Deen e Fitrat - Topic: Deen Kya Hai - Shaykh Mufti Tauqeer - 3 Dec 2023 - ARY Qtv

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Deen e Fitrat | Speaker: Shaykh Mufti Tauqeer

Topic: Deen Kya Hai

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00:00 Quran-e-Hakeem, Sirat-ul-Nabi (SAW)
00:04 Ahadith-e-Mubarka, Fiqh-e-Wasayil-e-Bayan
00:07 and many more, God willing, with the best of scholars.
00:24 As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu
00:31 There are three parts of our religion.
00:47 There is a famous hadith which is mentioned in different books
00:51 which is called Hadith-e-Jibrail.
00:54 In our previous program, we had discussed it in detail.
00:59 Syedna Jibrail (AS) had come to the Prophet (PBUH)
01:03 and had asked him a few questions.
01:06 One of the questions was, "What is faith?"
01:09 The second was, "What is Islam?"
01:11 The third was, "What is Ihsan?"
01:13 And the fourth was, "Tell us about the signs of the Day of Judgment."
01:17 Later on, the Prophet (PBUH) told the companions that
01:21 he was Jibrail, and he had come to teach them about their religion.
01:28 Religion, faith, Islam, Ihsan,
01:32 and keeping in mind the circumstances of the society around us,
01:39 keeping in mind the bad things that are happening in the society,
01:43 and saving ourselves and reforming the society,
01:49 all of these are called religion.
01:52 Religion is not just about five daily prayers, fasting,
01:56 giving alms, etc.
01:59 We have discussed this topic many times
02:03 so that we can understand religion in a complete way.
02:06 Ihsan, in light of that blessed hadith,
02:10 is that we should live our lives in a way that Allah is watching us.
02:16 Because everything that a person does in the light of Shariah,
02:20 according to the principles of Shariah, becomes worship.
02:23 Our earning is worship, our relationships are worship, everything is worship.
02:28 So Ihsan, the Prophet (PBUH) said,
02:31 "Worship Allah in a way that you can't see Allah, but Allah is watching you."
02:37 So Ihsan is the definition of Ihsan that has been mentioned in the blessed hadith.
02:42 Ihsan is born out of beauty, it makes a person beautiful,
02:46 it improves a person's morals, it gives a person self-control.
02:51 Ihsan has another definition as well.
02:54 Ihsan is the definition that every two people have rights over each other.
03:02 We all have rights over each other.
03:05 You have rights over you, you have rights over me.
03:08 Husband has rights over his wife, wife has rights over her husband,
03:11 parents have rights over their children, children have rights over their parents,
03:14 neighbors have rights, workers have rights, employees have rights,
03:18 employers have rights, everyone has rights.
03:21 To give someone their rights is called justice.
03:27 If someone's rights are not given, it is called oppression.
03:32 Oppression is the opposite of justice or rebellion as it is mentioned in the Quran.
03:39 If someone is given more than their rights, it is called Ihsan.
03:45 Allah (SWT) said in the Holy Quran,
03:48 "Allah commands justice, goodness and giving to the near ones."
03:53 Surah Al-Nahl, Ayat 90, Allah commands justice, goodness and giving to the near ones.
04:03 Allah (SWT) said,
04:06 "Allah forbids immorality, immorality, immorality, evil, and transgression."
04:20 "Allah advises you to take advice."
04:27 Allah is saying to do justice and goodness.
04:32 Allah is saying to beware of immorality, evil, and transgression.
04:39 Immorality is a very bad thing, it has many things in it.
04:45 And beware of oppression.
04:47 Allah commands justice and goodness.
04:52 The question arises,
04:54 if giving someone more than their rights is Ihsan,
04:59 then why not Ihsan?
05:01 Why is it about justice?
05:03 Justice is important in many places.
05:05 People ask this question,
05:07 if someone does something bad to me, what should I do?
05:11 Should I do justice or Ihsan?
05:13 It depends on what he is doing.
05:16 For example, if a person is a monster,
05:20 he disrespects a woman, he abuses her.
05:25 Now, Ihsan should not be done on such a person.
05:28 He should be put in the box of justice.
05:31 He should be handed over to the police.
05:34 He should be taken to court.
05:37 And the court should punish him according to the punishment it can give.
05:43 Justice should be done on such people
05:45 because they are the ones who cause destruction,
05:49 destruction, destruction in the society.
