00:00:00 Father, we thank you for this and other opportunity to
00:00:07 minister to these, your precious sheep.
00:00:09 Thank you, Lord, that revelation and knowledge will flow freely,
00:00:15 uninterrupted and unhindered by any satanic or demonic force.
00:00:20 And Father, I pray that you will speak through my vocal cords
00:00:25 and think through my mind, Lord.
00:00:31 None of me, all of you, do something in us today that can
00:00:41 never be replaced.
00:00:44 We bless you for it now.
00:00:47 In Jesus' mighty name we pray.
00:00:50 And everybody said, amen.
00:00:53 Let's be seated.
00:00:55 If you have your Bibles, go with me to the book of
00:01:02 St. John chapter 16, verse 13 through 14.
00:01:07 I have--I put this message off for months for several reasons.
00:01:19 Number one, sometimes when things are so simple,
00:01:24 I kind of--I get concerned that it will go over people's head.
00:01:29 Number two, I needed to make sure that I was prepared to
00:01:37 preach something like this, that I was prepared to receive it.
00:01:44 And thirdly, the right time, and it was definitely the right time
00:01:49 that I wrote it months ago 'cause I didn't have use of one
00:01:55 of my fingers this past week, so that was some ugly writing
00:01:58 that came out, you know.
00:02:01 But I need you to listen to this with your hearts.
00:02:08 I want to talk to you about Christ the preeminent one.
00:02:13 Christ the preeminent one.
00:02:18 When something is preeminent, it's the strongest,
00:02:23 it's the most important, it's the most powerful.
00:02:27 When something is preeminent, it towers above any
00:02:33 and everything else.
00:02:37 What happens in the life of a Christian when Christ becomes
00:02:43 greater than anything else, greater than anybody else?
00:02:46 What happens when your relationship with him towers
00:02:51 above any and everything else?
00:03:01 He knows how to get you where you want to be, or should I say,
00:03:07 where we need to be, but it is not going to be
00:03:14 through intellect alone.
00:03:19 This is not going to take place because of how well you can
00:03:23 dissect the Scripture.
00:03:28 Listen to me carefully, this--we're going too far
00:03:31 with this.
00:03:33 It's important to intellectually be able to understand
00:03:37 the Word of God, but that's not the bulk of this.
00:03:43 The bulk of this is to know him versus knowing about him and
00:03:56 able to articulate him, to know him.
00:04:02 There was a time where men followed God and they didn't
00:04:07 have this thing, this instrument we have today called the Bible,
00:04:11 but they knew him.
00:04:17 And today we have this instrument of the Bible and we
00:04:20 know about him, and because of this, which I don't deny,
00:04:24 I praise God for this, this is my foundation for everything,
00:04:27 but I am saying it is not just this by itself.
00:04:31 There is a portion of it that requires you to know him so that
00:04:37 you won't marry the mechanics.
00:04:39 And by marrying the mechanics, you judge everybody's whose
00:04:46 mechanics are different than yours.
00:04:52 But when you know him, all the things that you're
00:04:58 intellectualizing cannot accomplish can be accomplished
00:05:03 because you simply know him, not just about him.
00:05:08 You feel him, you sense him, you know him.
00:05:19 I don't want to get to heaven and ask Jesus to sit down while
00:05:23 I show him everything I know.
00:05:25 I want to get to heaven and make sure I don't walk past him
00:05:32 'cause I know him.
00:05:34 So, I want you to follow me very carefully here because in this,
00:05:41 there's a lot of things that came together for me.
00:05:44 The story of Abraham's oldest servant going to find his
00:05:49 son, a wife, Rebecca.
00:05:52 What was that all about?
00:05:53 It was a shadow of something, now I know.
00:05:55 The Scriptures that talk about the Holy Spirit's job was to
00:06:02 magnify Jesus and give him glory, I didn't quite
00:06:05 understand that, now I know.
00:06:07 And all that I've learned and known from these Scriptures has
00:06:14 driven me to want to know him better, and I pray that that
00:06:22 happens to you today, that you know him better.
00:06:27 Glory to God.
00:06:30 Saint John chapter 16, verse 13 and 14, he said, "How be it when
00:06:35 he, the Spirit of truth, is come?
00:06:42 He, the Spirit of truth, will guide you into all truth.
00:06:46 For," and here's a part of the truth, "For he shall not speak
00:06:51 of himself," the Holy Spirit is not speaking of himself, "but
00:06:55 whatsoever he, the Holy Spirit, shall hear, that shall he speak,
00:07:03 and he will show you things to come," based on what he hears,
00:07:09 verse 14, "He shall glorify me," now Jesus is speaking here,
00:07:15 "He shall glorify me," underline that, "He shall glorify me,
00:07:21 for he shall receive of mine, and then he gonna show what's
00:07:27 mine unto you."
00:07:31 And he says, "By him receiving from Jesus and showing it to
00:07:36 you, he gives glory to Jesus."
00:07:40 And I wanna know, what is it that he's gonna show me that's
00:07:44 gonna give glory to Jesus?
00:07:47 Not just go around and say, "Well, the Holy Ghost is gonna
00:07:49 show," and then you fill in the blank with all these weird
00:07:52 things, but he's telling you here, "He shall glorify me, for
00:07:56 he shall receive of mine, he shall show it unto you."
00:08:00 So, the work of the Holy Spirit is to glorify Christ.
00:08:07 Oh, that sounds so Christian-like.
00:08:09 Oh, that sounds so religious, that he's gonna glorify Christ.
00:08:13 I couldn't stop there, and months and months went by, and
00:08:16 I'm like, "Ah, what do you mean by glorifying him?
00:08:19 What do you mean by glorifying him?
00:08:21 I don't wanna just use another Christian word.
00:08:25 What does that mean?
00:08:26 What does that look like?"
00:08:28 The work of the Holy Spirit is to glorify Christ, and if the
00:08:36 work of the Holy Spirit is to glorify or to magnify Christ,
00:08:41 then it follows that it is God's purpose that the believer shall
00:08:46 see the fullness of the beauty in him, because he says he's
00:08:50 gonna glorify me, and he shall show it unto you.
00:08:54 So, if the believer is going to see something--let's look at
00:09:00 this, what does it--let's answer that question.
00:09:02 What does it mean to glorify God?
00:09:04 It means to acknowledge his greatness and his splendor.
00:09:09 The Holy Spirit's job is to acknowledge the greatness, the
00:09:19 splendor, the awesomeness, the grace, the mercy, and I realize,
00:09:24 "Oh, I have seen it."
00:09:33 What have I seen?
00:09:34 I have seen the greatness and the splendor of the grace of God
00:09:39 working in my life, tearing out that shame and guilt and pain,
00:09:48 taking you and completely turning you around, and you're
00:09:53 still trying to figure out, "How did I get where I am right now?
00:09:58 I was such a fool, and now all I want is Jesus."
00:10:03 How did that happen?
00:10:07 The Holy Spirit says, "I'm glorifying him because I've
00:10:11 received him, and I am showing you his greatness."
00:10:14 Oh, look how great he was when he saved you from that addiction.
00:10:18 Oh, look how awesome he was when he healed you.
00:10:21 Oh, look how amazing he was when he gave you something you didn't
00:10:25 deserve.
00:10:26 Oh, look out.
00:10:27 Look at the splendor of him giving you peace, and now you
00:10:30 went from two hours to sleep to seven hours of sleep.
00:10:33 I see his glory.
00:10:43 So, when the mind of a man and when the heart of a man, when it
00:10:48 becomes occupied with Christ--think with me.
00:10:55 When your mind becomes occupied with Christ, when your heart
00:11:01 becomes occupied with Christ--I can't speak for anybody in here.
00:11:05 I don't know what your mind's occupied with.
00:11:09 I don't know what your heart's occupied with, but if it's not
00:11:12 Christ, we got an issue here, because when your mind and heart
00:11:17 becomes occupied with Christ, then the grace and the truth of
00:11:22 which he is full of, John chapter 114, Jesus full of what?
