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00:00 Family listen I want you to tap into this message man it is it's a special
00:05 I'm dealing in this series with family matters like some of the matters the
00:10 complications that we have to deal with in family and we're pulling from
00:15 scriptural wisdom on how to navigate some of these situations I want you to
00:19 buckle up this is gonna challenge you it's gonna make you better
00:22 the sermon is called it's complicated I got one request if it bless you would
00:27 you just please send it to somebody else take care
00:32 clap your hands if you're ready for God's Word everybody let's go together
00:36 to the book of Matthew chapter number one hey speaking of family one other
00:41 thing and this is what we're believing for we believe it's going to be radical
00:44 generosity here next week and one of the things that we're going to do is we're
00:47 not just gonna it's not just about acquiring a new facility is also about
00:51 some improvements we need to make to this one and one of the things because
00:54 of the amount of families that we got here is that we want we know we need more
00:59 space for babies so we wanted to create a nursing suite that has a nursery
01:06 excuse me a nursery with nursing suites in the nursery where parents are able to
01:13 take their babies in private rooms if they need to do some nursing and there
01:18 needs to be play areas where the children can have some space and some
01:23 room and we're just believing we we're gonna do it all in Jesus name big and
01:30 fast was the word we got for this year so let's let's let's keep that in mind
01:34 parents we want you to know we're working on that for you Matthew chapter
01:37 1 verse number 18 says this is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about
01:41 his mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph but before they came
01:45 together she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit because Joseph
01:49 her husband was faithful to the law and yet did not want to expose her to public
01:54 disgrace he had in mind to divorce her quietly this in this the reading of
02:01 God's Word I want to talk from this subject in our time together today it's
02:05 complicated clap your hands 1230 if you're ready for the word it's
02:11 complicated family one of the truths that we see all throughout the pages of
02:19 scripture is this truth scriptures revealed to us the reality of adversity
02:27 somebody say yes I said the scriptures revealed to us the reality of adversity
02:35 Jesus frames it this way in his conversation with his followers in John
02:40 16 Jesus said in this world you will have tribulation is that what he said I
02:49 said is that what he said he said as long as you have a residence in this
02:54 world you need to have an expectation to deal with a degree of adversity now why
03:00 would Jesus make such a prophetic proclamation why would he tell us that
03:06 it is inevitable that we're going to experience some adversity he's not
03:11 saying that to create pity he's saying that so we can engage in preparation are
03:20 y'all following me and honestly this is one of the purposes of some prophetic
03:26 words you receive when God gives you some unique insight about what's coming
03:32 into your future very often the way some people respond to that is they respond
03:37 to the prophetic with praise when that's not incorrect but if that's all you do
03:45 that's incomplete because the prophetic comes not just so we can engage in
03:50 praise but the prophetic comes so that we can engage in preparation God doesn't
03:56 tell us it's getting ready to rain so we can shout he tells us it's getting ready
04:01 to rain so we can build an ark come on here God doesn't tell us I'm getting
04:07 ready to blow you up from the flow up just so you can get excited God's
04:11 telling you he's gonna blow you up from the flow up so that you can establish
04:15 some infrastructure so that you can properly handle the blessing that's
04:20 coming into your life because without the infrastructure the addition of
04:24 blessing will create agitation and instead of the blessing feeling like a
04:28 blessing the blessing ends up feeling like a curse and I don't know about you
04:33 but I want to be so blessed that I'm not stressed I need somebody to talk back to
04:37 your preacher say he talking to me yeah I need I need to be so blessed that I'm
04:41 not stressed Jesus speaks about the inevitability of adversity he's saying
04:47 listen I need you to know you don't have to listen to me that you don't have to
04:53 experience exemption come on in other words you don't have to be exempt from
05:00 it to get victory over it y'all missed it he says victory doesn't come through
05:09 the avoidance of adversity victory comes when you overcome adversity and so the
05:17 posture of our heart and the mentality of our mind must be I'm a win anyway I
05:24 need 1230 to talk back to me today I need somebody with some fervor and faith
05:30 and enthusiasm to say one word anyway lie on me anyway talk about me anyway
05:37 close doors in my face anyway try to sabotage my success anyway try to block
