00:00 [MUSIC]
00:10 Still worthy.
00:13 You're still good.
00:16 [MUSIC]
00:29 So father, you know the original design for our cells, our tissues, our organs.
00:41 And you know what the enemy means for evil.
00:46 And yet you know how to mean it for good.
00:54 God, wherever someone's watching online in a hospital or in this room headed to a hospital,
00:59 God, I pray that your presence would invade their territory.
01:08 That the spirit of fear would be pushed off of them.
01:13 That they would be anchored in your truth.
01:17 God, I thank you for angels being dispatched to every hospital room, every hospital floor.
01:24 God, I know firsthand what it feels like when you confuse the doctors.
01:33 And God, you know I have been praying for physical miracles to take place ever since woman evolved.
01:42 I've been praying that the undeniable miraculous power of God would show up in every way possible.
01:48 God, and you allowed it to happen in my body.
01:51 Help us to not lose hold of those miracles we pray for.
01:58 Even when life gets tough, God, I thank you for friends and family who are supporting those in need.
02:06 Give them strength as only you can do.
02:09 Give our doctors and nurses wisdom and insight, innovation, clarity.
02:15 Because sometimes our healing will come through the doctors.
02:18 Anoint those doctors treating your sons and daughters.
02:23 That they would recall to their mind different strategies and support to help bring them to optimal health.
02:31 I thank you God for not being finished with any of us yet.
02:36 In Jesus name, amen.
02:38 Amen, amen, amen.
02:40 Okay, I'm going to try and get through this.
02:45 I couldn't help but draw a correlation that in one of the times and seasons where God had given me,
02:58 practically so far I guess, the most spiritual fruit in my ministry.
03:06 That my reproductive system was under attack.
03:10 I felt like what was happening in the physical was showing up in a spiritual manifestation.
03:17 Like the enemy was trying to stop the reproduction of whatever it is God had been doing in my life.
03:23 And I think now more than ever, I am more inspired about women fully walking into the fullness of who God has called them to be.
03:35 When Bishop is talking about the International Leadership Summit, I cannot wait for the women.
03:39 Fellas, we so appreciate the ways that you are opening doors and making space for the gifts and creativity that women possess.
03:47 I think it is an undoing of so many systemic methods of oppression for women.
03:52 And sometimes it takes a man to undo what a man has built.
03:55 And it takes courageous women to walk in and to take up space.
03:59 And so I cannot wait to meet every woman with a ministry, with a mandate, with an industry specific anointing to show up
04:07 and give me some backup at the ILS Summit in March.
04:11 But also to receive tips and tools.
04:13 And so again, I encourage you all to be there.
04:15 God gave me a subject. It's called an inside job.
04:19 I'm in 1 Samuel 18,
04:23 verse 8 through 15.
04:27 Amen. I think. I didn't hear.
04:35 But it sounds like I got back up in the spirit.
04:39 1 Samuel, I'm going to start in verse 8.
04:43 This particular passage of scripture is when Saul and David are learning to exist in one another's orbits.
04:54 At this time in the text, David has been anointed king, but he has not yet been appointed king.
05:01 And Saul has been made aware that his assignment as king will come to an end.
05:07 And so though there has not been any communication between the two of them about what is taking place,
05:14 you can sense it in the atmosphere that something is changing.
05:19 Particularly when they have returned from war, there are women who were singing as they're coming in,
05:25 saying that Saul has slain his thousands, but David has slain ten thousands.
05:30 They were just telling the truth. They weren't trying to make Saul feel any kind of way.
05:34 But Saul was very angry and the saying displeased him.
05:40 And he said, they have ascribed to David ten thousands and to me, they have ascribed only thousands.
05:47 Now, what more can he have but the kingdom?
05:52 So Saul eyed David from that day forward.
05:56 And it happened on the next day that the distressing spirit from God came upon Saul and he prophesied inside the house.
06:06 So David played music with his hand as at other times, but there was a spear in Saul's hand.
06:15 And Saul cast the spear for he said, I will pin David to the wall.
06:21 But David escaped his presence twice.
06:25 Now Saul was afraid of David because the Lord was with him, but had departed from Saul.
06:34 Therefore, Saul removed him from his presence and made him his captain over a thousand.
06:41 He went out and came in before the people and David behaved wisely in all his ways and the Lord was with him.
06:50 Therefore, when Saul saw that he behaved very wisely, he was afraid of him.
06:55 But all Israel and Judah loved David because he went out and came in before them.
07:03 Father, you've already had your way in this service.
07:07 So don't let me get in the way.
07:10 God, I've studied, I've given you the best of me as it relates to this word.
07:14 And I just ask that you would allow what is meant for this room to flow with ease and that which is not to dissipate.
07:22 God, I thank you for open hearts and minds.
07:25 I thank you for no blocking of the spirit, no blocking of the thoughts.
07:29 God, I thank you that no nerves, no fear, no anxiety would have any space in this moment.
07:35 Only your spirit, your power showing up on the inside of me to the extent that these lives would be touched, changed and transformed for your glory.
07:45 In Jesus name, amen.
07:47 Amen.