00:11:27 Grace and what?
00:11:29 Truth.
00:11:31 The grace and the truth which he is full of, Jesus is full of,
00:11:38 must become a great influence for godly living.
00:11:42 The grace and truth that Jesus is full of must become an
00:11:51 influence for godly living.
00:11:53 Not the fact that you know all the laws and then you work hard
00:11:58 to keep all the rules, but the grace and the truth of Jesus has
00:12:04 so influenced you that godly living springs up in your life
00:12:09 because of the influence.
00:12:17 And you're no longer looking to see how to keep that commandment,
00:12:23 that commandment, how to do this, how to do that, how to
00:12:26 love, how to forgive, how to do all those things, but you're so
00:12:29 influenced by him.
00:12:31 His glory has been shown to you.
00:12:33 His grace and truth has been made real to you and your mind
00:12:38 is occupied with his grace.
00:12:40 Your mind is occupied with his truth.
00:12:43 It is no longer just what you get on Sunday, but Monday you're
00:12:46 occupied with this grace and truth and Tuesday you're occupied
00:12:50 with this grace and truth because all your Christian life
00:12:54 you've been trying to arrive at a certain point and you never got
00:12:57 there, but something happened when you submitted yourself to
00:13:00 depend on this grace and truth and now you look at yourself now
00:13:04 and you're just not what you used to be.
00:13:07 Now, on the other hand, when a believer struggles in self
00:13:12 effort to do that which he thinks is right, your mind then
00:13:25 becomes occupied with self and your soul is drawn away from
00:13:30 Christ because you're just thinking about, "How I can do
00:13:37 this?
00:13:38 How can I do that?
00:13:39 How can I do that?
00:13:41 How can I be successful?
00:13:42 How can I get enough money to do this?
00:13:45 How can I do that?
00:13:46 How can I forgive this?"
00:13:48 Your mind is occupied with self and you're struggling in your
00:13:53 self effort and for some people they don't even know that the
00:14:00 struggle is in their self effort and for most Christians they
00:14:06 don't know that even coming to church you leave with your mind
00:14:09 occupied with your self effort.
00:14:11 "How am I going to forgive?
00:14:13 How am I gonna walk in love?
00:14:15 How am I gonna do this?"
00:14:16 And you're trying to come up with a strategy in self effort
00:14:21 to try to accomplish something and you don't even realize that
00:14:24 your soul is drawn away from Christ because you're so
00:14:28 occupied with how you gonna do it.
00:14:31 Therefore, when the Holy Spirit takes of the things that are
00:14:40 Christ and he shows them to the believer, he is now carrying out
00:14:45 God's purpose of the teaching by grace.
00:14:54 He's showing you--I mean, are you kidding me?
00:14:58 He is showing you that you're righteous even though you ain't
00:15:05 there all the way yet.
00:15:09 He is--he's disrupting a desire that has plagued you all your
00:15:14 life and one day you woke up and that--the strength of that
00:15:26 desire begins to be depleted and one day you realize,
00:15:31 "I don't even desire that anymore."
00:15:38 Anybody know what I'm talking about here?
00:15:43 How?
00:15:48 How did I get here?
00:15:51 You remember those days where you heard something at church,
00:15:57 you heard something about this and you knew it was right and so
00:16:00 you accepted the challenge and you went on and wrote some
00:16:05 formulas down, some plans down, and you said you were gonna do
00:16:07 it every day.
00:16:10 You started off right with the right heart, but it didn't last
00:16:13 for two days.
00:16:15 And then the fourth day, you forgot all about it.
00:16:17 And all God wanted you to do is, "Can you spend some time with
00:16:24 me?
00:16:27 Can we talk today?"
00:16:30 You ain't even got to pray a formal prayer of the rules you
00:16:33 learned about prayer at church.
00:16:36 "Can we just talk?"
00:16:38 In fact, if you want to, you could just be quiet and I'll
00:16:41 fill you with my presence.
00:16:46 And you look up and he has worked on a desire and taken
00:16:57 away a desire and even gave you a new one.
00:17:01 And the struggle you had with loving that person is not a
00:17:06 struggle anymore.
00:17:07 I've been hanging around the essence of pure love and it has
00:17:13 rubbed off in me and on me and I can't explain intellectually to
00:17:21 you what has happened, but I can love now.
00:17:24 I can love stuff that's not lovely, that I don't need it to
00:17:31 be lovely for me to love because of the Holy Spirit on
00:17:36 the inside of me, pouring the love of God on the inside of me,
00:17:40 revealing to me Jesus and seeing this part of his greatness and
00:17:45 his awesomeness.
00:17:46 I don't need you to be all right for me to love you 'cause now
00:17:53 I've made room for your faults because the Holy Ghost has shown
00:17:57 me my own.
00:17:59 [congregation applauding]
00:18:05 And you find that you have willingly left all and you
00:18:21 hunger for him.
00:18:28 You're hungry for him right now.
00:18:30 I had three friends that went home to be with the Lord last
00:18:37 week and I'm not trying to get all my legalism together so I
00:18:44 can plead my case before the Lord.
00:18:47 If I had one more week, and believe me, I got a whole lot
00:18:55 more weeks, what would I want?
00:19:00 I want to know him.
00:19:02 I don't want to be caught going to heaven knowing how to do
00:19:10 church, but doing church never taught me how to do life.
00:19:20 Oh God, how can I separate myself from my bad tradition?
00:19:26 How can I separate myself from my self-effort?
00:19:36 How many fables have I created and told myself it must be true?
00:19:48 Genesis chapter 24 gives an illustration here of something
00:19:54 that I saw.
00:20:03 Flip over there.
00:20:09 Genesis 24, I looked at this thing and I was like, "Lord, I
00:20:16 never seen this like this before."
00:20:18 The Holy Spirit's showing you things about him.
00:20:24 So, this is a story here about Abraham who was old.
00:20:35 Sarah had just died.
00:20:37 He called his oldest servant to go and seek out a wife for his
00:20:42 son, Isaac.
00:20:45 Verse 10, "And the servant took ten camels of camels of his
00:20:49 masters and departed, for all the goods of his master
00:20:52 were in his hands.
00:20:54 He arose and went to Mesopotamia and to the city of Nahor."
00:20:59 So, he takes ten camels, he takes a lot of the goods that
00:21:07 Abraham had, what is he going to do with this?
00:21:10 Verse 22, "And it came to pass, as the camels had done drinking,
00:21:14 that the man took a golden earring of half a shickle weight,
00:21:18 two braces for her hands, and of ten shickles weight of gold."
00:21:24 Abraham had already prophesied to him exactly how this was
00:21:27 gonna go down.
00:21:28 She was gonna show up, she was gonna have a bucket in her
00:21:30 hands when she do this and do that.
00:21:33 And so, in verse 33, I wish I could read the whole thing,
00:21:36 but I'm skipping around.
00:21:38 Verse 33, he says, "I will not eat until I have told mine
00:21:43 Aaron," and he said, "Speak on."
00:21:46 And he said, "I am Abraham's servant, and the Lord hath
00:21:50 blessed my master greatly, and he is become great.
00:21:54 And he has given him flocks, and herds, and silver, and gold,
00:21:57 and men's servants, and maid's servants, and camels, and asses.
00:22:01 And Sarah, my master's wife, bore a son to my master when she
00:22:06 was old, and unto him hath he given all that he had."
00:22:11 See, right now, this servant is glorifying Abraham and his
00:22:18 master and Isaac.
00:22:22 And he said, verse 39, "And I said unto my master,
00:22:25 Peradventure, the woman will not follow me.
00:22:27 And he said unto me, The Lord before whom I walk will send his
00:22:31 angel with thee, and he'll prosper your way.
00:22:34 And thou shalt take a wife for my son of my kindred,
00:22:38 and of my father's house."