05:43 what God's doing anyway try to ruin my reputation anyway try to steal my client
05:49 anyway try to steal my woman anyway try to steal my man anyway because I don't
05:55 have to avoid to win I'm a win anyway and somebody you need to say that so
06:05 that the enemy can hear it because you maybe you're facing something right now
06:09 or experiencing something right now that's causing you to call in the
06:13 question whether or not you're gonna step into everything God has for you but
06:18 God tapped this country preacher from Mississippi on the shoulder and brought
06:22 him to 380 Premier Parkway Duluth Georgia today to tell you he can do it
06:27 anyway
06:38 Jesus speaks to the inevitability of adversity in this world that you don't
06:50 get exempt from adversity until you make an exit from this world so if you're
06:57 going to be a winner stop expecting to live without battles y'all better come
07:03 get me here as long as we have a residence in this world there will be
07:17 tribulation but here's gospel here's the good news the gospel isn't a gospel of
07:24 avoidance the gospel is a gospel of overcoming Jesus didn't avoid Jesus
07:32 Jesus didn't avoid the grave but Jesus is seated at the right hand of the
07:39 father anyway so it means that the believer must be battle ready let me go
07:55 over to this side and say it again it means that the believer must be battle
08:01 ready why do you think the Old Testament is filled with so much violence can y'all
08:11 handle me shaking your theological tree a little bit y'all do know the Old
08:16 Testament is filled with battles
08:19 you don't know you do know David fought Goliath y'all not talking to me he took
08:30 a slingshot through a slingshot through the rock to an area of Goliath where he
08:36 was exposed Goliath was knocked down and David went and took Goliath sword and
08:41 finished Goliath off why because sometimes the giant is dazed but it's
08:47 not dead and when you don't finish it you walk come on here you think you
08:54 killed a problem in one season and then you move to your future and that Goliath
08:59 tap his shoulder tap you on the shoulder because you knocked it down but it
09:04 wasn't dead there are some things you got to kill it dead let me go to this
09:09 side I said there are some things you got to say listen I know I'm not gonna
09:13 live a life problem free but this is my last season dealing with that Goliath
09:18 I'm not just gonna knock it down I'm gonna finish it off I don't know who I'm
09:23 talking to in here today but if you're in 40 and over you know these words
09:28 finish him and I don't know who and I don't know what you're facing but this
09:35 is your season finish
09:41 it's not a gospel of avoidance it's a gospel of overcoming in the Old
09:55 Testament you see Israel trying to occupy a promised land called Canaan
09:59 which represents a quality of life available through the belief for the
10:02 believer through our Joshua who is Jesus
10:07 come on now am I making sense so that's what it's a metaphor for it's a metaphor
10:11 for the John 10 10 life thief comes to steal kill and destroy but I've come
10:16 that you might have a life and have it more abundantly not abundance in life
10:20 but abundance of life the Zoey like the God kind of life where you rich in the
10:25 right places emotionally rich and relationally rich where you got not just
10:33 mental health but mental wealth I want some am I talking to anybody that want
10:38 to be mentally wealthy I want to be wealthy with positivity and optimism and
10:43 peace and joy for the kingdom of God is not meat or drink but righteousness and
10:50 peace and joy in the Holy Ghost I want that you will deal with adversity as
10:58 long as you have residence in this world you're gonna deal with adversity because
11:05 you're an imperfect person so some of your struggle is going to be self
11:10 inflicted
11:16 there are some watch this every decision is pregnant with the potential to
11:20 produce a season and some seasons you we in is because the decisions we made I
11:30 made a decision it produced the season so as an imperfect person I make
11:38 imperfect decisions and some decisions produce seasons so I have some adversity
11:44 that's self-inflicted but I can win I messed up but I'm still gonna win I
11:55 made some mistakes but I'm still gonna win I wasted some time but I'm still
11:59 gonna win I got in my own way and I'm getting ready to get out of my own way
12:03 I'm still gonna win imperfect person but I also live in an imperfect
12:14 world so not only do I happen life happens so there are some struggles for
12:20 which there is no explanation there's an instance in the Bible where one of the
12:26 disciples were the disciples asked Jesus a question who sinned this man or his
12:31 parents that he was born blind Jesus said neither one life is life thing so
12:40 there's some struggle you're looking for an answer for that you'll never get we
12:48 know all things work together for good some people say everything happens for a
12:51 reason but the Bible never says God will tell you the reason everything happens