05:54 Justice should be done on such people.
05:57 But if I have a personal relationship with someone,
06:01 someone comes to me and treats me badly,
06:05 someone talks to me badly,
06:07 then one should try to forgive this person.
06:11 This is called Ihsan.
06:12 Because if he said something bad to me,
06:15 if I say the same bad thing to him,
06:18 then it is called justice.
06:20 There is no punishment in it.
06:22 But if I forgive him, then it is Ihsan.
06:25 And as I said, if someone has a right,
06:28 if I give him more than his right,
06:31 then it is Ihsan.
06:32 So, Allah wants us to do Ihsan.
06:35 Some examples from the Holy Quran,
06:38 Allah (SWT) has given as an example,
06:40 Surah Al-Insan, verses 7-10.
06:43 Allah (SWT) has told about His pious servants,
06:47 "They fear the Day when the evil of the Day of Resurrection is great."
06:52 "They fear the Day when the evil of the Day of Resurrection is great."
07:00 The Day of Resurrection is a very difficult day.
07:02 And they fulfill their vows.
07:07 "They feed the poor, the orphans, the prisoners,
07:11 in the love of Allah."
07:22 And after feeding,
07:24 He says, "I have fed you only for Allah."
07:31 "I do not want from you any reward, nor do I want any thanks from you."
07:40 This is Ihsan.
07:42 To feed someone,
07:44 and not to expect any thanks.
07:47 Because the justice is that,
07:49 if I feed someone,
07:52 if nothing else, at least he should thank me.
07:55 Or, if I need something,
07:57 if I have fed him today,
07:59 then he should feed me tomorrow.
08:01 But Ihsan is that,
08:04 I do not expect any reward,
08:06 nor do I expect any thanks from him.
08:11 There should be no expectations.
08:13 Now, if he says thanks and should say it,
08:16 then there is no dispute in this.
08:19 This will not be against Ihsan.
08:21 But Ihsan is that,
08:23 I should do something for people with over and above expectations.
08:29 "I am feeding you because I fear from my Lord,
08:43 that day when people will be weighed in scales.
08:49 Justice will be done.
08:53 I fear that day.
08:55 I am doing Ihsan for people with fear of that day.
08:59 This is the state of the heart."
09:01 So, this is Ihsan.
09:03 Similarly, Allah Almighty said in Surah Al-Imran,
09:07 Ayat 134-135,
09:09 "Those are the righteous,
09:12 who spend in the best and the least."
09:15 These are the people who are happy or sad.
09:20 They spend for Allah Almighty in both cases.
09:23 "And those who are determined to do evil and forgive the people."
09:27 These people drink their anger,
09:29 they control their anger and forgive people.
09:34 Meaning, if they are only affected by their own self,
09:38 they do not take revenge.
09:40 They do get angry,
09:42 but they control it and forgive people.
09:45 "And Allah loves the doers of good."
09:47 Allah Almighty says,
09:48 Allah loves those who do Ihsan.
09:52 "And those who, when they do evil,
09:55 or wrong themselves,
09:57 they are the children of Allah."
09:58 When they do something very bad,
10:00 or something very evil,
10:02 or they do injustice to their own selves.
10:06 Allah Almighty's disobedience is actually an injustice to their own selves.
10:10 "I do not do injustice to Allah, when I do not obey Allah."
10:14 "When I do not give people their rights, I do injustice to people."
10:18 "But when I do not give Allah his rights, I do injustice to my own self."
10:21 Because whatever Allah Almighty has told me to do,
10:27 it was actually for my own benefit.
10:29 If I did not do those things,
10:32 I did not harm Allah Almighty,
10:34 I did injustice to my own self.
10:36 So this is what Allah Almighty is saying,
10:38 when these people do very bad things,
10:41 or do injustice to their own selves,
10:43 not obeying Allah,
10:45 "They remember Allah."
10:48 "And they ask Allah for forgiveness for their sins."
10:53 And then Allah Almighty says,
10:55 "And no one forgives sins except Allah."
10:57 Allah Almighty has said something as a reference,
11:02 that look, who forgives sins other than Allah?
11:05 And there is no one who forgives sins other than Allah.
11:08 And then Allah Almighty says again,
11:12 that these people ask Allah for forgiveness,
11:14 "And they do not persist in their sins, knowingly or unknowingly."