00:22:39 So, he went to his kindred folks to find a wife.
00:22:42 That was not so weird back then, it'd be weird now.
00:22:45 Grossamona.
00:22:47 Verse 41, "Then shalt thou be clear from this my oath,
00:22:53 when thou comest to my kindred, and if thou give not thee one,
00:22:57 thou shalt be clear from my oath.
00:23:00 And I came this day unto the well, and said,
00:23:02 O Lord God of my master Abraham, if thou do prosper my way which
00:23:08 I go, behold, I stand by the well of water.
00:23:10 It shall come to pass that when the virgin cometh forth to draw
00:23:13 water, and I say to her, Give me,
00:23:16 I pray thee a little water of thy pitcher to drink,
00:23:18 and she say to me, Both drink thou,
00:23:20 and I'll also draw for thy camels.
00:23:22 Let the same be the woman whom the Lord has appointed out of my
00:23:26 master's son."
00:23:27 Look at the glory that's being given for all the things that
00:23:29 happened before he arrived.
00:23:37 And then, verse 49, "And now if you will deal kindly and truly
00:23:41 with my master, tell me, if not, tell me that I may turn to the
00:23:45 right hand or to the left."
00:23:47 And then Laban, "Bethulah answered and said,
00:23:50 The thing proceeded from the Lord,
00:23:52 we cannot speak unto thee bad or good.
00:23:54 He said, Behold, Rebekah is before thee.
00:23:57 Take her, go, let her be thy master's son's wife,
00:24:02 as the Lord has spoken."
00:24:05 And they worshipped him.
00:24:08 Verse 53, "And the servant brought forth jewels of silver,
00:24:12 jewels of gold, raiment, and gave to Rebekah,
00:24:17 and he gave also to her brother and to her mother
00:24:20 precious things."
00:24:22 What was happening here?
00:24:25 It was by presenting gifts from Isaac through the servant,
00:24:32 and telling about him, that Abraham's servant attracted the
00:24:37 heart of Rebekah.
00:24:44 Her heart was attracted from what she heard about him and the
00:24:49 things that was given to her.
00:24:52 And she went with him, and she became Isaac's bride because of
00:24:59 what she heard and what she saw, and her heart was attracted
00:25:04 towards him.
00:25:05 So also, the Holy Spirit, by glorifying Christ,
00:25:10 seeks to draw believers away from the things of the world,
00:25:18 and to bring them to Christ.
00:25:22 The Holy Spirit says, "What I want to do is I want to show you
00:25:28 he can change you.
00:25:30 I want to show you he can give you peace.
00:25:33 I want to show you there's mercy for the bad you deserve you
00:25:37 don't get.
00:25:38 Soon as you did something stupid and thought you were going to
00:25:40 get punished for it, and the goodness showed up instead of
00:25:43 the punishment, I want that to attract your heart to leave the
00:25:49 world, to leave what you were doing, and come to him because I
00:25:54 have shown you the beauty of his glory."
00:25:58 So also, the Holy Spirit, by glorifying Christ,
00:26:04 seeks to draw believers away from the things of the world,
00:26:08 and bring them to Christ.
00:26:10 You don't think your testimony is important?
00:26:12 We can help glorify Christ.
00:26:14 You need to start telling somebody,
00:26:16 "I used to be like this, but let me show you his beauty.
00:26:20 Look at what he has done.
00:26:22 I used to be on drugs, messed up.
00:26:26 Let me show."
00:26:27 We're too embarrassed to try to--you don't want to tell
00:26:30 nobody where you've been.
00:26:31 I'm telling you, the only reason you are not there anymore is so
00:26:35 we can use that to glorify Christ so we can bring people
00:26:41 out of their mess through the beauty of what they see
00:26:44 in our lives.
00:26:46 Don't you be afraid to tell somebody,
00:26:49 "You used to be a quirk.
00:26:50 You used to be on drugs.
00:26:52 You used to be a manipulator and a liar."
00:26:55 Let somebody know because by pure chance,
00:26:57 you're probably talking to somebody who already know
00:27:00 because God a lot of times will send you to somebody
00:27:03 just like you.
00:27:05 Show them the beauty of his majesty.
00:27:11 The Holy Spirit never leads anyone to look at himself,
00:27:24 at his own accomplishments, but only and always at Christ
00:27:31 and what he has done.
00:27:34 What has Christ done in you?
00:27:36 You know it was him.
00:27:41 You tried it for years and nothing never happened.
00:27:44 Well, you see, this is why I went to church.
00:27:48 No, no, no, no.
00:27:49 God didn't--God's not waiting till you get to church.
00:27:51 He will meet you in the bar you got drunk at last night,
00:27:56 and when you wake up, there might be something different
00:28:02 about you, but if it is, you can't take the credit for that.
00:28:06 That's something that the Spirit of God is revealing to you,
00:28:10 a merciful God, a gracious God, a God who can clean you up
00:28:14 and call you while you intoxicated and to let you know
00:28:18 when you clean up that it wasn't a dream.
00:28:21 It's true.
00:28:22 He still wants to use you.
00:28:25 He used three murderers.
00:28:27 Why wouldn't he want to use you?
00:28:30 Think about all the regrets you have in your life.
00:28:32 Think about all the mess-ups you had in your life,
00:28:34 and I'm not speaking to you from just the point of,
00:28:36 "Well, before you got saved."
00:28:37 No, I'm talking to a lot of you after you got saved.
00:28:40 Some of the biggest hell and sinning took place after you
00:28:43 made Jesus the Lord of your life, and the shame came
00:28:46 into your life, and the guilt came into your life.
00:28:49 I'm telling you right now, we have got to get rid of this
00:28:53 little fable thing and stop being afraid of letting people
00:28:57 know, "Look at Christ in me," 'cause sometimes when that--
00:29:01 they're not understanding what I'm preaching,
00:29:03 and they don't understand in the Bible you gave them,
00:29:05 they can understand a living epistle that will tell them,
00:29:09 "I used to be here, but look at where God has
00:29:11 bought me right now."
00:29:16 What are you afraid of?
00:29:18 I'm over this playing church phony kind of stuff.
00:29:24 I can't even do that.
00:29:26 I can't even do that.
00:29:27 If y'all want to play some church and do some fable stuff
00:29:30 and stuff like that, I got to go.
00:29:32 I have my resonation in for tonight.
00:29:34 I got to go.
00:29:35 I ain't got time to do that.
00:29:36 This thing is getting real.
00:29:37 I don't want to talk to you or debate to you about some
00:29:40 intellectual aerobics that you had about a particular
00:29:43 Scripture, "Oh, I got revelation."
00:29:45 Well, you did.
00:29:46 He revealed it to who?
00:29:47 You.
00:29:48 Well, you did do it.
00:29:49 Don't talk to me about it.
00:29:50 He revealed it to you.
00:29:51 He didn't reveal it to me.
00:29:52 I ain't supposed to know what you're trying to tell me
00:29:54 right now.
00:29:55 I might not be ready for what you're trying
00:29:57 to tell me right now.
00:29:59 Y'all ain't ready for me today.
00:30:02 Some of y'all looking at me like--
00:30:04 [laughter]
00:30:05 Paul expressed to the believers of Ephesus his desire to
00:30:11 know the truth, expressed to the believers of Ephesus his
00:30:15 desire and prayer on their behalf, and here's what Paul
00:30:19 said to them.
00:30:20 Look at Ephesians chapter 3, verse 17 and 19 in the King
00:30:23 James, Ephesians chapter 3, verse 17 and 19.
00:30:26 He said that Christ may dwell in your hearts.
00:30:32 Here's what I want.
00:30:33 I want Christ to dwell in your hearts.
00:30:35 I want Christ to dwell in my heart.
00:30:40 Does Christ dwell in your heart?
00:30:42 Do you feel him?
00:30:44 Do you sense him?
00:30:45 Somebody say, "Well, you're not moved by your feelings."