12:57 so I don't know about you maybe you got an explanation for everything you went
13:01 through but I still got some stuff on my list in my past and I'm say God I don't
13:05 know how you use that I'm not saying you didn't use it I'm just saying you ain't
13:10 told me yet
13:12 imperfect person so I'm making perfect decisions I live in an imperfect world
13:18 so some adversity is gonna come because I just like be life but then there's a
13:23 third area that's an avenue for adversity and that is as an imperfect
13:28 person living in an imperfect world I got to be in relationship with imperfect
13:33 people
13:36 and sometimes I'm dealing with adversity that is the consequence of
13:46 somebody else's imperfection but because I'm in close proximity to them I
13:54 experienced collateral damage from the damage they did to their own life and
14:03 sometimes the context of those imperfect relationships is the context of family
14:13 sometimes the fire you under is friendly fire you see there are a number of words
14:26 that we could use to describe the construct and the concept of family we
14:30 could use words like divinely designed because family is not a good idea it's
14:34 God's idea we could use words like socially significant because when
14:38 families are strong communities are strong when communities are strong cities
14:41 are strong when cities are strong states are strong with states are strong
14:43 reasons are strong where reason strong nation strong when nation strong the
14:46 world is strong it is tied and interwoven into the fabric of the family
14:51 we could say that family is immensely invaluable sometimes you don't know that
14:56 family is all you need until family is all you have those are all words that
15:03 accurately describe this concept and this construct called family and we
15:07 could do a whole sermon series just on that but that's not my assignment because
15:13 there's another word that we could use to describe the reality of family and
15:19 that word is complicated somebody say complicated yeah when I say complicated
15:27 I'm referring to the complexities complexities of managing diverse
15:30 personalities unspoken expectations abuse turmoil entitlement offense
15:36 competitiveness combativeness irresponsibility unappreciativeness
15:41 unpleasable people dealing with the tension of making a decision that
15:45 pleases one and displeases another that makes somebody happy and that makes
15:49 somebody sad I'm talking about the complexities of being misunderstood and
15:53 known the least by people who's supposed to know you the best come here I'm
16:00 talking about being a man like David who's been anointed to be a king and it
16:05 takes somebody outside your house to see the king in you your own daddy y'all not
16:11 talking to me your own daddy did not think enough of you to even call you to
16:18 the place and the space where you could get selected as king how Jesse do you
16:24 not even know there's a king in your house and how do you feel and what do
16:30 you do when the people that are supposed to know you the best are the people that
16:34 actually know you the least how what do you do when you're seen by Samuel and
16:39 you're seen by Saul but all you want to be is seen by Jesse y'all better come
16:46 get me here see all praise all out of your adulation all appreciation is not
16:52 treated equally there are some people's opinions that carry more weight and what
16:57 do you do when the opinions that carry the most weight come from Jesse who
17:05 can't even see who you are that's complex but that is the reality of
17:18 scripture so we need to be battle ready we need to be prepared we need to be
17:25 equipped so we act with wisdom instead of reacting with pain I don't have time
17:34 because even after Jesse didn't think enough of David to call him to the front
17:41 to be considered for kingship by Samuel when Samuel anointed him to be king he
17:47 had an anointing to run a palace but he still went back and served his father in
17:51 the pasture because he said I'm gonna act with wisdom and not react with pain
17:59 he served a man that couldn't see him
18:05 did y'all hear what I just said so we need to be equipped so is it okay if I
18:14 spend the next few weeks going to the well of scripture and drawing out
18:19 wisdom from the pages of scripture on how to deal with some of these family
18:27 dynamics that are inevitable and our foundational story can I just lay a
18:36 foundation and we go home today and our foundational story here in Matthew is
18:40 where we're going to start today because this story of Matthew provides us some
18:44 amazing insight on one of the most complicated family dynamics in human
18:48 history now I want you not to sanitize this story I want you to give passive
18:52 permission to be myself can I just keep it real come on can we just objectively
18:59 look at the scriptures this is what happened in the text don't sanitize it
19:04 don't deify it these are not dear demigods and people in scripture these
19:10 are real people just like you and me so I'm gonna tell you what happened here in
19:14 Matthew you have a man named Joseph that's engaged to a woman named Mary now
