told you, I dreamt it.
03:29 And I did.
03:31 And so that was hard to see that.
03:33 And I, you know, all I really know about Maurice
03:36 is he's never, you know, he's a,
03:39 I don't have a bad following with him.
03:41 I don't, I, you know, I think he's an amazing father.
03:45 And that is like, somebody said,
03:47 I heard you said something bad about him.
03:50 I have nothing bad to say.
03:51 He's a great dad to my nieces.
03:53 And for that, I'm happy.
03:55 And I'm happy that they can be like my ex and I.
03:58 Monty and I were the best friends.
04:00 - And good co-parents.
04:02 - Yeah.
04:03 - Which is important.
04:03 - And you know, Kimberly's dad and I knew that.
04:05 And I don't have any other dads that I wanna talk about.
04:08 - Now, a lot of people did see them
04:09 at Thanksgiving together and people,
04:12 fans are thinking, oh,
04:13 maybe they're gonna get back together.
04:14 What do you think?
04:15 - I don't know.
04:16 They were at the wedding, my daughter's wedding.
04:18 And I didn't, I didn't, nobody saw it.
04:20 I was like, really, we did not see it coming.
04:22 And then the video came out.
04:24 And I was like, I don't understand what's going on here.
04:27 So, you know, I think we're all kind of.
04:30 - Navigating, figuring it out.
04:31 - And I think for myself, I'm really, I'm starting over.
04:35 Like I'm literally, I'm just, I just moved.
04:38 - You gotta focus on yourself.
04:39 - Huh?
04:40 - You gotta focus on yourself.
04:41 - But I think really people change a lot.
04:43 And we have to, instead of,
04:44 I did learn one thing when people say,
04:47 you know, it's just not your character.
04:48 I've known her my whole life and she's acting weird.
04:50 I don't want to be around her.
04:51 With somebody that you know,
04:53 is you've known your whole life
04:55 and they have a certain way.
04:56 And all of a sudden they're acting different.
04:58 Don't be mad at them.
05:00 (upbeat music)
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