00:30:49 No, he wants you to feel his love.
00:30:51 Even though you can't comprehend it all, he still wants you to
00:30:55 feel it and sense it and experience his love with your
00:30:59 deep self.
00:31:00 You ain't supposed to feel it.
00:31:01 He wants you to experience his love.
00:31:03 [laughter]
00:31:04 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith, that you being--
00:31:10 watch this--he wants you to be rooted and grounded, what?
00:31:16 In love.
00:31:18 Then may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the
00:31:21 breadth and the length and the depth and the height, and to
00:31:25 know, and to know, and to know.
00:31:27 Not know about, but to know, to know.
00:31:29 This has to come with experience, and to know.
00:31:32 This is something you have to know because you're
00:31:33 experiencing it experientially, and to know the love of Christ.
00:31:37 Not to know about the love of Christ.
00:31:39 "Well, you can't tell me what that means, 'Gagape,' and you
00:31:41 know you got 'Fileo,' and you got 'Eros.'"
00:31:44 No, no, no, no, no, no.
00:31:45 To know his love, to know his love when you didn't have no
00:31:49 money to pay your light bill, to know his love when you were
00:31:53 hurt and diagnosed with some kind of bad cancer, to know his
00:31:57 love, not know about it.
00:32:04 To know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge.
00:32:10 Whoo.
00:32:12 So, he says, "This passes knowledge, so quit trying to
00:32:15 know it intellectually."
00:32:17 He said, "The only way you're going to know this is you got to
00:32:21 know it experientially, that you might be filled just by knowing
00:32:32 and experiencing his love, you get full of God."
00:32:37 You get full of God just by knowing and experiencing his
00:32:41 love.
00:32:42 Look at this in the NLT, go back to verse 17.
00:32:45 "Just by knowing his love."
00:32:47 Do you know how full of God you get when you experience God's
00:32:51 love?
00:32:52 Oh, there's nothing like it.
00:32:54 When the goodness showed up and you didn't deserve it.
00:33:01 You get full of God 'cause you've experienced his love.
00:33:06 Now, am I throwing away intellectual part?
00:33:08 I told you at the beginning, I'm not throwing away the
00:33:10 intellectual part, but don't make that part the whole.
00:33:15 It's that plus the experience.
00:33:17 In fact, why know about something intellectually and
00:33:21 never experience?
00:33:22 That's hypocrisy.
00:33:23 Why know about it intellectually and never know it?
00:33:26 Don't you just love those people that always tell you about what
00:33:32 they know and ain't experience nothing?
00:33:34 It's like an analyst who wants to talk about football and how
00:33:39 you ought to do it, and he ain't never played.
00:33:41 Well, he could have made that tackle.
00:33:46 Yeah, but he just ran 50 yards and had to run back again,
00:33:48 and he tied.
00:33:55 Well, he should have made that tackle.
00:33:57 Yeah, but when he hit the guy, his shoulder was hurt,
00:34:00 and he felt numb on his arm.
00:34:02 But you want to tell me intellectually how you ought to
00:34:05 tackle?
00:34:06 Ain't never tackle nothing.
00:34:09 Didn't even tackle your wife in the bedroom.
00:34:11 Ain't never tackle nothing.
00:34:13 And you want to talk to somebody about how to make a tackle.
00:34:19 You have intellectually examined that,
00:34:23 but you have no experience.
00:34:25 So why intellectually talk to me about the love of God,
00:34:36 and you've never experienced it?
00:34:41 You don't understand why a grown man can cry tears when you talk
00:34:46 about knowing the love of God, but you don't understand he
00:34:53 actually knows the love of God when he was a no-good,
00:34:58 hell-raising, wife-beating, lying cheat,
00:35:03 and God took him and said, "I love you,
00:35:06 and I'm going to work with you.
00:35:08 When I finish with you, I'm going to make you the best
00:35:10 husband that you thought you could never be."
00:35:14 And when he hears this talk of knowing love,
00:35:17 he can't hold his tears back, but you can because your
00:35:21 intellectualism pumps you up in pride and say,
00:35:24 "Yes, I know that.
00:35:25 Yes, I know what three more Scriptures are.
00:35:27 Yes, I know the Greek of that.
00:35:29 I'm not concerned about that no more.
00:35:31 I'm tired of that."
00:35:34 I want to meet some genuine Christians who delight in
00:35:40 knowing their God experientially.
00:35:45 I want to hear about no 20 ways to get healed before midnight.
00:35:50 You ain't never been sick before.
00:35:55 You ain't never been told you're going to die before.
00:35:57 I want to hear about your 20 ways to do it.
00:35:59 I'm going to just talk to God, hallelujah.
00:36:01 I'm going to ask him, "Lord, help me through this thing.
00:36:03 I'm scared, Lord.
00:36:05 Lord, if you could just lift me up and give me something
00:36:07 to curve me right now, Lord.
00:36:08 Lord, I don't know if this is going to work,
00:36:10 that's going to work.
00:36:11 Oh, Lord, help me, Jesus.
00:36:12 Hallelujah.
00:36:13 My faith don't seem like it's there.
00:36:15 Could you give me my faith?
00:36:16 Could you help me with my faith, Lord?
00:36:18 I feel like I'm about to lose it right now.
00:36:20 God, help me."
00:36:21 And he comes in and gives you peace.
00:36:24 Then Christ will make his home in your heart.
00:36:29 Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust him.
00:36:34 I want Christ to make his home in you.
00:36:59 I don't want him to be a visitor in you.
00:37:05 I want him to be a tenant occupying your heart.
00:37:10 Moved emotionally because you have no words to describe how
00:37:20 much he means to you.
00:37:29 And in the middle of a praise service when the right song
00:37:32 comes with the right words and you start singing them,
00:37:38 but you can't finish the song because you done got all choked
00:37:42 up because you say, "I know that God."
00:37:55 He makes his home in your heart and you trust him.
00:38:00 Your roots will grow down into God's love.
00:38:05 He'll keep you strong.
00:38:11 He'll keep you strong.
00:38:15 And may you have the power to understand as all God's people
00:38:23 should how wide and how long and how high,
00:38:29 how deep is his love.
00:38:33 It's deeper than what some preachers say.
00:38:37 It's deeper than what some apostles and bishops proclaim.
00:38:41 As far as you can go loving somebody,
00:38:46 God's love is deeper.
00:38:51 I can't ever forgive my wife 'cause she did this, did that.
00:38:57 God's love goes deeper.
00:38:59 This man killed my loved one and God's love goes deeper.
00:39:05 When I did that interview with the man who adopted his son's
00:39:09 killer, I just got convicted and I said, "Help me God.
00:39:17 I don't think I can do that."
00:39:21 And he said, "Not in your own human capacity you can."
00:39:27 But this man didn't love in his human capacity.
00:39:31 I drenched him with my supernatural love and that was
00:39:35 the only way he could adopt his son's killer.
00:39:38 But God's love is even deeper than that.
00:39:44 Wow.
00:39:49 Help me Jesus.
00:40:00 May you experience the love of Christ.
00:40:12 Though it's too great to understand fully,
00:40:14 I'm gonna still let you experience it.
00:40:16 I'm gonna blow your mind with the experience.
00:40:18 You may not be able to explain it to people but I'm gonna let
00:40:23 you experience 'cause I want you to know me.
00:40:30 I want you to know it's not what you brought to the table.
00:40:35 I want you to know it wasn't the 20 things you did right this
00:40:39 week.
00:40:40 I want you to know it wasn't because you were good but
00:40:43 because I'm good, I'm gonna let you experience something beyond
00:40:48 your human capacity.
00:40:50 And then you will be made complete with all the fullness
00:41:00 of life and power that comes from God.
00:41:06 Whoa.
00:41:11 So, here is the emphasis on--you see the emphasis on a person and
00:41:18 his love.