07:54 Jeremiah one in five is one of my favorite scriptures.
07:59 It's not unfamiliar, but I asked him to put it on the screen just in case.
08:03 And it's before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.
08:07 Before you were born, I sanctified you.
08:10 I ordained you a prophet to the nations.
08:14 This particular text is not very unfamiliar, but I think that that subsequent verse, verse six, is not something that we spend enough time focusing on.
08:24 Jeremiah's response to what the Lord says in this moment says, ah, Lord God, behold, I cannot speak for I am a youth.
08:33 So if we go back to verse five, we see in verse five that God is telling Jeremiah that before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.
08:42 He's trying to give him an insight into his identity.
08:45 He's telling him you don't know a version of you that I know.
08:50 There's a version of you that I know that that has nothing to do with your body.
08:55 It's got nothing to do with what you're going to look like.
08:57 It has nothing to do with how tall you're going to be.
09:00 This is a version of your spirit.
09:02 Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.
09:04 I knew you in the spirit realm.
09:06 And when I knew you in the spirit realm, I sanctified your spirit.
09:10 I ordained you a prophet to the nations.
09:12 This is something that happened on a spirit level.
09:16 But in verse six, Jeremiah responds with something that is not something spiritual at all.
09:23 This perspective is rooted in his recognition of his humanity.
09:28 He says, behold, I cannot speak for I am a youth.
09:31 This is a direct correlation of what happens when Jeremiah looks at what God said through the lens of his worldview.
09:41 The National Institute of Health defines a worldview as a collection of attitudes, values, stories, and expectations about the world around us,
09:52 which inform our every thought and action.
09:56 That means that God says something to Jeremiah that has to be filtered through the worldview that Jeremiah possesses.
10:05 And when it is filtered through the worldview that Jeremiah possesses, he rejects what God said.
10:12 Because what you're saying doesn't fit within the context of how I see myself.
10:20 So all of us are looking through our lenses, our worldview, whenever we receive a word from God.
10:28 And it can be powerful, and it can be empowering, and it can be you're fearfully and wonderfully made,
10:33 and it can be no weapon formed against you will prosper.
10:36 But all of that sounds good until it comes through the filter of my worldview.
10:41 The filter of my worldview doesn't say I'm fearfully and wonderfully made,
10:45 because I've had some moments in my life where I didn't feel like I was wonderfully made.
10:49 As a matter of fact, I had some moments in my life where I felt rejected.
10:55 I've got evidence.
10:58 I've had moments in my life where it felt like the weapon was prospering.
11:02 And so many of us cannot lay hold of the word that God has given us, not because it doesn't sound good,
11:08 not even because it doesn't resonate with my spirit, but just because it resonates in my spirit,
11:13 it doesn't mean that it shows up in my mind.
11:20 Sometimes these worldviews deflect the very thing that God is trying to get us to lay hold of.
11:27 That means that it is our responsibility when engaging with Scripture,
11:31 even when engaging with others, to understand that we are engaging not just with a person,
11:36 but perhaps with a person who has a different worldview.
11:41 Have you ever seen someone or saw someone do something and said to yourself,
11:44 I don't even know how you could do that or how you could think that way.
11:47 It's possible to think a different way and do different things when you have a different worldview.
11:54 It should make us more compassionate with others.
11:57 Because when I recognize my husband, I'll give you an example. My husband is from Los Angeles.
12:02 He was born in Oakland, moved to L.A. He's from Watts, OK?
12:10 It's not my place to tell his testimony, read the books that's in the testimony, but he said he's from Watts.
12:15 And if you know anything about Watts, it's lit up down there.
12:19 I don't know that the Watts and the lit up are connected, but it's gone through a few things.
12:28 And he grew up recognizing that the sound of gunshots was not something to even be alarmed by.
12:35 It's normal. So sometimes when he's talking to the kids, he's telling the kids different things.
12:42 You know, they didn't grow up in Watts. And so, oh, the Lord.
12:54 I'll give you an example. So we were going out of town and my husband was telling my daughter,
12:58 don't tell anyone we're going out of town, because if you tell someone, then they'll know that you're out of town and they could rob you.
13:03 And I was like, I'm gonna be honest. I don't think Becky is going to come and try and rob the house while we're gone.
13:11 But we have two completely different worldviews. And it is appropriate with his worldview for him to give the knowledge and the wisdom that he's given.
13:21 And it is my responsibility as his wife to not penalize him for a worldview that I do not understand,
13:27 but to make room enough to include his worldview with my worldview so that we can further equip our children to go out into a world that is going to try them from every side.
13:40 My father calls gentle parenting, soft parenting. It's not called gentle parenting.
13:48 We have completely different worldviews. He came over to my house. He's like, you can soft parent all you want to,
13:53 but you still got to send them out to the world and the world ain't going to be gentle with them.
14:05 So we still working on his gentle parenting because his worldview didn't fully have all the therapy things in it that mine did, you know.
14:15 But life was hard on him. He dug ditches until his hands were bleeding.
14:20 And so he has a worldview because he knows his grandfather was drowned because of racism.