19:20 during this time period for followers of the way engagement was covenantal so it
19:29 was called betrothal so it was like once you got engaged you could just change
19:36 your mind and say here to ring back how many glad you're not in that age no
19:43 more praise God I am free praise the Lord I'm free no longer bound no more
19:49 chains holding me my soul is resting it's just a blessing I'm not gonna
19:59 bother it because some people act like the ring they wearing is the only ring
20:03 they wore but thank God you had enough wisdom to put your well-being before
20:13 your image and if it wasn't right for you you have the wisdom to say I don't
20:19 care what y'all think of me I don't care what we posted and what I put on the
20:22 ground I'm gonna take it down and live my life
20:26 y'all not y'all told me I could be real so he engaged y'all with me so it's like
20:38 betrothal is you're married but you don't cohabitate and you don't consummate
20:46 y'all know a consummation me praise God okay okay so you don't cohabitate and
20:54 you don't consummate so this will happen one day Joseph at home he get a text he
21:01 look at it it say Mary he opened the text all the text says is we need to
21:10 talk so Joseph does not text back he calls no no he faced I I gotta put eyes
21:25 on you he says what's wrong she says nothing he say what's up she said we
21:33 just need to talk he said well let's talk now she said we need to do it in
21:39 person he said Mary I ain't got time stop playing Mary don't play with me
21:45 Mary she said she said just come over here we need to talk so Joseph get in a
21:54 car he goes over he sit down on the couch he sit next to Mary Mary put her
22:01 hand on top of his hand she look at him and say you know I love you right
22:08 you know I love you right he said yeah I know you love me what's up I need to
22:23 tell you something he say what I'm pregnant
22:31 so he move his hand slide to the other end of the couch and say you what she
22:41 say I'm pregnant he say with what she say a baby Joseph now he stand up now he
22:53 walking in circles he say who is it you know who I know you know who it is it's
22:59 Tommy at that gym in it I told you I ain't like you having male friends I
23:04 saw the way Tommy was looking at you when you was doing them squats I knew it
23:08 and Tommy not right wait till I see Tommy I'm getting ready to pop out on
23:13 Tommy right now
23:19 they calm down you so violent says not Tommy well who's is it she say God's
23:33 that's the story you engaged you have not been intimate and your partner tell
23:41 you she pregnant and God did it
23:46 that's complicated is that complicated I say is that complicated it's
24:02 complicated man that's so complicated
24:08 there's no other instance of immaculate conception in Scripture so he's never
24:12 heard of this before and he loved a woman but he didn't believe her and the
24:21 reason we know is because when we read the text it says he says I'm faithful to
24:26 the law so this gives me what she's done is grounds to break the covenant but I'm
24:35 an act with wisdom not react out of pain so even though I'm going to divorce her
24:41 I'm gonna do it quietly so that I'm gonna expose her to public shame come
24:48 on here I'm a set of boundary so we're not gonna be together you're gonna be
24:55 better for the next person I'm a set of boundary yet at the same time I'm not
25:00 going to cause you unnecessary damage come on here because of the damage you
25:11 gave to me what is Joseph giving her that some of us have to learn to give
25:17 others grace grace isn't excusing the behavior grace is acknowledging that
25:33 they're imperfect just like you are am I making sense and what Joseph did with
25:44 his family dynamic is what you and I have to learn to do with our family
25:49 dynamic and we may not deal with Joseph's complication thank God but we
25:58 will deal with our own complications and we need to be prepared for those type
26:05 can I give you four examples real quick of what those complications would be and
26:08 I'm gonna give you these examples in forms of statements because some of
26:12 these complications for us are gonna be in the context of our marriage so here's
26:15 statement number one for my note-takers marriage can be messy now I'm not saying
26:22 marriage should be toxic but I am saying when I look in scripture I'm like this
26:30 can be messy you got two different people with two different backgrounds
26:34 two different sets of trauma who like each other who are trying to come
26:41 together as one but see almost everything differently so there's an
26:50 unaddressed sometimes unresolved and unidentified trauma that don't get
26:55 triggered until the context of marriage so for everybody that's telling you to
27:00 fix everything before you get married some stuff you don't know need to get
27:03 fixed until you are married come on here and this is why marriage is one of God's
27:10 greatest sanctifying tools he says I use this like nothing else to make you like
27:17 me because nothing's gonna teach you grace like that and nothing's gonna
27:22 teach you empathy like that and not come on here nothing's gonna teach you love