00:41:25 It's not a matter of fulfilling commandments or obligations,
00:41:28 not duties to perform, nor even living up to the ideas and moral
00:41:34 standards Paul's desire was that Christ might dwell in your
00:41:39 heart.
00:41:43 Why the heart?
00:41:48 Because the heart is the seat of your emotions which stir your
00:41:54 whole being.
00:42:02 This, what I'm talking about this morning,
00:42:04 this is something in addition to intellectual knowledge.
00:42:09 Notice I'm not beating up intellectual knowledge.
00:42:11 I know it may sound like it but I'm trying to exalt something a
00:42:14 little bit higher so you can see.
00:42:16 So, this is in addition to intellectual knowledge of him.
00:42:20 As important as that is, it is a realization of him as the
00:42:25 controlling force of our own life.
00:42:32 It's realizing him that becomes the controlling force of my
00:42:37 whole life.
00:42:40 It is a consciousness of oneness with him.
00:42:46 It's him.
00:42:48 It's him.
00:42:55 The closest thing in human experience.
00:42:59 To that place that I'm talking about now is between a man and a
00:43:04 woman.
00:43:08 When this man meets this woman, the one he can't live without,
00:43:13 and he becomes occupied thinking of her all the time.
00:43:18 And that woman meets this man and she becomes occupied.
00:43:26 All she thinks about is him wanting to be with him.
00:43:31 He wanted to be with her.
00:43:37 Where your love making is no longer just physical but it
00:43:40 moves into your spirit and soul and you both begin to weep as
00:43:45 you're making love with this person.
00:43:47 The life of neither is fully apart from the other.
00:43:52 You just can't see life apart.
00:44:11 That's what Paul said.
00:44:17 I'll show it to you in a minute, but he said,
00:44:19 "For me to live is Christ.
00:44:22 I can't see my life apart from him."
00:44:24 When a man and a woman comes to that place,
00:44:27 each of them gives the other the preeminence.
00:44:32 You're giving the other the strongest,
00:44:37 the most important, the most powerful.
00:44:57 When something is preeminent, it is surpassing all others.
00:45:02 When something is very distinguished in some way,
00:45:04 it towers above.
00:45:06 And that husband in your eyes towers above any man on the
00:45:12 planet and that wife in your eyes towers above any woman on
00:45:20 the planet and she may look better and she may be finer and
00:45:26 she may know all three languages,
00:45:28 but she cannot reach the level of intimacy and knowing.
00:45:33 So, this is what Paul saw.
00:45:41 This is what Paul recognized.
00:45:42 "Here I am, a murdering Pharisee, a hypocrite,
00:45:47 a religious traditional man who sat by while Stephen was stoned
00:45:56 and I'm no good.
00:46:01 I thought what I was doing was right.
00:46:05 I was trying to keep the laws of the old covenant and Jesus
00:46:10 interrupted my life and it wasn't what I read.
00:46:19 I was riding and I got interrupted and he showed up
00:46:24 and I got an experience with Jesus."
00:46:26 My whole life changed and I told people about this Jesus and I
00:46:32 saw his glorious beauty.
00:46:45 And all my time, all these people out in the center of
00:46:53 heaven, I'm going to have to see one day,
00:46:55 but Jesus came in and he released his marvelous grace and
00:47:02 he changed me from Saul to Paul.
00:47:07 And now, to live is Christ.
00:47:14 When Christ dwells in the heart of the believer by faith,
00:47:20 life with all its acts and emotions become centered in him.
00:47:34 And that's why the Holy Spirit is in this age,
00:47:37 takes the things that are Christ and he makes them known to those
00:47:42 who are his.
00:47:43 He glorifies Christ so that he may become preeminent in the
00:47:47 life of the believer.
00:47:48 I get it, I get it.
00:47:50 You're glorifying Christ.
00:47:52 You're showing his greatness.
00:47:53 You're showing all of his might, all the things that he has done
00:47:59 so that I can become the person that will say,
00:48:04 "You are Christ, my preeminent one."
00:48:07 Look at what you've done.
00:48:11 Philippians chapter 3, verse 7, 8, and 10.
00:48:17 Philippians 3, 7, 8, and 10 in the King James.
00:48:23 Let's go there.
00:48:26 "But what things were gained to me?"
00:48:39 Paul said, "Those I counted lost for Christ."
00:48:42 "Yea, doubtless, and I count all things but lost for the
00:48:47 excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord,
00:48:50 for whom I have suffered the loss of all things,
00:48:54 and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ."
00:49:00 Verse 10, "That I may know him, and the power of his
00:49:05 resurrection, and the fellowship of his suffering,
00:49:08 and being made conformable unto his death."
00:49:10 Let's go to NLT, starting at verse 7.
00:49:13 "I once thought these things were valuable."
00:49:19 Ooh, I did.
00:49:21 I thought being approved of everybody was valuable.
00:49:26 I thought being accepted was valuable.
00:49:29 I thought somebody shouting "amen"
00:49:30 when I preached was valuable.
00:49:32 I thought these things were valuable,
00:49:35 but now I consider them worthless because of what
00:49:39 Christ has done.
00:49:41 Yeah, I thought my teaching on the tabernacle and
00:49:50 understanding the law of Moses was valuable until I
00:50:00 experienced what Christ has done.
00:50:02 I'm not the same, and I'm so glad.
00:50:09 Verse 8, "Yes, everything else is worthless."
00:50:14 Everything else is worthless.
00:50:22 When I compare it with the infinite value of knowing
00:50:28 Christ Jesus, my Lord, everything's worthless.
00:50:33 He's preeminent.
00:50:35 Seriously, what can stand up to that?
00:50:39 Everything's worthless.
00:50:41 All your material stuff is worthless.
00:50:45 All your reputation stuff is worthless.
00:50:47 All your fame is worthless.
00:50:49 All of it's worthless.
00:50:51 What somebody thinks about you, the validation,
00:50:58 all of it's worthless.
00:51:00 Who like you, who don't like you,
00:51:02 all of it's worthless.
00:51:03 Who calls you, who checks on you,
00:51:05 all of it's worthless.
00:51:07 When compared to the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus,
00:51:14 my Lord, for His sake I have discarded everything else,
00:51:19 counting it all as garbage.
00:51:26 So I could gain Christ.
00:51:31 I want to know Christ.
00:51:36 I want to experience the mighty power that raised Him from the
00:51:40 dead because this power of love is transformative power.
00:51:45 It's not power so I can have a prayer line and show you how
00:51:48 powerful I am.
00:51:49 It's not powerful so I can say, "I'm anointed.
00:51:52 Give me the money and then you'll get it too."
00:51:54 It's the power of transforming, transforming myself from the
00:51:58 junk I was to the magnificence of what His glory can complete
00:52:04 in me.
00:52:06 I want to know Christ and I know a lot of Christians that are not
00:52:12 really wanting to know Him.
00:52:14 They're okay with just knowing about Him.
00:52:19 I want to know Christ.
00:52:24 You know what I prayed this morning?
00:52:26 I was talking to the Lord this morning and I was talking to
00:52:29 the Lord and I just stopped.
00:52:30 I said, "There is so much I don't know."
00:52:35 So if I don't stick with you, not that I'm going to know it
00:52:47 all on my days on earth.
00:52:49 There's so much I don't know and there's so much people think
00:52:53 they know.
00:52:55 No, you think you know exactly what's going to happen when you
00:52:57 leave your body.
00:52:58 You don't have a clue how magnificent that's going to be.
00:53:03 If you did, you could hardly even stay here.
00:53:12 You would be in a line trying to walk out on Old National in
00:53:15 front of the next bus that came by.
00:53:18 I want to know Christ and I want to experience the mighty power
00:53:23 that raised Him from the dead.
00:53:37 I want to suffer with Him in sharing in His death.
00:53:41 What was that like?
00:53:46 I want to know it.
00:53:48 I want to know it.
00:53:50 It took me 42 years to finally get the right teaching.
00:53:56 I've said it before, but why did Paul give up these things?