14:25 And he has a worldview that is so different from mine that I can get down on my kids level and say, hi guys.
14:38 How does your worldview show up when you're in a relationship with God?
14:46 How does it show up when you're in relationship with others and do you have the capacity to make room for a worldview that is different than your own?
14:57 Because when God sends you a word, the word is not just for you to have a good time in church or to like a post on Instagram.
15:08 When God sends you a word, the word is meant to expand your worldview.
15:14 Sometimes it's meant to even destroy your worldview.
15:19 Because there are some things God cannot do in your life if you are more loyal to your word view than you are to the word that he's trying to use to expand you.
15:30 Jeremiah had to make a decision because on the one hand, I'm too young to do the very thing you've called me to do.
15:37 But if I stay loyal to this worldview, I may not ever figure out what the word could do through me.
15:43 And because I want to figure out what the word can do through me, I'm going to have to shed my worldview and walk into the unknown.
15:50 Because what I want more than anything is for the word to have room to do whatever the word is called to do in my life.
15:56 If you leave this place and the word isn't breaking up against your worldview, then you got to ask yourself, God, why am I so married to this worldview that even forgiveness feels like a betrayal?
16:07 God, why am I so married to this worldview that vulnerability feels like a betrayal?
16:11 God, what is it that you're trying to do with this word that needs to break off of me so that I can step into this identity that you knew before you formed me in my mother's womb?
16:26 God sends a word to cut through that worldview.
16:30 And so when you get to a place where you now have the opportunity to choose whether or not you're going to force the word to fit into your worldview or expand your world to make room for the word,
16:41 you have no option if you have wisdom than to allow that word to cut up anything that is standing in the way of what God is trying to do.
16:49 I think that's why it says in Hebrews that the word is like a double edged sword, because it's not just going to be a double edged sword that you use in your hand.
16:57 It might be a double edged sword that you have to use in your mind so that you can cut through some of that thickness of how things are supposed to be and what's possible for people like you so that you can fully step into the world.
17:09 Sometimes we want God to give us a sword for our enemy.
17:12 But what we really need is to ask God to give us a sword for the thoughts that keep us from laying hold of the word that he has on our lives.
17:20 God, I need a sword to come up against this divisive spirit that I have within myself.
17:26 We talk about a Jezebel spirit in the church.
17:28 What about the Jezebel spirit in our own mind where I'm trying to divide up the very thing that God has given me?
17:34 I'm slicing it and dicing it apart with the word.
17:40 I know it doesn't make any sense, but if God gave me the word, then that word is a sword that will not just help me when I face enemies on the outside.
17:49 It'll help me face the opposition I have on the inside.
17:52 Yes, I'm insecure.
17:53 Yes, I'm inadequate.
17:55 Yes, I have an ego problem.
17:57 Yes, I have a pride problem.
17:58 But when God gives me a word, I turn the word inward before I turn it outward because you cannot fight a battle that you have not won on the inside.
18:07 Some people want promotion, but you haven't even graduated yet.
18:10 When you show me how the word works in you, then you can teach me how to work the word for me.
18:16 Yeah, the word is got to reframe the way you see things.
18:30 We're seeing this word reframing a lot.
18:33 Cognitive reframing is a technique used to shift your mindset so you're able to look at a situation, person or relationship with a slightly different perspective.
18:45 When the word doesn't match the worldview, I expand the frame to make room for the word.
18:55 When what God formed doesn't fit into the frame, I don't want to compromise the word.
19:05 I enjoy that so much because I know a lot of us try to compromise the word to fit within our comfort zone.
19:18 I got to make it a little bit easier for me to digest.
19:25 So when God starts saying things to us like you're called and I want you to start a ministry and you start saying things back, yeah, but I don't have this and I don't have that.
19:34 And so what I'll do is this instead.
19:39 I know no one in here would do that.
19:43 But there are some people who think the who fit who try to edit and modify the word to fit within the frame so that we feel more comfortable.
19:53 I'm more of a behind the scenes person.
19:56 So what I'll do is I'll minister back behind the scenes.
20:00 But what do you do when God calls the person who's supposed to be behind the scenes to do things that they feel like would draw attention to themselves,
20:07 not recognizing that what it's really meant to do is draw attention to God.
20:15 Don't worry, I won't drive down your street.
20:19 Have you ever felt like God called you to something that you didn't have the insides to stand up to?
20:27 Yeah.
20:30 Sometimes I feel like the frames that we are committed to living within limit us from fully experiencing the glory that is connected to our lives.
20:42 We see it all and over and over again in scripture, we see the man at the pool of Bethesda and Jesus says, do you want to be made whole?
20:48 And he said, here's the frame that I see it in the frame is that the only way that I can experience healing and wholeness is if I'm able to find my way to the pool.
20:57 But I never get a chance to get to the pool.
21:00 And Jesus doesn't say, well, let's get you away to the pool, since that's the only way that you think it can be done.
21:05 Instead, he asked him, do you want to be healed?
21:08 Because if you want to be healed, I can do something that exists outside of the realm of your frame.
21:14 But the first thing you need to do is take the limits off of what you think is possible so that you can make room.