11:20 They do not continue it.
11:22 They do not do it so that they become rebellious.
11:26 They do not listen,
11:28 and keep doing the wrong thing that they were doing.
11:30 They have a feeling,
11:32 and they immediately with that feeling,
11:34 with regret,
11:36 ask Allah for forgiveness,
11:38 and stop doing it.
11:40 This is also a favor,
11:42 that a person should control his anger,
11:44 and forgive people.
11:46 These are the Mohsineen, Allah loves them.
11:49 And these are the Mohsineen who are praised,
11:52 when they do a very bad thing,
11:54 when they do injustice to their own selves,
11:57 they remember Allah,
11:59 and ask Allah for forgiveness,
12:01 and do not persist in their sins.
12:03 So please, we should create the condition of this favor.
12:06 In everything, there is a favor.
12:08 In everything, there is beauty.
12:10 In everything, giving more than what is right,
12:14 doing more than that.
12:17 Favor is even in slaughtering animals.
12:21 Prophet (PBUH) said,
12:23 "Allah has written the favor on all things."
12:26 Allah has written the favor on all things.
12:29 He said, if there is a fight,
12:31 when you are in the battlefield,
12:33 there if,
12:35 in the battlefield, people are killed,
12:37 but if you are facing the enemy,
12:41 and when you have to kill him,
12:43 treat him well.
12:47 And when you slaughter animals,
12:50 "Fa Ahsanu Zibh"
12:52 So, slaughter them well,
12:56 and sharpen your knife.
13:00 SubhanAllah, this is our religion.
13:03 The way of slaughtering animals is being taught with favor.
13:09 So please, we should become people of favor.
13:12 We should become beautiful people.
13:14 We should become good people.
13:16 Our personalities should be such that
13:18 there is moral beauty in them.
13:21 This is the religion of Islam.
13:23 Allah has mentioned some special people in the Quran,
13:28 whom Allah has called "Ibadur Rahman"
13:31 These are the people of Rahman,
13:33 who are blessed by Allah.
13:36 If you read these verses in Surah Al Furqan,
13:39 what are the special qualities of these people,
13:42 we are amazed to read that
13:44 the first quality Allah has mentioned
13:47 about such people is
13:49 "Wa Ibadur Rahman Alladhina Yamshuna 'Ala Al-Ardi Hawna
13:53 Wa Idha Khatabahumul Jahiluna Qalu Salama"
13:57 That they walk on the earth with humility.
14:00 Their walk tells us how beautiful they are,
14:04 how humble they are.
14:07 Their personality reflects
14:12 how good and humble they are.
14:15 They don't have arrogance in them.
14:17 And when an ignorant person wants to argue with them,
14:21 they don't get into that argument.
14:23 "Ala Salama" means "Salam"
14:26 They become inseparable from them.
14:31 Allah demands us to be kind,
14:36 to be beautiful people,
14:38 to always wait for Allah
14:40 because this is what will create kindness in us.
14:43 And when Allah gives people their rights,
14:46 He gives them in a good way,
14:48 beyond their expectations.
14:50 When it comes to their personality,
14:52 He forgives them wherever possible,
14:54 controls their anger,
14:55 works hard on their character and morals.
14:58 May Allah make us all beautiful people.
15:01 InshaAllah we will take a short break,
15:04 and then we will come back with your questions.
15:06 You can email your questions to
15:11 "Ala Salama"
15:13 Welcome back after the break.
15:15 A question has been asked,
15:17 that there is a person who has come from Karachi to Dubai.
15:21 And he is coming to Dubai and
15:23 is offering his prayers according to the situation in Karachi.
15:26 Meaning when there is a lot of crowd in Karachi,
15:28 he prays here when there is a lot of crowd,
15:30 when there is a lot of influence in the West.
15:32 So he is praying here according to that.
15:35 And he is not ready to accept that
15:38 now that you have come to Dubai,
15:41 you should pray according to the situation in Dubai.
15:43 Similarly, people ask another question.
15:45 They ask that I am going on a long travel,
15:48 it is a ship journey.
15:50 For example, I am sitting in a ship from Dubai,
15:54 and I am travelling to New York.
15:56 And it is a journey of about 13-14 hours.
15:59 So how should I pray in the ship?
16:02 See, Allah Almighty has given us
16:06 the means of prayer,
16:09 according to the position of the sun.