00:54:04 Not because he didn't have a right to enjoy them,
00:54:10 but for the same reason that he might win Christ.
00:54:15 Not as his Savior, but as his all.
00:54:18 See, I was satisfied with Christ as my Savior.
00:54:23 Not just my Savior, but my all.
00:54:27 One infinitely greater and more precious than everything in the
00:54:36 world had captivated the soul of Paul.
00:54:44 And even in Luke chapter 5, verse 11,
00:54:47 turn there, Luke 5, 11 in the NLT,
00:54:50 well, the KJ, KJ, and then NLT, they had gathered all of this
00:54:55 fish, boats were sinking, nets were breaking.
00:54:59 Prosperity hit them in that day.
00:55:02 You would think, "Let's gather it up.
00:55:04 Let's go home.
00:55:05 We done made it."
00:55:10 And when they had brought their ships to land,
00:55:14 they forsook all and followed him.
00:55:20 The NLT says this, "And as soon as they landed,
00:55:26 they left everything and followed Jesus."
00:55:28 I wonder how many of you, a billion dollars has fallen
00:55:33 into your--excuse me for yelling.
00:55:38 Some of y'all jumped.
00:55:39 I apologize.
00:55:40 I'm so super excited, okay?
00:55:42 Okay, a billion dollars has just been transferred into your
00:55:47 account, and Jesus is over here and said,
00:55:57 "Come go with me.
00:56:03 Leave everything."
00:56:09 I wonder how many of you will follow Jesus.
00:56:11 Don't lie to the Lord 'cause he already know--he already know
00:56:16 that that is the biggest temptation of your whole life.
00:56:21 But what you don't get is you gonna stay there with the fruit
00:56:27 instead of following the source.
00:56:29 Ain't no problem seeing nothing like that again 'cause the
00:56:36 source is in your life, and that's your problem.
00:56:40 You settle for what you can see and what you can have,
00:56:44 and you don't realize that all good things come from God.
00:56:47 Let me close.
00:56:50 To please his Lord was Paul's greatest desire.
00:57:04 It completely possessed his entire being.
00:57:09 His whole life was directly related to Christ.
00:57:18 Philippians 1:24, "His whole life was related to Christ."
00:57:23 To live--Philippians 1:21, excuse me.
00:57:30 To live is Christ.
00:57:33 His whole life.
00:57:35 I wonder will that become our whole lives.
00:57:39 He says, "For to live is Christ, and to die," he says,
00:57:45 "this is a game."
00:57:47 'Cause when you make your whole life Christ and then when you
00:57:50 die, you get to be with him.
00:57:53 Oh, my goodness.
00:58:03 It cannot be a mere coincidence that to Paul, more than to any
00:58:07 other man, God had revealed the exceeding riches of his grace,
00:58:12 and that it was first given to him to preach the unsearchable
00:58:16 riches of Christ.
00:58:19 And in the life of Paul is seen as in no other person the
00:58:22 fullest effort of the grace of God.
00:58:28 How God changed him.
00:58:31 In beholding Christ and his glory transforms the life of
00:58:37 every believer.
00:58:39 And in beholding Christ, you become occupied with him.
00:58:46 You become occupied with his beauty.
00:58:48 You become occupied with his grace.
00:58:51 And that, ladies and gentlemen, produces liberty and conformity
00:58:57 to his image.
00:59:00 Someone said, "To be occupied with self is despair, but to be
00:59:07 occupied with Christ is glory."
00:59:11 I'm sure I'm not finished with this teaching.
00:59:20 I don't know if you can take no more, so I need to close it.
00:59:26 'Cause some of you are really in there, and you done fell asleep.
00:59:32 Yes, Jesus.
00:59:46 Oh, yes.
00:59:50 I want to know you.
00:59:55 But can I know you while I'm sleeping?
01:00:00 You said you'd give to your beloved sweet sleep.
01:00:02 Give it to me while I'm asleep, Lord.
01:00:07 Give it to me while I'm asleep.
01:00:10 You see how much more this is?
01:00:19 This is so much more than what we--and now you see why I'm
01:00:24 talking about?
01:00:25 It's a personal relationship.
01:00:27 Can't nobody do this but you and him.
01:00:32 Prepare yourself for the days to come, and the Holy Spirit moving
01:00:49 in your life is near.
01:00:54 The enemy is always will be prepared to confront you with
01:00:58 fear, but these are precious times that I've had confidence
01:01:05 in you, and I pray that through your endeavors you have faith in
01:01:15 me too.
01:01:20 For I have dwelt in you and known you even before you were
01:01:27 born here, and I understand all that will be done with you as
01:01:33 the time closes and draws near.
01:01:42 Men will be waddling in their chaos, in confusion it'll be,
01:01:48 but as you get to know me, great exploits you'll see.
01:02:05 For I am your God throughout all of these generations to come,
01:02:11 and all of you who hear my voice and experience my love,
01:02:28 I'll bring you from the depths of struggle,
01:02:34 the hunger for peace.
01:02:39 I'll bring you into a place where you will understand great
01:02:47 mysteries, and the day will come that with lifted hands you will
01:02:56 rejoice of me for this glory that you have heard spoken of.
01:03:02 Starting this week you will see, and as you spend time with me in
01:03:12 prayer and fellowship for all of the bounty of this day, the
01:03:24 power that many hunger after, all of those wicked desires will
01:03:30 soon move away.
01:03:39 There'll be great joy that'll rise up on the inside of you,
01:03:47 and there'll be great love because you understand the power
01:03:53 is of me.
01:03:57 So, all of the fables that have entertained you over the years,
01:04:05 it was Satan's plan to inject into your life many of these
01:04:16 fears, so rejoice I say on a daily basis as I begin to plot
01:04:22 out your ways, for I say it with the definition that these are
01:04:33 the last days.
01:04:42 In my presence you will know how amazing life can be.
01:04:48 Again, I say to you, don't wait, rejoice and you'll see.
01:05:08 But many cynics have walked and come into this land.
01:05:14 Their assignment towards you is to destroy my anointed plan, but
01:05:22 I'm with you and even in you, and we'll get the job done.
01:05:36 And man, when it's all over and you're with me, you're gonna
01:05:41 say, "Boy, that was fun."
01:05:43 Our God is an awesome God.
01:05:51 You've heard it declared in this earth.
01:05:53 His precious power is awesome love.
01:06:02 Let's rejoice, for he is our God.
01:06:08 Thus saith the Spirit of the Lord.
01:06:10 Well, rejoice.
01:06:12 Rejoice.
01:06:13 That's got to be the sorriest rejoice thing I've ever seen
01:06:19 before in my life.
01:06:30 I mean to tell you.
01:06:36 Come on, do it by faith.
01:06:39 Do it by faith.
01:06:45 Rejoice by faith.
01:06:47 Rejoice by faith.
01:06:53 [speaking in tongues]
01:06:59 [congregation cheering]
01:07:05 Well, let's go ahead and give.
01:07:09 I said, let's go ahead and give.
01:07:15 Give unto the Lord.
01:07:20 Watch this, glory.
01:07:22 Do unto his name.
01:07:28 Well, how do we do that, Lord?
01:07:30 Bring an offering and worship him in the beauty of his
01:07:36 holiness.
01:07:37 Praise God.
01:07:43 If you need an offering envelope, ushers, if you'll
01:07:46 raise your hands, they'll get one to you.
01:07:48 Yeah, man, your life ain't gonna never be the same again.
01:07:54 But to know him, to experience him and experience his love,
01:08:00 yeah, yeah, you know that's right.
01:08:13 Experience his love.
01:08:16 And with everything you know you need to do, don't forget to ask
01:08:19 God to help you do it.
01:08:21 Oh, God, I need to pray.
01:08:24 Oh, Lord, help me to pray.
01:08:26 Oh, Lord, I need to forgive, but, but, no, but.
01:08:29 No, Lord, help me to forgive.