21:20 Oh, God, sometimes you want to know how God is going to do it.
21:24 And God says, I just want you to have enough capacity to see that I can do it in ways that you can't even imagine.
21:30 I can do it in ways that you can't even think of.
21:32 Your frame is what's limiting God.
21:34 You think the enemy is attacking you.
21:36 You think that they are talking about, you know, it's the fact that you think that God can only do it one specific way.
21:42 And because you have limited God, you don't have enough capacity to say, God, any way you want to bless me, I'll be satisfied.
21:50 God, I think they should go to school, but any way you want to save them, I'll let you be satisfied.
21:54 God, I want to see it happen the way that you want to see it happen.
21:58 Even if it leaves me speechless, even if it leaves me clueless, even if it means I got to get out of my comfort zone,
22:04 even if it challenges me to do it all on my own.
22:08 God, if this is what you're calling me to, help me to live outside of the frame that I am used to.
22:14 Sometimes your greatest threat is watching the way that God has blessed other people.
22:18 Because you see how he blessed someone else and you look at your own experience and you say, well, I know you're not going to bless me because I don't have what she has.
22:28 And I hear God saying, that's exactly why I can bless you.
22:30 Because I don't have to do for you what I did for her.
22:34 I got something special for you.
22:36 I got something unique for you.
22:38 I don't do miracles and mass distribution.
22:40 When I do a miracle, I take into account everything connected to you.
22:44 I'm glad you, oh God, hold on, hold on, hold on.
22:48 I got to tell you something.
22:52 One of my friends told me, they said, it must have been something wrong with the doctor you went to on Monday.
23:00 Because they didn't realize that it wasn't there yet.
23:04 I said, that's one way to look at it.
23:06 But another way to look at it is this.
23:08 Maybe God did exactly do what we think he did.
23:12 And it was there on Monday.
23:14 And now it's gone on Tuesday.
23:16 Because if I let you try and reason me out of my miracle, then I'll mess around and start thinking into a box.
23:24 When God wants me to say, see how I did it.
23:26 It was there one day and gone another day.
23:30 I need you to understand that this is a suddenly type of God.
23:34 And just because the formula didn't work on them, it doesn't mean it won't work on you.
23:40 Maybe you don't need the parents.
23:42 Maybe you don't need the degree.
23:44 Maybe you don't need the finances.
23:46 Maybe all you need is capacity.
23:48 I want you to take 10 seconds and say, fill me up.
23:52 Fill me up.
23:54 Fill me up.
23:56 Fill me up.
23:58 I had capacity for doubt, but I want capacity for your spirit.
24:02 I had capacity for fear, but now I want capacity for your spirit.
24:06 Break me open, God.
24:08 Break the shackles off of my mind.
24:10 It's been a long year and I'm tired.
24:12 I've been limited and restricted.
24:14 But God, before the year is out, I hear we could have a happy new year right here.
24:20 We could have a happy new year.
24:22 A fresh start right now.
24:24 A fresh start in my mind.
24:28 A fresh start in my spirit.
24:30 Hell has been breaking loose all year long.
24:34 But I hear God saying, get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready.
24:38 Get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready.
24:40 Get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready.
24:42 I'm not done yet.
24:44 Get ready, get ready, get ready.
24:46 Get ready, get ready, get ready.
24:48 I'm not done yet.
24:50 Get ready, get ready, get ready.
24:52 [music]
25:00 Stretch me out.
25:02 Stretch me out.
25:04 Stretch me out.
25:06 Stretch me out.
25:08 Stretch my spirit.
25:10 Stretch my mind.
25:12 Help me to raise these kids.
25:14 Stretch me out.
25:16 I'm not all out of ideas.
25:18 I'm all out of your spirit.
25:20 The wind would blow in this room.
25:22 [music]
25:26 God,
25:28 [music]
25:32 I need a new way of looking at it.
25:34 I need a new way to look at it.
25:38 [music]
25:42 The woman with the issue of blood,
25:44 she thought if I could just touch the hem of his garment,
25:48 I'll be made whole.
25:52 And she touched the hem of his garment,
25:54 and she was healed instantly.
25:58 But Jesus couldn't let it stop at that.
26:02 He had to take a minute and figure out what just happened in this space.
26:08 And when the woman told him the story,
26:10 he wanted her to understand something.
26:14 It wasn't the touch that did it.
26:16 Because if you walk away from this,
26:18 and you think it's the touch that brought you your healing,
26:22 you'll think you need to touch again.
26:24 But I want you to know what brought you healing
26:28 didn't start on the outside.
26:30 What brought you healing
26:32 wasn't inside job.
26:34 Your faith has made you whole.
26:37 When you had faith for it,
26:39 your hand had no touch,
26:41 but to obey it.
26:43 [music]
26:46 This started on the inside, daughter.
26:48 This started on the inside.
26:50 You've been waiting on breakthrough on the outside.
26:53 I hear God saying the breakthrough.
26:56 It's an inside job.
26:58 [music]
27:02 It started
27:04 [music]
27:07 because your faith
27:09 broke you out of the frame
27:11 and started giving you creativity
27:15 and innovation
27:17 on how to go after
27:19 the healing that you and God both have in agreement.