16:12 For example, this is a globe,
16:16 and we can see the surface of the earth,
16:20 which is called the horizon.
16:22 When you are in this horizon,
16:25 the horizon also keeps changing.
16:27 When I am in Dubai,
16:29 the horizon that I can see,
16:31 what is a horizon?
16:32 For example, you go to a place
16:34 where there is no building in front.
16:36 For example, you go to the seaside.
16:39 So, the surface of the earth,
16:42 where you feel that the sky and the earth
16:44 are meeting,
16:45 that is called the horizon.
16:47 It will change everywhere.
16:49 In Dubai, my horizon is different.
16:51 In Karachi, my horizon is different.
16:53 In New York, my horizon is different.
16:55 When the sun is below that horizon,
16:58 at special degrees,
17:00 then the horizon is completely dark.
17:03 And a little light starts.
17:06 This is the time of dawn.
17:09 Now, you think,
17:11 that since my horizon is different in Dubai,
17:14 then the time of dawn is also different.
17:17 Then when the sun comes to the top of the horizon,
17:21 then the time of dawn is over.
17:23 Now, the sun rises,
17:26 it keeps going up,
17:27 until it reaches the peak.
17:29 And after that, it starts to decline.
17:32 So, when it reaches the peak,
17:34 and then it starts to decline,
17:36 then we say that this is the time of decline.
17:38 After a while, the sun rises.
17:41 Then the sun comes down,
17:43 then the sun rises.
17:45 When it goes down from the horizon,
17:47 as soon as it goes down,
17:48 we say that the time of dawn has started.
17:49 When it goes down,
17:50 when it becomes dark in the horizon,
17:51 then we say that the time of dawn has started.
17:54 So, the purpose of saying this is that
17:56 all the times of prayer,
17:58 are determined by the movement of the sun,
18:01 the movement of the sun,
18:02 the positioning of the sun.
18:04 So, the horizon of every place is different.
18:08 So, the time of prayer of every place is different.
18:11 Even here, if you go from Karachi to Lahore,
18:14 then you note that in Karachi,
18:16 the time of Maghrib is happening at a time,
18:18 in Lahore, the time of Maghrib is about half an hour.
18:21 If I want to make an estimate,
18:23 there is a lot of difference,
18:24 because the horizon is different.
18:26 Similarly, when we travel,
18:29 we either travel east or west.
18:33 When we travel east,
18:35 for example, we are going from Dubai to Australia,
18:38 now Australia is in the east.
18:40 The sun rises from the east and sets in the west.
18:45 So, the sun is coming towards the west,
18:48 we are coming towards the east.
18:50 So, you see, it happens very quickly
18:53 that the time of prayer comes very quickly.
18:57 Because we are travelling against the movement of the sun.
19:00 So, the sun which was supposed to come to the peak from the horizon,
19:06 for example, in 6 hours, 7 hours,
19:09 because we are travelling against it,
19:11 it is possible that it comes in 3 hours.
19:13 And if we are travelling west,
19:15 it is the opposite,
19:18 that we are travelling along with the movement of the sun.
19:21 The sun is sort of catching up with us.
19:23 So, the prayers which were supposed to come on time,
19:27 start coming late.
19:29 Recently, I was in Australia,
19:31 I flew from Sydney and reached Dubai.
19:34 My flight was almost after the dawn.
19:38 I prayed Fajr at Sydney airport
19:40 and the travel was 14 hours to Dubai airport.
19:44 In 14 hours,
19:46 no other prayer came in my plane.
19:50 The time of Zuhr prayer had started in the middle of the journey.
19:53 But when I landed,
19:55 the time of Zuhr prayer had started in Dubai.
19:58 It had probably been 1 to 1.5 hours.
20:00 And there was still this much time left
20:02 before the start of Asr.
20:05 If I wanted,
20:07 I could have got off at the airport of Dubai
20:10 or even come home and offer it.
20:12 Now, think about it, 14 hours of travel,
20:14 after that,
20:16 immigration, leaving, coming home,
20:18 and still, I could have offered Zuhr prayer.
20:21 So, please, we need to understand this.
20:25 We should try to trust the sun.
20:30 Even if we are travelling,
20:32 we should look at the position of the sun.
20:35 Whether Zuhr prayer has started or Asr has started.
20:37 Some people are not experts in this.
20:39 They don't have the skill.