01:08:31 It ain't nothing you and God can't accomplish.
01:08:34 Just acknowledge his greatness.
01:08:39 Acknowledge him.
01:08:44 His presence is gonna get stronger and stronger when you
01:08:48 by yourself, not just the presence you feel when you come
01:08:52 to church, but it's gonna get stronger when you by yourself.
01:08:56 Be careful when you wash the dishes.
01:08:58 Watch out when you're vacuuming.
01:09:05 Keep your eyes open while you're driving, 'cause he wants to know
01:09:11 you and you wanna know him.
01:09:13 And this thing's gonna come together, ladies and gentlemen.
01:09:17 Well, I love y'all.
01:09:20 Praise God.
01:09:23 God is good.
01:09:25 I'm a shithead of the boss of 'em.
01:09:27 Mm.
01:09:32 Oh, my goodness.
01:09:37 Something like that I wanna preach again and again.
01:09:42 I just might do it.
01:09:43 One time I preached the same message for a whole month, and
01:09:45 the church said, "Boy, I really like this one."
01:09:47 I'm like, "I preached the same thing I preached last week."
01:09:49 "You must have been asleep."
01:09:51 Said, "Yeah, but path of the Lord gave me something in my
01:09:56 dream."
01:09:57 "What did he give you?"
01:09:58 "Well, I don't know."
01:09:59 "What'd I mean?
01:10:00 That was just a wasted sleep.
01:10:01 You didn't get nothing."
01:10:02 Amen.
01:10:03 Hold your offerings up.
01:10:05 Let's believe God.
01:10:06 Father, we thank you for this opportunity to give--to give
01:10:12 glory due to your name, to bring an offering not from pressure,
01:10:18 but from our hearts to give 'cause we want to, not 'cause we
01:10:25 fear, not out of necessity, but a cheerful giver.
01:10:31 And we praise you for this now.
01:10:33 Take this seed, grow it wherever you need for it to grow, and we
01:10:37 praise you for it in Jesus' name.
01:10:39 Everybody say it, "Amen."
01:10:40 (Audience "Amens")
01:10:42 Ushers, go ahead and receive the offering.
01:10:46 If you're here and you--if you're here this morning and you
01:10:52 haven't been born again and you want to get born again, then
01:10:57 make your way on down here.
01:10:58 We want to pray with you.
01:11:00 If you're here and you want to receive the baptism in the Holy
01:11:03 Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, make your
01:11:07 way on down here.
01:11:08 We want to pray with you.
01:11:09 If you're here this morning and you want to reconnect with your
01:11:14 relationship with Jesus, let's do it.
01:11:18 We'll show you how.
01:11:19 And last but not least, if God's calling you to join this church,
01:11:24 World Changes Church International today, then I want
01:11:28 you to go do it.
01:11:31 I believe I don't have to keep nagging somebody to do something
01:11:36 that they want to do.
01:11:37 If you want to do it, you'll do it.
01:11:39 Amen?
01:11:40 And if you don't, you don't.
01:11:41 And then we'll just keep praying, and God'll work on you.
01:11:44 You'll be fine.
01:11:45 So, if that's you, if you're not saved, come on down.
01:11:51 You want to reconnect, come on down.
01:11:53 Want the baptism of the Holy Spirit, come on down.
01:11:55 You want to join the church, come on down.
01:11:58 [congregation applauding]
01:12:07 ♪ I need thee, oh, I need thee. ♪
01:12:13 ♪ Every hour I need thee. ♪
01:12:21 ♪ Oh, bless me now, my Savior. ♪
01:12:29 ♪ I come to thee. ♪
01:12:39 ♪ I need thee, oh, I need thee. ♪
01:12:49 ♪ Every hour I need thee. ♪
01:12:58 ♪ Oh, bless me now, my Savior. ♪
01:13:09 ♪ I come to thee. ♪
01:13:20 ♪ Praise God, praise God, praise God, praise God. ♪
01:13:35 ♪ Praise God, praise God, praise God. ♪
01:13:47 ♪ Praise God, praise God, praise God, praise God. ♪
01:14:07 ♪ Praise God, praise God, praise God. ♪
01:14:19 - Come on, one more time, Amazing Grace, sing it now.
01:14:21 You know it's amazing.
01:14:22 ♪ Amazing grace, how sweet the sound ♪
01:14:37 ♪ that saved a wretch like me. ♪
01:14:52 ♪ What I once was lost, but now I'm found. ♪
01:15:07 ♪ Was blind, but now I see. ♪
01:15:18 ♪ I will trust in the Lord. ♪
01:15:25 ♪ I will trust in the Lord. ♪
01:15:33 ♪ I will trust in the Lord until I die. ♪
01:15:48 ♪ I will trust in the Lord. ♪
01:15:56 ♪ I will trust in the Lord. ♪
01:16:04 ♪ I will trust in the Lord until I die. ♪
01:16:16 I know some of y'all don't know none about that,
01:16:17 but I'm telling you, glory be to God.
01:16:22 [speaking in tongues]
01:16:24 Hallelujah.
01:16:28 ♪ I'm gonna stay on the battlefield. ♪
01:16:35 ♪ I'm gonna stay on the battlefield. ♪
01:16:43 ♪ I'm gonna stay on the battlefield until I die. ♪
01:16:58 ♪ I'm gonna stay on the battlefield. ♪
01:17:05 ♪ I'm gonna stay on the battlefield. ♪
01:17:13 ♪ I'm gonna stay on the battlefield until I die. ♪
01:17:24 I dare you to give Him some praise.
01:17:26 I dare you to give Him a praise.
01:17:29 [speaking in tongues]
01:17:32 [speaking in tongues]
01:17:36 [speaking in tongues]
01:17:39 Oh, glory to God.
01:17:48 [congregation cheering]
01:17:51 [speaking in tongues]
01:17:56 Father, I pray for those who've come to this altar.
01:18:04 [congregation cheering]
01:18:07 Remove every burden, destroy every yoke.
01:18:11 [congregation cheering]
01:18:14 Mm.
01:18:17 Get on 'em, Lord.
01:18:19 [congregation cheering]
01:18:22 Lead 'em and guide 'em.
01:18:24 [congregation cheering]
01:18:26 Melt away their sorrows and their pain.
01:18:29 [congregation cheering]
01:18:31 Be their God.
01:18:33 In Jesus' name, amen.
01:18:38 You precious people, if you'll turn this way
01:18:42 and follow this gentleman to the prayer room,
01:18:45 they're gonna take you and they're gonna minister to you
01:18:49 and give you biblical understanding
01:18:50 of how to obtain and maintain what you can't receive.
01:18:53 You'll never be the same again.
01:18:56 If you'll stand for our final blessing.
01:18:58 Thank you guys so much for coming to church today.
01:19:00 [congregation cheering]
01:19:03 Now unto him, the Spirit of grace,
01:19:06 who walks with us and guides and protects us,
01:19:11 I pray divine protection over you and your family.
01:19:15 I pray the blessings of God will overtake you.
01:19:19 I pray that the peace of God will reside in your heart
01:19:23 all week long, and that the Holy Spirit of God
01:19:28 will aid you all the days of your life.
01:19:33 And now unto him who is able to keep you from falling
01:19:38 and to present you faultless before the Almighty God,
01:19:42 be glory, majesty, dominion, and power,
01:19:47 both now and forever.
01:19:51 And everybody said.
01:19:53 God bless you.
01:19:54 Have a great day today.
01:19:58 - Amen.
01:19:59 Look, taking it in, taking it in, taking it in.
01:20:04 Service, service was amazing.
01:20:07 - It just hit me.
01:20:08 I know I'm supposed to be talking.
01:20:09 I'm trying not to cry right now.
01:20:10 [laughing]
01:20:11 Ooh, praise God.
01:20:13 It was so powerful and impactful to sit and hear a message
01:20:18 that stirs your craving to know God.
01:20:21 Wow, what was the takeaway that you took?