27:22 When you and God come into agreement about something
27:26 and you run out of creativity,
27:28 but you and God are in agreement,
27:30 that means your faith needs to match the size of what God has said.
27:34 Maybe I didn't run out of creativity.
27:37 Maybe I ran out of faith.
27:39 [music]
27:42 [music]
27:46 Your faith did this.
27:48 [music]
27:51 Your faith did this.
27:53 It started on the inside.
27:56 Your faith did this.
27:59 [music]
28:03 Yeah.
28:05 Yeah.
28:07 [music]
28:09 I like this text
28:11 [music]
28:13 because Saul
28:15 [music]
28:17 doesn't have
28:19 a succession problem.
28:21 [music]
28:23 Saul has an inside problem.
28:25 [music]
28:31 Saul,
28:33 he's a big boy.
28:35 He looks like a king,
28:38 but he doesn't have the insides of a king.
28:42 [music]
28:47 And I'll be honest with you,
28:49 because I saw this
28:51 and I thought to myself,
28:54 I think I'm more like Saul
28:58 than I realize.
29:01 I'll tell my story.
29:04 I won't tell your business.
29:07 Sometimes God calls me to things
29:11 that I don't have the insides for.
29:18 Calls me into
29:20 a way of being, a way of identity,
29:22 a way of speaking, a purpose
29:25 that I don't feel like I have the insides for.
29:30 Sometimes the anxiety of starting
29:35 a ministry on this level
29:38 is that everybody's watching when you win,
29:42 everybody's watching when you fall.
29:46 And mistakes that most could make
29:48 that no one would hear about,
29:50 if I make them,
29:52 chow they everywhere.
29:54 Chow.
29:56 I took my wig off, Lord Jesus.
30:00 Lord.
30:03 It just goes everywhere.
30:06 But the more I was studying,
30:08 I realized that just because God
30:10 calls you to something that you don't have
30:13 the insides for,
30:15 it doesn't mean that you'll fail.
30:18 Saul failed,
30:21 but Moses didn't have the insides either.
30:25 But Moses had a willingness
30:28 to be developed on the spot.
30:35 I want to talk to somebody who's waiting
30:37 to feel like they have the insides
30:39 before they move into the call.
30:43 Because you may not get it when you move
30:45 into the call.
30:47 You may get on the job training,
30:49 which means you're going to have to have
30:51 a level of humility
30:53 that goes into a situation that says,
30:55 I don't have the insides for it,
30:57 but I was anointed to do it.
30:59 Saul was anointed to be king.
31:01 I don't have the insides,
31:02 but I have the anointing.
31:03 And that means the anointing is going
31:05 to develop my insides while I'm also
31:07 operating in the gift.
31:09 I'm going to operate in the gift
31:11 with humility while I am developed
31:13 into the anointing that's on my life.
31:15 Oh, I wish I could break that down
31:17 for somebody who's been afraid
31:19 to step into position.
31:21 I don't have the insides to go
31:23 from bank to bank to bank.
31:25 I don't have the insides to write the book.
31:27 I don't have the insides to be the partner.
31:29 I don't have the insides to build the family.
31:31 I don't have the insides to do this
31:33 over and over and over again.
31:35 I can't take another L,
31:37 but for some reason you anointed me.
31:39 You anointed me in spite of me.
31:41 So I come into agreement
31:43 with the anointing.
31:45 I come into agreement with the position.
31:47 And I say I don't have the insides,
31:49 but if you gave me the anointing,
31:51 God let the anointing fall on me
31:53 before it falls on them.
31:55 You don't need the deal to work.
31:59 You need the deal to fail
32:01 so the fail can develop your insides.
32:03 You don't need everything
32:05 to be smooth sailing.
32:07 You need things to get choppy for a little bit
32:09 so you know how to rock steady, baby.
32:11 You got to make sure
32:13 that when God puts you in position
32:15 that you do what is necessary
32:17 to let your insides
32:19 be developed for where God
32:21 has taken you.
32:23 Yeah. Oh, God. My text.
32:31 Okay.
32:33 Saul.
32:35 Saul doesn't have the insides.
32:39 And over and over again
32:41 Saul ends up
32:43 failing as king
32:45 as king.
32:47 Not because he couldn't do it,
32:49 but because he kept trying to
32:51 control the outside
32:53 without having the insides.
32:55 Because when you don't have the insides,
32:59 you try to control
33:01 the outside.
33:03 You got to manipulate
33:05 the way people think.
33:07 You have to be a people pleaser.
33:09 Because I don't have the insides, so I need you
33:11 to validate me. But when you have the
33:13 insides, you need not that man validate
33:15 you. Because you understand
33:17 who you are from an inside level.
33:19 I like this text.
33:31 Because this is a
33:33 moment in which
33:35 Saul could have
33:37 seen what God was doing.
33:41 He decided to not stand in the way.
33:43 He could have seen
33:49 that what God said about him not being
33:51 in position any longer was coming into
33:53 fruition.
33:55 And he could have said, "You know what?