20:40 So, there are apps for this.
20:42 I know about the Android app.
20:44 Maybe there is an Apple app.
20:48 Please search for it.
20:50 Is there any such app available
20:52 that can give in-travel prayer times?
20:55 You can search for it.
20:57 In-travel prayer time application.
21:00 So, the application is available.
21:02 You enter your take-off time in it.
21:07 And from where are you taking off?
21:10 For example, I am taking off from Karachi airport at 6 am.
21:13 And what is the landing time of the aircraft?
21:18 If you enter that,
21:20 it will give you the local time.
21:23 When will Zuhr start according to Karachi time?
21:26 It will help you.
21:28 So, pray according to that.
21:30 Similarly, fasting is also related to this.
21:32 See, when the time of Fajr starts,
21:34 fasting starts.
21:36 When the time of Maghrib starts,
21:38 Maghrib starts.
21:40 Now, here also, we have to trust the Sun
21:43 and Maghrib where we are.
21:49 Some people make the same mistake.
21:51 You are going from Karachi to New York.
21:54 And you have fasted.
21:57 It is a long journey.
21:59 You have a lot of courage.
22:00 It is a good thing if you want to fast.
22:02 As long as you don't commit any injustice on yourself.
22:04 If you are in trouble,
22:06 you can break the fast of journey.
22:08 But people do like this,
22:10 they break their fast according to Karachi Maghrib.
22:13 And when you open the window of the aircraft,
22:15 you see the Sun shining.
22:18 So, how can we break the fast
22:20 when the Sun is in front of us
22:22 and we know that when the Sun sets,
22:24 the fast is broken.
22:26 So, please, think about this.
22:28 Learn this knowledge.
22:30 See, the prayers are obligatory on us
22:32 for five times on their own time.
22:35 Allah (SWT) said,
22:37 "The prayer is obligatory on the believers on their own time."
22:44 So, it is very important to observe the time.
22:47 And please, when you are a resident,
22:49 when you are living in your own place,
22:51 then also, please,
22:53 offer your prayers on your own time.
22:55 Leaving one prayer,
22:57 is a very strict thing.
23:01 It is very strict in Hadith Mubaraka.
23:04 Please, think about this.
23:07 That we should offer our prayers on our own time.
23:09 Prayer is a sign of a believer.
23:13 In the time of Prophet (PBUH)
23:16 the hypocrites,
23:17 and who were the hypocrites?
23:19 Those who used to show that they were Muslims,
23:22 but in reality, they were not.
23:24 Those men,
23:26 used to come to the mosque and offer their prayers.
23:28 Because if they did not come to the mosque,
23:31 then the rest of the people would have come to know,
23:34 that what kind of a Muslim is he?
23:36 That he calls himself a Muslim,
23:38 but he does not come to the mosque and offer his prayers.
23:40 And they would have been caught.
23:42 Their hypocrisy would have been caught.
23:45 Please, think about this.
23:47 That the hypocrites come to the mosque and offer their prayers.
23:50 And we do not offer our prayers.
23:52 So, this is a very dangerous thing.
23:55 Look at our mosques nowadays.
23:57 How many people are there in the mosques?
23:59 In general, there are 500 people living in a neighbourhood.
24:02 And there are 20-30 people in the mosque.
24:04 Where are the rest of the people?
24:06 Please, make arrangements for the prayers.
24:08 This is a fundamental obligation.
24:10 This is a fundamental sign of being a Muslim, after the Kalima.
24:14 May Allah give us all the ability,
24:16 the ability to understand this.
24:18 This is our spiritual need, the prayer.
24:20 Just like our body needs it,
24:22 similarly, our soul needs it.
24:24 And this is a fundamental need.
24:26 The soul, the inner panic, depression, anxiety.
24:32 There is a solution to this.
24:34 We should keep our head in front of Allah and make arrangements for the prayers.
24:37 Inshallah, you will feel that you are in a good feeling.
24:41 But we do not pray for feelings, we pray for Allah.
24:44 But the effects of this on our spirituality,
24:47 on our mental well-being,
24:49 that is also an amazing phenomenon.
24:51 May Allah give everyone the ability.
24:53 You keep asking your questions.
24:55 You can ask them on the website.
24:57 InshaAllah, we will meet again next week.
25:01 Remember us in your prayers.
25:03 Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
25:05 For more information, visit