27:26 that's not attached to conditions like that and it's amazing and it's God
27:34 ordained but there's some times we get messy Adam and Eve the first marriage
27:43 got a little messy because everybody marries somebody that's got to mature in
27:53 an area and Adam and Eve lost the garden because there's an area Adam wouldn't
28:06 mature in Adam was not absent he was present Adam's issue was he was silent
28:16 he was a man that wasn't responsible you know when we talk about Adam and Eve
28:26 eating that fruit even that fruit it's almost like the stories told like Adam
28:30 was nowhere to be found when the Bible says when Eve ate she gave it to her
28:36 husband who was with her so the whole creative order got messed up not because
28:42 a man wasn't present but because a man wasn't vocal he's seeing stuff that's
28:51 putting the garden in danger and he won't speak to it he's so preoccupied
28:56 he's carrying trauma from not being accepted so he's got a personality
29:01 orientation toward pleasing so he can't stand not being liked by the people he
29:06 loved so because he's not willing to sleep on the couch for one night he
29:11 lose the garden for his whole life
29:15 because he should have looked at Eve and say Eve I love you and you might not
29:20 like me tonight but you're gonna love me three years from now because we're not
29:24 eating that fruit put it down y'all aren't talking to me I'm not talking
29:32 about a man owning a woman I'm not talking about subjugation I'm talking
29:37 about a willingness to submit to leadership come on here I'm talking
29:43 about a word that people are scared to use because extreme fundamentalist
29:49 church segments and tribes have abused it but it's a biblical word and you
29:54 don't correct wrong teaching with non teaching you correct wrong teaching with
29:57 right teaching it's a word that is a synthesis of two words the first is the
30:02 prefix sub and the other word is mission sub means below it doesn't mean get
30:10 below a person it means get under a mission it means I recognize that as my
30:16 leader God's giving you a mission to cover this house and I refuse to get in
30:21 the way of you accomplishing your mission so even if I want the fruit if
30:27 you say this fruit is gonna cost us the garden I'm putting the fruit down and
30:33 some houses would be better if Adam was man enough to say I love you baby but
30:40 put the fruit down I love you but that's too much debt right now I love come on
30:45 here I love you but we can't afford that right now I love you we're in a season
30:51 where I need to be more present but if we do this I'm gonna have to be gone
30:56 come on here am I making sense but sometimes you marry to Eve who's got to
31:06 mature into submission see some people think they strong when they don't submit
31:16 you're not strong you're scared it's quiet it's quiet it's quiet it's quiet
31:25 it's quiet it's quiet it's quiet so submission only applies to that which
31:35 is mission critical if it's not mission critical it should be negotiation it's
31:41 not sub opinion I don't get under your opinion about whether or not we're going
31:46 to capital grill or Ruth Chris that's not mission critical yeah that we
31:52 compromise we can negotiate but when it comes to mission critical God's gonna
31:58 come in the garden and he's gonna say Adam y'all better come get me today
32:03 where are thou don't tell me who ate first I'm coming to you first because
32:09 I've given you the responsibility to steward this garden
32:24 marriage can be messy number two I ain't got time yeah Adam Adam and Eve uh you
32:41 got Noah and his wife are y'all ready for this Noah's wife is married to a man
32:48 that becomes a different man after he start winning
32:54 he got drunk off a vineyard he planted after the flood so if the vineyard
33:03 wasn't fruitful he would have had nothing to get drunk off of so he gets
33:08 successful and gets intoxicated did you hear what I just said it's like come on
33:18 here yeah it's like oh you were nothing like this when I met you see cuz here's
33:26 the issue is this too real for y'all we make the assumption that when everybody
33:31 changed they changed for the better
33:34 sometimes Noah becomes a lesser version of himself let's let's wrap this up
33:47 Abraham and Sarah this I mean I'm gonna wait to do that's a marriage retreat
33:53 right there that's too heavy that's too heavy because they agreed to do
33:59 something on the front end is wrong and both of them were in agreement with it
34:04 then they overestimate they underestimated the consequences of
34:09 agreeing to do something that was wrong they were all in agreement until it
34:15 happened then it happened and now they like I don't like that I don't like the
34:20 way she looking at me she y'all not talking to me she got to go this
34:28 Abraham this your man of faith this is the get thee out of thy country to a
34:33 land I'm gonna show you this is the father of your faith you got Peter and
34:42 his wife when you want to be married to a man who's attached to greatness but
34:48 you don't want him to be gone
34:51 Oh Lord, help me preach.