33:57 God, I have the insides to step
34:01 away when I recognize I can no longer
34:03 serve what you're doing in the earth."
34:05 But when you think
34:09 that his presence is only
34:11 connected to one position,
34:13 you can't step out of position because you think
34:17 you'll lose the presence.
34:19 Some of you are hanging on
34:25 to what God blessed
34:27 past tense.
34:29 And you can't move out of the way
34:35 to see what he's blessing
34:37 now.
34:39 Because you don't want to be outside of his blessing
34:43 not realizing that making room for him
34:45 to do what he's already decided to do
34:47 keeps you in tune with the
34:49 flow of his blessing.
34:51 I love my father. One of the things that he told
34:57 me that he started praying very early
34:59 on is that he would never be another
35:01 man Saul.
35:05 I don't ever want to stand
35:07 in the way
35:09 of what God is doing.
35:11 And here comes David.
35:15 Here comes
35:19 David.
35:21 Who had insides before he
35:25 even stepped
35:27 into the king's
35:29 court.
35:31 This boy had
35:33 insides when he
35:35 was a shepherd boy.
35:37 This boy had insides
35:39 when he was out in the field as an illegitimate
35:41 child.
35:43 Doing a lunch run.
35:45 Headed to see his brothers.
35:49 Seeing that
35:51 everyone who was in position
35:53 who was supposed to have
35:55 the insides to
35:57 run up on the Philistines
35:59 was being scary.
36:01 What's up Dallas?
36:03 Why you being
36:05 scary?
36:07 Who is this
36:09 uncircumcised Philistine?
36:11 Who would
36:13 dare come up against the army of the
36:15 Lord?
36:17 When you have the insides you have a different
36:19 sound.
36:21 Which means that you could be around people
36:23 who are supposed to have the insides.
36:25 Oh God. Sometimes God
36:27 wants to put you in rooms
36:29 with people who look like they have the insides.
36:31 So that you can hear they don't
36:33 actually have the insides.
36:35 They just got lucky. They just ran up
36:37 on the right person. They were just
36:39 in the right family. But I know the
36:41 insides when I hear the insides.
36:43 David said, "Ain't you supposed to be more gully
36:45 than this? Ain't you supposed to be more
36:47 battered than this? Who is this uncircumcised
36:49 Philistine?"
36:51 I talk to those of us in development.
36:53 I want to talk to somebody who
36:55 has the insides but you look
36:57 like an outsider. And I wanted to
36:59 let you know that there's going to come
37:01 a moment where your insides cannot
37:03 be denied. I hear God
37:05 saying that I am positioning
37:07 you
37:09 from the inside out.
37:11 When you got the insides
37:18 you don't have to control the
37:20 outside.
37:22 When you got the insides
37:24 you don't have to control the
37:26 outsides. Because I know
37:28 where God has called me. And if
37:30 he put me in a room that looks
37:32 like a hostile environment
37:34 I must be how he's going to change
37:36 the environment.
37:38 So I got to sit back
37:40 and watch this thing play out.
37:42 Because I'm a plant.
37:44 A plant is when God puts you on the inside
37:46 of something. And he says, "Just
37:48 wait I'm going to reveal you in a moment."
37:50 But right now I want you to see what you're up
37:52 against. Somebody's been planted.
37:54 If you've been planted in this room I want
37:56 you to take 10 seconds and
37:58 thank God for planting you.
38:00 Thank God for seeing your
38:02 insides. Thank God for
38:04 putting you in position.
38:06 I know you're discouraged because it's only one
38:08 of you in the room. But I hear
38:10 God saying that's how plants work.
38:12 I planted you in that room
38:14 because I'm getting ready to uproot
38:16 what's been in position.
38:18 You're a plant.
38:20 You're a plant.
38:22 Planted by the rivers
38:24 of living water. Planted.
38:26 Planted in the word of God.
38:28 Planted in who God says you are.
38:30 I'm not talking about you being planted in the
38:32 culture. I'm not talking about you being planted
38:34 in the industry. I'm not talking about
38:36 you being planted in the flow.
38:38 I'm talking about you being planted in who
38:40 God says you are. I'm talking about
38:42 you being planted in some
38:44 "Though he slay me yet shall I trust in him."
38:46 I'm talking about you being planted
38:48 in some "Greater is he that is in me
38:50 than he that is in the world."
38:52 I'm talking about being planted.
38:54 Planted.
39:02 So,
39:10 we got David
39:12 with the insights.
39:14 Up against Saul
39:16 with no insights.
39:18 And Saul's trying to control the environment.
39:20 Because he senses
39:22 that there's a plant in his midst.
39:24 Sometimes,
39:26 God will blow your cover.
39:30 Oh.
39:34 Somebody's cover's
39:36 about to be blown.
39:38 Oh.
39:44 God will blow your cover.
39:46 Oh.
39:48 I don't know who this is for, but I hear
39:52 God saying,
39:54 "You will not have to explain
39:56 who you are.
39:58 Just stay planted in
40:04 who you are. Don't let what's
40:06 happening on the outside get on the inside.
40:08 Who you are will speak for itself.
40:14 Amen.