01:20:23 - So for me, oh my goodness,
01:20:26 when he said that the Holy Spirit's job
01:20:28 is to show us the very essence, the glory of who God is,
01:20:33 the more that the Holy Spirit shows God to us,
01:20:36 he becomes the preeminent one.
01:20:38 He becomes the one that sits on top.
01:20:41 He's the one that comes first.
01:20:42 We're not looking like God plus anybody.
01:20:44 It's literally God, and like you say,
01:20:46 we become more hungry for him.
01:20:49 We're searching him, seeking him.
01:20:50 We want to know who God is
01:20:53 and include him in everything that we do.
01:20:56 That is like the biggest takeaway I got.
01:20:58 What did you get, Felicia?
01:20:58 - That's amazing.
01:21:00 One of the things I took away is he said
01:21:01 he wasn't throwing away the intellectual,
01:21:03 but if you're going to get a revelation about anything,
01:21:06 make sure you're getting a revelation
01:21:08 about the love of God for you.
01:21:12 Us having a revelation of how much God loves us,
01:21:16 that it's not just about, I can quote this scripture,
01:21:18 I know the address for where it is in the Bible,
01:21:20 but God loves me even on my worst day.
01:21:23 God loves me even on my best day.
01:21:25 God loves me.
01:21:27 I'm telling you, it was such an impactful word.
01:21:30 That's why I'm like trying not to weep.
01:21:32 It sat in my spirit and not just in my mind.
01:21:36 - And then just how, I know we supposed to just be moving on,
01:21:39 but just let's stay here for a second.
01:21:41 Even how Pastor Dollar ended service
01:21:43 with the prophetic word
01:21:44 and then closing out with a prayer,
01:21:46 closing out with a song.
01:21:48 It's just like putting a stamp on everything that we learned,
01:21:51 all the things that we got in.
01:21:52 It's almost like it was like,
01:21:54 ooh, this church was good today.
01:21:56 - Absolutely.
01:21:57 - Church was good today.
01:21:58 - And speaking of church being good today,
01:22:00 we had the opportunity to be here.
01:22:01 And those of you who are online,
01:22:03 you were tapped into it as well.
01:22:05 And so we also wanna give you an opportunity
01:22:07 to give with us.
01:22:09 So if you didn't see it on the screen yet
01:22:11 and you're just tuning in or you're tuning in
01:22:13 and you were so caught up in the word,
01:22:15 you didn't get a chance to get the information,
01:22:17 we wanna encourage you to give and sow
01:22:19 from a place of love today.
01:22:22 Grace, would you like to tell them the ways
01:22:23 that they can give?
01:22:24 - So to give, y'all already know,
01:22:26 we have four ways to give.
01:22:27 So it's not no excuse.
01:22:28 Make sure you get your seed in the ground.
01:22:31 Let it work for you.
01:22:32 So first, you can text World Changers and Leave a Space
01:22:36 and add your amount to 74483.
01:22:39 You can call us at 866-477-7683.
01:22:44 You can email, I'm sorry, not email us,
01:22:48 Laura, you can send it to it in the mail,
01:22:50 2500 Burdett Road, College Park, Georgia 30349.
01:22:55 Or you can go online at
01:22:59 or
01:23:01 So make sure you get that seed in the ground.
01:23:05 So Felicia, what we got going on?
01:23:06 - This is the next thing I was thinking of too.
01:23:08 I'm super excited.
01:23:10 Those of you who are in Los Angeles,
01:23:11 maybe you tune in online from LA
01:23:13 or you're in the Los Angeles area or near it,
01:23:16 get ready because Dr. Dollar is coming to LA
01:23:19 February 2nd, 2024 with the Change Experience 2024
01:23:24 for two sessions that's gonna help you move
01:23:28 to the next stage on your journey of change.
01:23:31 So register today and also invite a friend,
01:23:34 bring some family and loved ones out to it
01:23:36 and join us in LA.
01:23:37 Text change2024, that's C-H-A-N-G-E 2024 to 51555
01:23:42 or log on to Creflo Dollar Ministries
01:23:47 to reserve your spot today.
01:23:49 And we'll see you in LA.
01:23:50 - Yes.
01:23:51 So you already know, this is probably one
01:23:53 of my favorite times of the year.
01:23:54 It's Christmas.
01:23:56 Not only is it Christmas, it's New Year's.
01:23:58 So World Changers, we want to invite you guys.
01:24:01 Come home for Christmas.
01:24:03 Join us on Sunday, December the 24th at 10 a.m.
01:24:07 for our annual Christmas celebration.
01:24:10 We are having some awesome surprises in store,
01:24:12 so do not miss it.
01:24:14 Come home for Christmas for WCCI this season.
01:24:18 And then join us for our New Year's Eve service
01:24:21 happening on Sunday, December 31st at 7 p.m.
01:24:25 We are going to have amazing surprises.
01:24:28 You do not want to miss it.
01:24:29 If you can, be in a building, come early
01:24:33 so you can get your seats pushed through
01:24:36 and we would love to see you for this holiday season.
01:24:38 - Absolutely.
01:24:40 And calling all ladies of World Changers for 2024.
01:24:43 Get ready to bloom with Radical Women's Conference 2024.
01:24:47 You're invited to join Pastor Taffi Dollar,
01:24:50 Laura Pickett, Chrislyn McNair, Dr. Anita Phillips,
01:24:54 Samara Joy, and more for two powerful days
01:24:57 all about confidently reaching the heights
01:25:00 of your potential.
01:25:01 We said confidently.
01:25:03 - Confidently.
01:25:04 - Reaching the heights of your potential.
01:25:05 So don't miss out on this time of fellowship
01:25:08 with other amazing women of God and people of God
01:25:10 who are gonna gather to worship in this fulfilling time.
01:25:13 So to register, it's super important
01:25:16 that you go ahead and register so you can be counted.
01:25:19 Text Radical to 51555 or visit
01:25:24 and save your spot today.
01:25:26 If you know you're bringing people with you,
01:25:27 go ahead and get the tickets now
01:25:29 and then sell them later to whoever you wanna bring.
01:25:32 - Yes, Pastor Dollar talked about
01:25:33 that spirit of procrastination.
01:25:35 So don't wait, make sure you register today.
01:25:38 - Absolutely.
01:25:39 - So we just wanna close out.
01:25:40 - Yes.
01:25:41 - We love you.
01:25:42 - We love you.
01:25:43 And another thing, if you wanna stay up to date
01:25:45 on the events or maybe we were giving the announcements,
01:25:47 you didn't get a chance to write it down,
01:25:48 visit
01:25:50 and you can find all of the information there.
01:25:52 Dr. Dollar said this when he was speaking,
01:25:54 getting a word from the Lord,
01:25:56 that it's gonna start as early as this week.
01:25:59 So we're about to step into a glory week.
01:26:01 We're about to cross over into a threshold of glory.
01:26:04 And what we have to do, walk in love
01:26:06 and expect to see God's love showing up for us
01:26:09 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
01:26:11 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, love.
01:26:13 (laughing)
01:26:14 - Yes, we're so excited.
01:26:17 - Thank you all for joining us.
01:26:18 - We love you and we will see you next week.
01:26:21 - Bye. - Bye, have a good one.
01:26:22 (upbeat music)
01:26:25 ♪ Change the world
01:26:29 ♪ Change the world
01:26:33 ♪ I'm a world changer
01:26:37 ♪ Changing the world everywhere I go
01:26:40 ♪ I'm a world changer
01:26:44 ♪ Anointed with the power of the Holy Ghost
01:26:48 ♪ I'm a world changer
01:26:52 ♪ Telling the world about saving grace
01:26:55 ♪ I'm a world changer
01:27:00 ♪ Making a mark that can't be erased
01:27:05 ♪ For God has equipped us to go higher
01:27:09 ♪ To make a mark that cannot be erased ♪
01:27:14 you
01:27:16 [BLANK_AUDIO]