34:57 we know Peter was married because Jesus healed his mother-in-law but for three
35:04 years he's traveling did you hear what I just said so there's nothing wrong with
35:14 not wanting a Peter I just need to know he's a Peter before I connect because if
35:23 not you're gonna put Peter in a position where he got to choose between his
35:30 ministry and his mate oh my gosh I could go to Deborah and Labrador it's a man
35:46 who say he want a boss chick
35:57 but don't want to share a spotlight because if I ask the average person do
36:04 you know who Deborah is they're gonna say yeah if I say what's her husband
36:07 name you're gonna say I don't know you got to be man enough to be in the I
36:11 don't know y'all aren't talking to me I want me a boss chick well you better
36:20 get ready for her to get shine you better get ready for her to get
36:23 attention and you got to be mature enough not to be intimidated by her
36:29 assignment
36:45 marriage can be messy let's wrap up Tarrio siblings siblings can be silly
36:57 you got Cain and Abel Cain kills Abel because Abel maximize an opportunity
37:11 that came didn't me and you both had the same opportunity y'all aren't talking to
37:18 me I chose to take advantage of my opportunity and I'm winning you chose to
37:24 not take advantage of your opportunity and you mad at me for what you didn't do
37:34 so now you competing with me in a game I ain't playing I'm not competing with you
37:47 I'm just trying to win I'm just trying to improve my life honestly I love you
37:53 but I'm not even thinking about you like that let me go over here I'm sorry you
38:00 not even on my mind like that I got bills to pay I got a purpose to
38:04 accomplish I got business to handle and I love you but I am NOT sitting around
38:09 thinking about you all day I'm not that insecure I don't need you to look bad
38:22 for me to look good on my mama on my hood I look fly I look good
38:32 we gotta go
38:47 number three parents aren't perfect
38:58 there's an age and era where almost everybody could say thank God for a
39:06 praying mama that's not everybody testimony sometimes your dad is Noah he
39:20 struggled with substance abuse sometimes your dad is Abraham he treats you better
39:26 than he treat your mama he's an angel with you but a jerk with her Abraham you
39:38 said your own wife was your sister twice you let her go into the arms of another
39:44 man I got to die that day sign me up for the Christian Jubilee write my name on
39:51 the roll I'm out of here what
39:57 Abraham it's you watched it some of you had a father like Isaac and Jacob where
40:11 there was blatant favoritism some of you had a mom like Rebecca who was in an
40:22 enabler Jacob was able to pretend like he was Esau because Isaac was blind and
40:39 Rebecca took advantage of a husband being in the dark so there was something
40:46 about her son that needed to be corrected but here her enablement
40:52 wouldn't let the daddy be the daddy
40:59 Rebecca sometimes you got to close your eyes and pray because sometimes your
41:11 coddling of Jacob in the present is crippling Jacob in his future at some
41:21 point he got to stand on his own two feet see this one of the greatest things
41:26 my dad did for me my dad didn't hug me a lot he wasn't a lot and when I tell you
41:34 I don't care about that now cuz hugs wouldn't help me take care of my family
41:41 hugs not saying it's not necessary but when I tell you my dad in a Hall of Fame
41:48 with daddy now that I look back I look back give me some in the blue I look
41:58 back when I remember him I shook his hand and I looked down he said look up
42:02 at me he said look a man in his eyes will you
42:08 shake his hand I grew up in a day was they called it sagging your pants was
42:15 down your underwear showing see pull your pants up on your butt I remember we
42:23 were poor we couldn't afford name-brand things I had shoes called pro wings I
42:32 took what we used to call liquid paper and I blotched out the pro wings my dad
42:41 looked at it said take that off it's some people saw that don't have shoes I
42:50 want you to be proud of what you got because it's not what you have is how
42:56 you wear it
43:03 it was my daddy who looked over my first sermon and said what a Bible in this I
43:15 say it's true he say but I need to see the scripture that supports it he says
43:21 because if you don't have scripture that back up what you say you just preaching
43:26 philosophy so when you hear me say I got Bible I got it from my daddy
43:36 we got to go whoosh I feel a praise in here church I said I feel a praise break
43:49 right here
43:52 you
43:54 you
43:56 you
43:58 (dramatic music)