40:16 You know how Saul figured it out?
40:20 One. Oh, I love this.
40:24 Says that a distressing
40:26 spirit from the Lord came upon Saul.
40:28 Said, "Lord, I didn't know you had distressing spirits."
40:32 Yeah, because when a person is not in position
40:36 and they refuse
40:38 to get out of the way,
40:40 I will put a distressing spirit
40:42 upon them.
40:44 Then it says he began to prophesy.
40:46 From that distressed spirit, he prophesied.
40:48 He told on himself.
40:50 Oh, I wish I could say this right.
40:54 That distressing spirit
40:56 made him reveal what was happening
40:58 in his heart.
41:00 So David recognized that he
41:02 couldn't trust him to be king enough
41:04 to move out of the way.
41:06 Don't get upset when people start telling
41:08 on themselves. "I didn't even know
41:10 you were jealous, but that distressing spirit
41:12 made you reveal what was on the inside
41:14 of you. I didn't even know that was in you,
41:16 but I feel like God put that distressing
41:18 spirit on you so I could know what
41:20 I was working with." And so now we have
41:22 this distressing spirit from the Lord
41:24 that Saul is prophesying
41:26 and David now understands
41:28 that this isn't just going
41:30 to go down easily.
41:32 On the inside, he knows.
41:34 He's not just going to open the door
41:36 and let me walk through here.
41:38 On the inside, he knows that this is going to be more
41:40 of a battle than I thought. We think
41:42 David and Goliath was the greatest battle.
41:44 No, his greatest battle was how do I
41:46 not disrupt what God has
41:48 already put in motion until
41:50 God says that it's time for me to step
41:52 into it. This is the battle.
41:54 The battle is not the easy giant.
41:56 He took him out with a slingshot,
41:58 but in order for him to take Saul out,
42:00 he had to behave wisely. He had
42:02 to keep his eyes open.
42:04 If you're really going to do this
42:06 task, you're going to have
42:08 to know when to use a slingshot,
42:10 when to play an instrument,
42:12 and when to be quiet altogether.
42:14 Part of the
42:16 reason why we can't win is because we always
42:18 slingshot ready, but
42:20 sometimes it's not a slingshot you need.
42:22 Sometimes you got to close your mouth
42:24 and let God sit back
42:26 and work. Sometimes you got to close
42:28 your mouth and look like you're serving
42:30 the very person that is
42:32 attacking you because you recognize
42:34 that me serving is about
42:36 me. It is not about you.
42:38 I'm serving because God put me
42:40 here. It's not because you're treating
42:42 me well, but because I got to
42:44 stay in position.
42:46 I could take a slingshot
42:48 and knock you out, but
42:50 God hasn't released me to use
42:52 that version of myself in this
42:54 moment. So God, I'm going to need you to
42:56 give me the insides to be
42:58 silent.
43:00 When I can take it out.
43:02 Saul says,
43:12 "I'm going to fix this.
43:14 I got this spear in my hand
43:18 and I got
43:22 my opposition right in front of me
43:24 and he takes the spear
43:28 and he throws it
43:30 at David.
43:32 He says, "I'm going to pin him to the wall.
43:34 I'm going to stop him before
43:36 he can even get started."
43:38 But my Bible tells me
43:43 that that's when he really got afraid.
43:46 Y'all got to stop playing that war music.
43:50 You got to stop playing that war music.
43:56 You got to stop playing that war music
43:58 because we've been up
44:00 in a frenzy all week already.
44:02 You play that
44:04 war music and somebody
44:06 might start thinking
44:08 that maybe my battle is in my
44:10 worship, that
44:12 maybe my strength, because David was a worshiper
44:14 and in this
44:16 moment, all he could rely
44:18 on was his worship
44:20 and somebody's
44:22 in the battle of a lifetime right now
44:24 and really
44:26 all they got is their worship
44:28 because if I use my slingshot
44:30 I'm going to mess this up.
44:32 If I release my mouth, I'm going to mess this up.
44:34 If I take it out
44:36 myself, I'm going to mess this up.
44:38 So God, I need your worship.
44:40 I need to worship.
44:44 The worship makes
44:46 the difference. I'm sorry.
44:48 I got to move my body
44:50 because when I move my body
44:52 my fear starts getting
44:54 out of the way. When I
44:56 move my body, I start
44:58 remembering I'm still here.
45:00 When I move my body,
45:02 my lungs need more air
45:04 and when I suck in his air
45:06 everything
45:08 that has breath. Praise
45:10 ye the Lord. I need 10
45:12 seconds of unadulterated
45:14 praise.
45:16 I know they're throwing
45:18 spears at you. I know
45:20 they're fighting devils no one can see.
45:22 10 seconds.
45:26 10 seconds of worship.
45:28 10 seconds
45:30 of worship. 10 seconds
45:32 of worship.
45:34 Because
45:36 girl, I'm not finished.
45:40 Girl, I'm not finished. You took my word child.
45:42 Girl,
45:48 David,
45:50 Saul knows
45:54 there's something about this boy
45:56 because when I
46:00 threw my spear to pin him to the wall
46:02 he escaped it.
46:04 Not just once but twice.
46:08 And he still didn't leave
46:12 even when the spears came his way.
46:16 He didn't storm off and leave.
46:18 He stayed in position
46:20 which made him even more afraid
46:22 of him. Maybe I didn't
46:24 pin him up against the wall when I threw the
46:26 spear. Maybe I pinned him
46:28 up against the word instead.
46:30 The more that the spears came
46:32 the closer he got.
46:34 Saul said,
46:38 the Lord's presence is with him.
46:44 It ain't no way he should have been able to dodge
46:46 that spear.
46:48 There's no way he should have got out
46:52 of that trouble.
46:54 Ain't no way she should still be in that house.
46:56 It ain't no way he should still have that job.
46:58 It ain't no way that family should still be together.
47:00 The Lord must be with him.
47:02 I'm afraid of him now. It ain't no way that
47:04 should have happened.
47:06 [crowd cheering]
47:08 David
47:16 had an assignment
47:18 over his life
47:22 that required that he see himself
47:26 the way that
47:28 God sees him.
47:30 Even if no one else
47:32 saw it.
47:34 Saul really had the same
47:36 assignment.
47:38 See yourself the way I see you.
47:40 And not the way
47:44 that you feel being from
47:46 the least tribe and the least
47:48 family in the tribe. Don't see yourself that way.
47:50 This isn't about becoming
47:54 like David.
47:56 This is about taking lessons
47:58 from both men.
48:00 And he
48:02 raises up David at the time
48:04 where a nation needed a king
48:06 that would look like God.
48:08 Chase after God.
48:10 We know that ultimately
48:12 this lineage would lead to the life of
48:14 Jesus, but along the way
48:16 these kings were supposed to get closer
48:18 and closer to reflecting who God
48:20 is.
48:22 Ultimately when we get into the
48:24 New Testament,
48:26 the inside job mentality
48:28 is not over.
48:30 God still needs
48:32 to bring salvation to his creation.
48:34 And after
48:36 trying kings and judges and
48:38 prophets,
48:40 he decides that maybe this is an inside
48:42 job for me.
48:44 Maybe God himself will have to
48:52 wrap himself in flesh
48:58 and dwell amongst humanity
49:00 in an unsuspecting
49:04 package in a
49:06 manger in Bethlehem.
49:08 An inside job
49:12 began.
49:14 You know why this inside job was so important?
49:18 Because the Holy Spirit has an inside job too.
49:26 Let the Son of God get on the cross,
49:28 be crucified,
49:32 and raised from the dead.
49:34 That same spirit that dwelled
49:36 in him could not dwell within us.
49:38 And everything that
49:42 God is going to do through your life
49:44 is going to happen through the Holy Spirit.
49:46 When Saul recognizes
49:52 that the Lord's
49:54 presence had departed from him and
49:56 now was hovering with David,
49:58 he realized
50:00 that the spirit that I once had access
50:02 to,
50:04 I'm not going to be able to access
50:06 anymore.
50:08 But because of what happens
50:10 in the New Testament,
50:12 it doesn't matter how long
50:14 you've been apart from that presence,
50:16 he can still get in.
50:20 [applause]
50:22 There are so many things
50:28 happening outside
50:30 of us.
50:32 I know the
50:34 headlines and the things happening in your life
50:36 that aren't headlines.
50:38 And you may be wondering
50:40 to yourself over and over again,
50:42 "What can I do? What can I do?
50:44 I want to fix it. My heart is breaking.
50:46 What do I do?"
50:48 And God almost gave me the title
50:50 "From the Inside Out."
50:52 Because you cannot do anything
50:54 about what's happening on the outside
50:56 until you
50:58 make sure that you have the insides
51:00 for where God
51:04 wants to place your anointing.
51:06 And it's going to take
51:08 all of our anointings.
51:10 You're not just anointed
51:12 because you can preach. You're not just
51:14 anointed because you have big rooms.
51:16 You're not just anointed because you have the big following.
51:18 That's cheap anointing that you can
51:20 buy followers.
51:22 It's people with platforms
51:24 for doing things that don't look nothing like God.
51:26 What will you do with your one?
51:30 With your hundred?
51:34 With your thousands?
51:36 And do you have the insides
51:38 that will help you
51:40 to be like David and behave wisely
51:42 with another
51:44 person's soul?
51:46 David
51:50 was given unprecedented access
51:52 to witness
51:54 someone's ending
51:56 without ridiculing them
51:58 in the process.
52:00 When we talk about
52:02 behaving wisely,
52:04 it means that I don't take joy
52:06 in your ending or your demise
52:08 because it means there's room for me.
52:10 [applause]
52:12 As long as you're in position,
52:16 I'm going to honor
52:18 where God has placed you.
52:20 And I don't need you to
52:22 fail for me to win.
52:24 [applause]
52:26 Because even being in this room,
52:34 even being in this position,
52:38 when I could
52:40 be in the field,
52:42 that's when you start saying things like,
52:46 "God, if you don't do anything
52:48 other than this,
52:50 you've done more than enough."
52:52 [applause]
52:54 [music]
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